I think they do. Why?
Stats have ruined the mod community.
If it wasn't for stats, I reckon more people would be playing mods than normal BF2. Mods like BF2Pro, Project Reality and POE2 are better than BF2. But people never play them, why? Stats. People get too caught up in the numbers and don't play mod servers because they arnt ranked, therefore don't get their precious, precious numbers.
Stats turn people into whores
-Most- people get the J10 on wake, M1A2 on karkand, MI28 on sharqi round after round after round after ro... for one reason...to get a good KDR and improve their stats. No one else besides you gives two shits about your stupid numbers on a website. You rape people in a game who are absolutely defenseless against you as soon as they spawn (TV station, Karkand alley), now wheres the fun in that? There is none. So why do you do it? Oh sir..I just want a good KDR! I just want 10 more hours in a tank to get this rank!
People spend countless hours throwing nades, resupping, throwing again. For what fun? To retain my #1 spot in bf2 sir. If i'm #1 I win the internet.
People flop out the e-penis because of stats
Omg! Look at me! I have a 33 KDR! Who cares. Stats mean shit all when it comes to determining a players skill level. "You suck, lol, you only have a fucking 1.5 kdr, fuck you, you suck." How can you, just by looking at ones numbers, judge their skill? You don't even play with them and you judge them. Fuck off.
Knife and Pistol servers, whats so bad about them?
Why the fuck does EA not allow them? They are fun (atleast for 1-2 rounds, then they get stale). People get high scores in them, what the fuck does it matter, they are just measly little numbers. People should be able to have fun on them, rather than knowing the server will probably be closed down in a week because EA. god of all gods, told them to.
Stats ruin the 'team' aspect of BF2'
Very rarely do you see a squad working together well. Instead of capping a flag, people want to sit behind the known spawn point and set up camp on the people who are about to spawn. The game is supposed to be about winning the round, not who gets the best KDR.
Could write alot more...but 5 mins until I have to go to school
Stats have ruined the mod community.
If it wasn't for stats, I reckon more people would be playing mods than normal BF2. Mods like BF2Pro, Project Reality and POE2 are better than BF2. But people never play them, why? Stats. People get too caught up in the numbers and don't play mod servers because they arnt ranked, therefore don't get their precious, precious numbers.
Stats turn people into whores
-Most- people get the J10 on wake, M1A2 on karkand, MI28 on sharqi round after round after round after ro... for one reason...to get a good KDR and improve their stats. No one else besides you gives two shits about your stupid numbers on a website. You rape people in a game who are absolutely defenseless against you as soon as they spawn (TV station, Karkand alley), now wheres the fun in that? There is none. So why do you do it? Oh sir..I just want a good KDR! I just want 10 more hours in a tank to get this rank!
People spend countless hours throwing nades, resupping, throwing again. For what fun? To retain my #1 spot in bf2 sir. If i'm #1 I win the internet.
People flop out the e-penis because of stats
Omg! Look at me! I have a 33 KDR! Who cares. Stats mean shit all when it comes to determining a players skill level. "You suck, lol, you only have a fucking 1.5 kdr, fuck you, you suck." How can you, just by looking at ones numbers, judge their skill? You don't even play with them and you judge them. Fuck off.
Knife and Pistol servers, whats so bad about them?
Why the fuck does EA not allow them? They are fun (atleast for 1-2 rounds, then they get stale). People get high scores in them, what the fuck does it matter, they are just measly little numbers. People should be able to have fun on them, rather than knowing the server will probably be closed down in a week because EA. god of all gods, told them to.
Stats ruin the 'team' aspect of BF2'
Very rarely do you see a squad working together well. Instead of capping a flag, people want to sit behind the known spawn point and set up camp on the people who are about to spawn. The game is supposed to be about winning the round, not who gets the best KDR.
Could write alot more...but 5 mins until I have to go to school
Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (18 years ago)