
Should guns be banned in the US?

Yes, ban 'em all14%14% - 15
No, just control them extensively23%23% - 24
No, just control them a little33%33% - 34
No, dont control them at all15%15% - 16
I don't give a shit, I don't live there8%8% - 9
wtf is a gun?3%3% - 4
Total: 102
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

DesertFox423 wrote:

So we can have a bunch of armed stoners?
Well, the Libertarian part of me favors this idea of completely open gun ownership, but what surprises me is that people seem less worried about guns than they do marijuana.

Pot doesn't kill people, but guns have that potential.  So, even though I don't agree with the gun control freaks, I can at least see where they are coming from.

I don't understand the people who fear legalizing pot at all, but when you guys brought up the futility of enforcement as a rationale behind making gun access easier, it reminded me of how futile the War on Drugs is.
16 more years
+877|6678|South Florida
Plus parents need to teach there children about gun safety!!!!!
Im 15 and i know how to fully operate, unload, clean, and fire a pistol. Thats because my father taught me everything there is to know about a gun and how to use it. I won't show up on the news as "Local boy killed because he was screwing with a gun he thought was unloaded cause thats how they do it in that video game" no. its bullshit. I remember a story about a dumbass who was playing with his fathers gun, took out the magazine and said "There now its unloaded" but there was still a bullet ready to be fired, and he killed himself. The dumbass.

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-02-15 20:25:10)

15 more years! 15 more years!
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6598|The Land of Scott Walker

Turquoise wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

So, you're honestly suggesting we just scrap gun licenses altogether?...
The police will have no better means than to confiscate them being the illegally obtained firearms.
I'll make you a deal....  I'll agree to ending gun licenses, if you agree to legalizing pot.  Ok? 
Fine by me.  I think we're filling too much space in jails with herb smokers that could be holding more dangerous people.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
Sweet!  Time to smoke up...    j/k
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas

Turquoise wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Even with a license system, criminals would obtain guns the way they always have (illegally, outside the system) and the police will have no better means to confiscate them.
So, you're honestly suggesting we just scrap gun licenses altogether?...
You are of course assuming that you have to have a license to get a firearm in the first place... not true everywhere in the US. Here, for example, you have to have a driver's license to prove you are from the State, and you have to pass an NCIC check. That's it. You walk out with your purchased firearm that day.

I think that an instant background check is all the gun control we need. Keep legally purchased firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally unfit. Other than that, no restrictions, no registration, no licenses. If my next door neighbor wants to buy a machine gun, I say let him. I'm not afraid of him (a law abiding citizen) owning a weapon.

Now, if you catch a criminal in possession of a weapon, or using one to commit a crime, I say double the sentance.
bad touch

They can have them if they bring enough firepower to match my defense.
Typical white person.
+389|6913|San Antonio, Texas

stryyker wrote:

They can have them if they bring enough firepower to match my defense.

The only guns I believe they need to regulate is full auto weapons. You really don't need that to go hunting or for self defense.

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

The only guns I believe they need to regulate is full auto weapons. You really don't need that to go hunting or for self defense.
Agreed. The second amendment is a principle that people should be allowed to carry weapons in self defense (probably not the self defense as we see it now but self defense nonetheless). To ban weapons would pretty much be unconstitutional. However, anything with a high caliber/automatic should be regulated, only because you don't need that kind of firepower for defense.
Commie Killer

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

stryyker wrote:

They can have them if they bring enough firepower to match my defense.

The only guns I believe they need to regulate is full auto weapons. You really don't need that to go hunting or for self defense.
One of the major reasons our fore fathers put the "right to bear arms" in the constitution was because they were worried about the government getting to powerful, in otherwords, we use our guns to take back control of the country. While it can be said it is rather unrealistic now, I still believe that as long as your background check clears you there is no reason why we shouldnt be aloud to have any fire arm we want. Hell, if you(a law abiding citizen) want to go spend a few grand on a SMAW then go ahead.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Guns don't kill people....people kill people.  Simple.

The bad guys will still get ahold of guns, relatively easily.  They always have, and always will.
Worded perfectly!  When they outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.

If they were to decide that they wanted to ban guns, then there should be an automatic death penatly for anyone caught with a gun.  Period.  If you are walking around with a gun, your intent must be to kill somebody, and that should be enough to warrant death.

But since there are so many liberals, the above law would never be enacted.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

stryyker wrote:

They can have them if they bring enough firepower to match my defense.

The only guns I believe they need to regulate is full auto weapons. You really don't need that to go hunting or for self defense.
The one shot one kill doctrine says that I don't need a magazine fed weapon to hunt. Hell, I really don't NEED to hunt. I have several grocery stores nearby.

