+306|6985|Austin, TX

This is what this country needs. Some one that is not bound by the political corruption that currently surrounds our government.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Barack Obama launched a historic campaign Tuesday to become the first black president of the United States and immediately tried to turn his political inexperience into an asset with voters seeking change.

The freshman Illinois senator - and top contender for the Democratic nomination - said the past six years have left the country in a precarious place and he promoted himself as the standard-bearer for a new kind of politics.

"Our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way," Obama said in a video posted on his Web site. "Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions. And that's what we have to change first." ...
A message from Barack - Video



I've liked him since his debate with Allan Keyes.

Seems like the best dem by far ... we sure as hell don't want Joe Bidon for president.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7064|The United Center
He makes me proud to be from Illinois.

I voted for him for senate, and I'll vote for him for president.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6918|132 and Bush

Damn... funny how things work

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-16 23:29:35)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
His book was pretty good. He has my vote.
smells like wee wee

duk0r wrote:

This is what this country needs. Some one that is not bound by the political corruption that currently surrounds our government.
He's still new. Give him a chance
Go Ducks.
My (first) presidential vote!

unless he fucks up. But i believe he's the savior...!
his name rhymes with "iraq" and "osama." he could absolutely never be elected. not a good political move.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7064|The United Center

Marinejuana wrote:

his name rhymes with "iraq" and "osama." he could absolutely never be elected. not a good political move.
And your name rhymes with "ignorant" and "idiot".  you could never be taken seriously.
Go Ducks.
i think he was joking....
+306|6985|Austin, TX

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

his name rhymes with "iraq" and "osama." he could absolutely never be elected. not a good political move.
And your name rhymes with "ignorant" and "idiot".  you could never be taken seriously.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|7019|Little Rock, Arkansas
Hillary Rodham Clinton              
Barack Obama                  
Al Gore                  
John Edwards                  
John Kerry                  
Joe Biden                  
Wesley Clark                  
Bill Richardson                  
Evan Bayh                  
Tom Vilsack                  
Christopher Dodd              
Dennis Kucinich

This is the projected democratic field. Of these candidates, only Edwards and Clark hold a snowball's chance in hell of carrting the South. You cannot be elected president in the US withouth winning at least half of the southern states.

Dodd and Richardson are still two new for me to pass real judgement.

But lets be honest here. Any ticket that has Hillary on it is going to be a poison pill for the dems. It doesn't matter if Hitler comes back to life and runs as a republican, he'll win over Hillary.

Unless the Dems can create a serious ticket backed by serious candidates (that don't include Hillary or Obama, no matter how much I may agree with him), they're out of the white house again this year. If the republican ticket is McCain/Guilani, Jesus could run for the Dems and he'd still lose.
smells like wee wee

blisteringsilence wrote:

You cannot be elected president in the US withouth winning at least half of the southern states.
Thats the running mates job
360 owns my soul
+31|6826|Behind You
I absolutely hate people who hear ONE debate or ONE speech and go, that's my man.  Look the guy up FFS.  Check his voting record (what record there is seeing as he JUST became a senator).  I've looked the guy up and he seems legit, but damn, people who hear one debate or one speech and give him their vote, it's ridiculous.  He is incredibley charismatic but his charisma isn't going to solve the problem that is Iraq (Yes I am assuming that we are still there in 2008) and his charisma isn't going to stop the majority of congress from just fundraising for their own future campaigns instead of working for a better America.  Dean was charismatic to, but he lost out to Kerry...KERRY.  The man is as charismatic as a snail.  I just hope that if it comes down to Hilary and Obama, then he is as smart as he is charismatic, because there is no chance in HELL that I'm voting for Hilary.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|7019|Little Rock, Arkansas

BN wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

You cannot be elected president in the US withouth winning at least half of the southern states.
Thats the running mates job
As it worked so well for Kerry/Edwards in 2004?

Polling data consistently gives Edwards good numbers in the south. His numbers are not so good, however, to overcome the negatives that Kerry brought with him.

Sometimes your running mate, no matter how likeable, can't overcome your more worthless qualities.
I never thought I would say this but I sincerely hope Al Gore runs for President.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|7019|Little Rock, Arkansas

AchangelTyreal wrote:

I absolutely hate people who hear ONE debate or ONE speech and go, that's my man.  Look the guy up FFS.  Check his voting record (what record there is seeing as he JUST became a senator).  I've looked the guy up and he seems legit, but damn, people who hear one debate or one speech and give him their vote, it's ridiculous.  He is incredibley charismatic but his charisma isn't going to solve the problem that is Iraq (Yes I am assuming that we are still there in 2008) and his charisma isn't going to stop the majority of congress from just fundraising for their own future campaigns instead of working for a better America.  Dean was charismatic to, but he lost out to Kerry...KERRY.  The man is as charismatic as a snail.  I just hope that if it comes down to Hilary and Obama, then he is as smart as he is charismatic, because there is no chance in HELL that I'm voting for Hilary.
from http://www.ontheissues.org/Barack_Obama.htm

this is where he apparently stands:

