nothing to much inpressive, just alot of hours and medals.
Good that u plat alot of AT
+77|6782|The Netherlands
nice kd penguing killer
+152|6680|London (At Heart)

Lol karkand armor whore.

Shem wrote:

Lol karkand armor whore.
Above average pistol KD for P+K servers, although I would have thought your accuracy would have been higher solely playing on P+K.

+152|6680|London (At Heart)

Simon wrote:

Shem wrote:

Lol karkand armor whore.
Above average pistol KD for P+K servers, although I would have thought your accuracy would have been higher solely playing on P+K.

A mighty impressive IO K/D and SPM... i guess...

Still, you dont seem to contribute to your team much with that 1/4 W/L ratio.


Last edited by Shem (2007-02-28 11:27:02)


Shem wrote:

Simon wrote:

Shem wrote:

Lol karkand armor whore.
Above average pistol KD for P+K servers, although I would have thought your accuracy would have been higher solely playing on P+K.

A mighty impressive IO K/D and SPM... i guess...

Still, you dont seem to contribute to your team much with that 1/4 W/L ratio.

Actually now I think about it your Pistol KD is very good, A 15 KD is good on any vehicle/Kit/Weapon.

Scrap what I put, 9/10 for the Pistol KD 8/10 overall.
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6779|Gold Coast, Australia
Most likely a 2nd (or more) account, haven't played a normal round, just pistol and knife.

6/10, only because it's average stats for a pistol and knife account.

TerrorisT² wrote:

Most likely a 2nd (or more) account, haven't played a normal round, just pistol and knife.

6/10, only because it's average stats for a pistol and knife account.
I'm guessing you rated Shem's then!

If its your first account then 7/10 if its not then 5/10
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6779|Gold Coast, Australia
I did rate Shem's, but then you beat me, so i checked your stats and decided that my post suited your account too.
decent spm and kd ratio and an average kd ratio on vehicles, inprove.
Sniper Kitten Wins !
^ Better than mine...makes me wish I had a better K/D ratio TT_TT
+133|6450|Bloomington Indiana

BakaBakaNeko2 wrote:

^ Better than mine...makes me wish I had a better K/D ratio TT_TT
nice accuracy.
you can easily boost that K: D ratio and SPM
a snipers best friends are his pistol and knife.

Last edited by Schwarzelungen (2007-02-28 23:34:29)

+130|6686|Orlando, FL
K/D could go up a bit more, but at least it's above 1.5
I see you whore sniper, and claymores    Shame on you.
You're ratio's are simply average, and you're K/D is as high as it is thanks to the clay whoring and nade spamming that I'm sure you must do as an uber elite sniper.  Get better ratios.
+152|6680|London (At Heart)

Nothing to complain about, a good start to a new account.

a bit too many grenade kills for my liking though
+130|6686|Orlando, FL
K/D could be better.
+72|6650|UK , Birmingham
tbh everything below average there trooper, sorry for the bad news
+27|6802|United Kingdom
@ iMPaCT.uK

First of love the star
Win loss ratio is better then average
Good accuracy
Great SPM
Great overall k/d ratio
63% from vehicles not too bad

Clearly best weapon for you is assault rifle, overall k/d ratio is better then average
You need to work on your AT/AA and sub machine guns also your shotguns at under 1.0 try and get them upu a lil
Other weapons seem average

Armor is above average not too shaby at 9 to 1
Jets are above average also very good k/d ratio with them
I see your specialty is helos rocking a 5.67 is bad ass
All other vehicles are pretty good also great stuff

Fav map is sharqi- explains the high k/d ratio in choppers... picking on poor infantry haha
Second one is Wake- crap crap and more crap as long as your not a j-10 newb i will keep my saying of a very nice k/d ratio in planes.. i kindof suspect you are since wake is your second fav map. I think you chopper it on sharqi and fly j-10s on wake when your not in a chopper.
Other then that not a bad selection of maps played

Misc- Not all golds?!?! come on mannn pick up those other kits and put some time to them instead of medicing it and using your M95 to shoot people out of cockpits
ALlmost there on dist. service and meritorious service not shabby get those and you will be doing great along with your WCR
I like the fact that you have SF ribbons and a few badges.. Nice to see you get your moneys worth. Along with an AF ribbon and 60+ hours at it shows you didnt just play it for the ribbon. Nice
Only 4 enemys is nice also not a huge victims list but a decent one also.

Overall man your stats are really good... Doesnt look like you suffered too much from newb days... and with over 1000 hours i think this is prob. your first account. Unlike everyone else who are making new ones trying to get rid of there newb stats .... Great stuff man keep it up..
Medic since 1942
+245|6805|United States

Great SPM
Great K/D ratio
you're good at jets which is good
get vet armor badge unless you want to stay colonel
strike at karkand is your most played map so which is my

overall 9/10
i hate you all
Not to shabby, great work on all the kits, one star for you.
Fredrik, your stats dont show up, so ill rate Havok.

Havok, beautiful stats.  Im not going to kiss your ass too much though, im sure you know they're good.
My only criticism would be that you have less than 50% of kills on foot.  But that's just my opinion.  After all, battlefield is not counterstrike, and choppers and jets are there for a reason, i just take pride in groundpounding.  Really just nitpicking here.

Oh, and to everyone else.........second, third and fourth accounts are a little do i put it......insecure?  Why the need to show how massive you can get your SPM?  Trying to make up for something?  Why even bother rating second accounts.  They're just fake.
+405|6617|A W S M F O X
Very good stuff dog, its all pretty allright, fair time throughout the weapons and kits, and a nice SPM.

The only thing id say to work is the SF ribbons and medals, otherwise nice stuff!

+152|6680|London (At Heart)

Pretty nice sniper stats, that also boost your accuracy.

Almost a 2 K/D with sniper overall which is something to work on.

Nice SPM and KD.

99 Problems . . .

Has most badges & ribbons, including 124 1st place awards.

Decent stats overall with over 33% accuracy.

I'm still a noob so don't totally flame me for my Stats.
+15|6801|Apeldoorn, Holland
Pike, nice SF play! If i may give you some advice; try to sneak around without getting spotted! This the key in BF imo. If you get spotted try to get some good cover. And my third point will be the shooting; try to shoot in bursts in prone, then your gun will be more accurate! And last but not least always work with your teamies.

Good luck and sooner or later you'll get the hang of it.
+152|6680|London (At Heart)

SF map as a favourite for a lietenant colonel, mighty impressive, that alone gives a 9/10 rating ;p

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