Infantry Whore

Hey guys, i thought about organizing a 2v2 chopper championship.

How it Works
It will work in a braket system, it will start off with a certain amount of teams all in brackets, Elimination style. you lose, your eiliminated and the winning team moves on.  The match(s) will be schedualed through xfire among the teams.  The Losing team will report the loss to me, so i can update the bracket board.

How to sign up
In order to sign up you must reply to this post with the following details...
1. Clan Tag (This is what will identify you)
2. Your Team (You & Your Gunner, and a team name)
3. A way to contact you (xfire, email, etc.)

The rules are...
-If you have played in TWL for 2v2 chopper match's you know the rules... If you don't, here they are.
What Makes a Team This is a 2 vs. 2 Helicopter ladder. Each team will consist of one pilot and one gunner. Only one Helicopter is to be in the air per team at any given time during live match play.
How to win a match
A match will be the first team to score 7 "kills", valid kills are defined below.
Server Choosing, and Side Switching
The server will be choosen by the teams, if you dont have a server then the server will automaticly go to the team with a server(DuH) Team Switching, The teams will switch every 3 kills total.
Starting Procedure
Both teams will enter their respective Helicopter, however both teams must remain grounded (Can be verified using command HUD). When both teams have entered their Helicopter and are ready to take off they must globally announce "Ready", Home team will than globally announce the match score and give the "Go" command, after the "Go" command is given both teams may take off.

Visiting Team: We are ready
Home Team: Ready, Match score is 4-1 Team X
Home Team: "Go"
Round Procedure
At any point you can return to base to repair/refit. You are also allowed to setup a "supply drop" to take advantage of map features. Once BF2 registers a kill, the round is over. Any events that happen after or during BF2 announcing a kill are considered non-events. This includes a ram/collision event. In the event of a ram, whoever BF2 deems as "getting the kill" is considered the Round winner, regardless of all other events. Once BF2 registers a winner, the round is over. The surviving Helicopter must return to its original pad and both team members must exit the Helicopter, or if both Helicopters died, the teams must respawn at their proper flag and begin the start procedure to start the new round.

After a team destroys the other teams Helicopter they must return to their base as fast as possible to expedite the start of the next round.
What Counts as a kill?
Any Weapon on the Chopper... If the enemy Chopper crashes, the other team (still in the air) wins the round.  If you both kill each other. It is a draw, depending on what the teams choose, it can be a draw (nobody gets a point) or you each get 1 point. Your Choice.
Are Commanders Allowed? Commanders ARE allowed, Althought they are not allowed to use Artillery, and Car Drops, to kill the opposing team.
Any Questions about the rules? - Add Vagrant360 to Xfire
---TWL Rule Set = Origin of Rules---

Current Teams Competeing
Team Name (tag)                                    Pilot & Gunner                              xfire
Vagrant                                                  Gravity360 & Deltaforce87            Vagrant360
Hostile Faction                                       =]-[f= br3w & -[HC]- Haze999
=U[c]= Upper|Crust                                 RunItsYourMaMa & Hawaiian      runitsyourmama
=NHB=  No Hammering Bananas                  Stunado & Shadow           aznshadowdragon / sethlord
:]-[: Harmattan                                        SilentscoutIX & Andal11
=KRA=                                               =KRA= TNGTNG & =KRA= destny      tngcrossfire
Clan -Demoliti0n-                                            Simon & Dandy3                00hotmonkey00
[ISF]                                                     [ISF]Redrocket & MedicMan  redrocket77666, baseballbrad3
Clan Tag [FF]                   [FF] Sturmpanzerjager & [FF] Ubersturmbannfuhrer    donfck, ubersturmbannfuhrer
[CLU]                                                 TJShorty & XxCappedxXX              tjshorty  xxcappedxx
ĦÄŤ€                                           HATE Phrozenbot & Counter1990     Phrozenbot, dualactionjackson
Rebel Gaming - [RoM]                              Gunner/Pilot -  Impreza                   Impreza1
(Moo_)                                 Moo_1%P_Static_2 & Moo_5%Blkhand2345  virusPVF or Blkhand2345
(sn.SKYNINJAS)                                        sn.Hatchet & sn.Z-Man          hatchetcaleb, darkomen00
Band of Brothers =BoB=                               Nexis & Tomhead                      tomhead, n3xis
Pentagon Soldiers                               ={PS}=Rage & =[PS]= Risson       Risson & Roadrage420
Team Paris Hilton, PARIS;                  -¶aris-Flexoq3; & -][ilton-GorillaWar;       Flexoq3
_-*E|DuRR^<name>*-_       _-*E|DuRR^Saggins*-_   & _-*E|DuRR^Silly*-_  Saggins - stonedagain
:Tug:                                                Pringlee & SlapDeck620russia      pringlee - slapdeck620russia
MuyMal                                                       Ben & Ben  (solo?)                         egsoldier
DMOC                                    DMOC_ thezzzrobkilla & DMOC_ Javelin44    thezzzrobkilla, liljav14.
*TSA*                                      CoronaExtrareplyall & -=BeerTron=-       coronaextrareplyall
_Xi5_                                                            ReTaRd_PiLoT                         retard3000
sNeAKy                                                 Falcon320 & Geoxx                 snakeeyesonyou geox1
FrostyBallz-Brrrrr-                 King_County_Downy & ImCanadianEh?9  kingcountydowny, canadianloser
>}BF2{<                                      killakoopz-V2.0 & Privateschenk       kill3rkoopz & privateschenk
]RaWR[                                                       |switch2k6|                             switchblade23
The Black Sheep                                           VelvetHelmet                           Velvethelmet
[AcB] Airborne combat Brigade.          Guva & fightingw/outfighting                      guva
[D2]                                                                Dsp-CS-                                DIKWAAD
-=4th=- Infantry Division                          Jeret03 & Butchman                   
WOoKie                                       the_black_rat(ss) & dont_be_ss          theblackrat & dontbess

