All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

ATG wrote:

Ya, I more like to kill myself instead you bastard
So you are trying to now claim the racial profiling of a whole race based on a TINY minority, is not racist? I think you sir are delusional.
It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
1.  They don't give a fuck about the great Satan's battle with a load of bearded uncles and vice versa.


2.  As B.Schuss correctly identified, they are too westernised to give a fuck, like me  

You're on your own, good luck.

Yeah, the ones that protested about cartoon? More extremists i am afraid, not representative.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
In response to the the new video posted.  Of which i watched for about 20 seconds and laughed raucously.

I would have slapped him and told him to shut the fuck up.  Look at him, i bet he's on drugs.

How can you take these people seriously?! I nearly wet myself listening to him.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

So you are trying to now claim the racial profiling of a whole race based on a TINY minority, is not racist? I think you sir are delusional.
It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
1.  They don't give a fuck about the great Satan's battle with a load of bearded uncles and vice versa.


2.  As B.Schuss correctly identified, they are too westernised to give a fuck, like me  

You're on your own, good luck.

Yeah, the ones that protested about cartoon? More extremists i am afraid, not representative.
Not sure I understand you or Schuss.  When that cartoon thing happened, every local news channel was talking to the local muslim community, which the all expressed anger.  Yet that anger could not be found BEFORE we resumed hostilities in Iraq when they cut off that one dudes head.  Explain that to me?  You say they don't care, but it sure does not seem that way when you talk about Israel or mohammed.
Cheeseburger Logicist

usmarine2007 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

ATG wrote:

Ya, I more like to kill myself instead you bastard
So you are trying to now claim the racial profiling of a whole race based on a TINY minority, is not racist? I think you sir are delusional.
It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
Essentially, you are not worried about violent criminals, but you are worried about normal people trying to live their lives peacefully?

Perhaps I will blame Vancouverites for not speaking out against violence against women, instead of blaming serial killer Willie Pickton. That's how ridiculous you sound.

Continuing to ignore what many Muslims do to condemn radical Islamists will not solve the problem.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Drakef wrote:

Perhaps I will blame Vancouverites for not speaking out against violence against women, instead of blaming serial killer Willie Pickton. That's how ridiculous you sound.
I am not blaming anyone for anything you asshat, read more carefully.
Cheeseburger Logicist

usmarine2007 wrote:

Drakef wrote:

Perhaps I will blame Vancouverites for not speaking out against violence against women, instead of blaming serial killer Willie Pickton. That's how ridiculous you sound.
I am not blaming anyone for anything you asshat, read more carefully.
Perhaps you failed to read the entire paragraph. It is as ridiculous to make such a claim as I did, not the same claim.

Let me try again:

It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
Essentially, you are not worried about violent criminals, but you are worried about normal people trying to live their lives peacefully?
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

usmarine2007 wrote:

It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
Personally If I'd managed to claim asylum in the UK because things weren't safe in my home country and my life so far had been dominated by fear.  The last thing I would do once I'd started a new home is start calling attention to myself by condemning terrorists.   No I'd get a job and try to live a normal life for the sake of my family which is what so many are doing.  Yes these people aren't condemning these acts but their also not celebrating them.

UON wrote:

lowing wrote:

UON wrote:

lowing wrote:

Of my entire paragraph, half of a sentence is all you can debate?? Oh well.

The UN deemed Iraq a security threat to the world. Yet refused to do anything about Iraq for over 10 years, except threaten "serious consequences" if it did not comply with the resolutions. Since the UN didn't act. The US did, on its own behalf, for our own nation security reasons. Security reasons, the rest of the world agreed were real, given the intel of the day.
Riiiiiiiiiiiight.  Which is why the inspections had resumed just before the invasion...

Can I just say; great plan for long term national security, now America is tied up in quagmires on two fronts and everything.

Running cover for Clinton's blowjob scandal?
"riiiiiight"?!!......maybe you need to go back and re-read the resolutions and see for yourself that the UN held Iraq as a high threat to world peace.
I expect more of the member nations regard Amerca as a bigger threat to world peace.  The only reason there aren't any resolutions against America is the veto system, no-one can get them through.  You won't find any passed resolutions can you find condemning any of the five veto weilding states.

And you can squirm and wriggle all you want to say that it was permitted by UN resolutions, but it wasn't. 

