The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

But you agree with your group's plan?
The current one?  No 

The original one?  Do not remember it, it was a few years ago.  It may be somewhere on the web.
But the current one wasn't created by your organisation.

I don't even know what the point of this conversation is anymore.  I was suprised that you criticised Bush and Rumsfield though.  That's something.....................
+374|6685|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

But you agree with your group's plan?
The current one?  No 

The original one?  Do not remember it, it was a few years ago.  It may be somewhere on the web.
But the current one wasn't created by your organisation.

I don't even know what the point of this conversation is anymore.  I was suprised that you criticised Bush and Rumsfield though.  That's something.....................
I have NEVER given my support for Rumstooge.
The Lizzard

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

There was no question in there, genius.  And there was nothing wrong with my statement: it was interpretation by those who are arrogant and close minded that leads to your problem.
Zomg teh grammar is making me cry.
Oh, go start a war with the PRC, yah god damned RoCian!
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6859|Texas - Bigger than France

Bubbalo wrote:

There was no question in there, genius.  And there was nothing wrong with my statement: it was interpretation by those who are arrogant and close minded that leads to your problem.
So, we misinterpreted it wrong because we were arrogant, close minded and immature.

My point - be clear.  I believe you knew what was going to happen when you posted that thread.  But if you didn't...well okay then, maybe think about what you post a bit more?
+105|6796|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

The fact that this was done on December 7th (in the United States) of all dates only further proves that Bubbalo's sole intent in making that thread was to start a massive flame war.
This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
+1,452|6712|The Gem Saloon
no he knew exactly what he was doing, this is how he operates. hell grow out of it eventually. and yes bub, your experiences in life are limited to your age which also goes for education and maturity. i promise that in a few years youll see how silly you are acting right now, and probably be sick with yourself when you actually get real principles that you dont just repeat back.
i wouldnt expect you to understand any of this, after all your biggest responsibility is making sure your homework is done in time.
well guess what little guy.....when you start actually making a contribution to society is when i will start taking your views seriously. until then your just a kiddie who STILL hasnt answered my question lol. way to pick and choose what posts you respond too.
i think its funny that just because marine serves his country you try to hold him accountable for the actions of people that he clearly does not agree with.
the only thing i can say is that i am proud to live in the same country with people that are so honorable they would give their lives for america. i have had family members in almost every war going all the way back to the revleutionary war. im as american as they come, and we owe our freedoms and our rights to people like marine.
thank you marine, and im sorry that people like this have to spout thier bullshit......most of em only deserve an SS109 if you get my drift....
+374|6685|Columbus, Ohio

EVieira wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

The fact that this was done on December 7th (in the United States) of all dates only further proves that Bubbalo's sole intent in making that thread was to start a massive flame war.
This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
May I ask something.  When Steve Irwin died, if someone said anything bad about him at all, they were jumped on by every Australian on these forums, and people were banned by Australian mods.  When Americans jump on someone, it is not acceptable.  Please explain this to me. 

Not aimed at you EV.

EVieira wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

The fact that this was done on December 7th (in the United States) of all dates only further proves that Bubbalo's sole intent in making that thread was to start a massive flame war.
This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
I thought Bub got permbanned? Was it rescinded or something?
+1,452|6712|The Gem Saloon

CameronPoe wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

The fact that this was done on December 7th (in the United States) of all dates only further proves that Bubbalo's sole intent in making that thread was to start a massive flame war.
This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
I thought Bub got permbanned? Was it rescinded or something?
dont know about after i went to bed but he got banned and then unbanned like 10 minutes later

by the way dude, i love that fucking picture. i laughed for awhile after i saw that.........

