Say wat!?
See your right polux, i do moan, as is my fucking right. The thing I moan about is certain Americans, as listed above. Most Americans I agree with most of the time, on the whole I agree with Kmarion, and other moderate Americans. I appologise if anyway was offended by my "you Americans are just racist sons of bitches." By "you Americans" I was referring to the Americans that had posted in this thread with views that they grouped all Muslims together into one group.

However some of the Americans who have posted here are clearly RACIST, Usmarine even admitted to hating all Muslims based on what a few had done. That is called RACISM. There is no way around that, someone who groups a who demographic of the human race based on an even small demographic is a racist son of a bitch.

I'm not afraid to call people I notice being racist racist. They can hide behind their words all they want, but I know where someone is going when they say something. I'm not going to claim that someone I know deep down is a racist isn't because they haven't come out and directly said it.

As I said before I'm sorry if anyone who is a moderate was offended by my comment.

As I have said in anther thread. I base my opinion upon people based on what they have done and said, I don't do it based on their skin colour or their religion. I'm sure someone will mention that based on what I have said i am a racist against Americans, well as you can see I have corrected any mis viewings of my words.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-01-25 19:20:42)

Not all of the world's Muslims are arabs, some are african, some asian and some are white.

My taxi driver on new years eve was an Iranian Muslim, he was nice enough and was of the opinion that the worlds leaders use religion as a way of manipulating people, even Mahmoud Abdwhatever.  Theres an Afghan takeaways place down the road from my new flat.  The people there are really friendly, more friendly than most other takeaway workers.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

Pubic wrote:

Not all of the world's Muslims are arabs, some are african, some asian and some are white.

My taxi driver on new years eve was an Iranian Muslim, he was nice enough and was of the opinion that the worlds leaders use religion as a way of manipulating people, even Mahmoud Abdwhatever.  Theres an Afghan takeaways place down the road from my new flat.  The people there are really friendly, more friendly than most other takeaway workers.
I had a long pleasant conversation with a guy from Iran the other day. At first he was reluctant to admit it, but after he opened up he really opened up.

The gist of what he said. The poeple of the ME and Iran are just trying to make money, just like we are. People fight, people die, and who gets rich? people like Bush and Ahmadinerjacket. He said that if the U.S. and Israel could have attacked Iran and disrupted the nuclear program they would have by now.
He was just happy to be in America.

He said a lot more that was  really interesting, such as how Persians own most of Beverly Hills. They came in the 70's after the revolution when it was a lot of hills and shitty small houses. They bought houses at $300k that are now worth 3-7 million. Crazy.
Cheeseburger Logicist

smtt686 wrote:

Don't they have a Holy Land that would be much more comfortable than what they have to deal with now?

What would happen if I went to a muslim country and chanted anti arab/persian threats/slogans their?

I really don't get it.
A Holy Land? Such as Canaan, also known as Palestine or Israel?

If I understand you, you seem to question why they may leave their holy lands. Mostly, Arabian nations are not exactly first world nations, and most Muslims emigrating from the Middle East seek a better life, and hence why most do not pose a threat to the West. They are not seeking to chant threats or slogans, but live normal lives in a better country.

Where are these Muslims that are chanting anti-Western threats and slogans? Yes, there may be a few radicals, but they are not in the open, committing these acts. In many Western countries, it is illegal to say such things.

ATG wrote:

Just take them at face value. Listen to their words.

the original videos I posted have been shut down by youtube for unknown reasons

I say kill them all, extremists are nothing but trouble waiting to happen, or tragedy.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Vilham wrote:

See your right polux, i do moan, as is my fucking right.
I think you misunderstood me. You moan in EVERY thread. Even harmless junk drawer threads. Your entire existence on BF2s has been non-stop bitching. You will enter a thread that everyone else is enjoying and bitch and complain. It is like a broken record. Not to mention, you are infatuated with me and everything I post. If I make a thread, you will surely respond with your whining...all the time, every time. My guess is that you are very insecure about something. If not, why go through all the trouble over something so harmless?

As for this debate, you have provided nothing constructive. Come on man, did you plan out this irony?

Vilham wrote:

There is no way around that, someone who groups a who demographic of the human race based on an even small demographic is a racist son of a bitch.