Kofi Annan, BBC, September, 2004 wrote:

"From our point of view and from the Charter point of view it (the war) was illegal."
The coalition were essentially a vigilante lynch mob, and like all lynch mobs it ended up with someone being put in front of a kangaroo court then strung up.
I don't have to "squirm and wriggle", I never said the resolutions gave permittion for the US to do anything. I said the UN recognized Iraq as a threat ( WHICH IT DID, or dispute it) and that the US grew tired of the UN to act on its threats and in the name of our own national security acted themselves.
Junglist Massive

lowing wrote:

UON wrote:

The coalition were essentially a vigilante lynch mob, and like all lynch mobs it ended up with someone being put in front of a kangaroo court then strung up.
I don't have to "squirm and wriggle", I never said the resolutions gave permittion for the US to do anything. I said the UN recognized Iraq as a threat ( WHICH IT DID, or dispute it) and that the US grew tired of the UN to act on its threats and in the name of our own national security acted themselves.
In other words, a vigilante lynch mob...
+5,233|6840|Global Command

UON wrote:

lowing wrote:

UON wrote:

The coalition were essentially a vigilante lynch mob, and like all lynch mobs it ended up with someone being put in front of a kangaroo court then strung up.
I don't have to "squirm and wriggle", I never said the resolutions gave permittion for the US to do anything. I said the UN recognized Iraq as a threat ( WHICH IT DID, or dispute it) and that the US grew tired of the UN to act on its threats and in the name of our own national security acted themselves.
In other words, a vigilante lynch mob...
That's silly.
conservative hatemonger
dude...  that is completely stupid
the US acted on what we believed could be a threat to National security, and did so because the UN was not doing anything besides bicker and moan
Mass Media Casualty

Get this thread back on topic or it will be closed. It is not about the invasion of Iraq.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The Microwave Man
The new video is unreal. Half way through I'm like OK it's not so bad, at least they aren't trashing the UK itself. Then low and behold....... unreal man just unreal.
+5,233|6840|Global Command
The original videos showed hidden footage from inside mosques. It showed radical books and tapes being sold in the parking lot flee markets I guess they have.

Not all Muslims are bad, but to deny England, and indeed all of Europe have a Muslim problem is to deny the obvious.

By admitting there is a problem, perhaps a real fix can  be found, and I haven't made any suggestions as to what that might be.


Wow, 363 replies and 15 pages, it seems I picked a hot topic.

Last edited by ATG (2007-01-21 22:20:46)

The Lizzard

ATG wrote:

Not all Muslims are bad, but to deny England, and indeed all of Europe have a Muslim problem is to deny the obvious.
They also have problems with crime, employment, literacy and a slew of other things.  In fact, the problems of any country are innumerable.  The question is whether any one problem outweighs others.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7152|Cologne, Germany

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Not all Muslims are bad, but to deny England, and indeed all of Europe have a Muslim problem is to deny the obvious.
They also have problems with crime, employment, literacy and a slew of other things.  In fact, the problems of any country are innumerable.  The question is whether any one problem outweighs others.
Quite right. For example, I bet my ass more people have died last year alone, in car accidents, or shootings, or through passive smoking-related illnesses, than have been killed by violent muslim fanatics.

Yet, people still drive cars, smoke cigarettes and buy firearms.
Junglist Massive

Blehm98 wrote:

dude...  that is completely stupid
the US acted on what we believed could be a threat to National security, and did so because the UN was not doing anything besides bicker and moan

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigilante wrote:

In modern Western society, the term is frequently applied to those citizens who "take the law into their own hands," meting out "frontier justice" when they perceive that the actions of established authorities are insufficient.
You've restated the definition of vigilante, then said I was stupid to describe the coalition actions as vigilante.  Great own goal.

Ty wrote:

Get this thread back on topic or it will be closed. It is not about the invasion of Iraq.
It's a closely related subject.  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, … 92,00.html
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7152|Cologne, Germany

usmarine2007 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
1.  They don't give a fuck about the great Satan's battle with a load of bearded uncles and vice versa.


2.  As B.Schuss correctly identified, they are too westernised to give a fuck, like me  

You're on your own, good luck.

Yeah, the ones that protested about cartoon? More extremists i am afraid, not representative.
Not sure I understand you or Schuss.  When that cartoon thing happened, every local news channel was talking to the local muslim community, which the all expressed anger.  Yet that anger could not be found BEFORE we resumed hostilities in Iraq when they cut off that one dudes head.  Explain that to me?  You say they don't care, but it sure does not seem that way when you talk about Israel or mohammed.
Well, some people take their religion seriously. If I publicly peed on the picture of the virgin mary, or burned a cross, there'd be an outrage among those of deep chrstian faith. There is even a good chance that I'd receive death threats from christian fanatics ( abortion clinics, anyone ? ).

Then again, there'd be some who wouldn't give a damn. And those would be the majority. But everyone would focus on the minority who protests, and forget about the majority who did not care.

