
Jeeezzzzzzz here we go again. We do not have a Muslim Problem. We have a problem with a small group of extremists. I, like most people in the UK trust the security forces to keep us safe and again they have provin they are diligent. If these guys are guilty or not will come out in time.
Now please can you paranoid Americans just accept that the UK folks on this board are not going to engage in mass hysteria and
a. Give up our civil rights.
b. Polarize our sociality.
c. Drive young Muslims into the hands of the extremists, with the "you have a label anyway, might as well live it" mentality.

It shows the differences between our societies if these boards are a microcosm of the two populations. The UK folks on here are generally happy that a small group of Extremists are the threat and our security forces have it under control. Were as some US folks seam to want us to look at every UK Muslim as a potential terrorist and join in this mass hysteria witch hunt. It amazes me how much effort you put into assigning blame and looking into the past. Look present, were the threat is, look to the future and try to be positive.

I am a peaceful Irish Republican Living in Occupied Northern Ireland. Should every UK citizen look upon me as a potential terrorist?

fadedsteve wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

The truth is muslims ARE trying to kill us and you too!!
Huh? I saw muslims the other day at the pool and talked to my two muslim friends and for some strange reason they didn't have any intentions of killing me, so I don't think I'll join the "Modern McCarthyism" that many people seem to have adapted in recent times.
I meant RADICAL MUSLIMS, I am not daft, I realize not all muslims are trying to kill us. . . .

It was a generalization, sorry you picked it up and ran with it like Bo Jackson running for a touchdown. . .

Oh you probably have no idea who Bo Jackson is. . . Famous NFL running back ftw!!!
Well then AMERICANS are plotting to kill me too. I'm a Belgian, and anti-Iraq-war. That makes me a target for being shot by americans.

I off course meant RADICAL Americans, you know, the Biblethumping-holed-up-in a-mountain-cabin, right to bear arms to defend against the king of England invading, freedom of speech is for liberal weeners- type of terrorists. But upon readinng the above paragraph YOU will have felt targeted. Welcome to the wonderful world of overgeneralisation and, in general, misleading and false rhetoric.

In all truth: HUMANS are wanting to kill each of us, every day. Dangerous species, if you ask me.

Last edited by DexterBelgium (2007-02-01 02:55:00)


Haha, do as we, the dutch do. Grab those who wish to hurt your country, put them in jail, but women beside them in jail = win!
So another 9 arrested...without real evidence..just liek the ones that supposed to bomb the airline with water or fluid...

Now i already feel pretty pissed of i cant take drinks in the airline anymore because Government pets from USA like to frighten the people with things THAT might happen everyday with Selfdetonating Muslims etc around you.

and yeah , you should sometimes arrest people...because most will buy your story"+shit their pants" and you can play your war somewhere in jalalalaalalalabad or kinda.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6727|United States of America

Bubbalo wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Im basing this conclusion on the fact that your media cant stop talking about it and most some American on these forums talks about Muslims being terrorists.
Oh please.  If it isn't Muslims, then it's Iraq, which then turns into Muslims.
I tend to disagree with that statement

TeamZephyr wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

The truth is muslims ARE trying to kill us and you too!!
Huh? I saw muslims the other day at the pool and talked to my two muslim friends and for some strange reason they didn't have any intentions of killing me, so I don't think I'll join the "Modern McCarthyism" that many people seem to have adapted in recent times.
Wow, crazy that. I spent 2 years working with a young Muslim lady from Iran. She didn't try to blow me up even once. Who'd have guessed....
The Lizzard
I love how a few criminals are arrested and suddenly the UK has a Muslim problem.  How many Christians are arrested for murder in the US?  Does the US have a Christian problem?

Besides which, your assertion that direct combat actions stop these kinds of things is demonstrably false: this was stopped by police work, not running around halfway around the world killing people.  If you were right, the police never would have had to arrest them.
+374|6409|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Btw when are you going to wake up and realise nearly your whole country is paralysed with fear of Muslims.
No, generalising would be saying your whole country is paralysed with fear of Muslims.

But then, you wouldn't be the sort of person to let the truth get in the way of a good story, would you.
If I said nearly all muslims are terrorists, you would start crying and moaning like a little girl.

Bubbalo wrote:

Besides which, your assertion that direct combat actions stop these kinds of things is demonstrably false: this was stopped by police work, not running around halfway around the world killing people.  If you were right, the police never would have had to arrest them.
+226|6785|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

crimson_grunt wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:


Nope the UK doesnt have an extremist problem in their populace at all. . . . .
Thats correct we don't have a 'Problem'.  Yes there is some bad guys but i think the article shows our police are doing a damn fine job of stopping it.  As the article shows the attack was stopped before it happened.