On Abortion:
Extend presumption of good faith to abortion protesters. (Oct 2006)
Pass the Stem Cell Research Bill. (Jun 2004)
Protect a woman's right to choose. (May 2004)
Supports Roe v. Wade. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)

On the Budget and Economy:
Bush's economic policies are not working. (May 2004)
Supports federal programs to protect rural economy. (May 2004)
Voted NO on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)

On Civil Rights:
Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)
Marriage not a human right; non-discrimination is. (Oct 2004)
African-Americans vote Democratic because of issue stances. (Jul 2004)
Forthright on racial issues and on his civil rights history. (Jul 2004)
Defend freedom and equality under law. (May 2004)
Politicians: don't use religion to insulate from criticism. (Apr 2004)
Supports affirmative action in colleges and government. (Jul 1998)
Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws. (Jul 1998)
Miscegenation a felony in 1960 when Obamas practiced it. (Aug 1996)
The civil rights movement was a success. (Aug 1996)
Voted NO on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)

On Corporations:
Tax incentives for corporate responsibility. (Jun 2004)
Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad. (Jun 2004)
REAL USA Plan: Reward companies that create domestic jobs. (Jun 2004)
Voted YES on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
Voted NO on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)

On Crime:
Battles legislatively against the death penalty. (Jul 2004)
Battles legislatively against the death penalty. (Jul 2004)
Supports alternative sentencing and rehabilitation. (Jul 1998)

On Drugs:
Understand why youngsters want to use drugs. (Aug 1996)

On Education:
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education. (Jun 2006)
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers. (Sep 2004)
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism. (Jul 2004)
Address the growing achievement gap between students. (May 2004)
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas. (May 2004)
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998)
Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)

In other words, he hasn't been around long enough for the american people to know where he stands on any issue. I hate to say it, but he really is too new. We just don't know where he stands. And before you go quoting speeches at me, a poisition in a speech is NOT a real position. Ask Kerry. Put your vote where you mouth is.
I'm moving to Brazil

blisteringsilence wrote:

Hillary Rodham Clinton              
Barack Obama                  
Al Gore                  
John Edwards                  
John Kerry                  
Joe Biden                  
Wesley Clark                  
Bill Richardson                  
Evan Bayh                  
Tom Vilsack                  
Christopher Dodd              
Dennis Kucinich

This is the projected democratic field. Of these candidates, only Edwards and Clark hold a snowball's chance in hell of carrting the South. You cannot be elected president in the US withouth winning at least half of the southern states.

Dodd and Richardson are still two new for me to pass real judgement.

But lets be honest here. Any ticket that has Hillary on it is going to be a poison pill for the dems. It doesn't matter if Hitler comes back to life and runs as a republican, he'll win over Hillary.

Unless the Dems can create a serious ticket backed by serious candidates (that don't include Hillary or Obama, no matter how much I may agree with him), they're out of the white house again this year. If the republican ticket is McCain/Guilani, Jesus could run for the Dems and he'd still lose.
I think Hiliary Clinton might have a chance, considering that she is well known or more known then some of the candidates after all people are not going to vote for someone they never heard of.
I'm moving to Brazil

blisteringsilence wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

I absolutely hate people who hear ONE debate or ONE speech and go, that's my man.  Look the guy up FFS.  Check his voting record (what record there is seeing as he JUST became a senator).  I've looked the guy up and he seems legit, but damn, people who hear one debate or one speech and give him their vote, it's ridiculous.  He is incredibley charismatic but his charisma isn't going to solve the problem that is Iraq (Yes I am assuming that we are still there in 2008) and his charisma isn't going to stop the majority of congress from just fundraising for their own future campaigns instead of working for a better America.  Dean was charismatic to, but he lost out to Kerry...KERRY.  The man is as charismatic as a snail.  I just hope that if it comes down to Hilary and Obama, then he is as smart as he is charismatic, because there is no chance in HELL that I'm voting for Hilary.
from http://www.ontheissues.org/Barack_Obama.htm

this is where he apparently stands:

On Abortion:
Extend presumption of good faith to abortion protesters. (Oct 2006)
Pass the Stem Cell Research Bill. (Jun 2004)
Protect a woman's right to choose. (May 2004)
Supports Roe v. Wade. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)

On the Budget and Economy:
Bush's economic policies are not working. (May 2004)
Supports federal programs to protect rural economy. (May 2004)
Voted NO on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)

On Civil Rights:
Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)
Marriage not a human right; non-discrimination is. (Oct 2004)
African-Americans vote Democratic because of issue stances. (Jul 2004)
Forthright on racial issues and on his civil rights history. (Jul 2004)
Defend freedom and equality under law. (May 2004)
Politicians: don't use religion to insulate from criticism. (Apr 2004)
Supports affirmative action in colleges and government. (Jul 1998)
Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws. (Jul 1998)
Miscegenation a felony in 1960 when Obamas practiced it. (Aug 1996)
The civil rights movement was a success. (Aug 1996)
Voted NO on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)