There are lots of things I have that I don't need. I just want them. I don't need the .22 sig pistol I have. But I like it, it's fun to plink with, it's the same size and weight as my carry weapon, and shooting it is WAY cheaper than .40 auto.

Do I need an automatic weapon? Nope. But I want one. A nice little belt fed .22 machine gun would be fun as hell.

My policy is that if there's no reason for me NOT to have it, I should be able to have it. No one NEEDS a Ferarri. My corolla gets to work and back just as well as a ferarri would. But that doesn't stop me from wanting a ferarri, or legislating them illegal. And it's WAY easier (and more common) to kill someone with a car than it is to do it with a weapon, firearm or otherwise.
+12|6710|whitehorse, yukon
coming from canada, gun registration is a farce. criminals just steal the guns to do crimes.  anyways.  i think the states has a gun problem.   it's too deep with gun to simply ban them.  like chris rock says, maybe they should make bullets cost $50,000 a piece... haha  i dunno.  i'll never own a gun.  i'm not scared enough to think i need a gun.   i have shot a gun at a range.  and that is simply fun.  i think all americans should get two free guns when they're born.  fully auto.  natural selection.  kinda.

BigmacK wrote:

Guns should be allowed. The system should stay like it is now. It's the land of the free. Period.
Its also the land of the crazy teenagers shooting anything that moves in shopping centres.  You are welcome to your guns, be as free as you like.

Been there, done that. Voted again.
You get the feeling that if a law was passed in the US along similar lines to what the UK has it could kick off a full on civil war.
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6600|Alice Springs
America NEEDS guns - else you pommeys wouldn't have anything to attack them over. heck the UK has bombs instead.
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6600|Alice Springs
Our Govt (Australia) took our semi auto guns away first - and now their taking away smallish pistols (barrel 6" or smaller) - by the way we have NEVER been allowed to carry concealed guns. funny thing is we still have just as much gun crime cause as has been pointed out here previously - the criminal element will always get whatever guns they want.

Won't be long before some muslim shit blows up a train or bus here. how many guns do they have?
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6600|Alice Springs
two words


bad parents = kiddie gun deaths

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

two words


bad parents = kiddie gun deaths
Bad Parents + access to guns = kiddie gun death.

If the parents were better then kiddie guns deaths would decline and if there was far less access to guns then kiddie gun death would decline.
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6600|Alice Springs

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

two words


bad parents = kiddie gun deaths
Bad Parents + access to guns = kiddie gun death.

If the parents were better then kiddie guns deaths would decline and if there was far less access to guns then kiddie gun death would decline.
I agree with you - bad parents don't control the access as well as they should. Good parents lock guns up in a good gun safe.

in Australia you CANNOT obtain a shooters licence without first having an approved gun safe (Police inspect premises in the Northern Territory) & of course you CANNOT buy a gun without a licence.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America

sergeriver wrote:

Read these stats and tell me guns are not dangerous:
They're not dangerous, people are. I'm especially upset over that school one. Not 50 years ago, you could still bring a firearm to school (but I doubt actually inside) and not get punished for anything because you have done nothing wrong. Now, they'll expel you if you bring a pocket knife to most schools. That was before you had all this "Guns are evil and will kill everyone in your family if you buy one" like it's a living thing rather than a contraption of metal and/or plastic. Also you had the start of any firearm being called a "gun,"...[ugh of disgust].

DesertFox423 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Read these stats and tell me guns are not dangerous:
They're not dangerous, people are.
And people with firearms are even more dangerous than those without, hence the problem.
Un Moderador

BigmacK wrote:

Guns should be allowed. The system should stay like it is now. It's the land of the free. Period.
It is the land of the free over in europe, yet we don't have access to guns as extensively as you have.
Why should it not be called the land of the free if guns are banned?
Do guns make you free? Bullshit.
They are just there to kill and destroy.
Just count up the number of gund deaths in the US, or in just ONE COUNTY and it overtakes the number of gun deaths in more than half the european countries.
"Land of the free". LoL.
We will never be completely free, never be allowed complete free speech, never be allowed to do what we want. Is it free? No it isn't, it is just an expression nowadays.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6891|Great Wall
Let them have guns.. let them kill each other with them.. I'm happy that I live in the country where guns are not allowed.. I feel safe knowing that not many of retards on the streets have guns.. But let americans have them.. it's one of their rights.. let them have it then. As long as they are happy with it it's ok

PS. "land of the free" LOL

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