Vilham wrote:

you Americans are just racist sons of bitches

For someone who is so adamantly playing the race card, you are quite the hypocrite. You are emulating the very thing you just went on a tirade against.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

Vilham wrote:

See your right polux, i do moan, as is my fucking right. The thing I moan about is certain Americans, as listed above. Most Americans I agree with most of the time, on the whole I agree with Kmarion, and other moderate Americans. I apologies if anyway was offended by my "you Americans are just racist sons of bitches." By "you Americans" I was referring to the Americans that had posted in this thread with views that they grouped all Muslims together into one group.

However some of the Americans who have posted here are clearly RACIST, Usmarine even admitted to hating all Muslims based on what a few had done. That is called RACISM. There is no way around that, someone who groups a who demographic of the human race based on an even small demographic is a racist son of a bitch.

I'm not afraid to call people I notice being racist racist. They can hide behind their words all they want, but I know where someone is going when they say something. I'm not going to claim that someone I know deep down is a racist isn't because they haven't come out and directly said it.

As I said before I'm sorry if anyone who is a moderate was offended by my comment.

As I have said in anther thread. I base my opinion upon people based on what they have done and said, I don't do it based on their skin colour or their religion. I'm sure someone will mention that based on what I have said i am a racist against Americans, well as you can see I have corrected any mis viewings of my words.
Please, will you stop referring to Islam as a race. You may call me anti-Muslim, but that doesn't make me a racist. My wife is half Mexican...HELLO!!! The only thing whiter than me is milk so it's a baseless charge.

My beef is not against Islam; I could wipe my arse with the Koran or the Bible, but I wouldn't out of respect for others beliefs. It their tendency to go around saying convert or die that makes me notice them. I can assure you I would feel the same towards Catholics ( and don't get me started on Catholics ) if they were making a habit out of going to places and declaring Catholic law and making people pray to Jebus five times a day or be beheaded.

It's absolutely fucking amazing that Western cultures tolerate the kind of war speech the radicals speak. It's against the law to incite a riot, how is chanting death to Denmark any different?


Looks like the title of the thread was unpopular.

Last edited by ATG (2007-01-25 22:46:59)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7152|Cologne, Germany

well, it wasn't me.

you want me to find out ?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7152|Cologne, Germany

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Vilham wrote:

See your right polux, i do moan, as is my fucking right.
I think you misunderstood me. You moan in EVERY thread. Even harmless junk drawer threads. Your entire existence on BF2s has been non-stop bitching. You will enter a thread that everyone else is enjoying and bitch and complain. It is like a broken record. Not to mention, you are infatuated with me and everything I post. If I make a thread, you will surely respond with your whining...all the time, every time. My guess is that you are very insecure about something. If not, why go through all the trouble over something so harmless?

As for this debate, you have provided nothing constructive. Come on man, did you plan out this irony?

Vilham wrote:

There is no way around that, someone who groups a who demographic of the human race based on an even small demographic is a racist son of a bitch.

Vilham wrote:

you Americans are just racist sons of bitches

For someone who is so adamantly playing the race card, you are quite the hypocrite. You are emulating the very thing you just went on a tirade against. … cecard.jpg
nice job of taking one isolated sentence out of the context of a whole post. Vilham said also

Vilham wrote:

By "you Americans" I was referring to the Americans that had posted in this thread with views that they grouped all Muslims together into one group.
and he added

Vilham wrote:

As I said before I'm sorry if anyone who is a moderate was offended by my comment.
Some people here have a strange tendency to only reply to those parts of other people's posts which seem to provide easy "ammunition" ( so-to-speak )...
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

B.Schuss wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Vilham wrote:

See your right polux, i do moan, as is my fucking right.
I think you misunderstood me. You moan in EVERY thread. Even harmless junk drawer threads. Your entire existence on BF2s has been non-stop bitching. You will enter a thread that everyone else is enjoying and bitch and complain. It is like a broken record. Not to mention, you are infatuated with me and everything I post. If I make a thread, you will surely respond with your whining...all the time, every time. My guess is that you are very insecure about something. If not, why go through all the trouble over something so harmless?

As for this debate, you have provided nothing constructive. Come on man, did you plan out this irony?

