Go Cougs!
+695|6581|Washington St.
There have been quite a few threads lately that have slammed on Infantry Only servers saying things like,
"People don't follow orders."
"Nobody is involved in teamwork."
"It's basically stat padding."
and etcetera...

I have played both types a lot but it is my opinion that IO servers provide much more teamwork than the non-IO's. You must move as a squad and rely on each other because one person driving past the entire opposing team to the flag wont happen. On many levels you have to be smart and WORK HARD as a team to capture flags. When you're US on Jalalabad you have to be smart to get anything, and there is always someone who complains about it if they're loosing but they just sit there, sniping which is basically giving up the game.
Or US on karkand: back when I first started playing IO-karkand everyone would just meet in the middle, then the US team figured out you could go to the right and over that wall and head for train accident. Then the MEC adapted to that so the US started going left and heading for suburbs. The MEC adapted once again so the US found they could fake going for suburbs and go for hotel. It's cool to see the evolution of how people go and guess which way will be next (fake suburbs, skip hotel and hit train?).
The same goes for Sharqi Peninsula: first going straight in, then taking a boat to hotel, then starting at club house and heading for alleyway, then...?

It's is a well known fact that half the team on non-IO servers will just sit around at the airfields and wait for a jet or heli while they are loosing tickets and flags, and most often TK'ing just to get their precious points and make their E-penis larger.
Just the other day I was playing at Wake and we were about to lose the airfield so I told all the people on my team to get out of their planes and helis to help defend it but they just kept bombing the carrier and we ended up losing the level.

I have found that on non-IO servers all the games tend to be one-sided which is decided by which team has the better pilots:
Either you have good pilots on your team so while the other teams' pilots are getting shot down you can capture flags (because the entire other team is just sitting at the airfield). Or the opposite and any flag you come close to getting is just bombed by their ace pilots (if not artillery).

Don't think I'm just bitching about not being able to fly (which I can't, but that's not the point), I know that it takes a lot of skill to be able to fly... I prefer IO because you have to have overall skill. You have to know where to go, when, how to attack, what kit to use and when, how to work with teammates. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ORDERS!
I will admit that many people are medic whores and just sit and revive and grenade spammers who just sit/throw/resupply/repeat, but that doesn't compare to the J-10 whores or SU-30 whores that TK just to get their precious vehicle for a few more kills. Those people (medic whores/grenade spammers) have no actual skill (ahem, T#L#O#W) but that's just what comes with the territory, there will be no perfect mode.

Feel free to agree with me or flame me but just make sure it's contructive flaming and state WHY you think I'm wrong/dumb/skill-less/etc.
Flamesuit essential

I just hate IO Karkland because the US have to walk so far from the main base if the MEC camps the other spawns.

The upside to IO:  usually no arty and it's SNIPERS GALORE.  (which can occasionally suck)

Last edited by some_random_panda (2007-03-06 01:13:57)

i agree.
i started playing IO more often when i got sick of  tanks coming up around the corner and I'm medic or whatever i have no way do doing anything and you just get shot you cant fight back, same with artillery.
Real Хорошо
+826|6809|Adelaide, South Australia

pirana6 wrote:

It's is a well known fact that half the team on non-IO servers will just sit around at the airfields and wait for a jet or heli while they are loosing tickets and flags, and most often TK'ing just to get their precious points and make their E-penis larger.
You must find the worst servers. I was playing in the AU server last night, (It was set to 64 Wake w/ Vehicles) and as a squad (Its leader, no less), won 7/8 games. Apart from accidents and one guy, (teamswitcher, I believe) who TK'd anyone on foot at least once, we had no TK'ing for vehicles.

Hell, I even got my second account promoted from parachuting out of a Blackhawk.
+84|6776|Newcastle Upon Tyne.

some_random_panda wrote:

I just hate IO Karkland because the US have to walk so far from the main base if the MEC camps the other spawns.

The upside to IO:  usually no arty and it's SNIPERS GALORE.  (which can occasionally suck)
there is no L in karkand.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
But IO does suck!!!!
I think I can play IO as commander only, of my team wins, I usually get 150-180 points, which is not bad
But otherwise, I love my tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flamesuit essential

hawaythelads wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

I just hate IO Karkland because the US have to walk so far from the main base if the MEC camps the other spawns.

The upside to IO:  usually no arty and it's SNIPERS GALORE.  (which can occasionally suck)
there is no L in karkand.
My bad.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
i like io, bacause i suck in a jet and heli, but maps like karkand are just full of apc whores
I enjoy Inf Only mode whenever i feel like taking a break from dying over and over again due to arty or jets.

And yeah the fighting is usually more intense than on non-inf only, due to the fact that you cant use a tank to break the stalemate. You have to fight for longer to break through and its good fun.
+405|6753|A W S M F O X
IO kark is so much more fun, thats pretty why i hardly play Kark, the armour whores, so Io kark is reasonably enjoyable. In fact, all city and a good majority of big maps are more fun IO.

