The New Johnnie Cochran
The whole map just looks like a big EU rapefest. I mean, the PAC has to battle the EU UPHILL? Jeez, I'm sorry, but that just seems a little one sided.
no not really, in my opinion it's a fun map.
Waste Kid
Voss L-AR - The answer to all of your 2142 problems.
Goodbye :)
+399|6519|Somewhere else

PoP wrote:

Voss L-AR - The answer to all of your 2142 problems.
Does it fix connection problems?
Its a wannabe strike at Karkand.
+7|6755|MoVal, Southern California
Cerbere landing is awesomecore. If you have a good team , the PAC can slowly get the EU control points. You just have to sneak by, and try to avoid the chokepoints. Squadleaders must deploy their beacon once they find a good spot in between a flag... place one in those burned out buildings so people don't really see them. It's a great map.
In start, take the FAV and speed right up to the upper flags. If succeded there are most likely 2-3 players coming to get them. Soon you'll have little less than half of the team with you.

This way you will slowly crush the EU Team if they are noobs. But you need to do it FAST, before they put out all those loller mines. Which seriously starts to bug me. In Titan mode, I drive around a corner, there's a loller mine, I drive past a rock, there's a loller mine, I get to the silo there's 500 lollers mines. LIKE COME ON, drop the number on those mines to at least 3-4 because they rape anything and if you put them behind certain objects. You won't be able to hear the beeping sound and it will hit instantly.

Also 90% of the people in Titan mode plays as Enginer so it kinda sucks to be tank user as everyone got Pilum and somehow gets behind you real quick.
And I do got a friend that defuse them or I defuse them but that will be like half of the round total.

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

Its a wannabe strike at Karkand.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
PAC gets a Walker, but EU only has to hold four flags to achieve ticket drain. I think they're pretty even...
Aeon Supreme commander
If you have 1 team that is using teamwork(which most never do), its a cake walk for PAC, just drive up to the middle point, then cap the main base, blow the toys, and trap them on the left side spawn flag, then its a chicken shoot.

Kanil wrote:

PAC gets a Walker, but EU only has to hold four flags to achieve ticket drain. I think they're pretty even...
Untill the EU throw out 100 loller mines on the road that no one wanna defuse because they are sitting ducks.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6645|Greenwood, IN
Yet people still keep playing it...  I wonder what map that reminds me of...
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6713|Houston, Texas
The map isn't so bad if you have a clue how to play IO style. The only real problem is the size of the very far back EU flag, which i cant think of the name for right now, maybe command post? anyways, because a lot of guys will put beacons on top of the tower, so even if you get the flag neutral you will still get harrased. aside from that flag's disadvatange, the rest of the map is fine. That being said first thing i do on pac is go straight to the very back and put a beacon on top of the tower. Then PAC has the advatange.

Honestly i wish the walker wasn't there. There is very few places it can go due to the trees, and if your team sucks on PAC it normally ends up just base raping your non cap from the other team having stole it.

Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2006-12-06 16:09:19)


a_fraudulent_miracle wrote:

Cerbere landing is awesomecore. If you have a good team , the PAC can slowly get the EU control points. You just have to sneak by, and try to avoid the chokepoints. Squadleaders must deploy their beacon once they find a good spot in between a flag... place one in those burned out buildings so people don't really see them. It's a great map.
PAC has a FUCKING MECH! like hell its unbalanced...EU get all the flags at first and the Mech blows them the fuck away

No.  Second best map in the game. (Camp FTFW (forthefuckingwin, bitch.))

Last edited by EntertaineR_06 (2006-12-06 17:12:04)

+1|6429|Cov - UK

Zefar wrote:

In start, take the FAV and speed right up to the upper flags. If succeded there are most likely 2-3 players coming to get them. Soon you'll have little less than half of the team with you.

This way you will slowly crush the EU Team if they are noobs. But you need to do it FAST, before they put out all those loller mines. Which seriously starts to bug me. In Titan mode, I drive around a corner, there's a loller mine, I drive past a rock, there's a loller mine, I get to the silo there's 500 lollers mines. LIKE COME ON, drop the number on those mines to at least 3-4 because they rape anything and if you put them behind certain objects. You won't be able to hear the beeping sound and it will hit instantly.

Also 90% of the people in Titan mode plays as Enginer so it kinda sucks to be tank user as everyone got Pilum and somehow gets behind you real quick.
And I do got a friend that defuse them or I defuse them but that will be like half of the round total.
They should really give Engineers like half a point for each mine they diffuse.  They give points to encourage all other kinds of team work, why not diffusing mines ??  Diffusing mines really helps your team but Why the hell should you stick your neck out if you don't gain from it ??