Vilham wrote:

There is no way around that, someone who groups a who demographic of the human race based on an even small demographic is a racist son of a bitch.

Vilham wrote:

you Americans are just racist sons of bitches

For someone who is so adamantly playing the race card, you are quite the hypocrite. You are emulating the very thing you just went on a tirade against. … cecard.jpg
nice job of taking one isolated sentence out of the context of a whole post. Vilham said also

Vilham wrote:

By "you Americans" I was referring to the Americans that had posted in this thread with views that they grouped all Muslims together into one group.
He should have quoted someone originally or maybe named the particular ones he was thinking of. He clarified after the fact but originally it seemed like a generalization.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Say wat!?
As you can see that whole post was to change that. As to pollux, what a surprise, he rights more crap. But thats what we expect of pollux these days, o and by the way pollux, the reason you see me moan is because you only ever frequent your attention whore posts and a few in Ds&T Thus wouldnt notice that most of my posts are actually constructive. "very insecure about something" is what you are, clearly you attention whore alot. I just point this out so others stop giving you this attention and you finally fuck off to the doctors.

As you will well know kmarion sometimes people dont have hours to plan out some well worded speech that doesnt get mis interpreted. And as i have already said, sorry if it offended you.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

smtt686 wrote:

What would happen if I went to a Muslim country and chanted anti Arab/persian threats/slogans their?
so your saying take a leaf out of people like Saddam Husain's book?  If people said things he didn't like in his country then his secret police/assassin squad would have made a visit.  Are you saying that thats the method we take?

Or do use the methods were using now and arrest/deport them when we have enough evidence to make a case that will stick so that we are not turning borderline believers against us with perceived human rights violations.

I know it's crazy but we've got to not sink down to the level of the haters.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Kmarion wrote:

He should have quoted someone originally or maybe named the particular ones he was thinking of. He clarified after the fact but originally it seemed like a generalization.

And like ATG said, stop throwing around the term "Racist". It isn't even applicable here. Countering a potentially rational argument with just "you're all racist" is not constructive in any way.

Vilham wrote:

As you can see that whole post was to change that. As to pollux, what a surprise, he rights more crap. But thats what we expect of pollux these days, o and by the way pollux, the reason you see me moan is because you only ever frequent your attention whore posts and a few in Ds&T Thus wouldnt notice that most of my posts are actually constructive. "very insecure about something" is what you are, clearly you attention whore alot. I just point this out so others stop giving you this attention and you finally fuck off to the doctors.
So in other words you're pissed that a few people might be enjoying my threads? The ONLY reason I recognize your name is because of your constant bitching in every thread I make. This is beyond just being an anti-attention whore, this is borderline obsessive. If anyone wants to get a better idea of what I'm talking about, look at ANY drunk drawer thread I've made in the past few months and look for Vilham's replies.

If you want to be so critical, Vilham, how about posting an entertaining thread of your own instead of just trolling all of mine? It would be a first for you.

Vilham wrote:

As you will well know kmarion sometimes people dont have hours to plan out some well worded speech that doesnt get mis interpreted. And as i have already said, sorry if it offended you.
Please tell me how this was misinterpreted:

Vilham wrote:

you Americans are just racist sons of bitches
A comment like that has no place in a mature debate. You have no room to question the posts of anyone else.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2007-01-26 07:26:25)

Say wat!?

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

He should have quoted someone originally or maybe named the particular ones he was thinking of. He clarified after the fact but originally it seemed like a generalization.

And like ATG said, stop throwing around the term "Racist". It isn't even applicable here. Countering a potentially rational argument with just "you're all racist" is not constructive in any way.

Vilham wrote:

As you can see that whole post was to change that. As to pollux, what a surprise, he rights more crap. But thats what we expect of pollux these days, o and by the way pollux, the reason you see me moan is because you only ever frequent your attention whore posts and a few in Ds&T Thus wouldnt notice that most of my posts are actually constructive. "very insecure about something" is what you are, clearly you attention whore alot. I just point this out so others stop giving you this attention and you finally fuck off to the doctors.
So in other words you're pissed that a few people might be enjoying my threads? The ONLY reason I recognize your name is because of your constant bitching in every thread I make. This is beyond just being an anti-attention whore, this is borderline obsessive. If anyone wants to get a better idea of what I'm talking about, look at ANY drunk drawer thread I've made in the past few months and look for Vilham's replies.