Its just preference really.
+129|6786|Adelaide, Aussieland

pirana6 wrote:

"It's basically stat padding."

I have played both types a lot but it is my opinion that IO servers provide much more teamwork than the non-IO's. You must move as a squad and rely on each other because one person driving past the entire opposing team to the flag wont happen. On many levels you have to be smart and WORK HARD as a team to capture flags. When you're US on Jalalabad you have to be smart to get anything, and there is always someone who complains about it if they're loosing but they just sit there, sniping which is basically giving up the game.
I used to hate IO. after playing about 40 hours of it non stop, i still hate it. the only reason i play it is because its free, easy points. and it pads my SPM and KDR nice and good. And i dont know what teamwork your referring to. so many times in IO its just mass nade spam between 2 flags. ive commanded so many IO games where 1 person goes around capping every flag, completely unhindered because NO ONE spawns where you ask them as commander, and no one goes for flags. they just wanna camp the nearest roof and spam nades for 10 minutes.

Jalalabad IO has nothing to do with skill, its how many snipers you have. if the MEC is 50% snipers the US will almost never cap a single flag, but if a USMC squad of no less than 6 medics makes a run for it, they have a slight chance.

Yes in IO you have to move as a squad, coz you cant go 10 seconds without being sniped, so you need medics all the time. but thats the extent of teamwork. theres no tactics involved. in a normal game you can go for any flag at once, your not going to have to run past 20 snipers to get anywhere, you can jihad jeep, you can armour convoy, listen to the commander. so many things teamwork based that are lost in IO.
+138|6797|New Zealand
I love IO, apart from scrims and practice, it is pretty much all I play.  But then I did just start playing  CS:S again..
Players hate the Vehicle maps because they get camped and die too much.  Well though luck.  I can't stand IO servers and I'm a grunt.  AT is my new favorite kit and as long as you actually think about what you're doing, you can stay away from Aircraft and tanks and arty.  All you have to do is stay away from main roads, stay away from right beside the flag, and actually listen for something coming. 

I admit, I once was an armor whore, but that part of my life is long gone.  Because of my time in armor, I know the usual tactics and can overcome them with ease.  If you hear a tank coming, go find some cover.  It's that simple.  Get behind a wall, but not in front of another one/hide behind a vehicle or building.  If you're capping a flag and hear arty launching, it's coming for you.  Don't ever stay in the flag zone any longer than you possibly have to.  Jets look for flags to bomb.  If you have common sense, you'd stay in a spot that is protected from the typical bombing run.

If you can succeed in a vehicle map like I can when you're a grunt, you are a much better player than if you can get points in an IO server.

pirana6 wrote:

There have been quite a few threads lately that have slammed on Infantry Only servers saying things like,
"People don't follow orders."
"Nobody is involved in teamwork."
"It's basically stat padding."
and etcetera...

I have played both types a lot but it is my opinion that IO servers provide much more teamwork than the non-IO's. You must move as a squad and rely on each other because one person driving past the entire opposing team to the flag wont happen. On many levels you have to be smart and WORK HARD as a team to capture flags. When you're US on Jalalabad you have to be smart to get anything, and there is always someone who complains about it if they're loosing but they just sit there, sniping which is basically giving up the game.
Or US on karkand: back when I first started playing IO-karkand everyone would just meet in the middle, then the US team figured out you could go to the right and over that wall and head for train accident. Then the MEC adapted to that so the US started going left and heading for suburbs. The MEC adapted once again so the US found they could fake going for suburbs and go for hotel. It's cool to see the evolution of how people go and guess which way will be next (fake suburbs, skip hotel and hit train?).
The same goes for Sharqi Peninsula: first going straight in, then taking a boat to hotel, then starting at club house and heading for alleyway, then...?

It's is a well known fact that half the team on non-IO servers will just sit around at the airfields and wait for a jet or heli while they are loosing tickets and flags, and most often TK'ing just to get their precious points and make their E-penis larger.
Just the other day I was playing at Wake and we were about to lose the airfield so I told all the people on my team to get out of their planes and helis to help defend it but they just kept bombing the carrier and we ended up losing the level.

I have found that on non-IO servers all the games tend to be one-sided which is decided by which team has the better pilots:
Either you have good pilots on your team so while the other teams' pilots are getting shot down you can capture flags (because the entire other team is just sitting at the airfield). Or the opposite and any flag you come close to getting is just bombed by their ace pilots (if not artillery).

Don't think I'm just bitching about not being able to fly (which I can't, but that's not the point), I know that it takes a lot of skill to be able to fly... I prefer IO because you have to have overall skill. You have to know where to go, when, how to attack, what kit to use and when, how to work with teammates. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ORDERS!
I will admit that many people are medic whores and just sit and revive and grenade spammers who just sit/throw/resupply/repeat, but that doesn't compare to the J-10 whores or SU-30 whores that TK just to get their precious vehicle for a few more kills. Those people (medic whores/grenade spammers) have no actual skill (ahem, T#L#O#W) but that's just what comes with the territory, there will be no perfect mode.

