+252|7023|Sextupling in Empire

Move out to a rural area and start an online buisness.

I lived out in the country for several years, and it was the best ever. No fucking people = peace and quiet.
Random Hero
+119|6640|Australia QLD
One word...  Punani
16 more years
+877|6844|South Florida
Here, have some sigs.

"The tallest mother fucker you'll ever meet"

"The coolest cat on bf2s"

Or the traditional "Fuck You!"

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-03-06 20:04:23)

15 more years! 15 more years!

Cougar wrote:

max wrote:

kill/destroy/blow up something. it really helps
WTF does anyone from Switzerland know about killing, destroying or blowing anything up?
sometimes i hate you cougar and sometimes i love you.

and its comments like that that make me love you
pics or it didn't happen
you could go ''/close'' a few threads...twot
Typical white person.
+389|7078|San Antonio, Texas

stryyker wrote:

max wrote:

Cougar wrote:

WTF does anyone from Switzerland know about killing, destroying or blowing anything up?
seeing as we have the laxest gun laws in europe and my dad studied chemistry i should know about destroying and blowing up. not so much killing though
Explosions + USandA (Texas, mostly) = Capital Punishment
So THAT'S why there were so many sirens when I blew up an old car... Too bad they couldn't get to it though those electrified barbed wire fences...
+5,233|6848|Global Command

Cougar wrote:

I'm having a rough day controlling my temper.  It's pretty much a hair-trigger temper today and I've had to catch and stop myself from flying off on a few people today.  I've already chewed my girlfriend out for no particular reason and told a random guy at a gas station to "shut the fuck up before I punch you in the throat", because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about how tall I am.  Then I get denied a raise due to some technical loophole bullshit and my bonus is fucked as well, not that it would have been worth a shit in the first place. So, I contemplated quitting my job for about an hour, then just kinda dazed off thinking about beating the shit out of someone.  It wasn't until I bent my steering wheel in my truck without even noticing it, that I figured I might want to try and vent some how, so thats why I'm making a pointless thread.  YAY only 9 more fucking hours to go!!

Hooray, thread gets delayed by 30 minutes because I get to talk to some fucking retarded ass motherfucker that can barley speak English about how his stupid piece of shit computer can't connect to VPN and somehow it's my fault.  GG asshole, you can't remember the 6 letter password to connect you stupid gooch licking cocksucker.  Godamnit, I fucking hate people.

Any suggestions other than "lol see sychiatrist" or "quit yo stupid jobs"?
First of all Cougar, you are suffering from a common malady called " can'tfuckingrelaxitis ".
Drugs will not help.

People are generally bowel rejected detritus. But there are other axioms. Like honest Abe Lincoln said, a man is as happy as he makes his mind to be. You should also remind yourself periodically that your one of the Gods chosen people and were born in the cursed/ever-blessed United Fucking States of America. Despite the fact that we are all the bad things that we are think of the reality of being born to one of the African tribesman who drink the blood of living cattle, and be grateful. Things come in cycles in life, good and bad, enough of one or the other and something is bound to change, which in the end keeps things interesting.

Because you are important to me, I shall divulge ATGs' sure fire recipe for relaxation.
( the rest of you pricks pm me if you want to read this ).

Step one, open up a new browser nab, and paste this into the address bar;
return to this window. Breathe deep. And listen.

To fully realize the potential of what I am offering you must ( if you haven't ever, or recently enough to relate ) go to a place where there are trees, and wind. You must find a place away from the sound of roads or people, find a place preferably in some soft grass and lay down. And added bonus is a stream or brook nearby to add watermusic. You must lay there long enough to ingrain that sound into your skull.

Using techniques detailed here you can learn to bring mental images into reality.  I also suggest this     this .

One of the things that fucks up in life is an inabilty to sleep. Using the above mentioned methods you can train yourself to quickly go to that windy tree sloped hill next to a babbling brook. Lights out.

I also recommend some sort of mildly life endangering sport for bi-polar/ over-intelligent people such as you .

Using the above routines of visualization, stretching and goal setting the everyday pointlessness of life quickly gets drowned by the tragic shortness of it all. You can begin to live again and find that lust for life that really dwells within us all. Combine high risk sport and training you earn unreal mental discipline. After climbing El Cap there wasn't much that could upset or scare me.

Now, go back and repaste this into your browser;


and this time watch it.  I used all the misery of existing and the above mentioned proven methods to climb the Big Stone and lay claim to a normal life.

More...? http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=28425

Last edited by ATG (2007-03-06 21:02:54)


Sgt_Sieg wrote:

Here ya go...
http://www.intellectualconservative.com … cookie.jpg
Hope that makes it better.
That is exactly the kind of mentality that creates people like this:

Cougar wrote:

Don't ever send me another message until you learn that "z" does not replace "s" on the end of plural words, that "cuz" is not the same as "cause" or "because", and that ending sentence's with "and shit....."is a bad thing.

