
Do stats ruin BF2?

Yes32%32% - 90
No67%67% - 191
Total: 281
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6893|Melbourne, Australia.
I think they do. Why?

Stats have ruined the mod community.
If it wasn't for stats, I reckon more people would be playing mods than normal BF2. Mods like BF2Pro, Project Reality and POE2 are better than BF2. But people never play them, why? Stats. People get too caught up in the numbers and don't play mod servers because they arnt ranked, therefore don't get their precious, precious numbers.

Stats turn people into whores
-Most- people get the J10 on wake, M1A2 on karkand, MI28 on sharqi round after round after round after ro... for one reason...to get a good KDR and improve their stats. No one else besides you gives two shits about your stupid numbers on a website. You rape people in a game who are absolutely defenseless against you as soon as they spawn (TV station, Karkand alley), now wheres the fun in that? There is none. So why do you do it? Oh sir..I just want a good KDR! I just want 10 more hours in a tank to get this rank!
People spend countless hours throwing nades, resupping, throwing again. For what fun? To retain my #1 spot in bf2 sir. If i'm #1 I win the internet.

People flop out the e-penis because of stats
Omg! Look at me! I have a 33 KDR! Who cares. Stats mean shit all when it comes to determining a players skill level. "You suck, lol, you only have a fucking 1.5 kdr, fuck you, you suck." How can you, just by looking at ones numbers, judge their skill? You don't even play with them and you judge them. Fuck off.

Knife and Pistol servers, whats so bad about them?
Why the fuck does EA not allow them? They are fun (atleast for 1-2 rounds, then they get stale). People get high scores in them, what the fuck does it matter, they are just measly little numbers. People should be able to have fun on them, rather than knowing the server will probably be closed down in a week because EA. god of all gods, told them to.

Stats ruin the 'team' aspect of BF2'
Very rarely do you see a squad working together well. Instead of capping a flag, people want to sit behind the known spawn point and set up camp on the people who are about to spawn. The game is supposed to be about winning the round, not who gets the best KDR.


Could write alot more...but 5 mins until I have to go to school

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (18 years ago)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
perfect post
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6939|Gold Coast, Australia

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

From: In a j10 over your carrier
lol, the irony.

I agree silver, +1
In project reality, you actually get more points by doing teamwork, and not whoring a vehicle.
Yeah it's true but I disagree on the mod thing. Some people like the actual gameplay of battlefield 2, not just the stats.
i hate you all
I agree. I dont think the mods are that great, but a lot of the custom maps are
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|7005|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
I agree. Look at the previous Battlefield games. The people I played/play with just play to have fun. The only way stats were involved were if the server owners ran their own set of stats for their server.
prince of insufficient light
Meh, I like stats to see my own improvement. I like playing with buddies, I would suggest a clan for teamwork aspects.

K&P servers are full of people who care about stats, that's why they are on them. Admins are childish and pause the servers constantly, make up silly rules about capping flags, are very monotonous with little or no teamwork, and most of all eat up good servers that I could play on instead.
Stats aren't all that bad. They help keep people in line more. If it wasn't for stats there would be alot more TK's on every server. If it wasn't for stats no one would ever play medic and you'll never get the med packs from medics. You would also not get the supply packs from Support. It also stops people from glitching out of fear of reset.
Man...I'm freezing!
+65|6937|Ghost Town
I agree with the most you mention! I would be a liar if I'm saying that I absolutely don't care about my stats and those numbers. But best example for me is the Brigadier General Rank: You need 50 hrs in a plane for it. Hell I don't know what servers you guys are playing but it's insane (nothing new at all)...Teamkills for whatever plane (not only the J-10), forced TK's if you're in a Jet and flaming. And I refuse doing such unfunny things (besides the point that I suck at flying) for a fuc* Rank or a virtual medal or stuff like that. I play for fun and the way I like to play.
this is the best we can do?
I love the game play of BF2.  The stats are value added for nothing.

