do want (SSDs)
I wanted the Force GT ones, but they sold out the day I went to buy them...bugz wrote:
do want (SSDs)
However, I cannot find a technical difference between the Force GT and Force line.. Both have same r/w spec's.. The GT's are red?! maybe that's it?
I still have my 60GB first generation Vertex II. Been hovering around 4-6GB of space left for weeks now Need moar space
I got a pretty good deal on these 120GB drives. I think out the door it was like $357 something.
Thats gonna be one nice set up when its done.
especially when I get my second GTX580 in another week or so.

الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
just pulled the trigger on this:

EVGA GTX580 3072mb. Ill pick up a second one in two weeks
Once it gets here build is a go. I will probably mount the other components in the 800d by Friday. Pics to come!
EVGA GTX580 3072mb. Ill pick up a second one in two weeks
Once it gets here build is a go. I will probably mount the other components in the 800d by Friday. Pics to come!
Went for a 64GB ipod touch since my ipod classic got stolen.
Got a good deal on it
Got a good deal on it
New Macbook Air
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
I haz job.RTHKI wrote:
fitting name. now theres more space in your wallet
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
4 GB Corsair XMS3 DDR3 2000 for $49.99 from Amazon.
Didn't really need to bump up to 10 GB, but it seemed like a good deal, so why not?
Didn't really need to bump up to 10 GB, but it seemed like a good deal, so why not?

The hell is your configuration that you're running 10GB?
sounds like you'll be losing your Triple Channel Memory configuration if you go to 10GB. What you have 3 x 2GB and a 2 x 2 GB?

Some shaving tech!
I am a man.
Bought a Seagate 1TB Barracuda. As my luck goes, my current OS drive has started making noise, and has a few bad sectors. I am going to try to clone it this weekend and make the 1TB my primary. Should I partition it, or leave it one big drive?
Unless you have a seperate drive for your OS you should partition it...
Always keep system and personal data seperated, it makes it much much easier to restore or avoid losing your stuff...
Always keep system and personal data seperated, it makes it much much easier to restore or avoid losing your stuff...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Yeah, right now everything windows 7 based is on C, and my old XP os, with all its trappings is on D...
8Gb of 1800'ish Mhz corsair RAM
hasn't really made a difference over my 4Gb 1600Mhz because my heatsink is still a piece of shit so i can't clock my processor over 3.6Ghz, really. will have to refit heatsink some day to try and cut some crucial degrees and make my newer RAM worth it. /sadface.
hasn't really made a difference over my 4Gb 1600Mhz because my heatsink is still a piece of shit so i can't clock my processor over 3.6Ghz, really. will have to refit heatsink some day to try and cut some crucial degrees and make my newer RAM worth it. /sadface.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
It's only actually the initial outlay which is more expensive, it's cheaper in the long run. Think about how much you pay for some standard Gilette super gamer stealth fusion power pro 99 edition blades! They're like....£18 for 8 and each blade lasts a few shaves, so maybe a week. So that's a big cost outlay right there. Then there's the shaving gel which is ~£4 a can which will last a month or so.
The very best DE (double edged) blades are ~£10 for 30 blades or £25 for 100. Each blade will last the same amount of time as a cartridge blade.
Then there's the quality of shave..... mixing your own fresh lather lets you get a much better quality and closer shave then an pressurised can filled with air.
And the blades are properly sharp, cleanly cutting off the hair, not pulling and chopping, which is the technique used by multi-bladed cartridge razors.
So you are saving money after about 10 months, and that's allowing you to get some really good quality shaving equipment, and in that time you're getting a better, more enjoyable shaving experience which is better for your skin, and makes you feel like a man!