Aspiring Objectivist

ATG wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

Actually if we could tax those 12 million I personally would have no problem with them being here, as it is though they are taking unearned money from me through taxes & welfare programs & I have a problem with that.
Actually, the myth about illegal aliens not paying taxes is just that. A myth.

But it is outweighed by the scofflaw nature of their rabid, unchecked migration.
I wasn't aware that they could pay taxes without a SS card, or is it all of the stolen identity's that they are paying taxes into?
Was this busted on myth busters or something?
+5,233|6802|Global Command

TrollmeaT wrote:

ATG wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

Actually if we could tax those 12 million I personally would have no problem with them being here, as it is though they are taking unearned money from me through taxes & welfare programs & I have a problem with that.
Actually, the myth about illegal aliens not paying taxes is just that. A myth.

But it is outweighed by the scofflaw nature of their rabid, unchecked migration.
I wasn't aware that they could pay taxes without a SS card, or is it all of the stolen identity's that they are paying taxes into?
Was this busted on myth busters or something?
braces for the impact of flames

I run a contracting firm in L.A.
Some of my guys are Mexicans*; great people, whom I love. They get taxes withheld just like everybody else. When I hire them THEY have to provide a SS #. It's not up to me to make sure it's legit, I count on the IRS.

After enough years, the IRS grants the illegals pin numbers and they get a tax return like everybody else.

They can't have a license, yet they can work and pay taxes.

I NEED them, but I also need a border policy.

* that means illegal aliens.

What we have now is a joke, to us and them.
Aspiring Objectivist
Interesting, thanks I didn't know all of that.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The Pope eats shit, but not all the Catholics like to eat shit.  .
Oh my, that's a keeper.

* edit 
I just thought you should know that your thread "Ban The Catholic Church From America." has been reported for "bashing religion" and "just close this plz."
Instead of hit the report button, why not refute my claims?
Was that directed to me?  Coz I didn't report your thread dude.

ATG wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

ATG the same can be applied to any group on this planet. I can make a thread about why Atheism should be banned or why Communism is evil Maybe a thread about how Islam encourages terrorism? You have some points but there are always counter points. Don't forget man no group has spotless record(Not even buddhism, Japanese version where warriors are praised and so is materialism and honor) I could write alot more but i gotta go to sleep night all.
Counter points=good, thats why I'm here.
Good effort on your post.
I still say catholic church = evil.
Allright want to start a thread about the evil's of athiest organizations? I could just as easily point out the wrongs with communism and it's history of violence. Should i show the 20 mil that stalin killed? Or the 40+ deaths that was mao's fault during the cultural revolution? Maybe you would like to see the innocent people that died in early 1800's france when a communist revolution occured?
Thank you David for saying that.

Everyone seems to forget about russia and what they done.

If they do ban the catholic church again its not a democratic country and you will have to ban all religion not just one.

Why would you want to ban the catholics what about the muslims.

This will never happen because they would be a massive civil war in america.

David.Podedworny wrote:

Allright want to start a thread about the evil's of athiest organizations? I could just as easily point out the wrongs with communism and it's history of violence. Should i show the 20 mil that stalin killed? Or the 40+ deaths that was mao's fault during the cultural revolution? Maybe you would like to see the innocent people that died in early 1800's france when a communist revolution occured?
Atheism, like religion, can prove disatrous when subject to ogranisation.  Even if I share beliefs with them I'll never go near an atheist meeting hall.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6748|Foothills of S. Carolina

blademaster wrote:

Also considering that Catholics killed anyone who did not believe in God the same way they did, they killed many great scientists because the scientists stated earth was not at the center of our galaxy. Also they killed Martin Luther and 30,000 (approx) burned by the Inquisition . Also they killed a lot of people who were not Catholic such as: Jews, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Protestants and other people.
Martin Luther died of a heart attack at age 62, the Catholic Church was not involved in his death.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6725|Cambridge, UK

ATG wrote:

Moderator Edit: There have been a few reports about this thread, but after reading through it, I've decided to keep it open, at least for the time being.  I see no point in closing this thread when there are multiple threads talking about how terrible Islam is.  I won't be the one to hold up a double standard by closing a thread arguing against what the majority of this forum believes in whilst maintaining other threads that bash religions and races.  Although I agree, this thread is borderline, ATG did a good job of providing articles and statements that back up his ideas and beliefs.  Anytime a subject like this comes up, of course it will have its opponents, but in the end, and as an unbiased mediator, I see no current issues with keeping this thread open.
+1 for the Mod

As for the thread I dont believe in baning any religion and certainly not one in particular (some may need to be watched and action taken against some activities)
+60|6909|miami FL
why dont u name ur thread I hate mexicans

