+101|6718|Southern California
Respawn times for Jets need to slow down alot, like 5-10 minutes maybe, which will correct the air/ground balance.

The A10 is awesome. Flying Tank. 

The problem with using an A10 in BF2 you would need to have the pilot able to look up and back because of the target acquisition methods used by A10 pilots. They fly verticle or upside down mark their target then roll over and go disintegrate it. And that sound of the gun firing (a sound the unfortunate target never hears) mmMMMMzzZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmmZmZmZmZmmZZzzzzzzzzzz my simple vocabulary cannot do it justice you must stand 100-200' under an attacking A10 feeling the heat of its jet exhaust to get it.

The problem with having more than an occasional Jet in even a 64 player map is the fact that ground attack Jets are deployed locally at a ratio of about 1:500-1000 not 1:16-32.   How often does a platoon (30-40 soldiers) get dedicated ground attack aircraft? They do for special missions but not often.
As a maintainer of the illustrious A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog), of approximately 13 yrs, it amuses me to read so many lines of absolute BS.  Most of what was posted on this forum is either misinformation or urban legend.  I will be the first to say the Warthog is a phenomenal aircraft, and that it is a modern marvel of mans ability to disprove the laws of physics. 

To clear a few things up;
     -The GAU-8 Avenger is not the largest aircraft mounted gun (AC130 M103 105MM
     -The A-10 fleet has been approved to continue service till the year 2026 (25K+flt
       Hours)  Previously built for 4K flt hours
     -The reference to the shot up A-10
       True: but it was over Afganastan, and was limped back to base by a female Capt…
        105lb soaking wet.  (knew her..a phenomenal pilot)
     - The Frogfoot and A-10 were in competition for the US Government contract…
        Obviously the Frogfoot is an inferior product and lost out
     - Self sealing fuel tanks aka Foam
        False:  The “Ballistic foam surrounding the fuel tanks do not seal the tanks, it merely
        Stops up to a 25mm round before it reaches the tanks, but only the main fuel tanks
        Located within the fuselage.
     - 900lb of titanium
        False:  The cockpit is surrounded by a titanium bath tub made of titanium (one cubic
        Inch of titanium weighs .163lbs….you do the math
     - And lastly my favorite not listed on this forum….”The A-10 will stall if the gun is
       Fired in any other AOA other than 45deg+ down
       The GAU 8 generates 9000lb of recoil when fired at full rate
       2X TF-34 max thrust 19500lbs combined (once again you do the math)

Don’t get me wrong I love this aircraft, and love reading fellow love of it.  The best A-10 sim (don’t play BF2 as a flight sim) is Lock On Modern Air Combat.
+0|6798| Bosnia & Herzegovina
a10 is gonna be in the boosterpacks
+101|6718|Southern California
So Beowolf if I understand your math (ty for clearing up the rest) what you are saying is that a combination of flaps, landing gear and firing the gun can actually allow the A10 to fly in reverse for short distances and if nose down at 90 degrees it will hover until running out of ammunition....    lol

A10 is one baaaadddaaaassssss flying tank, my tank couldn't fly and wouldn't float either dammit (even tried that once).......I always thought having the GAU as my coax would be a cool upgrade.
A-10 is the best anti tank plane in history .

Was anyone else dissapointed with the performance of the F-15 ??
For one its as slow as hell, and for those that dont know, it has the greatest record for Air - Air Combat in the world. Something like 102 kills to 0 losses. But in game its well crap

Also, if they were to add planes i woulda liken to have the F-16 as opposed to the F-18,  F-14 is nice aswell, but a bit too old for the game
I think the A-10 would just be shot down too easily as its Dog Fighting skills are useless.
didnt we have a post something like this about the warthog but any way u gotta love a10's
+-2|6718|why do u care
its cool how in that forum that hollow moon put up all the other jets have rocket pods with about 20 rockets each while the a-10 only has that beast of a CANNON on it nose... kickass!
+34|6790|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
a-10 =  a jet with a MINIGUN that can SHOOT THORUGH ARMOR
+-2|6718|why do u care
Its Not A Flipping Minigun! Does It Look Mini To U! Those Bullets Are About The Size Of Ur Hand.

G/SiLo wrote:

Its Not A Flipping Minigun! Does It Look Mini To U! Those Bullets Are About The Size Of Ur Hand.
no you should refase that they are the size of your harm there so big and can go through armour
Its actually an avenger CANNON . And its nearly 2 and a half meters in length
The fact that it fires 4200rpm doesnt make it very fair on ground vehicles :p
+0|6806|West Coast

Come on man.. you are a maintainer on the A-10.. what do you do GACS... or COM-NAV??? not trying to call you out bro.. but it seems like you dont know a lot about your plane.. if you are a CC ...sorry... mad props to you.. I know how hard that job is.. If you are a specialist.... I got no respect for you guys.. go back to your office and do "research" while the CC does all the real work.... LAZY FUCKERS. I was an HH-60 Pavehawk CC for years with AFSOC.. I have since moved on to the Pararescue Squadron here at my base.

first of all.. the Soviet frogfoot NEVER flew off against the a-10 for the DOD contract.. the competitor was the Northrop A-9A.. the test program was completed in January of 1973.. the SU-25 frogfoot didnt fly as a prototype until February 1975. Besides the Soviets held the Frogfoot in such secrecy.. we didnt really know much about it until we gathered intel from the soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