I'm going to keep posting these links until people stop accusing the UK of not knowing or caring about extremists:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4690224.stm - Radical Hate preacher arrested
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6267243.stm - London bombers arrested
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6318735.stm - Kidnap plot foiled before it started

fadedsteve wrote:

When are people going to wake up and realize that these people are dangerous, and diplomacy has never aided in swaying them from these types of actions.
I guess you never followed the situation with the IRA.  Seems to me that was one terrorist/extremist threat that was stopped with diplomacy.

No offense but the UK has been dealing with terrorism for a hell of a long time and were confident that our police/army etc know what their doing.
The IRA never killed in the name of Catholicism, there is a difference - where the diplomatic solution to a world Islamic state lies, i dunno tbh..
+226|6785|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

JahManRed wrote:

Jeeezzzzzzz here we go again. We do not have a Muslim Problem. We have a problem with a small group of extremists. I, like most people in the UK trust the security forces to keep us safe and again they have provin they are diligent. If these guys are guilty or not will come out in time.
Now please can you paranoid Americans just accept that the UK folks on this board are not going to engage in mass hysteria and
a. Give up our civil rights.
b. Polarize our sociality.
c. Drive young Muslims into the hands of the extremists, with the "you have a label anyway, might as well live it" mentality.

It shows the differences between our societies if these boards are a microcosm of the two populations. The UK folks on here are generally happy that a small group of Extremists are the threat and our security forces have it under control. Were as some US folks seam to want us to look at every UK Muslim as a potential terrorist and join in this mass hysteria witch hunt. It amazes me how much effort you put into assigning blame and looking into the past. Look present, were the threat is, look to the future and try to be positive.

I am a peaceful Irish Republican Living in Occupied Northern Ireland. Should every UK citizen look upon me as a potential terrorist?
You're quare craic Jahmanred - Oh how the times have change eh? Not very often you see a paragraph like that..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2007-02-01 06:28:10)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6696|Teesside, UK

IG-Calibre wrote:

The IRA never killed in the name of Catholicism, there is a difference - where the diplomatic solution to a world Islamic state lies, i dunno tbh..
Yeah I know it's not the exact same same situation.  Was merely trying to point out that the uk is familiar with terrorism and ways to try and avoid creating it and were not sat with fingers in our ears going "la la la nothing bad going on here" like were constantly getting accused of doing on these forums but instead are doing our best to try and solve the problem without escalating it.

With the IRA problem it took a long time for all sides to start listening to each other and find a solution.  And I'm proud of that success which is why i get pissed off when people come along and says great Britain knows nothing about how to deal with terrorism.  The police/army etc have plenty of experience and I trust them to deal with it.  Besides the article that started this thread was the bad guys being arrested before the attack so i think thats a good sign. 

p.s. I'm not advocating listening to the radicals but we need to try not alienate the rest of the Muslim people.
Say wat!?

IG-Calibre wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

Jeeezzzzzzz here we go again. We do not have a Muslim Problem. We have a problem with a small group of extremists. I, like most people in the UK trust the security forces to keep us safe and again they have provin they are diligent. If these guys are guilty or not will come out in time.
Now please can you paranoid Americans just accept that the UK folks on this board are not going to engage in mass hysteria and
a. Give up our civil rights.
b. Polarize our sociality.
c. Drive young Muslims into the hands of the extremists, with the "you have a label anyway, might as well live it" mentality.

It shows the differences between our societies if these boards are a microcosm of the two populations. The UK folks on here are generally happy that a small group of Extremists are the threat and our security forces have it under control. Were as some US folks seam to want us to look at every UK Muslim as a potential terrorist and join in this mass hysteria witch hunt. It amazes me how much effort you put into assigning blame and looking into the past. Look present, were the threat is, look to the future and try to be positive.

I am a peaceful Irish Republican Living in Occupied Northern Ireland. Should every UK citizen look upon me as a potential terrorist?
You're quare craic Jahmanred - Oh how the times have change eh? Not very often you see a paragraph like that..
lol yeah didnt notice that, not sure if he is just taking the piss with that paragraph now.

+123|6506| Heaven
The IRA never killed in the name of Catholicism,

The IRA killed Protestants for being protestants, didn't they?
+171|6704|The Outer Circle

...I see this kind of thing many a day, Its amazed me how long it has taken for something to be done about it.

I live in a 'predominantly' muslim area, I feel myself as being the only white man in the area, I'm not but you do feel the way sometimes. I can tell you first hand, that a majority of muslims in this area are towards extremism. I'm not saying they are 'extremists' but they do sympathize with the ideals of jihad etc..

If any of you watched the Panorama documentary on C4 the other week you will also find that the Green Lane Mosque is also fairly near to me (bout 1 1/2mi).

