This is serious. I drank too much tequila about a week ago and now I have the runs all day, everyday. I'm not joking. I've tried changing my diet. I've tried pepto bismol. Nothings seems to help. I've vomited after cleaning up my own toilet at home. It just sprays everywhere from too much pressure build up.
I even got kicked out of the bar the other night because I killed the bathroom. I mean literally killed the bathroom. I didn't want to sit down all the way down cuz there was piss on the seat so I kinda squatted and let 'er rip. Bad choice apparently. My roommate didn't believe me so I made him go into the bar restroom, and well...he taped it. Shortly after, I was 86'd. How embarrassing is that? They might even have my picture up on the wall like one of those WANTED posters, who knows. I'm not going back there but what if someone I know goes in there and sees it? And most importantly, how do I get it to stop? If it goes on much longer, I'll probably have to go to the doctor. Does anyone have any home remedies that might help? I've mostly only heard of ways to loose the constipation. I need the opposite.
Mod: We feel your pain ... we don't need to see it. lol.
I even got kicked out of the bar the other night because I killed the bathroom. I mean literally killed the bathroom. I didn't want to sit down all the way down cuz there was piss on the seat so I kinda squatted and let 'er rip. Bad choice apparently. My roommate didn't believe me so I made him go into the bar restroom, and well...he taped it. Shortly after, I was 86'd. How embarrassing is that? They might even have my picture up on the wall like one of those WANTED posters, who knows. I'm not going back there but what if someone I know goes in there and sees it? And most importantly, how do I get it to stop? If it goes on much longer, I'll probably have to go to the doctor. Does anyone have any home remedies that might help? I've mostly only heard of ways to loose the constipation. I need the opposite.
Mod: We feel your pain ... we don't need to see it. lol.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it