RELIGION ITS THE ROOT TO ALL MANKIND PROBLEMS and by the way   crhistianity also bans abortion

Last edited by RECONDO67 (2007-04-14 07:02:11)

+60|6909|miami FL
I got some info to share with u guys  its all a business for the government through the I.N.S they charge every illegal alien as u call non whites $400 per visit to get a working permit and it takes 4 to five visits ti I.N.S to get it and  that's on top of Ur lawyer fees.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6725|Cambridge, UK

David.Podedworny wrote:

Allright want to start a thread about the evil's of athiest organizations? I could just as easily point out the wrongs with communism and it's history of violence. Should i show the 20 mil that stalin killed? Or the 40+ deaths that was mao's fault during the cultural revolution? Maybe you would like to see the innocent people that died in early 1800's france when a communist revolution occured?
I think its unfair to call them Atheist organisations. Religious organisations base there ideas around some god/religion, but all-though these organisations you mentioned may have contained many Atheists (sure many still believed in God) there ideas where not built on a foundation of Atheism. That would be like building an organisation on the foundation of nothing!

Generally I think what this points out is that its not the religion in organisations that makes them bad, but the people in them.

Pubic wrote:

Atheism, like religion, can prove disatrous when subject to ogranisation.  Even if I share beliefs with them I'll never go near an atheist meeting hall.
Are there such things as "atheist meeting halls"? That's a scary thought. What do they meet up ask if anyone has found a reason to be a theist and if not go home!?
The Catholic Church is a pretty evil organisation. Thankfully it is rather irrelevant and politically impotent these days.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

ATG wrote:

A) pedophiles in the church.
B) the churches meddling into the internal affairs of the USA. Don't give me the shit about sanctuary; obey the laws.
C) as ancillary evidence of the churches misdeeds I cite links suggesting they are fomenting insurgencies, and that only leads to links where they openly say they are for socialism. What the fuss?.
A) Is a extreme exaggeration. The percentage of priests who are child molesters is lower than that of lay people. The "scandal" was a massive over-hype, made by the media because better stories=better ratings. If you do enough research you will see this.
B) What has the church done to make American foreign policy more difficult?
C) While I do think capitalism is the best economic strategy we have come up with; it is working poorly in south America. Capitalism is based on capital, which the South American countries do not have much of (and what they do have is often taken by their corrupt government), so they remain shit. In nations with allot of money capitalism is a great thing, but in extremely poor nations it can cause more harm then good. By supporting the socialist revolutionaries the church thinks it can help close the gap between the rich and poor, which was what Jesus (who was the real first Jewish Communist) wanted.

maffiaw wrote:

this is bound to infuriate many people here...

not sure about the birth control thing - might not be solely based on religion alone. just look at India - breeding like rabbits- 1.1 billion and rising in a country a third of the size of China. I wonder where they're gonna go?

As for the Catholic Church, no comment as I have no basis or credibility to an opinion (not even a Christian), except for the fact that Darth Sidious does look awfully like the Pope.
don't compare people to breeding rabbits.

'nuff said

Last edited by link52787 (2007-04-14 08:21:17)


RECONDO67 wrote:

I strongly tend to agree.

KylieTastic wrote:

I think its unfair to call them Atheist organisations. Religious organisations base there ideas around some god/religion, but all-though these organisations you mentioned may have contained many Atheists (sure many still believed in God) there ideas where not built on a foundation of Atheism. That would be like building an organisation on the foundation of nothing!
Ya you right to some extent. But what i meant is that most organizations like this base their idea's on either one of 2 things 1. Anti-Theist or 2. Pro-socialist. If there was such a thing like true atheism then it would not exist as you said. I just used the term "Atheist" Because that is what these organizations call themself. So my bad sorry.

KylieTastic wrote:

Generally I think what this points out is that its not the religion in organizations that makes them bad, but the people in them.

Are there such things as "atheist meeting halls"? That's a scary thought. What do they meet up ask if anyone has found a reason to be a theist and if not go home!?
That is one of the few things which nearly everyone can agree on in this world. See i dont hate atheists for their so called "spokespeople" That go around saying religion is bad god does'nt exist. No i just hate their spokes people.  Does it make sense to hate anyone one group for the actions of a few? No it does'nt(Unless it's pedophiles and/or rapists) 

You know what i think? That true Atheism does'nt exist in this world anymore. It's all either Anti-Theist or Pseudo-Theism. True Atheism is not communism, It's not Dawkism, Nor is it Any sort of Anti-religious stance.
True Atheism is the belief in nothing and that cant exist since nothing truely stops existing.

