I know it depends on which class you play the most but what unlock would you unlock first and why?  There are 10 unlocks rate and rank please.

Last edited by 1MaNArmY (2007-02-27 08:10:15)

I think the infantry scanner (mounted to the Otus drone making it a portable personal UAV) is the most powerful unlock there is.

The ability to place it on drones will most certainly be removed in the next patch.
I've been playing engineer recently and used my two saved unlocks on the mine bait and the expanded clip. Having 40 bullets per clip is a huge help and killing people with their own motion mines is a good time. Although some buggy shit happens with the mines when you throw the bait, I'd say half the time they just sit there. The other day I threw the bait beneath a hover tank and when they detonated it flipped twice before exploding.
cool I didn't know you could mount the scanner to the Otus drone interesting?  Do you just jump up and toss it at the elevated drone and hope it sticks?
+50|6925|Cambridge UK
Doesn't the Otus drone have a UAV anyway?? If that's the case what's the point of attaching the new infantry scanner on it? (Sorry if i've missed something here, just thought i'd ask)

Oh, and back on topic: i think the RDX launcher is pretty cool, took out a walker with it the other day (it was already smoking but still... couldn't have done it with Support class before without getting REAL close.) I imagine that extra ammo for SMG would be handy too though.

Last edited by Kontrolfreq (2007-02-27 08:28:43)

I haven't unlock the the SAW for the engy class as I thought the weapon suxor but now I hear with the current patch it is very efficient at bringing down gunships and transport ships.  Might have to re-evaluate that tree line.

Last edited by 1MaNArmY (2007-02-27 10:54:01)


Kontrolfreq wrote:

Doesn't the Otus drone have a UAV anyway?? If that's the case what's the point of attaching the new infantry scanner on it? (Sorry if i've missed something here, just thought i'd ask)

Oh, and back on topic: i think the RDX launcher is pretty cool, took out a walker with it the other day (it was already smoking but still... couldn't have done it with Support class before without getting REAL close.) I imagine that extra ammo for SMG would be handy too though.
Funny, coz I was taken out with a RDX Launcher while I was in a Walker ... pretty embarrassing seeing as it doesn't do much damage.

Now my excuse ... I had 12hp left and needed a Engy ... Oh, and I was on Gibraltar

EDIT - Oh, and back on topic ....
- Sniper Decoy: Yet to try it out, prefer my RDX/Camo combo.
- Camo Upgrade: Super upgrade for the camo, I can now cap flags while invisible (partially).
- Extra Rockets/Shotguns & Magazine: Thumbs up. Now you can take out that moving knobend!!
- Radar Grenade: Yet to use it, apparently theres no point as it doesn't work
- Motion Mine Bait: Doesn't seem to take out RDX/APMs(?) ... I'll stick with Defuser.
- SMG Clip Expansion: Awsome now I can take out more than two people max.
- IDS-1: Haha best upgrade on NS!! Stick it to vehicle's to totally own!!! Oh, and when your capping flags
- Clark RDX-Shotgun: W00t!!!! Combined with IDS-1 for maximum ownage!! Got a decent K/D Ratio with it, despite not using it much.
- Boots: Don't see much difference, considering theres always a medic about to heal you.
- Squad Leader Beacon: Yet to see a difference ... not sure how it works really =\

Last edited by kptk92 (2007-02-27 09:59:29)

I have managed to kill up to 3 people with the PAC-SMG, but that was when I backed attacked them and think they where damaged to.

But normally it does take a lot of ammo and you can't really controll how much you fire with it. And medium range is not really an option.
Ok the one's i've been able to use so far, with my completed unlock trees are:
- Camo Upgrade: Didnt notice much of a difference the one time i tried it. I never use the camo long enough for it to 'overheat' anyway so useless.
- Radar Grenade: Didnt seem to do anything at all.
- Clark RDX-Shotgun: Ok this seemed like a good idea, but when i found a guy lying prone facing the other way, instead of knifing him i decided to try out the RDX shotgun. One shot, not dead, 2 shots, not dead. By this time he's firing back at me. 3rd shot, missed, 4th shot, killed him. What a complete waste of time.
- Boots: Didnt notice any change.
- Squad Leader Beacon: Since this only counts for people that are actually killed and not 'critically wounded', this is also pretty useless.

