I was playing 2142 on some server in Europe and all the sudden i got booted back to the login soldier screen and now when i log in nothing shows up its all bare. I was a Commisar Gold and now it says im a recruit what does this mean?
liquidat0r says:
liquidat0r says:
http://forums.ea.com/mboards/ann.jspa?s … ;annID=359Due to an ISP service outage the soldier databases are not accessible to players who are logging in. The problems with service are not limited to only Battlefield and are causing similar login issues with other titles that utilize IGN/Gamespy online services. Because this issue is not intrinsically linked to the systems used to operate Battlefield or any of the other affected games but rather the communication between players and those systems we are uncertain of when the ISP outage will be corrected. EA DICE and Gamespy are working hard to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and sincerely appreciate your patience during this outage.
Last edited by liquidat0r (2007-04-03 08:43:34)