On Corporations:
Tax incentives for corporate responsibility. (Jun 2004)
Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad. (Jun 2004)
REAL USA Plan: Reward companies that create domestic jobs. (Jun 2004)
Voted YES on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
Voted NO on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)

On Crime:
Battles legislatively against the death penalty. (Jul 2004)
Battles legislatively against the death penalty. (Jul 2004)
Supports alternative sentencing and rehabilitation. (Jul 1998)

On Drugs:
Understand why youngsters want to use drugs. (Aug 1996)

On Education:
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education. (Jun 2006)
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers. (Sep 2004)
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism. (Jul 2004)
Address the growing achievement gap between students. (May 2004)
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas. (May 2004)
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998)
Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)

In other words, he hasn't been around long enough for the american people to know where he stands on any issue. I hate to say it, but he really is too new. We just don't know where he stands. And before you go quoting speeches at me, a poisition in a speech is NOT a real position. Ask Kerry. Put your vote where you mouth is.
yeah I agree with you well stated
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|7019|Little Rock, Arkansas

blademaster wrote:

blisteringsilence wrote:

Hillary Rodham Clinton              
Barack Obama                  
Al Gore                  
John Edwards                  
John Kerry                  
Joe Biden                  
Wesley Clark                  
Bill Richardson                  
Evan Bayh                  
Tom Vilsack                  
Christopher Dodd              
Dennis Kucinich

This is the projected democratic field. Of these candidates, only Edwards and Clark hold a snowball's chance in hell of carrting the South. You cannot be elected president in the US withouth winning at least half of the southern states.

Dodd and Richardson are still two new for me to pass real judgement.

But lets be honest here. Any ticket that has Hillary on it is going to be a poison pill for the dems. It doesn't matter if Hitler comes back to life and runs as a republican, he'll win over Hillary.

Unless the Dems can create a serious ticket backed by serious candidates (that don't include Hillary or Obama, no matter how much I may agree with him), they're out of the white house again this year. If the republican ticket is McCain/Guilani, Jesus could run for the Dems and he'd still lose.
I think Hiliary Clinton might have a chance, considering that she is well known or more known then some of the candidates after all people are not going to vote for someone they never heard of.
I think you're confusing Hillary winning the democratic nomination with Hillary winning the election. I have no doubt she could win the nomination. I pray every night that she doesn't, but she could.

She would be absolutely destroyed in the general election. The African-American community (outside of Harlem) does not support her. Unions see her as weak. Without the support of these two groups, the only folks left voting for her are liberals in the northeast and oregon. She'd get destroyed.

I personally have heard a sermon by a black minister condemning Hillary. The black community doesn't like her, no matter how much of [not-republican] she is.

Not to mention, if she's running against a ticket with Guilani, she not only won't carry her old home state (Arkansas, not a snowflake's chance in hell), she won't carry New York. New Yorkers LOVE Guilani.

And again, she can't win the south. She may be a good candidate on the issues, but she's shite in the electorate.

Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)


Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)

?? He opposes gay marriage, yet he doesn't want it banned.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|7019|Little Rock, Arkansas

Bernadictus wrote:

Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)


Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)

?? He opposes gay marriage, yet he doesn't want it banned.
And let me tell you, if you think the whole Kerry flip-flop thing was bad, just wait for this poor guy to get under the microscope.

aside - I was recently cleaning my closet, and found my pair of John Kerry flip-flops that the College Republicans gave me in '04. I'd forgotten how much those things made he laugh.

duk0r wrote:

This is what this country needs. Some one that is not bound by the political corruption that currently surrounds our government.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Barack Obama launched a historic campaign Tuesday to become the first black president of the United States and immediately tried to turn his political inexperience into an asset with voters seeking change.

The freshman Illinois senator - and top contender for the Democratic nomination - said the past six years have left the country in a precarious place and he promoted himself as the standard-bearer for a new kind of politics.

"Our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way," Obama said in a video posted on his Web site. "Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions. And that's what we have to change first." ...
A message from Barack - Video


he'll get assassinated within 2 years...........
I'm moving to Brazil

TheArkOfGod wrote:

duk0r wrote:

This is what this country needs. Some one that is not bound by the political corruption that currently surrounds our government.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Barack Obama launched a historic campaign Tuesday to become the first black president of the United States and immediately tried to turn his political inexperience into an asset with voters seeking change.

The freshman Illinois senator - and top contender for the Democratic nomination - said the past six years have left the country in a precarious place and he promoted himself as the standard-bearer for a new kind of politics.

"Our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way," Obama said in a video posted on his Web site. "Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions. And that's what we have to change first." ...
A message from Barack - Video


he'll get assassinated within 2 years...........
lol yeah by a white supremacists (kind of sad but true)
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America

Bernadictus wrote:

Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)


Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)

?? He opposes gay marriage, yet he doesn't want it banned.
That's because there are more than two sides to the arguement. His view on that issue is pretty much mine as well. I suppose the term "marriage" is very loosely used here. Apparently, he isn't 100% militant anti-gay ( a good thing) but he is for equality, as shown in the post.

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