Calm down.
Although I think that hunting/eating animals like Dolphins is morally wrong, I can't impose my morals on others, (it's immoral.)
The thing is, the animals are slaughtered in such a terrible way. The 'common' meats, (Pigs, Cows etc.) are taken to abattoirs where the killing process is as short and humane as possible. PETA can make any scene look nasty, and yeah there is a lot of blood, but generally the animal doesn't' suffer. i this case with the dolphins it is clear that the do.
The other issue on using them for food - they don't. The only meat which is eaten by Humans like the video said is mislabeled as Whale meat to make it seem more attractive. It is not eaten by the poor people of these Japanese villages, it is exported to make money on top of what they get for their 'usual' fishing. Although these people may not be wealthy, they certainly don't rely on the Dolphin hunt to stay alive. Also, the Japanese government in an effort to comply with international treaties on the subject, can easily compensate the 'fishermen' who do this to make up for any loss of income.
It is NOT a tradition, it is NOT essential for these people, it is not useful for anyone, it is against international treaties which Japan has signed, and it is of course not helpful for the environment. On top of all that the process is extremely cruel. I myself have never seen anything crueler on such a large scale. It is another way in which Japan has shown it's contempt for the environment and it needs to fucking stop.