Isn't it always like that ? It only takes a minority to ruin it for the majority.

When the mohamad cartoon story broke last year, I followed the news reports in germany and watched a lot of interviews with german muslims and although most of them weren't really appreciative ( doh, that's a surprise ) of what had happened, the majority couldn't be bothered to engage in protests either.
Most of them, especially the young, second or third generation muslims are so westernized that they'd prefer to sit in front of their Playstations and X-Boxes and stuff themselves with fast food than go out and protest for something that doesn't play a huge role in their lifes anyway.
They just don't give a damn.
+11|6788|Cape Town - South Africa
If you actually watch that clip carefully look at those around the man shouting. They seemed concerned at what he is saying! I only see one man shouting these remarks !  The rest are looking at him as if he is crazy... If you  know anything about the Muslim way it is as every other religion. Do no harm to others and respect those of different beliefs... Once again religion is bent and twisted to suit mans needs !

you can't take the consensus of the few and make it that of the many ! Thats like saying ALL American's Hate Muslims ! (we know this is a loaded statement!) So there u go point proven ! you can't judge and entire religion based on the views of the minority!
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Not all Muslims are bad, but to deny England, and indeed all of Europe have a Muslim problem is to deny the obvious.
They also have problems with crime, employment, literacy and a slew of other things.  In fact, the problems of any country are innumerable.  The question is whether any one problem outweighs others.

The Muslim thing is just a small part of how fucked up our country is right now.  I'd say the majority of people find the appallingly crushing taxes & and the law system where the judges are giving out bullshit sentences as the prisons are jam packed are more of a problem than a few radicals trying to cause shit which most people are ignoring.
Say wat!?
crimson_grunt. Our taxes are needed. Dont even start with complaining about fucking taxes. That just realy pisses me off. Its the people that complain about taxes, then once they are lowered complain about a drop in the quality of our services. Well you dont fucking say!

However I agree with the stupid overloading of prisons and not enough community punishments. The only people who should be sent to jail are, thugs, pedeos, killers etc. People who pose bodily harm to others.

Our biggest problem is the current waste of resources on the army in Iraq and Afghanistan. As well as that big one tony blair.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6892|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

ATG wrote:

Ya, I more like to kill myself instead you bastard
So you are trying to now claim the racial profiling of a whole race based on a TINY minority, is not racist? I think you sir are delusional.
It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings.  But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
Do you mean like all these muslims protesting against terrorism?

In Morocco
No to Terror, Down with Terror and Zarqawi
Yes to the moderate and tolerant Islam

In Jordan
Where 200'000 people demonstrated against terrorism and al-Zarqawi.

All the muslim leaders who condemn terrorist activities on tv and in the press on a very regular basis seem to have gone unnoticed by you too. Maybe you're watching the wrong sort of news?
It should be noted that in the UK religion is in an across the board decline. Christian, Muslim, Sikh, etc. families are failing to converting their children to their religion. I believe the stats were that 2 religious parents had approximately a 50:50 chance of producing a kid with the same religion, 1 religious parent had about 1 in 4 and two atheist parents were almost always successful at raising atheist kids.

On the basis of this Muslims immigrating into the UK isn't a problem, it's far closer to a solution.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

Vilham wrote:

crimson_grunt. Our taxes are needed. Dont even start with complaining about fucking taxes. That just realy pisses me off. Its the people that complain about taxes, then once they are lowered complain about a drop in the quality of our services. Well you dont fucking say!
Sure I know taxes are needed I pay my share.  I'm talking about the ridiculous stealth ones and the taxing dead people thorough the nose etc.  I'm complaining about the fortune Gordon brown is skimming of an already over taxed nation through sneaky tactics.

I feel sorry for all the students paying top up fees etc despite labours promise never to introduce them.  Thats all I'm getting at, I don't want rid of taxes I want some fair scheme where 70-80 year olds aren't been sent to prison cause they can't pay it.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-22 05:22:05)

I hunt criminals down for a living

usmarine2007 wrote:

Not sure I understand you or Schuss.  When that cartoon thing happened, every local news channel was talking to the local muslim community, which the all expressed anger.  Yet that anger could not be found BEFORE we resumed hostilities in Iraq when they cut off that one dudes head.  Explain that to me?  You say they don't care, but it sure does not seem that way when you talk about Israel or mohammed.
You know, there is a difference between a cartoon making fun of a religious person (prophet Mohamed) which strikes any religious person in the heart and the murder of an unknown person in a strange and faraway country by extremists, while said faraway country has been unlawfully invaded by an aggressor who is known for its indiscriminate help to an archenemy...

And BTW, not all muslims were offended by these cartoons.

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