+2|7056|United Kingdom
If you don't like swearing, don't read this.

If you don't/can't understand/like/reason-with/let by others own opinions, fuck off (I did say...)

I've been reading alot recently about some dumb fucks who want to have all games containing any and all types of violence removed from the shelves and banned into illegality. This includes swearing. My point of view on this is quite simply: Fuck. Off. Away. Now.

Computer games do not make me violent. Angry or upset at times, when a difficult bit is presented, but nothing amounts to physical violence to anything. What does make me angry enough to punch someone in the face are idiotic fools like those in the organisation entitled 'Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence' (MAVAV). And Hillery Clinton. MAVAV and the like? To me they appear to be in one of three groups.

Group 1: bunch of 'tarded parents who cannot control their children and give much needed discipline. IE: Bad Parents.

Group 2: Those Mothers/parents who are overly protective and paranoid about their childs safety. IE: Bad parents.

Group 3: Those who are actually genuinly worried about the topic of videogames causing violence. But, alas, cannot see the forest for the trees. Can't see that their course of action might actually make things worse. Ban games, and you get quite a few redundancies, which could lead to all sorts, but that's quite possibly for another discussion.

OK, so there is evidence that computer games can be bad for you, especially concerning the addictiveness of many. We can thank our Korean friends who have 'gamed' themselves to death for this information.

But is banning games the answer? What is the point in taking away something that so many enjoy? It is, after all, pixilated violence. A collection of pre-determined patterns upon a computer screen, which appear/shift/diseappear/change according to the input of the user.
If these people are so concerned with what computer games are doing to the psychology of 'youths' today and in the future, I for one think they should do some actual proper real research for a few years before jumping to conclusions. You know, is it actually computer games?

What kind of society would we live in if everyone did that?  ...

"Oh no! My son was playing Scrabble, then he went out and fell off a bridge!!! SCRABBLE CAUSES SUICIDE! BAN IT!" I think not...but you know, there is always someone willing to jump on the band-wagon with them...

My opinion? If someone wants to kill themselves doing what they enjoy, as long as it doesn't harm others, more power to them. One less person in this over-crowded world (maybe a bit harsh, but it's been a bad day.)  But now that I've had a small amount of time while writing this to think about it, Children are more erm...'open', for want of a better word, to ideas and the differences between right and wrong. They don't understand it yet, so they are not amoral - Giving a game like Grand Theft Auto to a child of 2-4 is quite possibly a really bad idea, especially if the parent is not hammering home that what is going on in the game is wrong.

Again though, back in the golden days right up until now, in the gaming industry, I can't see any games that would confuse a child between the differences between the game and reality. I see films as more of a culprit, as it involves real people, and real violence (as far as the childs eye can tell). So, if they show it on the tele, mummy, it's OK? But with all the new graphical advancements in games and reaching new heights of realism, soon games will be just as bad as the films

So, instead of saying "Well, games might be causing all these problems so let's get rid of them all completely. There, problem solved. Let's go have lunch." they could, and in my opinion should, be saying "Well, if it is affecting children in a bad manner, then let's not give violent games to them. You know, stick to the ol' age rating thing we have going on - but give out  a fine for all those dumb asses who are buying 18 rated games for 5 year olds".   I know, waiting until your 18 simply to play a game with a bit of violence is a bit harsh and all that, but think on it this way: You might well be mature and sound of mind enough to realise that blowing someones face across the beach with a sawnoff is not acceptable behaviour in todays society, but there is always someone who isn't. There is always someone who's jar is missing a few nuts.

