
The Sheriff wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Stacking shelves is a skilled job, I think i'm probably the only british person that does it.

i do it too
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6983|Denver colorado
I'm lavadisk because canadianloser wrote this essay he shared in class.

The drawing above is a disk covered in lava.  A strange picture like that may bring questions of how it could represent who I am and what the symbolism that is behind it.  The lava represents my burning passion for computers and learning about them.  The disk itself represents the computer and the world of internet, software, and hardware.  Not only that though, the disk also reminds me of my home, because that is where I learn about computers and work with them.  Indirectly, the disk further reminds me of my family, mom, dad, and my brother, because I share my home with them and they share it with me.
    I spend a lot of time on my computers and enjoy playing games on them, surfing the internet, and even taking them apart and learning about the insides of them.  The symbol of the ‘lavadisk’ is one that I can see in many perspectives.  The reason I drew lava, rather than fire, is because the lava flows.  As a person, I continuously flow from one stage of my life to the next while learning, interacting, and experiencing.  The disk also saves memories of the good (fun programs) and the bad (viruses).  I can’t erase the bad experiences I have in life but can rather learn from it and make it a better experience next time I do it.
It's my first name.

My gaming handle is Fluffy Frufflebottoms, because it's an awesome name.
Meow :3 :3

lavadisk wrote:

I'm lavadisk because canadianloser wrote this essay he shared in class. … 8_1703.jpg

The drawing above is a disk covered in lava.  A strange picture like that may bring questions of how it could represent who I am and what the symbolism that is behind it.  The lava represents my burning passion for computers and learning about them.  The disk itself represents the computer and the world of internet, software, and hardware.  Not only that though, the disk also reminds me of my home, because that is where I learn about computers and work with them.  Indirectly, the disk further reminds me of my family, mom, dad, and my brother, because I share my home with them and they share it with me.
    I spend a lot of time on my computers and enjoy playing games on them, surfing the internet, and even taking them apart and learning about the insides of them.  The symbol of the ‘lavadisk’ is one that I can see in many perspectives.  The reason I drew lava, rather than fire, is because the lava flows.  As a person, I continuously flow from one stage of my life to the next while learning, interacting, and experiencing.  The disk also saves memories of the good (fun programs) and the bad (viruses).  I can’t erase the bad experiences I have in life but can rather learn from it and make it a better experience next time I do it.
religion class ftw
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6983|Denver colorado
And this

Could I have 10,000 marbles please
Strngs=Strings, and I took the i out because a guitar forum I used to frequent wouldn't let me use the i. then I got a creative streak in me and added 012, that is the string gauge I use on my acoustic guitar. Pretty stupid if you ask me.
A generally unremarkable member
why henno?
before I played bf2 I watched a cool tv show called Ultimate Force
Its based on the SAS
the main guy in it was called Sgt. Henry "Henno" Garvey

The name was already taken so I chose 13 because its an unlucky number
+14|6095|California, USA
No I died/Yes I owned you


R.I.P. Neda
+456|6982|Grapevine, TX
Because shit dosen't stick to me. Old nickname from the Corps.
There were already a lot of Teflons so I added Shadow... In honer of my favorite Dog, yeah lulz

No/Yes wrote:

No I died/Yes I owned you


so clever
+84|6639|Newcastle Upon Tyne.

SamTheMan:D wrote:

The Sheriff wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Stacking shelves is a skilled job, I think i'm probably the only british person that does it.

i do it too
Yeah but your a B&M fag tbh...I stack shelves at tesco also so thats 2 surgeons

My name is a local football thing...

Last edited by hawaythelads (2008-02-25 15:27:52)

Support fanatic :-)

Hm .... Varegg is a Norwegian nick i have used for the longest time actually, translated it is something like this (and take the full moon into the equation)


WereWolf - WereEgg - Varegg
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6894|United States
My nickname is Bert, since my real name is Robert.
I want to live until I'm 100.
I will sadly die when 99.

Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
God knows. When i played battlefield vietnam my name was, and i can't quite remember why i didn't stick with that. At the time i got bf2 i was obsessed with mint sauce comics in some biking magazine, because they were funny, so i used it! And i got the 41 from my basketball number, when i used to play.
It's a fairly unique name i think.

lavadisk wrote:

I'm lavadisk because canadianloser wrote this essay he shared in class. … 8_1703.jpg