Last edited by Parker (2006-12-08 07:36:09)

+226|7060|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Jesus Bub I haven't seen this much of an outcry since Ozzy pissed on the Alamo..
The New Johnnie Cochran

Bubbalo wrote:

But see, you still don't make sense:  a universal set of ethics does allow two groups to coexist better, but you achieve this by forcing group A's ethics on group B.  Further, even if we say it is more reasonable for you to call them unethical than to question you own ethics, the reverse is also true.  The fact is, if everybody held your view, nothing would ever be solved:  why should anybody compromise, when all that's needed is for all others to surrender their views to suit that one individual.

As to the US: a state is not a state until it is recognized as such: the US is not.

Thank you for the apology.
Part of the problem is I screwed up and posted the wrong theory. I should have posted moral objectivism, not ethicial absolutism.

Moral Objectivism believes that there is a universal set of ethics, but that those ethics are not absolutes, they are objective and in times of moral conflict, one rule trumps another.

Its not so much necessary to prove Objectivism right as it is to prove relativism wrong and objectivism probable.

Figure, if all things, including ethics are relative, then if it is your ethical belief that killing Jews are just, and It is my ethical belief that it is unjust, then we are both ethically justified, thus, I cannot cannot hold you accountable for what you have done, because you were ethically justified by doing so.

Objectivism says that rather than your belief shaking the foundation of my belief, I should conclude that you are ethically void, irrational, or perhaps even under-evolved. It is of the opinion that those who do not recognize these priniciples will fall to the wayside of history.

Now, you say its forcing my beliefs on them, but the thing is, it only applies to ethics that you find morally intrinsic and paramount to society. If you cannot justify both, then they do not apply.

Thus, we can consider Murder, stealing, lieing, justice, freedom, honor, torture to be principles that we can objectively conclude to be true.

I understand what your saying, but the only problem is that I don't have to prove that Objectivism is true, I just have to prove that Relativism is false and Objectivism is probable, and I can do that by saying this.

I believe killing Jews is wrong, Hitler believes it is right. Under relativism, I cannot hold Hitler accountable for his action because he is just in doing so. This cannot be true. It simply cannot. If it were true, we could never prosecute a criminal for anything, because everything would be just.

Objectivism however allows me to say that rather than allow Hitler to be right, I can simply say that Hitler was morally void. If you can agree with me that It is more probably that I am right, and Hitler was wrong, I have met the burden of proof insofar as to disprove your theory and prove my theory as probable.

as for the other side using it against you, well, we'll just have to see which society falls to the wayside of history then, won't we
+5,233|6847|Global Command

EVieira wrote:

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
Then why chime in?

IG-Calibre wrote:

Jesus Bub I haven't seen this much of an outcry since Ozzy pissed on the Alamo..
Interestingly, it seems to my that people are pissed because he wont be honest about his thread, more than the content of the thread itself.  He, of course, has stated the purpose of his thread, but he denies that it was meant to piss people off.

You can fool some of the people, some of the time....

It is a lot easier to argue moral relativism than it is to argue for actual morals, but even Bubbalo understands that complete moral relativism is ridiculous.  He is arguing such to cover his tracks.

It is actually becoming quite pathetic imo.

Executiator wrote:

kalisti wrote:

he's right though the other day someone disagreed with me, and the most constructive way they could do this was posting 7 or 8 pictures saying shut the f*#k up. not very constructive if you ask me(seeing as it was the debate section) but hey monkeys it seems can type so we'll just have to ignore them and continue with the people that dont drag their knuckles on the floor
That was me and I did it because you were not even considering my side of the argument at all. It was like arguing with a 6 year old who wants ice cream, or the wall of my dorm room. Every time you post you have no intellectual precedence on the other side of the argument. it's either your way or no way...
well dude unfortunately we cant look at the thread now, but from memory i would say you did not enter into the debate except the post i mentioned above, i for one can except that my opinion my be wrong, but if thats the way you express your side of an argument/debate it doesnt contribute what so ever to either side. i went on to disagree with lots more people including dubbs, who gave his point of view with evidence and opinion to back it up. i concede that i should have put more effort and links into what i was saying (something i'll thank dubbs for pointing out) but i did offer my opinion for debate and a few people did debate me and in some cases prove me wrong, and thats cool, i grow and learn from the experience.

