+385|6624|Northern California
dammit...the subject should read "REAL" ID, not READ... sorry.

Soooo...   who here is ready to give up privacy and freedom so Big Brother will know where you are?   Turns out it's going ahead as planned despite wide spread protests.  What's ironic is that the ACLU is leading the protest in what will become a similar form of stripping of constitutional rights similar to banning guns....both real ids and gun control ONLY effect the law abiding citizen!

Read and see what you think and how you feel about being lojacked! …

From the ANTI-REAL ID lobby:
The dangers of REAL ID:

• Fundamental inalienable human rights are being restricted.
Every citizen is being forced to get registered. REAL ID is not about identity but rather government authorization of activity. Individual rights and powers are being taken away. The government will authorize whether you can travel, have a bank account, get a job, or have access to Federal Courts and facilities. What were once inalienable rights are now privileges requiring government permission.

Without REALID you will not be able to:

    * Drive your car
    * Board a plane, train, or bus
    * Enter any federal building
    * Open a bank account
    * Hold a job

• A Coerced Identification Card.
In the modern world we need identification. But shouldn’t we be able to choose the form of identification and shouldn’t we have the right to limit the information available?

We believe that the citizen should have ultimate control over the type of information and the amount of information.

• A $23 Billion Deception.
Homeland Security's estimate of $23 billion dollars to create this national ID system is probably off by $5 billion dollars...

• A Waste of Our Time.
Time is precious and waiting in line at the Driver's License Bureaus is an example of wasting time to comply with ineffective government bureaucracy.

• One stop shopping for Criminals and Terrorists.
All this information will be available to any DMV worker, anywhere in the country. The data on your license or ID card will be able to be called-up by any federal or state agency, anywhere.

• A National Gun Registry.
Gun registration will be eventually tied to the database.

• A Threat to Freedom.
"Your Papers, Please" is a phrase from the Soviet Union or a banana republic not a phrase we expect to hear in a free country. ID checkpoints will become commonplace - they will be disguised as seat belt checkpoints, ICE enforcement, or any of an assortment of safety checkpoints.

• A Blight on the US Senate.
The US Senate never debated or discussed the REAL ID Act. It was never debated in any committee or on the Senate floor. Most of the Senate never even read the bill. Yet they passed it unanimously to please a powerful Senator (Representative James Sensenbrenner (R) of Wisconsin) who attached it as a rider to the military spending bill HR 1268.

• Creation of a Megadatabase.
Databases that were once separate requiring individual warrants and permissions for access will now be linked. It is the creation of an open-ended database. A file with all your private information will be created and over time linked/expanded to include: copy of your birth certificate, social security number and account details, driver's record, home address, phone numbers, email addresses, parents and sibling information, associates information, medical records, educational records, political affiliations, travel data, arrest and conviction records, gun registration data, credit history, biometric information (particularly facial characteristics), fingerprints, and we expect will eventually include a copy of one's DNA.

• Enforcement Methods.
It is the methods by which our government implements its policies that particularly concern us.  It is the transition to a Police/Surveillance/Database STATE that is most shocking and dangerous. This country survived 200 years of war and strife without turning into a totalitarian regime; our current security crisis is no excuse. Fundamentally, the United States Government has two choices to battle current threats. The first choice is to empower its citizens to be vigilant and be able to respond appropriately. The second choice (being implemented) is to control and to render powerless its citizens.

"Each time we give up a bit of information about ourselves to the government, we give up some of our freedom." - former US Senator Sam Ervin

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-01-11 11:12:51)

The Flying Kalakukko.
+94|6664|The lunar module
Don't you have unique social security numbers already?
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6263|North Tonawanda, NY
REAL ID = Bullshit.  It infringes on state and personal rights, and I hope that it gets struck down as unconstitutional.
+145|6441|Keller, Tx
This will never happen. Meh.
For the love of God I hope this shit doesnt happen, or Im moving to europe. Pretty soon we will have to have chips implanted in our brains just to make purchases.
Calmer than you are.
But... the government is doing this for our safety! 

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

oug wrote:

But... the government is doing this for our safety! 

