sergeriver wrote:
ATG wrote:
sergeriver wrote:
The Pope eats shit, but not all the Catholics like to eat shit. .
Oh my, that's a keeper.
* edit
I just thought you should know that your thread "Ban The Catholic Church From America." has been reported for "bashing religion" and "just close this plz."
Instead of hit the report button, why not refute my claims?
Was that directed to me? Coz I didn't report your thread dude.
I didn't mean to imply it was you, if it was you I quoted it was SEPERATE from my comment about reporting.
RECONDO67 wrote:
why dont u name ur thread I hate mexicans
Because, my wife is Mexican, and I love her.
David.Podedworny wrote:
ATG wrote:
David.Podedworny wrote:
ATG the same can be applied to any group on this planet. I can make a thread about why Atheism should be banned or why Communism is evil Maybe a thread about how Islam encourages terrorism? You have some points but there are always counter points. Don't forget man no group has spotless record(Not even buddhism, Japanese version where warriors are praised and so is materialism and honor) I could write alot more but i gotta go to sleep night all.
Counter points=good, thats why I'm here.
Good effort on your post.
I still say catholic church = evil.
Allright want to start a thread about the evil's of athiest organizations? I could just as easily point out the wrongs with communism and it's history of violence. Should i show the 20 mil that stalin killed? Or the 40+ deaths that was mao's fault during the cultural revolution? Maybe you would like to see the innocent people that died in early 1800's france when a communist revolution occured?
Start whatever kind of thread that suites you.
I'm well aware of Stalin.
Joshykiller1 wrote:
Why would you want to ban the catholics what about the muslims.
I see you registered Thursday, and welcome to the forum.
As you are new, you have no awareness of the zillion threads I have made in regards to Muslims.
There is no Fairness Doctorine here, I don't have to balance a rant against Catholics with a matching one about Islam.
* edit,
erm Johhny, I just found your two retalliation threads, and I guess I will not withdraw my welcome, because you are a noob, and this may be forgiven.
1) You know, when joining a forum, it's usually better to lurk for awhile, get the feel of the place and the characters a little BEFORE creating threads.
2) Your threads showed a petty penchant for evil on your part, I think you are a reactionary drone who saw no depth to my writings and lashed out like a drunken bull in a China shop.
3) I think you should be grateful you did not get perma-banned. The mods have sen this type of thing before, and have given you a second chance.
4) I at least made a case for my gripes with the Catholics. Your " Lets dig up hitler and have us a genercide was a good laugh for me this morning.
Last edited by ATG (2007-04-14 08:48:52)