friendly, i shall try to keep my posts always as friendly as i can and will start a thread soon with plenty of opinion and links(which i hope you will contribute to), and i expect very few will agree with me but i hope the people that dont will at least, take the time to constructively disagree and further my knowledge and/or weed out info that i have gotten wrong.
if i missed posts you made that were constructive then my apologies, but i dont believe i did.       
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

Parker wrote:

no he knew exactly what he was doing, this is how he operates. hell grow out of it eventually. and yes bub, your experiences in life are limited to your age which also goes for education and maturity. i promise that in a few years youll see how silly you are acting right now, and probably be sick with yourself when you actually get real principles that you dont just repeat back.
i wouldnt expect you to understand any of this, after all your biggest responsibility is making sure your homework is done in time.
well guess what little guy.....when you start actually making a contribution to society is when i will start taking your views seriously. until then your just a kiddie who STILL hasnt answered my question lol. way to pick and choose what posts you respond too.
i think its funny that just because marine serves his country you try to hold him accountable for the actions of people that he clearly does not agree with.
the only thing i can say is that i am proud to live in the same country with people that are so honorable they would give their lives for america. i have had family members in almost every war going all the way back to the revleutionary war. im as american as they come, and we owe our freedoms and our rights to people like marine.
thank you marine, and im sorry that people like this have to spout thier bullshit......most of em only deserve an SS109 if you get my drift....
wow. this has to be one of the most condescending, arrogant posts I have seen in a long time.

for once, why would Bubbalo's age be of any importance to the discussion ? It's the internet, damn it. He could tell you any age, and you'd not be able to verify it.
From what I gave gathered so far, I certainly think he is perfectly able to argue his point of views here.

Secondly, who are you to judge wether he has "contributed to society" ? Maybe he has done more than you ever will. You don't know him, so why jump to conclusions ? I feel the ugly face of prejudice creeping up on me...

thirdly, I think anybody should be held accountable for his actions, especially if those actions include the use of weapons of war. No one is above the law, and serving one's country does not automatically make you a better person, or more honorable than those who chose not to serve in the armed forces.
Why are you so obsessed with that ?

well, it's just like Spark said. Attitude check time....
+374|6685|Columbus, Ohio
^^^ BS ^^^

Celebrities and athletes are pretty much above the law, yet no mention of that on here.  They ALWAYS talk about the US because they are mindless media sheep.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

usmarine2007 wrote:

Celebrities and athletes are pretty much above the law, yet no mention of that on here.
They are above the law, because juries and judges allow them to be. You have no one to blame but yourselves for that one.

usmarine2007 wrote:

They ALWAYS talk about the US because they are mindless media sheep.
care to elaborate ? who exactly are "they" ?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
who exactly are "they"?
"Liberals?" Celebrities? Who knows?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+1,452|6712|The Gem Saloon

B.Schuss wrote:

Parker wrote:

no he knew exactly what he was doing, this is how he operates. hell grow out of it eventually. and yes bub, your experiences in life are limited to your age which also goes for education and maturity. i promise that in a few years youll see how silly you are acting right now, and probably be sick with yourself when you actually get real principles that you dont just repeat back.
i wouldnt expect you to understand any of this, after all your biggest responsibility is making sure your homework is done in time.
well guess what little guy.....when you start actually making a contribution to society is when i will start taking your views seriously. until then your just a kiddie who STILL hasnt answered my question lol. way to pick and choose what posts you respond too.
i think its funny that just because marine serves his country you try to hold him accountable for the actions of people that he clearly does not agree with.
the only thing i can say is that i am proud to live in the same country with people that are so honorable they would give their lives for america. i have had family members in almost every war going all the way back to the revleutionary war. im as american as they come, and we owe our freedoms and our rights to people like marine.
thank you marine, and im sorry that people like this have to spout thier bullshit......most of em only deserve an SS109 if you get my drift....
wow. this has to be one of the most condescending, arrogant posts I have seen in a long time.

for once, why would Bubbalo's age be of any importance to the discussion ? It's the internet, damn it. He could tell you any age, and you'd not be able to verify it.
From what I gave gathered so far, I certainly think he is perfectly able to argue his point of views here.

