+226|7052|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Was that called Mosque something or other and on C4? I saw like the last minute of it and wished I'd seen the rest.

Worth a download?
Yeah it was interesting - I forget the exact name - it could be 'Inside the Mosque' or something like that. Worth downloading.
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque.

Will be up for download on UKNova soon.
Hey Bertster how the frig do you register with that site? i've tried to reg several times but it keeps coming up with a blank page
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

T0rr3nt wrote:

i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
I dont. In the town where i live they're some of the most helpful, hardworking and friendly people who do more to look after this area than a lot of the white english.
Junglist Massive

IG-Calibre wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it was interesting - I forget the exact name - it could be 'Inside the Mosque' or something like that. Worth downloading.
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque.

Will be up for download on UKNova soon.
Hey Bertster how the frig do you register with that site? i've tried to reg several times but it keeps coming up with a blank page
You try and try and try, check a couple of times a day for a week and you'll get an account.  Accounts get recycled often through inactivity after quite a short time limit, and I'm pretty sure they keep the number of accounts fixed.  Trust me, I just lost my damn account because I didn't log in for a few weeks.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

UGADawgs wrote:

If you want to see more rampant radicalism, go to France where last year there were the rioting by angry young Muslims.
And the underlying reason for that was??.....You need to dig further to find root causes instead of regurgitating what you remember on Fox 12 months ago.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Junglist Massive
The BNP preach an extreme message of racism wherever they can, usually in large community centres.  There is plenty of undercover footage of that.  Does that therefore mean that the entire community in Britain feels the same way, since it was in their community centres? 

That's the logic I'm seeing here.

sfarrar33 wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
i don't so that blows that theory up... (no jk intended)
oh snap.

i dont see jews or christians blowing everyone up, or preaching that another religion is of a lesser status, or, who, when the world ends, the beast will allow the superior muslims to destory the others.

show me a video of jews or christians, doing this. please.

i personally dont have anything against them or could i care less, i just dont see many living with them in peace.

Last edited by T0rr3nt (2007-01-16 16:05:29)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
I think ATG's need to prove all Muslims are bad is becoming desperate.

The reason you have Muslim nutjobs is because they are extremists! they have EXTREME views!

Focus on the Muslims that have integrated into western culture, they have insider knowledge useful to reeling the bad eggs in....
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Junglist Massive

T0rr3nt wrote:

i dont see jews or christians blowing everyone up, or preaching that another religion is of a lesser status, or, who, when the world ends, the beast will allow the superior muslims to destory the others.

show me a video of jews or christians, doing this. please.

UON wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

i dont see jews or christians blowing everyone up, or preaching that another religion is of a lesser status, or, who, when the world ends, the beast will allow the superior muslims to destory the others.

show me a video of jews or christians, doing this. please.
oh the hitler card, nice 1
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6975|NT, like Mick Dundee

Well, Saudi Arabia is where the source of the latest trend of extremist thought is located (Wahabbism or some such name, can't spell it properly myself). The US has military bases in Saudi Arabia so why not stop the extremists there?

Oh wait, they are close allies of the U.S.A...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
and what are they when they blow up trains, embassies, markets, airplanes skyscrapers, resorts...etc...............Cute? Just how deep is that sand your head is buried in, Cam?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
and what are they when they blow up trains, embassies, markets, airplanes skyscrapers, resorts...etc...............Cute? Just how deep is that sand your head is buried in, Cam?
Radical dead muslims.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Δ > x > ¥

UON wrote:

The BNP preach an extreme message of racism wherever they can, usually in large community centres.  There is plenty of undercover footage of that.  Does that therefore mean that the entire community in Britain feels the same way, since it was in their community centres? 

That's the logic I'm seeing here.
Thankfully they don't.   My council ward and parliamentary seat are some of their most sought after targets.  The Labour party has seen its vote diminish over the last few years and at the last election, the Lib Dems took it.  Thank God for small mercies.

Fuck the BNP.

At least I can stay anonymous on here.  They have a history of "outing" the activists against them and people who have appeared on their websites have been targeted for violence and robbery.  See www.redwatch.org for more details.

By the way, while I campaign for freedom of speech, these people really push the limits.  I wholly disagree with the message they are peddling but FoS means they should have a voice.   Just so long as no crimes are committed.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6964|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all Muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
and what are they when they blow up trains, embassies, markets, airplanes skyscrapers, resorts...etc..?
An even smaller minority?
Δ > x > ¥

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
and what are they when they blow up trains, embassies, markets, airplanes skyscrapers, resorts...etc...............Cute? Just how deep is that sand your head is buried in, Cam?
When they do that they are criminals, just like the IRA, just like Timothy McVeigh or anyone who commits any crime for any reason.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
and what are they when they blow up trains, embassies, markets, airplanes skyscrapers, resorts...etc...............Cute? Just how deep is that sand your head is buried in, Cam?
As aardfrith and others said - they're criminals. To be held accountable before the law or to be prevented from carrying out said acts by the law and those who administer it. What do you suggest lowing? Should the USA send the world police into England to restore 'peace, freedom and democracy'?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-16 16:30:40)


UGADawgs wrote:

If you want to see more rampant radicalism, go to France where last year there were the rioting by angry young Muslims.
Do you know why they were rioting? Do you think it was because they want to turn France into a radical islamic state? No - it is because they are discriminated against when it comes to getting gainful employment and in almost all other aspects of life. If you have an arab surname in France you are treated as though you were the shit on the bottom of somebody's shoe.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-16 16:31:19)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

IG-Calibre wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it was interesting - I forget the exact name - it could be 'Inside the Mosque' or something like that. Worth downloading.
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque.