I am actually surprised that the EU has not found a way to tax the stats however.

null vote:

1) It ruins teamwork, although on a few (ranked) servers and with a few good people (like goldman), you play the game as it's supposed to be played with a lot of teamwork. So it depends on yourself if you have teamwork or not (although it's easier if you have some friends playing too)

2) there are unranked servers

3) if it wasn't for stats, many people would have quited this game long time ago, probably myself included. (although I only play with friends, but it's fun after a while to go for another badge)
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

TerrorisT² wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

From: In a j10 over your carrier
lol, the irony.
I'll admit it, i used to whore the j10 on wake for the points, but i just do it now to get a laugh out of getting banned from the server for baseraping or for all the smurfs who type insults at me in capital letters. Its not my fault the little smurfs are running on the carrier deck waiting to play in the pretty fireworks.
Stuck in the Dirty Souf way too long...
Stats are what make BF2 what it is. If you don't like stats then there are many other FPS's you can play. Stats are what have kept me playing, otherwise I would have more than likely quit, or at least reduced my play time.

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Stats ruin the 'team' aspect of BF2'
Very rarely do you see a squad working together well. Instead of capping a flag, people want to sit behind the known spawn point and set up camp on the people who are about to spawn. The game is supposed to be about winning the round, not who gets the best KDR.
I don't agree with this statement. I think stats help teamwork, at least it does for my friends and me. We go get flags together, revive/repair/resupply each other because it helps and we get points. Same with capping flags. We don't care as much for kills as we do the teamwork points. Plus, the better you work together the better chance you have at winning the round. I care alot more for the win than KDR. Take a look at my stats.

Good topic and poll.

Nd4Spdr wrote:

Good topic and poll.
For sure.

I enjoy the stats for myself, but they do damage to game too.
Apparently in 2142 you get more points doing teamwork and following commands...but yeah, its true. Ranks/Stats are a big part of what makes bf2 fun. If it was unranked, yeah, I would probably play mods. Besides, once I hit 2nd Lt Im gonna stop bothering with points.
+10|6707|British Columbia

[Hive]-Twist wrote:

Apparently in 2142 you get more points doing teamwork and following commands....
This also works against helping the team though.  If you are passing a base that is being taken by enemies, you are more likely to pass it by and go on with your squad which could ultimately lose the round for your team.

As for stats, who would empty septic tanks for free, who would repair your jeep without gaining repair points leading to a badge.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
Don't agree.

The mods were great for bf1942 because there wasn't a 'current day battlefield' game out there. They took the engine and made some great mods with it. DC and POE were basically new games.

Now the only thing the mods are doing is repackaging the same game. They aren't really that different from BF2.

IO ruined BF2 and EA's method of dealing with renegade servers as well.  Whatever EA ise doing is NOT working. Proof being the various stupid rules being enforced on various servers:

No commander
No claymore
FF off (nade and claymore spammer paradise)
Cappable flags deemed uncappable.
NO snipers
ALL snipers
The ever cute K & P servers

More and more servers has dumb rules.

Why do they go through the hassle of getting a 3rd party (ISPs) to police their stats program? Just stop accepting the stats feed and PUBLICIZE that the feed has been suspended. I garantee that the admins will contact EA ASAP to found out why EA is not accepting stats from their server. Most admins want the RANKED status for the traffic it brings them. If all players knew that their efforts were futile, they won't play there.

Publicize in-game like this:


Then have them directed to a website that has a copy of the ROE and the reason(s) their stats are suspended. Let the admins do the work to get reinstated.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
+269|6896|Marlton, New Jersey.
I shouldnt be talking because I've only recently finally gotten myself doing other things than pubbing, but w/e.

Most people dont know what bf2 pro is, and if they did, they wouldnt need it because they're too busy spending way too much time in vanilla raping nubs who then in return think they're god like when really higher or the same skill is found elsewhere.  Skill isn't found in vanilla on pubs, it's found when one group of guys face another group with the impossibility of doing everything you can in a pub (like sitting on a roof sniping somewhere) and seeing who wins due to the fact that they killed the other people and capped enough flags to wn.  It's fun, but after awhile, having matches and scrims against people who actually pose more of a challenge is fun as hell.

If pubbing is fun for you, do it.

Last edited by eagles1106 (18 years ago)


Stubbee wrote:

Don't agree.

The mods were great for bf1942 because there wasn't a 'current day battlefield' game out there. They took the engine and made some great mods with it. DC and POE were basically new games.

Now the only thing the mods are doing is repackaging the same game. They aren't really that different from BF2.

IO ruined BF2 and EA's method of dealing with renegade servers as well.  Whatever EA ise doing is NOT working. Proof being the various stupid rules being enforced on various servers:

No commander
No claymore
FF off (nade and claymore spammer paradise)
Cappable flags deemed uncappable.
NO snipers
ALL snipers
The ever cute K & P servers

More and more servers has dumb rules.