So on the whole, as far as my experience with them goes, the NS unlocks are useless. The IDS-1 sounds like a very good unlock, overpowered even. The Ghost sounds interesting, as does the motion mine bait. So i'll have to start finishing those unlock trees to be able to use the 2 or 3 unlocks that are of any use.
+3,936|6821|so randum

Zukabazuka wrote:

I have managed to kill up to 3 people with the PAC-SMG, but that was when I backed attacked them and think they where damaged to.

But normally it does take a lot of ammo and you can't really controll how much you fire with it. And medium range is not really an option.
Titan Defense + SMG expansion +Pistol Maxclip ugrade (gives SMG one more clip) = Carnage. Got to the point with smgs on titan, where i can take down about 4 attackers running down a corridor at me, without reloading
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

fatherted13 wrote:

Zukabazuka wrote:

I have managed to kill up to 3 people with the PAC-SMG, but that was when I backed attacked them and think they where damaged to.

But normally it does take a lot of ammo and you can't really controll how much you fire with it. And medium range is not really an option.
Titan Defense + SMG expansion +Pistol Maxclip ugrade (gives SMG one more clip) = Carnage. Got to the point with smgs on titan, where i can take down about 4 attackers running down a corridor at me, without reloading
the SMG expansion is part of the Engy class correct?  Must unlock the SAAW to have access to it?
+3,936|6821|so randum

1MaNArmY wrote:

fatherted13 wrote:

Zukabazuka wrote:

I have managed to kill up to 3 people with the PAC-SMG, but that was when I backed attacked them and think they where damaged to.

But normally it does take a lot of ammo and you can't really controll how much you fire with it. And medium range is not really an option.
Titan Defense + SMG expansion +Pistol Maxclip ugrade (gives SMG one more clip) = Carnage. Got to the point with smgs on titan, where i can take down about 4 attackers running down a corridor at me, without reloading
the SMG expansion is part of the Engy class correct?  Must unlock the SAAW to have access to it?
Yes, which i did so accidently. Havn't used it since, but i hear it's been made better, Still won't use it, i get see more hostile tanks than gunships.

Edit- EA have removed all my NS beta unlocks, so i don't have SMG expansion anymore

Last edited by fatherted13 (2007-02-27 11:27:02)

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

fatherted13 wrote:

1MaNArmY wrote:

fatherted13 wrote:

Titan Defense + SMG expansion +Pistol Maxclip ugrade (gives SMG one more clip) = Carnage. Got to the point with smgs on titan, where i can take down about 4 attackers running down a corridor at me, without reloading
the SMG expansion is part of the Engy class correct?  Must unlock the SAAW to have access to it?
Yes, which i did so accidently. Havn't used it since, but i hear it's been made better, Still won't use it, i get see more hostile tanks than gunships.

Edit- EA have removed all my NS beta unlocks, so i don't have SMG expansion anymore
well you can still unlock them via field upgrades until the expansion is officially released on Wednessay or Thursday 3-1.  Which is it?
+22|7008|Philadelphia, PA
1. Extra Rockets/Shells – Most rocket salvos head my way after I take cover from a long-range Voss attack, and I’m down in two rockets.  Even I forget to reload after a two rocket kill; so it’s 50/50 that  I get that “lonely” third rocket sent my way and make off while he’s reloading.  Not any more: “Long live the sustained rocket spam!”

2. PDS-1 Personnel Sonar –The Otus UAV drone WAS an indispensable tool to use while capping a flag.  No surprises - your squad simply scanned and focused on the red diamonds.  After 1.20, the Otus fails to deploy/suicides you on select maps.  I don’t even bother with it on Cerbere & Belgrade anymore.  Enter the PDS-1.  Stick it on a vehicle or Accipter.

3. Enhanced Camouflage – A double shot of stealth: enhanced blurring and longer lasting.  Nearly impossible to see at a distance and if your Support’s NetBat doesn’t pick up on them, chances are you’re screwed in CQB tracking (e.g - mystery RDX!).  Plus, you can almost cap a flag yourself while remaining invisible.