Will be up for download on UKNova soon.
Hey Bertster how the frig do you register with that site? i've tried to reg several times but it keeps coming up with a blank page
With difficulty. It's great for legalish UK TV downloads.
Well I think that the British voices have spoken loud and clear - m3thod, aardfrith, bertster7, crimson_grunt, UON,  Pyrri, sfarrar33 - overwhelmingly trashing the allusion in the OP.

Oh and Torr3nt:

Israel are one of the most heinous human rights abusers on the surface of the planet. There isn't a method left on earth that they haven't employed in tearing a Palestinian limb from limb to achieve their ultimate zionist goal of a greater Eretz Y'srael encompassing the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Also, ever heard of the British National Party? Ever heard of the Ku Klux Klan? Ever heard of the Lebanese Maronite Christian 'Phalangist' movement? Look them up - I believe there are references to them here and there on teh interwebs.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-16 16:53:30)


T0rr3nt wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
i don't so that blows that theory up... (no jk intended)
oh snap.

i dont see jews or christians blowing everyone up, or preaching that another religion is of a lesser status, or, who, when the world ends, the beast will allow the superior muslims to destory the others.

show me a video of jews or christians, doing this. please.

i personally dont have anything against them or could i care less, i just dont see many living with them in peace.
i have no video, and i really don't want to find one considering what the content would probably be...

but the conflict in Ireland and the Arab/Israeli conflict are examples (ok so the palestinians weren't so nice, but shit the Israelis weren't exactly PC were they)

There are loads of Christian sects (i spose they are) that believe that when the world ends then all those who believed in their religion will go to heaven and everyone else will go to hell. (I really cannot be bothered to google the names of them as i need sleep so look them up yourselves)

And for the Jews they have the "eye for an eye" concept, historically israel will happily respond with heavy force to any threats, and normally they do so quite succesfully and with a large overkill.

@ poe:
"Israel are one of the most heinous human rights abusers on the surface of the planet. There isn't a method left on earth that they haven't employed in tearing a Palestinian limb from limb to achieve their ultimate zionist goal of a great Israel encompassing the West Bank and the Golan Heights."

Not true at all
The zionist goal is a completely peaceful one where the Jews would save up and buy themselves a homeland. It is part Britains and part the League of Nations fault that the problems with Palestine started, as they divided Palestine and gave it too the Jews. The original Jewish plan was to continue to save up and slowly buy the rest of Palestine, however the Palestinians started the conflict. The problem is that like i say the Israelis were overzealous in their fighting and claimed more Palestinian land than they legally had right too, they are slowly giving this land back thankfully and progress is being made, even if this is simply because the Palestinians are quickly starting to outnumber the Jews.
The heinous evil thing Israel did was bomb Lebanon with the illigal clusters, but they have never done anything worse than this to Palestinians (though they have done things on the level)

Last edited by sfarrar33 (2007-01-16 16:59:44)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

T0rr3nt wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
i don't so that blows that theory up... (no jk intended)
oh snap.

i dont see jews or christians blowing everyone up, or preaching that another religion is of a lesser status, or, who, when the world ends, the beast will allow the superior muslims to destory the others.

show me a video of jews or christians, doing this. please.

i personally dont have anything against them or could i care less, i just dont see many living with them in peace.
Here you can find information about the highest profile Zionist terror attack ever. Ordered by a member of the Knesset to be and conducted by the organisation run by Begin, who later became the Israeli PM.

You were saying?

Here's some more:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_ … _terrorism

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-01-16 16:50:51)

+13|6631|South Carolina, US

CameronPoe wrote:

Well I think that the British voices have spoken loud and clear - m3thod, aardfrith, bertster7, crimson_grunt, UON,  Pyrri, sfarrar33 - overwhelmingly trashing the allusion in the OP.

Oh and Torr3nt:

Israel are one of the most heinous human rights abusers on the surface of the planet. There isn't a method left on earth that they haven't employed in tearing a Palestinian limb from limb to achieve their ultimate zionist goal of a greater Eretz Y'srael encompassing the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Also, ever heard of the British National Party? Ever heard of the Ku Klux Klan? Ever heard of the Lebanese Maronite Christian 'Phalangist' movement? Look them up - I believe there are references to them here and there on teh interwebs.
While many of Israel's tactics are rightly controversial, you can't seriously call them one of the most heinous human rights abusers considering that we have nations like Saudi Arabia where women can't drive or Sudan where the government pays militias to kill refugees.

UGADawgs wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Well I think that the British voices have spoken loud and clear - m3thod, aardfrith, bertster7, crimson_grunt, UON,  Pyrri, sfarrar33 - overwhelmingly trashing the allusion in the OP.

Oh and Torr3nt:

Israel are one of the most heinous human rights abusers on the surface of the planet. There isn't a method left on earth that they haven't employed in tearing a Palestinian limb from limb to achieve their ultimate zionist goal of a greater Eretz Y'srael encompassing the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Also, ever heard of the British National Party? Ever heard of the Ku Klux Klan? Ever heard of the Lebanese Maronite Christian 'Phalangist' movement? Look them up - I believe there are references to them here and there on teh interwebs.
While many of Israel's tactics are rightly controversial, you can't seriously call them one of the most heinous human rights abusers considering that we have nations like Saudi Arabia where women can't drive or Sudan where the government pays militias to kill refugees.
Heinous is heinous is heinous. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Myanmar. Same shit, different flavour.
Δ > x > ¥
Eh?  Women can't drive?  One of my colleagues, by coincidence she's blonde, says it's acceptable to have six at-fault accidents per year.

I rest my case.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Saying all muslims are like this is like saying all Christians bomb abortions clinicks and all Jews are money grubbing scondrels. Only true in very small minorities and a harmful stereotype.

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