Hell yeah! I'm never going to ever commit a crime, it's fine by me.  Do it.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

apollo_fi wrote:

Don't you have unique social security numbers already?
and our drivers license ID numbers are also cross referenced with many things in various databases. the real ID is bad news, not because its something radically new, but because its a much more efficient, and therefore, threatening, form of what we already have. notice how the article you cited says that RF ID chips will not be obligatory. that might be the worst thing about these IDs, the fact that everyone will be required to have some form of the real ID, and that there is a real possibility they will be physically traceable on gps. lets hope that the "RF ID security option" doesnt become mysteriously adopted by each state's version of the real id when they start handing them out. although just about any chevy onstar, cell phone, or GPS device is now built with a beacon that can be identified and tracked by feds with the appropriate clearance. but nevermind all this, im sure the biggest threat facing our people is the economic shrink imposed by mythical welfare queens and deadbeat minorities.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2008-01-11 10:53:46)

Aspiring Objectivist

too_money2007 wrote:

This will never happen. Meh.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6578|The Land of Scott Walker
I've heard this idea somewhere before ... hmmm ... ah yes, Revelation 13:16-17.  Thought it sounded familiar.
+385|6624|Northern California

Stingray24 wrote:

I've heard this idea somewhere before ... hmmm ... ah yes, Revelation 13:16-17.  Thought it sounded familiar.
Precisely...  "..and in that day, man shall not buy or sell or move to and fro unless he have the mark in his forehead..the number of the beast.."  (my paraphrase/guess).

Also, this was passed in ye 'ole rubberstamp repub congress of throwing it out probably ain't gonna happen.  And for Christians, it should be expected because it is, after all, a it has to happen somewhere.  ID cards at first..but then it will be embedded chips because hey, who uses old fashioned cards anymore?!?

We just need to find out the name some IT junky gives the master database warehouse where this pimply faced nerd jokingly gives the system the name "beast" because it's got bitchen uber teramcgigaflopage amounts of ram and a kajillion uber quadroplexed gigalicious .50 caliber processors in it.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-01-11 11:12:08)



• Fundamental inalienable human rights are being restricted.
they're being restricted everyday in every country nowadays.


"Each time we give up a bit of information about ourselves to the government, we give up some of our freedom." - former US Senator Sam Ervin

bit out of thread tbh but: quote ftw
"Governments want stupid and idiot people because those one don't think about anything besides who or what they gonna bash/piss off today hence they can't mind they're manipulated nor be aware that their freedom are being restricted more and more."
+226|6876|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
not be long now till they will be demanding "Ver are your papers" ?!!

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2008-01-11 13:11:48)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6675|Texas - Bigger than France
you hang out with lawyers too much.

all this information can be tied to the individual anyway...
People said this was a conspiracy theory not so long ago.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6263|North Tonawanda, NY

Marinejuana wrote:

apollo_fi wrote:

Don't you have unique social security numbers already?
and our drivers license ID numbers are also cross referenced with many things in various databases. the real ID is bad news, not because its something radically new, but because its a much more efficient, and therefore, threatening, form of what we already have. notice how the article you cited says that RF ID chips will not be obligatory. that might be the worst thing about these IDs, the fact that everyone will be required to have some form of the real ID, and that there is a real possibility they will be physically traceable on gps. lets hope that the "RF ID security option" doesnt become mysteriously adopted by each state's version of the real id when they start handing them out. although just about any chevy onstar, cell phone, or GPS device is now built with a beacon that can be identified and tracked by feds with the appropriate clearance. but nevermind all this, im sure the biggest threat facing our people is the economic shrink imposed by mythical welfare queens and deadbeat minorities.
The funny thing is -- if you where where the RFID chip or GPS recieve/transponder is located, it can be easily neutralized.  Just put it in a 'Faraday Cage'.  There is already a product that shields your passport RFID from remote sensing, and they have wallets too.  Keep people from reading your PayPass information, REAL ID information, and other RFID chips.
+302|6869|Salt Lake City

I don't know how many times I've posted in other threads against this type of thing.  Ultra patriotics will come along saying that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.  Well, here you go...just one step closer to Big Brother.  The government always knowing where you are, and what you're doing.

It doesn't matter if worldwide peace broke out tomorrow, the fact is that such tactics would continue, hidden within the guise that our benevolent government only has our best interest in mind.

Wake up people!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6942|Marathon, Florida Keys


* Drive your car
    * Board a plane, train, or bus
    * Enter any federal building
    * Open a bank account
    * Hold a job
Guess i should be a bum then.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6263|North Tonawanda, NY

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

I don't know how many times I've posted in other threads against this type of thing.  Ultra patriotics will come along saying that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.  Well, here you go...just one step closer to Big Brother.  The government always knowing where you are, and what you're doing.

It doesn't matter if worldwide peace broke out tomorrow, the fact is that such tactics would continue, hidden within the guise that our benevolent government only has our best interest in mind.

Wake up people!
It scares the hell out of me.  I don't have anything to hide, but I don't think I should need to prove it. 

This quote rings true more today then ever before:

Benjamin Franklin wrote:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
The Mas
+311|6821|NYC, a place to live
The thing that's so pathetic is that REAL ID does not make anyone safer.
That is seriously fucked up.  I hope for the US's sake that it doesn't go ahead!

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

People said this was a conspiracy theory not so long ago.
Exactly.  Skeptics and naysayers, what say ye now?

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