Feel free to agree with me or flame me but just make sure it's contructive flaming and state WHY you think I'm wrong/dumb/skill-less/etc.
Well I think that you are wrong about the non IO servers. True, that occasionly there are people who are not going into the battle, but wait for a vehicle to spawn.
You are coming up with extreme examples, because the things you described are not going on 24/7 on every each non IO server. Besides that, the things you mentioned considering the need of "overall skills" at IO: "You have to know where to go, when, how to attack, what kit to use and when..." these things apply to non IO as well IMO.
In my opinion the grenade spammers are as bad as j10 "whores". They both can be really annoying, but I find it more challenging to shoot down a j10 with a stinger than headshotting a nade spammer.
Those who like IO more than non IO, then so be it, but I think that the most enjoyable way of playing this game is playing it with vehicles. Its a good feeling that you destroy a tank with C4/AT/SRAW, or shoot down helis with a tank etc.
I also played IO a few times, but I learned that on IO teamwork is just like in "vanilla" BF2 : sometimes there is, sometimes there isnt any. So teamwork is not IO servers' speciality.
+10|6684|British Columbia
IO sucks because Battlefield 2 is meant to be so much more. 

There are hundreds of FPS out there that don't have tanks, jets, artillery.  Millions of people play them.  Most of the people on this site who say IO sucks play(ed) them and love(d) them.  But, BF2 is one of the first and best to incorporate vehicles.  It is not supposed to be IO.
+18|6839|Sydney, Australia
I give Karma to those I believe deserve it.
You should give karma to those who deserve it.

Don't give karma just so get some back in return, I never do.
I earned every bit of the karma that I have, so I'm proud of it.
Karma goals are for those who don't deserve karma.
You are fucking lame.

confused wrote:

IO sucks because Battlefield 2 is meant to be so much more. 

There are hundreds of FPS out there that don't have tanks, jets, artillery.  Millions of people play them.  Most of the people on this site who say IO sucks play(ed) them and love(d) them.  But, BF2 is one of the first and best to incorporate vehicles.  It is not supposed to be IO.
If u like IO play Americas Army, it's free too
Go Heart or go home!
You have the choice every day IO or not where is your problem? Idiots are everywhere.For me IO is a challenge  because i think im not the best infantry player.So choose your destiny soldier and a well rounded player kill everyone in every mode on everymap.
ive played quite a bit of IO in my time. and at the time i enjoyed NOT getting artied and vehicle raped. but i got to the point where its fucking boring and i wanna blow sum shit up. found a karkand with vehicles and still played as infantry and completely dominated. and god damn i forgot how much fun spawn raping with a tank was, or hell, even an apc(which is almost easier).

so basically im going with some of the crowd and saying i bought battlefield to ride in jets/tanks/helis oh my.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6921|New Hampshire, USA
Well im tired of ppl saying vehicle servers suck, get over it
less busy
+586|7125|Kubra, Damn it!

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

Well im tired of ppl saying vehicle servers suck, get over it
Could I have 10,000 marbles please

pirana6 wrote:

and grenade spammers who just sit/throw/resupply/repeat
As someone who plays the support kit a lot I hate when people lump me in to this category. There are lots of people out there who use the kit effectivly. I for one spawn on my squad leader about 95% of the time and generally follow him around. If I were to be accused of spamming the only thing I spam are the ammo bags and the last time I checked they actually helped my teamates.
Go Cougs!
+695|6581|Washington St.

Strngs012 wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

and grenade spammers who just sit/throw/resupply/repeat
As someone who plays the support kit a lot I hate when people lump me in to this category. There are lots of people out there who use the kit effectivly. I for one spawn on my squad leader about 95% of the time and generally follow him around. If I were to be accused of spamming the only thing I spam are the ammo bags and the last time I checked they actually helped my teamates.
NO! NO! I love the support kit too! (althought my stats say otherwise, but it is my favorite kit and after more time it will show that.) It's just the nade spammers that I'm talking about. They just happen to mostly be support. I've seen more than my share of medic-nade spammers too. I just don't like nade spammers, no matter what kit they play.
+1 for you for liking support, not spamming grenades, and being a team player.
Ron Jeremy Apprentice

confused wrote:

IO sucks because Battlefield 2 is meant to be so much more. 

(...)It is not supposed to be IO.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6984|Howell, Mi USA

chittydog wrote:

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

Well im tired of ppl saying vehicle servers suck, get over it

IO mode was created by whiney babys

I read somone was tired of being killed by tanks as a medic. So stop medic whoring and go Spec-ops or AT to kill the tank. It's not hard.

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