
Should this mother be charged with homicide?

Yes, a 1 year old and a 4 year old are dead74%74% - 103
No, she did her best, charge her with something else25%25% - 35
Total: 138
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6585|The Land of Scott Walker
Tragic story, a 1 year old and a 4 year old are dead after being left in a car for 8 hours in conditions that experts say could reach 130 to 140 degrees  in a matter of 10 to 15 minutes. 

http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/04/toddle … index.html

HANAHAN, South Carolina (AP) -- Sametta Heyward was in a bind. The single mother was scheduled to start a double shift at 3 p.m., and her baby sitter had just canceled.  "She was either told to come to work or be fired, or she was afraid to call in sick -- one of those things," said police Lt. Michael Fowler.  She made it to her job at a county-run group home July 29, a typically warm summer day. After eight hours, she called a supervisor and said she had to leave because of child-care issues.  According to her employer, she didn't tell the supervisor or a co-worker that for all that time, she had left her 1-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son in her Chevy Cavalier hatchback, parked on a residential street.  She had left Triniti and Shawn with battery-powered fans, food and drinks, but it was not nearly enough to combat the sweltering conditions inside. She later told relatives that when she got to the car at 11:30 p.m., the children were unconscious and had weak pulses.

A day later, police found her at her apartment wailing, "Oh, my babies!"  Officers said in a police report that she tried to kick and bite them and asked them to kill her. The bodies of the children, bathed and dressed, were found wrapped in trash bags and stuffed under the sink.  Heyward, 27, was charged with two counts of homicide by child abuse. A funeral for the children was held Saturday.  Lab tests are pending that could help determine whether the children died in the stifling car or sometime after their mother rushed their limp bodies back to their tiny apartment. 

A host of other questions remain unanswered: Why didn't she take the children inside the group home? Did she ever check on them? Why didn't she tell her supervisor that the baby sitter had canceled? If the children were alive when she got to them, why didn't she seek medical help?

People who know her say they considered her a loving mother, despite a life that turned tough long before she moved into the 252-square-foot efficiency apartment.  "She and her kids were always happy, smiling and joking," said Tony Smith, who lived a few doors down and often shared meals with the family.  Smith's wife, Sheryce Robertson, would sometimes baby-sit, but Robertson was sick when Heyward asked her to care for the kids that Sunday.

It was an average summer day by South Carolina standards: 88 degrees. But the inside of the car would have been like an oven, according to experts, who say the children may not have had much of a chance even if the windows were cracked.  "If it's in direct sunlight, you can easily get temperatures of 130 or 140 degrees in a car in 10 or 15 minutes," said Dr. Keith Borg, an emergency room physician at the Medical University of South Carolina. "At that kind of temperature, it could kill an infant or a small child in minutes."  Her friends and her bosses -- and even the officers who arrested her -- say Heyward had been trying her best: working long hours and providing for her children.

In May, she and her children had moved into the $185-a-week apartment in Hanahan, a bedroom community of about 14,000 people some 15 miles from Charleston. She told the apartment complex manager they wouldn't be there long, that she was already looking for another place.

She had been arrested twice in the past three years, but she was not prosecuted on a charge of hindering an officer and was found not guilty of first-degree criminal domestic violence in February 2006.  A few months before the move, she put a newborn up for adoption. A 12-year-old son lives with his father in Maryland.  If those things affected her, it didn't show on the job. In a recent statement, the Disabilities Board of Charleston County said Heyward "was a valued employee who received good evaluations of her work" and was well-regarded by staff and clients.  Her lawyer, Andy Savage, said he hopes a mental evaluation will shed light on what happened.  "Neighbors see her as a great mother. This isn't a woman who beat her kids," he said. "Suppose she went to work that night and left them at home. Would that have been better?
Tough situation. Discuss.
+5,233|6669|Global Command
No, she was in a bind and now must live with it forever.
Laughter with an S
+167|6785|Camoran's Paradise
I don't think that warrants homicide.  Probably manslaughter or extreme neglect.  It not that she meant to kill her kids (unless she poisoned them afterward) but I think she suffered from an acute case of stupidity.  I really wish that was legitimate crime.
AK Whore
+152|6936|Barrington, RI
she certainly needs to be punished for letting her kids die but a Homicide charge might be a little strong unless she actually wanted to kill the kids. Manslaughter would be more appropriate
+270|6685|Cedar Rapids, Iowa

=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:

she certainly needs to be punished for letting her kids die but a Homicide charge might be a little strong unless she actually wanted to kill the kids. Manslaughter would be more appropriate
"The bodies of the children, bathed and dressed, were found wrapped in trash bags and stuffed under the sink."

if she got charged with homicide she would probably get out in about 3 years because of "good behaviour" anyway, just a while ago a woman was charged with brutally killing her husband (btw she wasnt abused in anyway) and got out in 4 years.

EDIT: it might sound harsh but she deserve's life in prison, she's killed 2 put one up for adoption and abused another, "nuff said".

Last edited by Madhadda1 (2007-08-05 17:57:44)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6906|Cambridge (UK)

And, the company she worked for should be sued for not having a crèche facility.
You should never have children if you think anything is more important than they are.  Fuck your job.

=ST6=SewerMaster wrote:

she certainly needs to be punished for letting her kids die but a Homicide charge might be a little strong unless she actually wanted to kill the kids. Manslaughter would be more appropriate
They were wrapped in trash bags, dude.  There's a little more going on here than coming out to find her children dead.