There's my random tangled mass of a rant out and over with. Feel free to throw your pearls of wisdom at it, or savage it with a flamer.
after all that ....Tell Us How You Really Feel.....lol, just playing , i agree with you not 100% but 1000% only parents can control what there little brats are playing or watching , me im 33 been gameing and watching action movies for as long as i can remember and last time i checked i knew what was real and what was entertainment. not sure on other states but were i live the parent can be held accoutable for what thier kids do till the age of 18 so if a video game made some 9 year old go out and injure,maim or kill someone,, the question need to be ask ...who bought this kid an M rated game ? was it MOM,DAD, LEGAL GUARDIAN ? guess it means jail time for both, loss of all parental rights, depending on the number of kids ...... and thats being nice see im all for the death penaty.
Horseman 77
Thats something hillary Clinton would support.
A  good solid none Issue like Banning they Navel Target Range in Viquese Porto Rico.
She could show how sensitive she is to New Yorks Hispanics,
( Where ever they live cuase she's never been here )
and why does the Navy Need to pratice Bombing anyway?
Her husband wouldnt Defend his nation when it was attack 8 times on his watch.
There is no need for a Pratice range.

Even if she knows its bullshit, who cares? It takes a Village and she know just so much more than you do,
I'll take two
+132|7100|Perth, Western Australia
For a person to be aversely and violently affected by videogames they would have to have been mentally unstable before the game triggered anything.

The problem with games classification in Australia is that we dont actually have an 18+ rating for games over here, as they rating system only go up to "Not suitable for anyone under the age of 15", or MA 15+. If there was an adults only games rating then I believe there would be a lot less hype in the media over here about choldren getting access to "violent killing sims"

EDIT: MAVAV is fake, look at this!!


Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2005-12-23 07:42:37)

Ach du Sheisse!!!!
That is bull...
I've known of this for a while, banning video games are as idiotic as banning sports.

How about football (American)?  That game, people are told to go onto the field, and ram people to the ground, steal their possessions (the football), and inculdes scantally clad women almost naked! (Cheerleaders)
+0|7075|Small, dark, red room
It sounds like another version of the PMRC. It's the cause-heads finding something new to get their knickers in a bunch over. Until EA or Id or the like get sued over something they make, a la Ozzy Osbourne or Judas Priest, it's going to just stew on the back burner.

I agree that it falls to the parents to monitor what their child is doing, otherwise there will be a story written about them for Law and Order or Criminal Minds.

And I don't have children and don't want any. I live vicariously through my sister and best friend. Uncle Chris is plenty enough responsibility for me.
'twice cooked beef!'
you'd think the conservatives would embrace violent videogames as a training tool to make their offspring want to grow up and join the army to kill colored people.
Horseman 77
A good point some one made on G4 was " Madden's NFL 2000 Football ( or some dam thing ) was the most popular game and you dont see everyone running around playing football. "
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7085|AUS, Canberra
can i get that first post on audio cd?
+32|7027|Wherever the F**k i feel like
i hate hillary cliton she it is the worst thing ever to be created
I will bet u that the jackasses that think games should be banned couldn't beat the first level of Super Mario Bros. Theyre just using this as a excuse. They say that kids minds will think video games are real. That's bull on a stick. I play Doom 3. You won't see me going to school carring a BFG in my backpack. What retards.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I think that people who go to the next extreme after playing video games are nuts, and they shouldnt be having these games anyway. I think there was something in America, where some kids brought a gun to school, shot evryone up, then killed themselves. That presents a whole new issue, should guns be allowed?
That would prevent those killings, but where were the parents in all of this?
THEY should have stuck to the rating, THEY should have seen how their son/daughter was behaving, THEY should have hidden their gun in a different place.

No, video games should be allowed, stick to the age limit, and if you are over the age limit, and you go bringing a gun around, then your probobly nuts too.

Thats my two cents.

Last edited by Jestar12345 (2005-12-23 15:11:52)

<b|k> lukie
Didn't read all the posts. Yupp, those ignorant people simply don't know games. You fear what you don't know. They think the goal of CS/BF2 is to enjoy the killing itself. Stupid whores.

Perhaps you should visit Germany. We are the only f**king place on earth where the laws are hard regarding violence and games. German politicians dislike violence as US politicians dislike SEX and nudity. US politicians like violence and German politicians like SEX.

