Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6502|105 RVK
i get some retard that says second accounts are unratable.
som1 that CAN rate my account pls do and if u cant then too bad.
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6644|New York
8:1 KDR

Jet whore... 
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6921|The United Center

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

8:1 KDR

Jet whore... 
...another Karkand Medic whore.  2/10.
Im Ron Burgundy?

ThomasMorgan wrote:

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

8:1 KDR

Jet whore... 
...another Karkand Medic whore.  2/10.
Almost on the verge of whore.....of LIFE! nice stats 9/10
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6755|Melbourne, Australia.

KDR/SPM/WLR are all basically average.
Accuracy is good, sniper accuracy is good too :p
You play all ktis evenly but sniper is the standout
Inf KDRs are ok, could be worked on
Vehicles KDRs are abit below average

silver - infy stats decent, jet stats meh
good spm good overall k/d
good accuracy
overall a good acount
Medic since 1942
+245|6825|United States
Good k/d ratio
Godd spm ratio
Looks like you're working on your sf awards
you have nice collection of awards

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6755|Melbourne, Australia.
SPM, KDR and WLR are average
Kit ratios are also average, try get them above 2
Inf KDRs are a bit above average, although you have a fair few weapons below 1 KDR
Vehicle KDRs are kinda crappy
Good rank
Kit times are very equal, medic is the standout
You play a fair bit of SF

Silver.Inc.........second accounts For the suck.  Im not going to rate it.

Private Adam........nice rank, average SPM, all right KDR, WLR is realistic compare to other people's ridiculous WLR.  Hot kill streak.  Awesome medals collection.

I'd say 7 out of 10 is about right.  It's not higher because you SPM is not amazing, and more than half your kills are in choppers/jets/tanks.
+138|6681|New Zealand
RD_The_Dog. Decent SPM and K/D Ratio. Mainly an inf player with good weapon ratios.    Well rounded player good experience with most kits, maps and vehicles.
+5|6419|STL, MO
@ aLi3nZ

Nice AR K/D Ratio

You need to spread out your time on your kits. Your medic hours outweigh the other kits by far. Also, spend some more time on different maps. You haven't even touched any of the SF maps besides Warlord (which is an overrated map IMHO).

Your W/L ratio could also be MUCH better. You have an impressive KDR so I would think you would make a big enough impact on your team to pull out more wins, but I guess not.

You need more medals and ribbons. You only have 2 experts and are missing numerous basic badges!!

Overall I think you need to explore BF2 more. You limit yourself to one kit and very few maps, playing IO only. You aren't experiencing BF2 to the fullest.

.1/10 For being a medic IO whore
+405|6637|A W S M F O X
Nice KDR
Good SPM
average accuracy

Wow, another kark medic/armour whore colonel, sorry but for someone who was recommending another to play SF with only 37 hours under your belt is a bit rich. Especially the part about map rotation.......500+ on kark, yeah wow, nice rotation buddy.

I guess your the reason most people play IO, armour whores arent there.

Enough with the bad, lets get to the good! XD

Loving the weapon KDR, good too see your allrighgt on the ground too, youve a least only got 33% of kills in vehicles, also alot of veriety, a nice sniper kdr and the ol' grenade spamming skills are going good too XD

All i can suggest is more SF, and warlord is overratted, but still rapes karkand to tatters, Mass Destruction 64 player is juts about the best map in BF2 i reckon!

+15|6821|Apeldoorn, Holland
Jet G, nice overall stats.
- Nice map variety
- Good infantry stats
- Nice kill-streak
- Positive defib. ratio? Its no weapon, its a tool!!!
- Only those damn repair points huh?

Keep it up
+5|6419|STL, MO

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Wow, another kark medic/armour whore colonel, sorry but for someone who was recommending another to play SF with only 37 hours under your belt is a bit rich. Especially the part about map rotation.......500+ on kark, yeah wow, nice rotation buddy.
True but it's hard to get hours on the other maps when my clan runs a 24/7 Karkand. To be honest we're pretty sick of the map but it's about the only thing that attracts players/recruits these days. Other than that I'd say I'm a well rounded player. Don't know how I'm a medic whore when I have 100+ hours in every kit but whatever. Thanks for the comments.