4. Clark RDX – The utility of this weapon is marginal, but it strikes fear when it counts.  Launch a couple flaming lava balls into an enemy squad and watch ‘em scatter.  Use it to lure out the enemy into your LMG line of fire or to attack entrenched foes in the Titan core room.  Surprisingly low splash damage and it takes a bunch to kill at full health, but it does have a menacing sound!

5. Ability Boots – It’s double coupon day at DICE!  You get enhanced stamina recovery and limited fall damage protection for the price of one unlock.  Any unlock that minimizes damage is to you is just as important as one that inflicts it on the enemy.

6. Squad Leader Prioritization Utility – In my opinion the SLSBeacon is only effective on Titan maps and sustained assaults “behind the lines” on bottle necked infantry maps (Berlin/Gibraltar).  It’s the novice-SL unlock.  Why? A SL can’t lead if he can’t stay alive/on the perimeter of the action.  Plus, an effective squad should have multi-medics to revive the SL when he’s down anyway.  Finally, most maps have ample spawn points so it’s never too far to walk.  I’d rather target the Otus “red diamonds” than pod into a hazy spawn camp death anyday.  Still, since a lot of people love the beacon, how can shaving off 5 seconds of spawn time hurt?

7. Motion Mine Bait – Admittedly, I haven’t used this too often – but it seems better to carry an offensive-minded defensive tool than a silly handheld defuser.  Though, who wants to expose themselves only to toss an ‘empty’ grenade at their enemy?  It’s kind of like sneaking onto your enemy’s roof and attaching RDX to his homing pigeon.  IDEA: Seems well suited for spamming by the 3rd man in an FAV is it Nitro-boosts through a mine field?

8. Expanded Engineer Magazine – The best engineer attacks are heard and not seen.  Pilium in the tailpipe.  Motion mines flying out of the bushes.  Anti-air rockets emerging from between billboards in the middle of the map.  If the engineer goes mano-a-mano with most other kits, he better hope there’s a medic (paddles equipped!) in his squad.  Why add more anti-infantry bullets to his sidearm when his primary foe is an armored vehicle?  Great, now he can die with a few extra bullets in his clip.

9. Recon Ghost Decoy – I’m not going to send my squad after the lone-gunman on the grassy knoll. But if I do, anyone with a half-decent rig and draw distance set at 100% isn’t going to fall for this one.

X. Radar Grenade – Wow! Smoke that let’s you know that there’s someone in that Titan corridor.  Duh!  I would have much rather seen EMP smoke that confuses the hell out of Sentry guns or at least distracts them from their real purpose: shooting through the Titan render!
I think there all pretty lame apart from the clark RDX that mite come in use on the titan or against the cars
The extra-ammo ones might be dull, but they're very useful.
Sniper decoy, haven't tried.
Active camo upgrade, rarely overheat anyway.
Boots, nice. Take less damage from high falls, recover stamina quicker.
IDS-1 is genius.
Haven't tried any of the others.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|7053|Germany, near Koblenz
I really don't bother about the quality of the new unlocks (allthough I like the boots), it's just another "Collect them all!" for me.
+1,010|6607|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Motionmine bait + Motionmines = Best anti-infantry explosive

But my favorite is probs the Modified Clark that shoots smal RDX packs... dont really know why because its not very good in many situations, however when 10 enemies are lying outside a corridor door trying to get past your grenadespamming nub freinds IT ROX !!!!

Since 1.20 my config has basically been Clark + Modified Clark + Sentry gun/New infantry scanner UAV thingy
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Cylons' my kinda frak
I liked the Ghost decoy quite a bit.

I was using it earlier today, just sitting there waiting for people to come by, 11-0 with a knife, until I was sniped
+1,010|6607|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Samtheman53 wrote:

I think there all pretty lame apart from the clark RDX that mite come in use on the titan or against the cars
It's good but it is worth nothing against armor,, sadly ,, if only it was about 2x more powerfull against vehicles than the AR (assaultrifle rockets), then it would be the best new unlock :]
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

Only 2 unlocks really worth mentioning are
1. Extra Rockets - 2 for the kill, wait a sec than fire other 2 to get the medic and hopefully the poor dude that just got revived.
2. IDS (thing that detects infantry) - by far the dumbest thing I ever saw. The game was already so simplified with all the "gadgets" (otus, vehicle detector, UAVs, Sat scans) that it really didn't needed another one. Now everyone will know where everyone is. Forget about sneaking around, hiding, stealth etc.
Who thought, "you know so far a player knows where 90 % of enemies are, lets do something about the other 10 %".  And they made the PDS.
And than they thought, "lets give it to support class so they have unlimited number of them to throw around wherever the go. After all we don't want to force players to think when to use them".
Sad really.