2 or 3 years ago any game which had a bit of violence in it was practically forbidden (not theoretically). These were Doom, Hexen, Blood, HL, Quake, C&C Generals and many more for example. It was a binary system: "Availible for all kids" or "forbidden". After a guy, who liked to play CS, ran amok and killed some people, politicians revised the laws regarding games. Surprisingly the new laws were better for gamers. Now there is a mandatory(!) age-staggered system (6,12,16,18, and "forbidden"). Today almost every viloent game gets a 18 rating.

To my mind all extreme games like Postal2 or Backyard Wresling should have a 18 rating.

And the guy mentioned above ran amok because of a f**king school system in a part of germany. But most stupid people blamed games.

Last edited by <b|k> lukie (2005-12-23 16:28:14)

+0|7075|Small, dark, red room

<b|k> lukie wrote:

German politicians dislike violence as US politicians dislike SEX and nudity. US politicians like violence and German politicians like SEX.
That's it, I'm moving to Germany. Ich bin Berliner.
+0|7021|Washington Dc
Lol i sent them an email I kinda coppied somewhat of your thing

Computer games do not make me violent. Angry or upset at times, when a difficult bit is presented, but nothing amounts to physical violence to anything. You guys are seperated into two groups

Group 1: bunch of 'tarded parents who cannot control their children and give much needed discipline. IE: Bad Parents.

Group 2: Those Mothers/parents who are overly protective and paranoid about their childs safety. IE: Bad parents.

EIther way. You are Bad Parents. And your neighbors know it. That is why you started a website to pretend you are good parents. but really. You guys a faggots

Last edited by Falloutbuddy (2005-12-23 21:42:32)

Mass Media Casualty

An open letter to all you game-banning arseholes.

Name one game, (except the Sims,) which isn't violent. Just one. Obscure as you want. I am just after one game where no violence takes plae whatsoever. yeah, didn't think so, (you may respond to this if you wish, so I can dismiss the game.)

Fuck off you PC, (politically correct, not personal computer,) bullshit-artists. Go to Hell, because obviously you havn't had a taste of real violence yet, (not that I believe in Hell.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Banning computer games? But assault rifles is ok? Thats why i wil never truly understand you pepole. (your elected officials has NO hope)
it has been awhile so i might be wrong , but didnt someone come out with a mod to make the sims naked??? i so ...hell politicans need to ban that one also.....
+0|7021|Washington Dc
lol Games are violent, but do they make us violent? I dont think so. i think it makes the world a better place, Cause if they take effing video games away. IM GOING TO GET VIOLENT!
+0|7050|Brissvegas AUST

Jestar12345 wrote:

I think that people who go to the next extreme after playing video games are nuts, and they shouldnt be having these games anyway. I think there was something in America, where some kids brought a gun to school, shot evryone up, then killed themselves. That presents a whole new issue, should guns be allowed?
That would prevent those killings, but where were the parents in all of this?
THEY should have stuck to the rating, THEY should have seen how their son/daughter was behaving, THEY should have hidden their gun in a different place.

No, video games should be allowed, stick to the age limit, and if you are over the age limit, and you go bringing a gun around, then your probobly nuts too.

Thats my two cents.
i cant get your pic up, but your ride well its nice but i perfer something older and um gruntier like shelby GT500 NOW thats a car to blow your load over mate
banning computer games = creating more violence, why? coz ppl will be pissed and there would be riots and protests.

heard on gamemax that Games are good for surgical doctors, so banning games would mean the doctors will be more pissed
+28|7050|Houston, TX
It will never happen. They did the same crap when Pac-Man came out. Same $hit, different day.

After Pac-Man was released the entertainment industry came down on arcade say, "It's bad for children using time that should be spent doing school work" and, a bunch of other BS. They where just pissed because video games where becoming a threat. After that the goverment made restrictions on when arcades can be open.

No study or court of law has ever proven that players of violent games are more violent in real life. Actually just the oppoisite has been the result of numerous studies.

FYI: A recent study says a person whole plays "twitched" based video games 17 hours a week has the same hand-eye coordination as a professional athlete.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7070|The Netherlands
great idea discus this on a forum for gamers
entertainment industry is losing coz gaming is more popular

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