Do you know what is the root of all of mankinds problems? Egotism and Power. It does'nt matter who you are or how old you are. People will always care what others think of them and How much authority they have over their fellow man. It's like wolf packs sometimes.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-04-14 08:29:40)

+5,233|6802|Global Command

sergeriver wrote:

ATG wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

The Pope eats shit, but not all the Catholics like to eat shit.  .
Oh my, that's a keeper.

* edit 
I just thought you should know that your thread "Ban The Catholic Church From America." has been reported for "bashing religion" and "just close this plz."
Instead of hit the report button, why not refute my claims?
Was that directed to me?  Coz I didn't report your thread dude.
I didn't mean to imply it was you, if it was you I quoted it was SEPERATE from my comment about reporting.

RECONDO67 wrote:

why dont u name ur thread I hate mexicans
Because, my wife is Mexican, and I love her.

David.Podedworny wrote:

ATG wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

ATG the same can be applied to any group on this planet. I can make a thread about why Atheism should be banned or why Communism is evil Maybe a thread about how Islam encourages terrorism? You have some points but there are always counter points. Don't forget man no group has spotless record(Not even buddhism, Japanese version where warriors are praised and so is materialism and honor) I could write alot more but i gotta go to sleep night all.
Counter points=good, thats why I'm here.
Good effort on your post.
I still say catholic church = evil.
Allright want to start a thread about the evil's of athiest organizations? I could just as easily point out the wrongs with communism and it's history of violence. Should i show the 20 mil that stalin killed? Or the 40+ deaths that was mao's fault during the cultural revolution? Maybe you would like to see the innocent people that died in early 1800's france when a communist revolution occured?
Start whatever kind of thread that suites you.

I'm well aware of Stalin.

Joshykiller1 wrote:

Why would you want to ban the catholics what about the muslims.
I see you registered Thursday, and welcome to the forum.
As you are new, you have no awareness of the zillion threads I have made in regards to Muslims.
There is no Fairness Doctorine here, I don't have to balance a rant against Catholics with a matching one about Islam.

* edit,

erm Johhny, I just found your two retalliation threads, and I guess I will not withdraw my welcome, because you are a noob, and this may be forgiven.

1) You know, when joining a forum, it's usually better to lurk for awhile, get the feel of the place and the characters a little BEFORE creating threads.

2) Your threads showed a petty penchant for evil on your part, I think you are a reactionary drone who saw no depth to my writings and lashed out like a drunken bull in a China shop.

3) I think you should be grateful you did not get perma-banned.  The mods have sen this type of thing before, and have given you a second chance.

4) I at least made a case for my gripes with the Catholics. Your " Lets dig up hitler and have us a genercide  was a good laugh for me this morning.

Last edited by ATG (2007-04-14 08:48:52)

"Set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them… I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed… their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them… their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb… that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like. Let them stay at home… that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping… I commend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow, as was imposed on the children of Adam…" and recommended that these "poisonous envenomed worms" be forced into labor or expelled "for all time."

Who said this in reference to the jews?
+5,233|6802|Global Command
Martin Luther (1483-1546)?
I do it for the lulz.
This is pretty much the only topic you and I have the same stance on, ATG.

ATG wrote:

Martin Luther (1483-1546)?
Damn straight. The pioneer of Protestantism. Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam - they seem to all have major cock-knocker elements about them.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6958|United States of America

Bernadictus wrote:

RECONDO67 wrote:

I strongly tend to agree.
While I (strongly) disagree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

However, it is easily one of the widest used scapegoats as the cause of all pre-diddly-icaments.

Last edited by DesertFox423 (2007-04-14 10:29:25)


I have to say this is the first thread of this size in D&ST that I have fully read before posting.

I think like most things today (our government, organized religious policy) it is not adapted to today's scale.

"Confronted with the abuse of economic power, with the cruelty of capitalism that degrades man into merchandise, we have begun to see more clearly the dangers of wealth and we understand in a new way what Jesus intended in warning us about wealth."
The Vatican is physical contradiction to what Jesus said to the merchant.

maffiaw wrote:

not sure about the birth control thing - might not be solely based on religion alone. just look at India - breeding like rabbits- 1.1 billion and rising in a country a third of the size of China. I wonder where they're gonna go?
I work with a substantial amount of people from India. While their population size does have its problems, Indians (Hindu) do not have a mantra about over breeding, their county is huge in land size, and for most part they promote being well educated and being successful. I know we could bring the caste system into this but thats a different thread

BTW one the best threads so far in D&ST ... top 5 IMO.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-04-14 10:58:15)

+127|6660|Jesus Land aka Canada
nah man i don't think the catholic church should be banned reconsidering that 1) are many of them in america or even world
2) the founding fathers where quite religious i recall
3) & if we're are toban catholics well... then are alot of more stuff we can ban also well everyone has an opinon
and as for india? their middle class is booming oh i believe they will be succesful in the years to come.

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