Last edited by Gravity (2006-12-11 19:43:11)

Infantry Whore
Well... Let me know what u guys think... Im not man of words, so if i have incorrect spelling and/or grammer lemme know, ill fix it ASAP.
+632|6769|do not disturb

Sounds interesting. I've got a few gunners in mind.
+224|6838|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
I WOULD but i suck compared to most people, i can beat the average joe but once u get to the high rollers then im fucked
+269|6737|Marlton, New Jersey.
I'll fly somebody on here, if they want me to.  If I actually want to play, I've got people in mind, and as well I might just find people on here.

10k driver points and rising :\
Team Hostile Faction;
Pilot : =]-[f= br3w;
Gunner : -[HC]- Haze999;

xfire - haze999

Last edited by Haze999 (2006-11-22 20:12:19)

1. Tag- =U[c]=       Upper|Crust
2. Gunner- RunItsYourMaMa
    Pilot- Hawaiian
3. My Xfire- runitsyourmama
Claymore magnet
Im a both good gunner and pilot, looking either for a good pilot or gunner
1. =NHB=    No Hammering Bananas.
2.Pilot - Stunado
   Gunner- Shadow
3. My xfire- aznshadowdragon / sethlord
+165|6788|South Jersey
lol, anyone can gun in an Mi-28 with the MG.  Make it Z-10 vs. Cobra, more balanced.  Just a thought.
+632|6769|do not disturb

No the Havoc would get raped.

Daqing Oilfields 16 player would be the most ideal map.
#1 Karkand Whore
i can gun or pilot  i may get one my clan members to join me
Obviously Dragon(16) and Daqing(16) would be the only real 2v2 chopper maps that would be good to use. If there are any other maps then that is just stupid.
Infantry Whore
Yeah, i agree.
+632|6769|do not disturb

HATE = Counter1990 and I (Phrozenbot).

Last edited by Hellogoodsir (2006-11-22 23:19:23)

+269|6737|Marlton, New Jersey.
Daqing is the most comming I've seen for 2v2....
Infantry Whore

Hellogoodsir wrote:

HATE = Counter1990 and I (Phrozenbot).
umm, are u saying this as a team or what... lol cause im lost ^_^
+632|6769|do not disturb

Yea, ĦÄŤ€, but we may change the name.

Dragon Valley 16 is awesome too.

Edit: Haven't I seen you before Gravity? Did you come to our =ST6= Great Wall server before?

Last edited by Hellogoodsir (2006-11-22 23:44:01)

Infantry Whore

Hellogoodsir wrote:

Yea, ĦÄŤ€, but we may change the name.

Dragon Valley 16 is awesome too.

Edit: Haven't I seen you before Gravity? Did you come to our =ST6= Great Wall server before?
I tihnk ive been in there with Hurricane before... but only once
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6541|Vancouver, BC, Canada
I would have to talk with my partner but for now put us down tentatively.
Team: Harmattan :]-[:
Players: SilentscoutIX
+186|6712|The real world
Is solo allowed?
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Sounds fun.

not participating, just want to say it's a nice idea, and Don't take dragon valley, the sky is too bright for TV's
+3,936|6653|so randum
im not gona fly, but either use wake airshow, or dalian plant
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

De_Jappe wrote:

not participating, just want to say it's a nice idea, and Don't take dragon valley, the sky is too bright for TV's
If you're a decent gunner, you'd know how to get around the bright sky.

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