Secondly, who are you to judge wether he has "contributed to society" ? Maybe he has done more than you ever will. You don't know him, so why jump to conclusions ? I feel the ugly face of prejudice creeping up on me...

thirdly, I think anybody should be held accountable for his actions, especially if those actions include the use of weapons of war. No one is above the law, and serving one's country does not automatically make you a better person, or more honorable than those who chose not to serve in the armed forces.
Why are you so obsessed with that ?

well, it's just like Spark said. Attitude check time....
did i say that people that dont serve their country are not honorable?......you were ok with that until that last section there which i have never said any of. so the first two, fine direct towards me because that is what you believe and thats fine. did i say that people that served are above the law? no you made that assumption, and i suppose it is time for an attitude check.

and im sorry but age plays into this. if the kid is 12 hes just reading some crap somewhere and spewing it back. im sorry you dont agree, but AGE limits your life experience. which in turn limits your level of maturity and level of education. i wont type it again, because you people like to read what you want and attack what you feel like. if you dont agree that age has a deciding factor on ones life, then i suppose all the armies in the world got it wrong and should be recruiting 12 year olds. hell, im sure they can sustain the stress caused by the rapid destruction of human life. /sarcasm/
so we come to the point that age makes a difference.

ok and his contribution to society......like what spouting marxist rhetoric?
i think we have different views on things. thats what makes life interesting.
Un Moderador

You see, if that comment could get through to some of these minds. Then maybe we wouldn't have to be closing/baning/PM'ing people and threads so much.
But sadly, this comment fails to penetrate most peoples brains.
She looked 18 to me officer
*Cough* IKARTI *Cough*
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

The fact that this was done on December 7th (in the United States) of all dates only further proves that Bubbalo's sole intent in making that thread was to start a massive flame war.
This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
May I ask something.  When Steve Irwin died, if someone said anything bad about him at all, they were jumped on by every Australian on these forums, and people were banned by Australian mods.  When Americans jump on someone, it is not acceptable.  Please explain this to me. 

Not aimed at you EV.
I didn't.
+374|6685|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

EVieira wrote:

This forum is not exactly public, since it is owned by a private person or group of persons, but alot of people from around the world come here, and to most of them December 7th means nothing special. And I'm pretty sure most average americans don't remember that date easily too.

Maybe its time for you to make an Attitude check?

PS.: I have not seen nor have any idea what is this thread of Bubaloo's that raised such controversy
May I ask something.  When Steve Irwin died, if someone said anything bad about him at all, they were jumped on by every Australian on these forums, and people were banned by Australian mods.  When Americans jump on someone, it is not acceptable.  Please explain this to me. 

Not aimed at you EV.
I didn't.
That was not aimed at you either.  Just in general.
The Lizzard

weamo8 wrote:

Interestingly, it seems to my that people are pissed because he wont be honest about his thread, more than the content of the thread itself.
Clearly you didn't read the thread involved.......................

weamo8 wrote:

It is a lot easier to argue moral relativism than it is to argue for actual morals, but even Bubbalo understands that complete moral relativism is ridiculous.  He is arguing such to cover his tracks.
No, I'm merely pointing out that even without moral relativism, objectivism and absolutism require one to choose a set of morals, and, depending on which set you choose, different acts with be viewed differently.
+5,233|6847|Global Command
Allright then...
Lets move on shall we?

I once posted a thread calling for the machine gunning off illegal aliens. My post too was absurd and meant in the abstract. It was meant to make a larger point.

Later reading back my words, I too had to search for the part of my point that was meant to influence anybody.

It happened, it was taken " out of context " by many who read it.

Forgive and forget.

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