Self sealing tanks have nothing to do with foam.. and the foam has nothing to do with stopping bullets.. lol.. the foam is there to limit fuel sloshing/foaming.. remember all military aircraft are to designed to use a multitude of fuels.. most use JP-8 which has good anti-foaming properties.. but have you ever experienced JP-4.. I have and its highly volatile and foams easily.... The Fuel tanks self sealing by design.. the bladder material does that by itself.. been there done that.. seen it in operation.. works fantastic..... foam that stop bullets... lol..... i'd like to buy some of that for my next tour in the Stan or Iraq.. lol.....

lastly.. the A-10 was the hero of Desert Storm.. ya.. I was there too.. there was a Colonel who took some super heavy battle damage and flew the plane home.. thats the incident that most of these guys are talking about. The A-10 has a fantastic survivability record.. and I am glad the AF is keeping her on the job.. best SANDY or RESCORT there is.. the F-16CJ is not the best CAS platform.. and the F-35 is going to blow even harder...the way the idiots who run the Air Force think.. they will try to use it as a fucking air superiority fighter.. idiots.. ACC all the way..... NOT...

keep up the fight man.. seriously just get to know your plane.. so that the old man doesnt know more than you... heh...  let me know .. i will pm you my DSN if you want to chat about it....


Last edited by Agwood69 (2006-01-17 20:28:03)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

*Stunned at the level of technical knowledge*

I.. err.. know how a ballpoint pen works.
+2|6766|Perth, Western Australia
For those of us who don't work in the US armed forces (and will only ever see an A-10 at an air show if we're lucky) but who wish to learn more about the aircraft as well as those who fly and maintain her I can recommend Mike Smallwood's book Warthog: Flying the A-10 in the Gulf War (Potomac Books' The Warriors series). Amazon flog it and I've seen it in book stores too, hell, I like it so much the Aviation Museum I run has it on the shelf now too - sell a couple a quarter too

Link to book at Amazon:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157488 … p;n=283155

His book on the F-15E Strike Eagle in GW1 is also recommended...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2006-01-18 00:01:48)


Calling me a "Pointy Head" or "Grinner" is fighten words.

Anyway...I am a man of honor and I stand corrected on the A-10 comp for government contract.  You are correct it was the A-9.  Ugly piece of crap.  I may have refused to work it just by how ugly it is.

Also I guess if it were feasable for 9000lb of thrust were able to poppel a 54K lb aircraft you could in fact hover.

Lastly I am honored to work such a leathal aircraft and workhorse, and cant wait to school you noob tuben bitches on the BF2 battle field.  Finally "Tank Whores" can eat my depleated Uranium.
i invented the a10   no really, i did.

polarbearz wrote:

*Stunned at the level of technical knowledge*

I.. err.. know how a ballpoint pen works.
yet u are a planewhore
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6836|Idaho, USA / Age 30
I think it is the amount of Bombs that it can carry versus the F-15 or the SU-34's.  Those can hold almost their own entire weight worth of ordinance, look -

up to 16,000 pounds (7,200 kilograms) of mixed ordnance on eight under-wing and three under-fuselage pylon stations, including infrared countermeasure flares; electronic countermeasure chaff; jammer pods; 2.75-inch (6.99 centimeters) rockets; illumination flares and:
MK-82 (500 pound bomb)
MK-84 (2000 pound bomb)
MK77 incendiary
10 MK20 Rockeye II (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-52 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-58 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-71 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-87 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 CBU-89 (4 - 6 standard load)
10 BL755 (4 - 6 standard load)
AGM-65 Maverick missiles
GBU-10 laser-guided bomb
GBU-12 laser-guided bomb

I mean come one one of those is like an Arty barrage from the commander.  That would seriously rock.
bad touch

polarbearz wrote:

*Stunned at the level of technical knowledge*

I.. err.. know how a ballpoint pen works.
im listening...

i got to watch an A10 rip thru an old T72 last year :0000000

fucking insane, the bullets are so powerful, that they can tray the skin off your body if they come within a foot of you


Aquastorm wrote:

JesusElSavior wrote:

Not only can they fly with half a wing missing, but an entire engine as well.  Badass jets they are!
Although this has been discussed before, you have your facts wrong, nothing can fly with only half a wing, it can fly with two thirds of its wing missing, not half.
Isn't two-third missing worse than one-half?  I believe they had an A-10 in the Desert Combat mod for BF1942.  One thing that you need is nice large maps...
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6836|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Got love this -

The Thunderbolt II's 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling gun can fire 3,900 rounds a minute and can defeat an array of ground targets to include tanks. Some of their other equipment includes an inertial navigation system, electronic countermeasures, target penetration aids, self-protection systems, and AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.

The Thunderbolt II's are now called the Warthogs now.   That is just sickning what it can do.  BUT THEY ROCK!
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6836|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Thinking about it they should have these on there for the maps with the Carrier like wake Island and Gulf of Oman - A-6E Intruder.  With a payload like this Everything will be gone -

bad touch

i like the intruders, its like a 2 person fighterbomber thingy
there's a nother very light plane that carries the exact same gun as the A-10, single engine, very tiny craft, cant remember what its called. But if i remember correctly its used in the Iron Eagle 3 movie, and no im not making this up, the gun comes out of the righter side of the feuselage. pretty cool litte thing
bad touch

i want to see a HUMMVEE with the Avenger on it, can you say, PWNAGE and JET ENGINE at once

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