P.S. Cerebe Landing kicks ass. It's Points harvest time for Squad leaders
Nah, it's a great map.  The only time I find it a little much as PAC is if the EU infiltrates your uncap and spawn rapes.   That doesn't seem to happen too often though.
Dex Luther

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

a_fraudulent_miracle wrote:

Cerbere landing is awesomecore. If you have a good team , the PAC can slowly get the EU control points. You just have to sneak by, and try to avoid the chokepoints. Squadleaders must deploy their beacon once they find a good spot in between a flag... place one in those burned out buildings so people don't really see them. It's a great map.
PAC has a FUCKING MECH! like hell its unbalanced...EU get all the flags at first and the Mech blows them the fuck away
Not really.

The game starts some dude gets in it. Racks up some kills but then he gets EMP nade spammed and dies (due to pilum, RDX, or rockets). EU is usually still camping the uncap, so as soon as it respawns it usually falls into enemy hands and adds to the spawn rapage.

Last edited by Dex Luther (2006-12-06 18:03:42)

Phone Spammer
+207|6630|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
I will rape you on Cerbere.  Ask Entertayner.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6731|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
Remember, if you're on the PAC, pretend you're a good lil Russian and throw the masses at them. You'll win, eventually.
I have yer to play conquest mode in my 60 hours of play. I found out that i get more points in titan then i did in bf2 conquest
Crazy Plum
+7|6436|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
its true you get more points but it lasts like 2 hours to fully complete a titan map.....shorter conquest maps more x2 bonus=more points over all i think the conquest maps generate more points but i may be wrong
+106|6421|UMass Amherst
Cerebre landing is a toughie for PAC, I admit that; they have an uncappable and one flag nearby is neutral, plus they have a walker to start.  EU starts with terrain advantage (uphill) and four cappable flags, the command center of which is a royal bitch to capture if they're forced back that far.  Here's my strategy:

Use the walker as support.  Do not, repeat, DO NOT use it to cap points, so grab it if only to stop the retarded N00bs from bulldozing a path and having it be blown to pieces in thirty seconds; that's like losing your queen early in a game of chess, even though it does respawn after three minutes.  That's what your infantry are there for, to take rockets for you and eliminate Engineer and Recon threats; Squad up and act as an armored spawn point, telling your guys to bail out when possible so you can continue to reinforce a point.  One squad of your buddies with VOIP working together can pull this off.  Now, on to strategy:

Cap the Office ruins, fast; if the EU grabs this, odds are good you'll be spawn-raped up the ass for the entire round, and that isn't fun.  This is where having a gunner for the Walker is crucial, he can shoot uphill where the driver can't.  Bypass the Harbor and the Church... and have your squad sneak up (using Recon cloaks or Light Recon Vehicles) on the Roadblock area, this is your next big staging point; the eastern and western edges of the map are good for getting to this point, since they have hills that can protect you from unsusupecting eyes and gunfire.  Harbor and Church become a bloodbath of CQC and PAC typically dead-locks with them until the end of the round, unless a squad manages to break through.  Literally, just run, and keep moving to roadblock if at all possible; avoid contact with enemy, don't bother sniping off the lone infantry if he doesn't see you; not only does this attract attention, a panicked squad leader may radio in an orbital strike by an all-too-eager commander.  Not only does this strategy (if it works) typically suprise the enemy when you grab that point right out from beneath them, they'll be slow to react (as the roadblock is longer travel time from harbor and church) and give you time to land the killing stroke: the EU main base.

I can't emphasize how much it's worth capping this point: without it, the EU no longer gets cars to kamikaze the walker with (for all you recon whores out there, I hate you).  No more zipping around and capping points before you know whats going on.  And, more importantly, your squad should take out the EU commander assets... on a small map like this, I've seen that artillery obliterate entire squads; take it out first at all costs.  Target the UAV next, then EMP+ sat-scan depending on ammo situation.  This point is so easy to defend, even by one squad of snipers, support and medics mixed in...if the PAC loses it at this point, they are genuine retards.  Now, here's the key part: hold that EU fortress like a mofo, with possibly the walker if it's still alive; every game I've seen, the EU will be scrambling over each others corpses frantically climbing the hill to get the point back.  Don't let them, because you can box them in from the north, and move in from the south uncap and cap all those hart-to-get points while they're distracted (Church, and Harbor, namely).  After PAC owns five of six flags, EU starts to get ticket bleed; if possible, force them to the Church at this point, and it becomes a slaughter-fest; there's no way out of there but the hills to the east, and even then it's a long trip to the next-nearest point, the office ruins.  Laugh sadistically as you grenade, snipe, and otherwise tear them apart, and possibly run them out of flags.

It's a good solid strategy with a single squad that has four to six members, but difficult to do if the enemy commander alerts the squads and put up defenses around the Roadblock or the hills.  Stealth is key on this map, there are a lot of buildings/foliage/hills to hide behind.  Use them to your advantage.
2142th Whore
this map is kinda imba but it is really fun when the flags are managed to be evened out by the pac

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