Last edited by zeidmaan (2007-02-28 09:22:41)


zeidmaan wrote:

Only 2 unlocks really worth mentioning are
1. Extra Rockets - 2 for the kill, wait a sec than fire other 2 to get the medic and hopefully the poor dude that just got revived.
2. PDS-1 - by far the dumbest thing I ever saw. The game was already so simplified with all the "gadgets" (otus,  vehicle detector, UAVs, Sat scans) that it realy didnt needed another one. Now everyone will know where everyone is. Forget about sneeking aroound, hiding, stealth etc.
Who thought, "you know so far a player knows where 90 % of enemies are, lets do something about the other 10 %".  And they made the PDS.
And than they thought, "lets give it to support class so they have unlimited number of them to throw around wherever the go. After all we don't want to force players to think when to use them".
Sad really.
are you referring to the IDS scanner (new support unlock - infantry for close quarters) or the original PDS (engineer unlock) that detects vehicles?

1MaNArmY wrote:

zeidmaan wrote:

Only 2 unlocks really worth mentioning are
1. Extra Rockets - 2 for the kill, wait a sec than fire other 2 to get the medic and hopefully the poor dude that just got revived.
2. PDS-1 - by far the dumbest thing I ever saw. The game was already so simplified with all the "gadgets" (otus,  vehicle detector, UAVs, Sat scans) that it realy didnt needed another one. Now everyone will know where everyone is. Forget about sneeking aroound, hiding, stealth etc.
Who thought, "you know so far a player knows where 90 % of enemies are, lets do something about the other 10 %".  And they made the PDS.
And than they thought, "lets give it to support class so they have unlimited number of them to throw around wherever the go. After all we don't want to force players to think when to use them".
Sad really.
are you referring to the IDS scanner (new support unlock - infantry for close quarters) or the original PDS (engineer unlock) that detects vehicles?
OH the IDS ofcourse.... my bad.
+22|7008|Philadelphia, PA

zeidmaan wrote:

Only 2 unlocks really worth mentioning are
1. Extra Rockets - 2 for the kill, wait a sec than fire other 2 to get the medic and hopefully the poor dude that just got revived.
2. IDS (thing that detects infantry) - by far the dumbest thing I ever saw. The game was already so simplified with all the "gadgets" (otus, vehicle detector, UAVs, Sat scans) that it really didn't needed another one. Now everyone will know where everyone is. Forget about sneaking around, hiding, stealth etc.
Who thought, "you know so far a player knows where 90 % of enemies are, lets do something about the other 10 %".  And they made the PDS.
And than they thought, "lets give it to support class so they have unlimited number of them to throw around wherever the go. After all we don't want to force players to think when to use them".
Sad really.
Gee, where did I read this before? hmmmm

zeidmaan wrote:

Only 2 unlocks really worth mentioning are
1. Extra Rockets - 2 for the kill, wait a sec than fire other 2 to get the medic and hopefully the poor dude that just got revived.
2. IDS (thing that detects infantry) - by far the dumbest thing I ever saw. The game was already so simplified with all the "gadgets" (otus, vehicle detector, UAVs, Sat scans) that it really didn't needed another one. Now everyone will know where everyone is. Forget about sneaking around, hiding, stealth etc.
Who thought, "you know so far a player knows where 90 % of enemies are, lets do something about the other 10 %".  And they made the PDS.
And than they thought, "lets give it to support class so they have unlimited number of them to throw around wherever the go. After all we don't want to force players to think when to use them".
Sad really.
but thats what the ghost unlock is for
put it round a corner and when the idiots run around the corner to try to knife you lambert them in the face

or does it not work like that?

Last edited by sfarrar33 (2007-02-28 11:14:13)

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