usmarine2007 wrote:
m3thod wrote:
usmarine2007 wrote:
It is not the TINY minority that worries, me, it is the majority of muslims who do not speak out against the hateful preachings, or the be headings and kidnappings. But they sure as hell speak out against a cartoon.
1. They don't give a fuck about the great Satan's battle with a load of bearded uncles and vice versa.
2. As B.Schuss correctly identified, they are too westernised to give a fuck, like me
You're on your own, good luck.
Yeah, the ones that protested about cartoon? More extremists i am afraid, not representative.
Not sure I understand you or Schuss. When that cartoon thing happened, every local news channel was talking to the local muslim community, which the all expressed anger. Yet that anger could not be found BEFORE we resumed hostilities in Iraq when they cut off that one dudes head. Explain that to me? You say they don't care, but it sure does not seem that way when you talk about Israel or mohammed.
Well, some people take their religion seriously. If I publicly peed on the picture of the virgin mary, or burned a cross, there'd be an outrage among those of deep chrstian faith. There is even a good chance that I'd receive death threats from christian fanatics ( abortion clinics, anyone ? ).
Then again, there'd be some who wouldn't give a damn. And those would be the majority. But everyone would focus on the minority who protests, and forget about the majority who did not care.
Isn't it always like that ? It only takes a minority to ruin it for the majority.
When the mohamad cartoon story broke last year, I followed the news reports in germany and watched a lot of interviews with german muslims and although most of them weren't really appreciative ( doh, that's a surprise ) of what had happened, the majority couldn't be bothered to engage in protests either.
Most of them, especially the young, second or third generation muslims are so westernized that they'd prefer to sit in front of their Playstations and X-Boxes and stuff themselves with fast food than go out and protest for something that doesn't play a huge role in their lifes anyway.
They just don't give a damn.