Last edited by geNius (2007-08-05 17:49:22)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6270|North Tonawanda, NY
Depraved Indifference.  That's murder.

Murder is the killing of human being with malice prepense. Malice can be expressed (intent to kill) or implied. Implied malice is proven by acts that involve reckless indifference to human life or in a death that occurs during the commission of certain felonies (the felony murder rule).
The New Johnnie Cochran

SenorToenails wrote:

Depraved Indifference.  That's murder.

Murder is the killing of human being with malice prepense. Malice can be expressed (intent to kill) or implied. Implied malice is proven by acts that involve reckless indifference to human life or in a death that occurs during the commission of certain felonies (the felony murder rule).
the fact that she had put up fans and the like negates reckless indifference to human life.

There's no mens rea here. Not enough for murder. Probably 1st degree manslaughter.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6615|Foothills of S. Carolina

Tough call, and in hindsight I am willing to be she wishes she had taken the children into work with her. Im gonna null vote this one.

Scorpion0x17 wrote:


And, the company she worked for should be sued for not having a crèche facility.

Future ACLU lawyer in the house.

This guy clearly thinks we shouldn't be held accountable for our own actions. See? It is crap like this that  makes it soooooo hard for me to get up in the morning and put on my cape and leotard. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.
+252|6844|Sextupling in Empire

Why is she single? Where the fuck is the father? If it turns out he was some deadbeat piece of shit, I want him tossed in jail to for failing to prevent this from happening to his offspring.

Extreme, I know, but I'm tired of being surrounded by animals posing as humans.
Goodbye :)
+399|6620|Somewhere else

Take her out ack and shoot her.  Simple. Effective. To the point.
Well butter my buscuit
This happened near where I live....

A tragic story in Wyoming County. On one of the hottest days of the year, an infant was left inside a car and died.

Police in Arcade say five-month-old Brayden T. Brol of Franklinville was found dead after being left in the car for nine hours.

Investigators say his mother, Lynn A. Brol,32, arrived at work at Pioneer Credit Recovery in Arcade at 8 a.m. Not realizing she forgot the baby in the car, she left work at 5 p.m. and noticed Brayden, still strapped in his carseat.

Police say people leaving work saw Brol screaming in the parking lot and called 9-1-1. An emergency medical technician, who also works at Pioneer, checked the child but found no vital signs.

No charges have been filed in this case, however, the District Attorney says the case is still being investigated.

Police say Brol normally drops her son off at a daycare just up the street from where she works, but believe she just forgot to drop him off Thursday. Arcade Police Chief John Laird says the child was sleeping and no one noticed him in the car which had tinted windows that were rolled up.

So far, there are no charges against the mother
who has another child with her husband. Police say there will be more follow up interviews on Friday and an autopsy will be scheduled. Chief Laird says it will be up to Wyoming County District Attorney Gerald Stout to determine if there are any charges in the case.

The family is grieving one day after the tragedy. A relative tells 2 On Your Side that normally the daycare would call the parents if the child was not dropped off, but that did not happen on Thursday.

http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.a … ryid=49959

She forgot to drop her baby off at daycare and left the baby in the car all day long..

How can people be so stupid?
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
this happens 1 to 6 times a year in Texas and most the time its "I for got about the child" or "I didn't know it was that hot" and i think most the time they get off. I think they should get left in a car in the heat an then go to jail for a long time.
O Canada
+1,596|6545|North Carolina
While the deaths of her own children are a horrible punishment already, I'd charge her with double manslaughter...  It obviously wasn't intentional, but it was negligent.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6861|Sydney, Australia
Well if it was an accident or not, the part that concerns me is:

The bodies of the children, bathed and dressed, were found wrapped in trash bags and stuffed under the sink.
Didn't she get to the car and realise something was wrong, then call 911 (or whatever it is)?
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6562|California, US
I dont say homicide. I say more extreme neglagence.
People who do this sort of shit "on accident" are idiots. Seriously how stupid can you be to leave your kids in a car???
+145|6448|Keller, Tx
Kill her. She was ignorant enough to leave her children in her car like that. That kind of irresponsibility sickens me. That cunt deserves to be put in a box in the desert and left for dead, like she did her children.
+127|6527|Jesus Land aka Canada
ya i heard numerous stories where parents forgot their children in a hot car. i believe that they have their punishment. the punishment that the idea that they just killed their kid; its going to stick for ever. but still some charges still must be made.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6682|Texas - Bigger than France
Wow, that's asinine.
Little BaBy JESUS
she is going to be haunted the rest of her life... as it said she asked police to kill her. u cant do much more to this women without completly destroying her... she needs Psychiatric  help and a stint in minimum security
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6270|North Tonawanda, NY

Elamdri wrote:

the fact that she had put up fans and the like negates reckless indifference to human life.

There's no mens rea here. Not enough for murder. Probably 1st degree manslaughter.
I meant how she didn't take them to a hospital when it was obvious that they needed to go.

She later told relatives that when she got to the car at 11:30 p.m., the children were unconscious and had weak pulses.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6906|Cambridge (UK)

lowing wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:


And, the company she worked for should be sued for not having a crèche facility.

Future ACLU lawyer in the house.

This guy clearly thinks we shouldn't be held accountable for our own actions. See? It is crap like this that  makes it soooooo hard for me to get up in the morning and put on my cape and leotard. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.
WHAT? Did you actually read what I wrote?

Do you not know what 'Yes' means. Or 'And'?


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