If you want to be so critical, Vilham, how about posting an entertaining thread of your own instead of just trolling all of mine? It would be a first for you.

Vilham wrote:

As you will well know kmarion sometimes people dont have hours to plan out some well worded speech that doesnt get mis interpreted. And as i have already said, sorry if it offended you.
Please tell me how this was misinterpreted:

Vilham wrote:

you Americans are just racist sons of bitches
A comment like that has no place in a mature debate. You have no room to question the posts of anyone else.
Yet again, you ignore what I have previously written... what a surprise. Tbh I dont care what you think pollux. If there is anyone on the forum I could care less about what they say to me, its you. All of the Americans that had posted in this thread before that comment had said that it is a problem without any kind of justification other than the fact that they are Muslim, that is racism.

I have already corrected anyone mis interpretation. Therefore where you are going here is NO WHERE. I have every right to critise people that have NEVER been to the UK, rarely see any kind of coverage of the UK and yet claim we have a Muslim problem and that they should all be punished because of a very select few.

I also dont frequent all your gay attention whore posts, only some of them. No where near obsessive. You posting 2 or 3 a week is obsessive though.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-01-26 07:32:03)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Again, this is not "racism".

There are Muslims of EVERY race.
Say wat!?
fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-01-26 07:40:58)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

B.Schuss wrote:

well, it wasn't me.

you want me to find out ?
It was Ty, and I'm alright with it. He's a good mod who did what he thought would better keep the peace.

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Dang, so proposing to your daughter wouldn't go down well?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Dang, so proposing to your daughter wouldn't go down well?
If you plan on imposing the Muslim beliefs about women in your relationship with her, no it is best you do not propose to my daughter
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance.
Yes we get it you hate them.  what do you want us to do about it?  start hating them because some guy we don't know on an Internet games forums thinks we should?

lowing wrote:

Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
I feel exactly the same way about the Christian people who use a book wrote 2000 years ago to justify killing people who perform abortions despite the same book condemning their very actions.  These people have no place in modern society also.  but they are. What are we supposed to do?  kill anyone with inappropriate belief systems?

The people in charge in Europe are aware of the problem and dealing with it in a way they deem appropriate, I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your approval but then they have got to operate outside prejudice and hatred.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-26 16:07:07)

Ambitious but Rubbish

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
You hate them all, every single one, no exception?

I feel sorry for you that you need to feel that way about a entire race of people, guess hitler had the same thoughts about the jews.

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance.
Yes we get it you hate them.  what do you want us to do about it?  start hating them because some guy we don't know on an Internet games forums thinks we should?

lowing wrote:

Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
I feel exactly the same way about the Christian people who use a book wrote 2000 years ago to justify killing people who perform abortions despite the same book condemning their very actions.  These people have no place in modern society also.  but they are. What are we supposed to do?  kill anyone with inappropriate belief systems?

The people in charge in Europe are aware of the problem and dealing with it in a way they deem appropriate, I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your approval but then they have got to operate outside prejudice and hatred.
Ya lost me......I don't give two shits who you like or dislike and I certainly never said you should believe what I believe. This is a forum, I gave my opinion. "What should I do, not say my opinion in a forum because some guy I don't know on the internet says I shouldn't?"

We agree abortion clenic bombers and murders are terrorists and should be dealt with accordingly. It is typical of the irrational thinking of such people to commit the vewry crimes they are trying to stop.

Yes, punish anyone who has a belief system that sets out to deny you of YOUR right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and HAPPINESS and actually acts on it..

paranoid101 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
You hate them all, every single one, no exception?

I feel sorry for you that you need to feel that way about a entire race of people, guess hitler had the same thoughts about the jews.
Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that beleives I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam. I am after all, an infedel remember? Pardon me if I hate the idea of being killed for not participating in their bullshit.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

Yes, punish anyone who has a belief system that sets out to deny you of YOUR right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and HAPPINESS and actually acts on it..
So in a nutshell your saying that if someone is Muslim they are trying to kill us all if we don't convert to their beliefs?

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-26 16:26:14)

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