EDIT: I forgot to do a stat rating. @ SANDRIATINHI--

-Kit Balance
-Map Balance
-Badge/Ribbon Collection

Bad: For as many hours as you have I'm surprised your stats are as low as they are
-Average W/L Ratio
-Poor Weapon KDR's
-Below Average Accuracy, but considering Support is your favorite kit I guess I'd expect you to miss a lot with the LMG
-Almost 200 hours of Lone Wolf, not good!

Overall you seem like a balanced player but your skills could definitely improve.

Last edited by =KAW=Mac (2007-04-03 11:09:06)

Same shit, Different Arsehole
good kit balance, way to much karkand , your in it for the points, but not bad overall


Last edited by LostFate (2007-04-03 11:31:04)
Internet Poon
The good:
Typical pwnage account: k/d, spm, even w/l is all kablammo. Mostly infantry kills too.
Awesome k/ds for all kits and kit equipment.

The bad:
Your accuracy really contrasts with the rest of your stats.. shame on you.

The ugly:
You got these stats on karkand (and wake). Now i dont need to tell you how many *awesome* karkand regulars there are, some of them are even better than you.

Its all impressive, but it isnt anything new either.. 8/10

Last edited by (2007-04-04 11:39:09)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6983|Marathon, Florida Keys
ipoon not very good 4/10
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6502|SHAPE, Belgium
Nice Accuracy 19.90%
Very Good SPM 3.4215
Perfect K/D Ratio 2.7413

+24|6674|atlanta GA wrote:

The good:
Typical pwnage account: k/d, spm, even w/l is all kablammo. Mostly infantry kills too.
Awesome k/ds for all kits and kit equipment.

The bad:
Your accuracy really contrasts with the rest of your stats.. shame on you.

The ugly:
You got these stats on karkand (and wake). Now i dont need to tell you how many *awesome* karkand regulars there are, some of them are even better than you.

Its all impressive, but it isnt anything new either.. 8/10
better look again someones been reset it seems

Kris try harder you want to have more kills than deaths fyi 4/10

Last edited by DankmanHightimes (2007-04-04 13:12:43)

Missing, Presumed Dead


Ahh, I remember you from the ole WH Gator server

Nice favourite map *ahem* Average KDR, average SPM. Could be a lil higher for a mostly medic and support player, so you should be racking in those team points.
Kit balance is ok, although I can see why you dont play much engineer, etc due to how Gator plays.

Nice collection of awards, but try the jets some more. In 1200hours, you've only got 25hours in jets

Try varying your maps a lil more too. Even though you have 300+ hours in the SEAL/MEC theatre - you only have 2 hours between Devils Perch and Leviathan. Also the Rebel maps.

Good stuff, but work on some of the infantry KDR's. Assault Rifles should be higher


Good spm for the maps you play
Good k/d ratio
Above average vehicle k/d ratios
Very nice collection of awards

rate this account please
+108|6917|In the hills
Ugh, why another second account...?  Anyways, nice jet rapage, ill give you that.  I still dont like the second account, it doesnt show the effort you have put into your Bf2 character (a bit over dramatic [eh?].)
9/10 for account
-6 for it being a second account
Total: 3/10
Wannabe Heli Whore
Spec ops, nice wake air whore. Your missing a lot of awards though that you could get easily. Your SF, EF, and AF times are terrible. I can't believe that with 100 hrs of engi you only got 61 repair points. Aviator K/D is amazing. You really gotta play other maps dude.  SPM and KD are great. Ton of lone wolf time, thats not good. You just generrally need to get your time up on other maps, although nice stats for an airplane whore.

specops10-4 wrote:

Ugh, why another second account...?  Anyways, nice jet rapage, ill give you that.  I still dont like the second account, it doesnt show the effort you have put into your Bf2 character (a bit over dramatic [eh?].)
9/10 for account
-6 for it being a second account
Total: 3/10
I made the second account for 1.03 patch cause i only play that now.


Low amount of points for having the game since 2005
Below average spm
Below avergae k/d
Low vehicle k/d ratios
Low infy stats
Favorite map not karkand pretty good

+405|6637|A W S M F O X
Second account shows only that you can use jets and helis in 1.03..............on wake..........3/10 for playing 1.03 i guess XD.

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