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Woooooooooooooooooooooow they kept the launch through browser?
Last edited by Superior Mind (2011-10-26 14:17:12)
it was never going to be changed. despite it being utter shit there is a lot of work put into battlelog so it aint ever going.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
You were kicked from the server by an Administrator.
why does that keep happening to you? owning?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
it just happened to me a few times. this is bullshit.
Butthurt admins
Looks like this really is a Battlefield game after all...
Looks like this really is a Battlefield game after all...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
that's the thing. it's not the admins. ITS THE GAME
i just get the odd disconnection never been kicked.
rarely find a playable server though. lag/rubber banding is pretty common place at the moment.
rarely find a playable server though. lag/rubber banding is pretty common place at the moment.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
O_o13/f/taiwan wrote:
that's the thing. it's not the admins. ITS THE GAME
So DICE has begun emulating the worst parts of the community? What's next, AI controlled wookies sitting on the rock nearest to their spawn?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
i think he means its a bug of some sort.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Has anyone else had any trouble with the game tonight? The game has crash 4 times for me and it hasn't done that since I started playing.
the only people getting kills in the game are the ones who sit in the corner of the room blending into the scenery. in some rounds it gets to the point where IF YOU MOVE there is a high chance you'll die. so far most of the round consist of both teams sitting around lobbing nades/waiting for the other guy to make a move.
Last edited by 13/f/taiwan (2011-10-26 14:55:22)
Why is everything so bright in the game. There is no shade just full bright or shadow.
lmfao13/f/taiwan wrote:
the only people getting kills in the game are the ones who sit in the corner of the room blending into the scenery. in some rounds it gets to the point where IF YOU MOVE there is a high chance you'll die. so far most of the round consist of both teams sitting around lobbing nades/waiting for the other guy to make a move.

It's punkbusterFloppY_ wrote:
Butthurt admins
Looks like this really is a Battlefield game after all...
My first experience of the "Scrub corridor" on Bazaar made me realize why so many people hate that map.13/f/taiwan wrote:
the only people getting kills in the game are the ones who sit in the corner of the room blending into the scenery. in some rounds it gets to the point where IF YOU MOVE there is a high chance you'll die. so far most of the round consist of both teams sitting around lobbing nades/waiting for the other guy to make a move.
What? The brief time I played Bazaar, I loved it when the other team are camping. I love it when they don't move. Fits my dart in, headshot, back to cover playstyle. Now, I just need to get FLAK, plus a medic pack nearby, and I'm golden.
Perhaps when you have 5 rockets whizzing past you every second and no one bothering to use anything that doesnt explode you will change your opinion. I know I did after a great first round.
That's why I said Flak. Works wonders against grenades and rockets.N00bkilla55404 wrote:
Perhaps when you have 5 rockets whizzing past you every second and no one bothering to use anything that doesnt explode you will change your opinion. I know I did after a great first round.
the flashlights equipped on the guns in this game just made it 100x worse. i always hated flash bangs in bf2 but this just takes it to a whole other level. the only way i could get the drop on those guys is by flanking them. which makes it nearly impossible when they're guarding the few doors/hallways.
okay well I dont know how it is on PC but on the 360 it is easy as hell to dominate the skies once you get those unlocks, feel bad for the people without them but at the same time its a blast going the whole round not getting shot down lol
>Join servergurdeep wrote:
>Round Ends
>Get Conquest Ribbon and Conquest Winner ribbon for doing absolutely nothing.
would bf3 work on a macbook pro running windows? 2.26ghz c2d 4gb ddr3 nvidia 9400m
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