TBH, I'm not sure what points I'm trying to get across here, But I suppose its one of somebody who lives within the area of the current area that has been exposed by the media.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6696|Teesside, UK

TPM-J45P3R- wrote:

I can tell you first hand, that a majority of muslims in this area are towards extremism. I'm not saying they are 'extremists' but they do sympathize with the ideals of jihad etc..
Out of interest how do you know this?
this is the best we can do?

DesertFox423 wrote:

By "...these people are dangerous..." I hope you're just referring to those arrested. Sure they can say they would do it in the name of Islam but that doesn't make the religion violent at all. You could attempt to assassinate a president in the name of Jodie Foster but that doesn't mean she would advocate it.
Last week these people were not feared.  Today they are.
Bringing Sexy Back
We've always had terror problems it's just that the flavour of the month is muslims and in the next few years it will be something else.
Mr. Bigglesworth

crimson_grunt wrote:

TPM-J45P3R- wrote:

I can tell you first hand, that a majority of muslims in this area are towards extremism. I'm not saying they are 'extremists' but they do sympathize with the ideals of jihad etc..
Out of interest how do you know this?
The guys telling you he lives here and that is what he feels. What more do you need?
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6533|Menlo Park, CA

Bubbalo wrote:

I love how a few criminals are arrested and suddenly the UK has a Muslim problem.  How many Christians are arrested for murder in the US?  Does the US have a Christian problem?

Besides which, your assertion that direct combat actions stop these kinds of things is demonstrably false: this was stopped by police work, not running around halfway around the world killing people.  If you were right, the police never would have had to arrest them.
Few?? They are arrested all the time!! The UK DOES have an immigration problem, and that problem is over- immigration from middle eastern countries P E R I O D!

The USA have a Christian problem?. . . .cmon. . .the only radical christians are the ones who protest in front of abortion clinics etc. and those who do start trouble there, are swiftly arrested.  So no that analogy is wrong on your end.

My assertion of direct combat action is right on btw.  Whens the last time you have seen a terrorist state/organization come to the negotiation table and stop their actions. . . . . .(The IRA is alive and well in Ireland so they are not a good example).  It hasnt happend. . . .containing the problem (which hasnt worked) doesnt STOP the problem. . .

We had to go "half way around the world" to fight the Taliban/al-Qaeda, and from what we have seen those DIRECT COMBAT actions have led to a lot of foiled plots we otherwise wouldn't have known about. . . Not too mention the deaths/captures of individuals who we otherwise wouldnt have caught without taking the fight to them. . . .WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE THE TERRORISTS A BREAK?? It flat out boggles my mind. . .

Last edited by fadedsteve (2007-02-01 13:28:57)

The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

No, generalising would be saying your whole country is paralysed with fear of Muslims.

But then, you wouldn't be the sort of person to let the truth get in the way of a good story, would you.
If I said nearly all muslims are terrorists, you would start crying and moaning like a little girl.
Oh, I'm so offended that you've compared me to a little girl.  However will I go on with my life .

The difference is that your statement is ludicrously untrue.

Vilham wrote:

They are called criminals... they are treated as such. We catch criminals, you don't... end of.

Btw when are you going to wake up and realise nearly your whole country is paralysed with fear of Muslims.
Nobody is paralysed with fear of anything, they are pissed off, big difference. Everyone is sick to death of the ME. nobody fears them
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6696|Teesside, UK

rawls2 wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

TPM-J45P3R- wrote:

I can tell you first hand, that a majority of muslims in this area are towards extremism. I'm not saying they are 'extremists' but they do sympathize with the ideals of jihad etc..
Out of interest how do you know this?
The guys telling you he lives here and that is what he feels. What more do you need?
Err evidence.  He is speaking for virtually the entire Muslim population in his city I would like to know what gave him that impression its a simple question.  I too live in an area with a Muslim population and so far I haven't noticed them all chanting in the streets firing guns in to the air.  I would like to know what specific 'first hand' experience he has baring in mind the media is second hand information.
Δ > x > ¥

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

They are called criminals... they are treated as such. We catch criminals, you don't... end of.

Btw when are you going to wake up and realise nearly your whole country is paralysed with fear of Muslims.
Nobody is paralysed with fear of anything, they are pissed off, big difference. Everyone is sick to death of the ME. nobody fears them
I'm sick to death of goddamned septics interfering in my country's business.  Our intelligence services and police are doing their jobs and weeding out the radicals.  The mainstream muslims are condemning the criminal elements.  Everything's fine.

What's really pissing me off at the moment is that the youth of today is largely uncaring about people, property and proper behaviour.  That's the white youth.  All the asians and 2nd generation immigrants I see are well behaved.  They care about education and good behaviour.  White kids don't give a shit.

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