Why do they go through the hassle of getting a 3rd party (ISPs) to police their stats program? Just stop accepting the stats feed and PUBLICIZE that the feed has been suspended. I garantee that the admins will contact EA ASAP to found out why EA is not accepting stats from their server. Most admins want the RANKED status for the traffic it brings them. If all players knew that their efforts were futile, they won't play there.

Publicize in-game like this:

http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/967/ … deait1.jpg

Then have them directed to a website that has a copy of the ROE and the reason(s) their stats are suspended. Let the admins do the work to get reinstated.
There are over 5000 BF2 servers according to game monitor. If you don't like the rules of some servers don't go there.
Don't be that guy
personally i like stats, i always on espn.com just surfing around looking at stats
when people use stats to show off how good it is stupid it is a video game no one really SHOULD care, i really only use stats to see how i am doing and to see how long till i get a metal or badge

I think stats are good for the longevity of the game. Honestly, if there were no stats how many of you would really still be playing.

True the stats can degrade teamwork with some people chasing the "precious".

jsnipy wrote:

I think stats are good for the longevity of the game. Honestly, if there were no stats how many of you would really still be playing.

True the stats can degrade teamwork with some people chasing the "precious".
True but stats make people with no life feel better(Like me )
I for 1 love working in a squad i play support ALOT and always go for kills but i also go for flags i go to a flag position find the enemy take them out and then take flag.... its better having 2 medics or a support and medic  thats really gd team work especially if tehres 6 of u xD
Stats don't ruin game i wouldn't be top 20 without them ;/
+129|6809|Adelaide, Aussieland

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

I think they do. Why?

Stats have ruined the mod community.
If it wasn't for stats, I reckon more people would be playing mods than normal BF2. Mods like BF2Pro, Project Reality and POE2 are better than BF2. But people never play them, why? Stats. People get too caught up in the numbers and don't play mod servers because they arnt ranked, therefore don't get their precious, precious numbers.

Stats turn people into whores
-Most- people get the J10 on wake, M1A2 on karkand, MI28 on sharqi round after round after round after ro... for one reason...to get a good KDR and improve their stats. No one else besides you gives two shits about your stupid numbers on a website. You rape people in a game who are absolutely defenseless against you as soon as they spawn (TV station, Karkand alley), now wheres the fun in that? There is none. So why do you do it? Oh sir..I just want a good KDR! I just want 10 more hours in a tank to get this rank!
People spend countless hours throwing nades, resupping, throwing again. For what fun? To retain my #1 spot in bf2 sir. If i'm #1 I win the internet.

People flop out the e-penis because of stats
Omg! Look at me! I have a 33 KDR! Who cares. Stats mean shit all when it comes to determining a players skill level. "You suck, lol, you only have a fucking 1.5 kdr, fuck you, you suck." How can you, just by looking at ones numbers, judge their skill? You don't even play with them and you judge them. Fuck off.

Knife and Pistol servers, whats so bad about them?
Why the fuck does EA not allow them? They are fun (atleast for 1-2 rounds, then they get stale). People get high scores in them, what the fuck does it matter, they are just measly little numbers. People should be able to have fun on them, rather than knowing the server will probably be closed down in a week because EA. god of all gods, told them to.

Stats ruin the 'team' aspect of BF2'
Very rarely do you see a squad working together well. Instead of capping a flag, people want to sit behind the known spawn point and set up camp on the people who are about to spawn. The game is supposed to be about winning the round, not who gets the best KDR.


Could write alot more...but 5 mins until I have to go to school
silver normally your posts are right on, But everytime i see you your on IO. and IO is nothing but stat padding. you know just as well as i do the only reason IO is so rediculously popular is because EVERYONE gets inflated k/d's and SPM's cause of the endless medics and nade spam.

I find your post extremely hypocrytical. I know some people prefer IO (no jet/tank raping etc), but if you wanna play IO your far better off getting a real fps for it, bf2 IO is crap.

stats are one of the best aspects of bf2, adds endless replay value and goals to achieve

Oh and point 5 about spawn camping. DONT PLAY KARKAND. go play a real level like kubra or fushe pass

Last edited by Djbrown (18 years ago)

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