I have a standard european keyboard, and mouse with left-right button, scrollbar and two side buttons (trust).
This is my setup:

Left Mouse  = shoot
Right Mouse= zoom
scroll= pick weapon
side button 1= crawl
side button 2= jump

qsdz for walking
shift for sprint
ctrl for teamspeak

Is this OK? What do u advice would be a better setup?

Thanks in advance.
Well, i use wasd for walking, i'm not familiar with your keyboard layout. Also, i don't reccomend using the scroll for weapon selecting, i use the numbers, it's so much faster.  I also use the spacebar for jumping, and the side buttons for reloading. That's my layout. It's great to see noobies shoot 3 bullets at you when they're 1 meter away from you, then watch them reload. i wait a few seconds while they're jumping around like idiots and just unload my clip into them. Great stuff.
+405|6616|A W S M F O X
i just use default controls, same with flying and whatnot, used to them from all other games so yeah, works for me!
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London


That sounds bent.

wasd. Naturally.

I used to use wierd controls on Quake 3 though, so I suppose it's just what you're used to.

(I used to have ,. as left and right, Space as back, right click as forwards and ? as jump) - default Kingpin controls, I quite liked them....
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6523|Pittsburgh, PA USA
Lose the keyboard & get a Nostromo n52 Speedpad as soon as you can afford it. Seriously you can look in my stats & see where I started using mine because I died much, much less & killed ALOT more.
Besides that though you really just need to figure out what feels the best for you. One person in my clan uses a joystick to control nearly everything, some people invert their mouse, alot of people I know use their right click as the run button, some people map everything to one side of their keyboard. I use the basic setup on a Speedpad with just a few buttons changed. I would personally recommend you start out with the standard setup & then change things as you realize you need them. Like when I use a keyboard I feel awkward using my pinky finger to hit the prone key so I put it on my mouse.
If you8r interested the link to that n52 is here: … _Id=157024
& the Amazon listing ($10 cheaper of course) … B0000DC643
Hope that helped a bit.
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6798|Cardiff - Wales - UK
Keyboard on the left mouse on the right, unless your left handed in which case its the other way around.

Bertster7 wrote:


That sounds bent.

"qsdz" is same then "wasd" but on azerty keyboard versus qwerty keyboard

For moving i got a nostromo pad. All key needed are configure there no keyboard needed, it's just perfect
Agree w/ the N52 thing. It's much easier to place your fingers, cause the keys are aligned, not like on a keyboard. You can easily design a good setup that fits your playing. In no time, you won't have to think "where is that key ?" because you'll have it right under your fingers.
The only thing is that you'll have to get used to it (a few days), but after that, you won't want to play without (especially if you combine it with a good mouse).

EDIT: and you won't need to get a stick to play helos or planes. Just create a new level of config. It did wonders to my flying with planes. Now, I love planes.

Last edited by dead_rac00n (2006-11-30 05:52:05)

+77|6829|respawn screen
middle mouse button = parachute
Thanks all very much! Especially that n52, will defenitly consider that one. TY
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
It's all about the ESDF format. I only know 3 other people that use it, and one other person that I did not show it to. E is more centered to the other keys than W is to its other keys. Also, when you use ESDF, you get one more set of reachable buttons and can easily reach up to 6 on your number list. I don't even use the scroll wheel for weapons, I don't use it at all.
I use zxfv for movement, my stepdad got me into first person shooters, and he has larger hands, so the extra space helped for comfortability purposes. Worked out for me as well, as my hands are big as well. I also like it because it moves your hand closer to the middle of the keyboard, making it easier to bind more keys (in my opinion).
I got a mouse with 8 buttons

1: fire
2: alternate fire
3: select pistol
4: select weapon #3 (main weapon)
5: select weapon #4 (grenade or sraw)
6: change kit
7: talk to sqad
8: talk to commander

on the nostromo i use the joypad on the side to

I use the default BF2 controls (WASD) and default mouse controls (left=fire, right=zoom)

The only thing I changed, is when I click the mouse wheel down, it switches to my rifle.

Handy when playing medic, got the defibs out, and see an enemy in front of me.
+21|6638|Enschede / Netherlands

Bratwurstschnecke wrote:

middle mouse button = parachute
Yep same here, and the side buttons are for confrim and decline.
i use qwes for movement, i find that so much more Comfortable then awsd.
and i dont use the scroll, i always choose with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

Stop reading this and look at my post
Whats the advantage of the speedpad, exactly?
immediat acces to all command without looking where is the key!

more place for the mouse, ashtray, beer bottle since the keyboard is not needed on the desk

Planet_Express_ wrote:

I have a standard european keyboard, and mouse with left-right button, scrollbar and two side buttons (trust).
This is my setup:

Left Mouse  = shoot
Right Mouse= zoom
scroll= pick weapon
side button 1= crawl
side button 2= jump

qsdz for walking
shift for sprint
ctrl for teamspeak

Is this OK? What do u advice would be a better setup?

Thanks in advance.
Use one of the side buttons for TS, and one for the map.

Ctrl should be crouch, and Z should be prone.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Phorum Phantom
my only strange thing is q is enter, e is reload, and r is main radio, its a little better, because you have to move your hand less to get the more important buttons of enter and reload closer to your hand.

Paco_the_Insane wrote:

my only strange thing is q is enter, e is reload, and r is main radio, its a little better, because you have to move your hand less to get the more important buttons of enter and reload closer to your hand.
Obviously you don't spot things.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6744|Reisterstown, MD

I use the arrows for movement, num 1 for prone, num 2 for crouch, and right shift for sprint.  Reload is on my mouse as mouse4.  That is pretty much all I need.
+100|6652|State of RETOXification
I use a custom configuration that I have used with other FPS games for years, this is how I have it setup for BF2:

Z - Forward
X - Back
S - Left
D - Right
Left Ctrl - Prone
W - Parachute
A - Flares/Chaff

Everything else is default for the keyboard as I hardly use them keys anyways.

All my weapons are bound to my mouse buttons.  I never have to use the mouse wheel to pick a weapon again, just click the button and I've got the exact weapon I want.  Binding my weapons to my mouse sent my KDR moving way up.  No more fiddling with the mouse wheel to find my pistol, c4, health, or whatever.

Last edited by ReTox (2006-11-30 12:48:49)

fuck it
Whatever is most comfortable. I use arrows for movement since i've used them for every fps i've ever played.
+27|6541|Ottawa, ON
The n52 is the greatest gaming device ever created. Lots of people look at it and think "wth, that's stupid". Their loss; it's infinitely more comfortable than a keyboard and you can pack everything you need onto it. The biggest advantage to it is probably the fact that you use your thumb to control something other than just jumping. I have everything mapped to my n52 and Razer Diamondback, including the spawn/kit and squad screens.
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6523|Pittsburgh, PA USA
Wow I didn't think they were that popular but it seems like everybody that has ever used one LOVES it. Definitely worth a look & just make a post if you need some profiles for it (it always seems to help me when I see how somebody else uses something, I did that with my X52 Flight controller also, got profiles for BF2 off the internet.)

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