The drawing above is a disk covered in lava.  A strange picture like that may bring questions of how it could represent who I am and what the symbolism that is behind it.  The lava represents my burning passion for computers and learning about them.  The disk itself represents the computer and the world of internet, software, and hardware.  Not only that though, the disk also reminds me of my home, because that is where I learn about computers and work with them.  Indirectly, the disk further reminds me of my family, mom, dad, and my brother, because I share my home with them and they share it with me.
    I spend a lot of time on my computers and enjoy playing games on them, surfing the internet, and even taking them apart and learning about the insides of them.  The symbol of the ‘lavadisk’ is one that I can see in many perspectives.  The reason I drew lava, rather than fire, is because the lava flows.  As a person, I continuously flow from one stage of my life to the next while learning, interacting, and experiencing.  The disk also saves memories of the good (fun programs) and the bad (viruses).  I can’t erase the bad experiences I have in life but can rather learn from it and make it a better experience next time I do it.
Wow you're deep. My bad experiences haunt me everyday and i have alternate identity to escape to anywhere. The way I act online is a mirror of the same way i Act and Feel in real life. Thats why i dont choose a new identity for myself because i cannot bring to fathom myself being someone else. Because no matter how hard i try i will never change. I hate the person that i am right now if i could i would become someone new, But sadly genetics prevent me. There are times i wish i could just throw away what i am now and start anew without any memories of my past identity.(My entire race pisses me off sometimes! By race i mean polish) Sometimes i wish i had no identity because it cannot be corrupted by Life and all it's Hypocrisy. An Identity without Identification, Something Like being Anonymous except in real life.

haffeysucks - haffey was my friend's last name and i said he sucks for my first bf2 account (first online game ever)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+3,611|6774|London, England

J/k, I just wiki'd Mek and that's what came up, I've never heard of that comic nor do I read comics.

Really it means nothing. The Izzle is there because "Shizzle my Nizzle" will never get old.

Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-02-25 15:39:12)

Mass Media Casualty

Woot! Finny's a FotC fan! Go New Zealand!

kptk92 wrote:

Initials/year of birth
So mine would be phds87.
Ty comes from... shit there's a history to this one...

Er, right. Back in Intermediate school I befriended a bloke called Jadi. Together we started writing a comic strip called "Arch Nemesis" which was a nonsensicle cartoon which centered around two main characters - Idaj Abaddon, a sort of mercenary from H.E.L.L, (the name for the organisation or whatever it was,) and Vampete DeVour, a vampire-of-sorts who was pretty much a lacky from the same organisation. Obviously Idaj was Jadi's character, (hint: it's Jadi backwards,) and Vampete was mine, (Did the "Pete" give it away?) The comic basicly had Idaj either trying to kill Vampete for basic ineptness or both of them or either of them attacking other more minor characters, (From "Me" the self-obsessed TV personality and part time singer to "Bob the Gay Genie.") I guess it was kind of like Mad Magazine's "Spy vs. Spy" except with more characters/character development and dialogue. For two 11/12/13 year olds Arch Nemesis was quite admirable.

Anyway, the cartoons kept going as they were until the end of form two when we were both twelve and went to separate colleges. Jadi went to St. Patricks College and I went to Wellington College. I haven't seen him since except for a brief time when I spied him reading a book in the bleachers at a Wellington Coll/St. Pats sporting meet.
Anyway at my new school I didn't really do much work in class, to be honest I never have. I spent most of the time continuing to draw Arch Nemesis cartoons. The stories were getting more complex and the characters were evolving and more people were getting interested in the cartoon. They suggested that Vampete probably wasn't a Vampire but some sort of alien and needed a new name. I settled on the name "Tyferra" after mishearing the planet "Thyferra"  being spoken in the premise to a mission in "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D" because it sounded quite alien but still "cool" and also fitting for the cartoon's universe. The cartoon continued, even launching a spin off where a friend of mine decided to create his own series of comics based around the character "Cliche", a red-haired weirdo who had a habit of being killed in utterly predictable ways.

Anyway, in my second year of college, (2002,) I was introduced through some friends to the world of online gaming, namely one game - Battlefield 1942 - (the Wake Island demo.)
I was required to think up a gamer tag for myself - well what more fitting than my now three year-old cartoon character? The name Tyferra stuck up until July 2006. I had recently been made a Moderator on this site and was getting an influx of e-mails from people wondering about my thoughts on various Star Wars topics. Upon realising that my name was a Star Wars planet, (I didn't make the link between the name and Star Wars until fairly recently,) I asked Jeff to shorten my user name, so Ty I became.

Nothing's ever simple when it comes to me. That's the whole story, I left nothing out.

(I'm bored at University waiting for my next lecture, don't judge me.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Step bro told it to me when I was like 10 used it ever since. apparently its from a movie
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

My first name is Ryan.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Well... the story behind my name...

It was a random thought. My bf2 name is my old favourite band (Behemoth).
Mike "The Spooge Gobbler" Morales
+376|6131|Blue Mountain State
Chuck Norris and Delta Force kick ass!!!

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta

Last edited by 1stSFOD-Delta (2008-02-25 16:03:39)

Baba Booey
It's from a book I once read....
I am all that is MOD!

I love Jeopardy and random trivia.  Ken Jennings was the most successful Jeopardy champion.
+1,106|6442|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Slarty wrote:

It's from a book I once read....
The Hitchhiker's Guid to the Galaxy, perhaps?
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6372|Phoenix, AZ
saw it in old school... seemed like classic goodness

used to be TheGodFather - but i changed it to GodFather

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