Also, don't ever tell me to relax or "jeez take it easy".  I don't know you, I'm not your friend, I'm not your "bud".  Whatever it was that compelled you to send me a poorly thought out, horribly written and frankly obnoxious PM, please remove it from yourself and ram it through your face.

Furthermore, don't ever, EVER, tell me what the "community" here is or how "things work around here".  You've been registered for a whole 2 and a half months.  You don't know stink from shit. 

Fuck you,
LOL cougar is a funny guy!!!

Cougar wrote:

max wrote:

kill/destroy/blow up something. it really helps
WTF does anyone from Switzerland know about killing, destroying or blowing anything up?
LOL +1
-But I still hate you

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Here, have some sigs.

"The tallest mother fucker you'll ever meet"

"The coolest cat on bf2s"

Or the traditional "Fuck You!"
I like his current sig much more.  O and go here: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=53042&p=16
BF2S Forums / The Official Respond By Picture Thread
After looking at the whole thing, you will have to feel better.(If you don't your not human, but that is another issue...)

Last edited by Deadmonkiefart (2007-03-06 21:13:04)

Smack ya biaaatch up,it do wonders for u and she will appreciate it to,everyone wins.
Jesus u r tall,how tall are u...fuk your tall,did u play basketball,fuk me u r tall.
Mass Media Casualty

First, feel free to vent here Cougar, as venting here won't mean you'll wind up in prison.
Second, you might want to consider a new career path. Your one sounds ill fitted to your uh... personality... you know, the deeply intrenched desire to suckerpunch everyone for no specific reason. Not saying that's a bad thing by the way, most people I know deserve it.

Lastly, I've never met an angry pot-smoker, so feel free to do some ganja, it might help.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Play with that 50 cal rifle you always wanted to play with.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Play with that 50 cal rifle you always wanted to play with.
Recon won't let me shoot it.  Bullets are too expensive.  Going to shoot the Deagle, AK, M4, Glock, and 9mm next Saturday at the outdoor range.

Rapid fire FTW.  I shall imagine the faces of my enemies on the targets and it shall help.
+788|6974|Brisbane, Australia

Shoot up your workplace. Vids plz.

Sarrk wrote:

Shoot up your workplace. Vids plz.
Shoot yourself.  Vids plz.

Cougar wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Play with that 50 cal rifle you always wanted to play with.
Recon won't let me shoot it.  Bullets are too expensive.  Going to shoot the Deagle, AK, M4, Glock, and 9mm next Saturday at the outdoor range.

Rapid fire FTW.  I shall imagine the faces of my enemies on the targets and it shall help.
Lol why won't Recon let you shoot it? Hurts too much

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Cougar wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Play with that 50 cal rifle you always wanted to play with.
Recon won't let me shoot it.  Bullets are too expensive.  Going to shoot the Deagle, AK, M4, Glock, and 9mm next Saturday at the outdoor range.

Rapid fire FTW.  I shall imagine the faces of my enemies on the targets and it shall help.
Lol why won't Recon let you shoot it? Hurts too much
Because a box of 20 shells costs $38.  So every shot costs nearly $2, which is just insane if you actually want to shoot more than 3 bullets.

Sgt_Sieg wrote:

Here ya go...
http://www.intellectualconservative.com … cookie.jpg
Hope that makes it better.
WHY OH WHY does that picture solve everything. We all know it does...but why?
I'm moving to Brazil
this one solves everything too it has nothing to do with anything but solves everything lol

Back from the Dead.
I don't understand the point of that picture at all.
+167|6938|Manitowoc, WI

blademaster wrote:

this one solves everything too it has nothing to do with anything but solves everything lol

http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m302 … cougar.jpg
It wasn't funny the first time you posted it, it's worse now.
I dedicate this song to Cougar.

has joined the GOP

Superslim wrote:

Cougar wrote:

I'm having a rough day controlling my temper.  It's pretty much a hair-trigger temper today and I've had to catch and stop myself from flying off on a few people today.  I've already chewed my girlfriend out for no particular reason and told a random guy at a gas station to "shut the fuck up before I punch you in the throat", because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about how tall I am.  Then I get denied a raise due to some technical loophole bullshit and my bonus is fucked as well, not that it would have been worth a shit in the first place. So, I contemplated quitting my job for about an hour, then just kinda dazed off thinking about beating the shit out of someone.  It wasn't until I bent my steering wheel in my truck without even noticing it, that I figured I might want to try and vent some how, so thats why I'm making a pointless thread.  YAY only 9 more fucking hours to go!!

Hooray, thread gets delayed by 30 minutes because I get to talk to some fucking retarded ass motherfucker that can barley speak English about how his stupid piece of shit computer can't connect to VPN and somehow it's my fault.  GG asshole, you can't remember the 6 letter password to connect you stupid gooch licking cocksucker.  Godamnit, I fucking hate people.

Any suggestions other than "lol see sychiatrist" or "quit yo stupid jobs"?
Need to have a nice COLD beer. And, And if the fucken phone rings...smash it!!!! Then get another COLD beer.
cougar doesn't own a phone.

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