+186|6877|The real world
Check this guy out.  We played with him in a couple of servers, and OMG he has the worst mouth I have ever heard.  He said things like, "I'm going to tie your nigger ass up and burn you alive, you fucking black piece of shit."  Look at his stats, look how many tk's he has.  In 600 hours he has 33k points.  Just to show how little he plays and how much he talks.  I think he has down's syndrome and his mother just puts him in front of the screen to shut his ass up.  And OMG, 254 hours as commander, what a boring life this little shit lives!


Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2006-11-17 10:24:19)

+3,611|6939|London, England
I don't usually go attacking other players with swear words. If i do it's becuase they did something stupid on our team. Most of the time i just swear for the sake of it, usually becuase it gets the point across more eg: "for fuck sake just cap the fucking flag already" followed by me usually getting banned. Oh well...
You likey leaky?
+433|6996|In You Endo- Stoke
I only tend to swear at padders.Also i understand that shit happens sometimes and don't normally swear at all apart from my own stupidity.
Most people don't use text chat and the n00bs that flame eachother with it don't bother me to much. Most communication should be kept to voice chat in squads IMO.
+7|7075|Boulder, CO

BlackCow wrote:

Most people don't use text chat and the n00bs that flame eachother with it don't bother me to much. Most communication should be kept to voice chat in squads IMO.
Ya because it's soo much more enjoyable to be called a fag by some 12 yr old whose voice hasn't changed yet.
+7|7075|Boulder, CO

Richard2000 wrote:

it would be nice to go to a server and use loads of bad Language
without the fear of being kick or baned for once

I haven't done any research at all but I would say about half the ranked servers up will kick you for practically any four letter word.
Beep bep.
+85|6688|Stealth on Grand Bazaar
I get kicked for saying "your a noob", which is true in the circumstances e.g. Owning 2 clan guys in a chopper repeatedly and then they turn to suciding jets into you because they cant kill you any other way.

I guess my reason is frustration more than anything, calling someone and idiot for TK'ing is another thing I do, especially when they look at me (WELL DONE MY NAME IS BLUE SO I AM NOT THE ENEMY) and then go hmmm I think ill shoot him and then apologise! I just say moron and move on.....or do it back and see how they feel. Depends how I feel.
+129|6791|Texas.. getting out asap
I think it's perfectly fine to say whatever the fuck you want. If you are afraid to say "bad" words, go back to preschool. And if you think they are annoying, just ignore them.
IMO they bring flavor and humor to the game.
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6944|Gold Coast, Australia
Your in a game KILLING people, and you can't swear... I don't see the logic in that.

Plus, I know how to swear in a server and avoid the swear monitor.

eg: Fuck = Fuck.
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6924|Parainen, Finland

Richard2000 wrote:

it would be nice to go to a server and use loads of bad Language
without the fear of being kick or baned for once
Well welcome to the Furious Finns server!!!!

I´m one of those who tells those real cocksuckers what I think of them, especially when I'm pissed.

But as DonFck said, there are certain words that are not appropriate to use and we will not tolerate these words any better either, but we do not have no auto kick words, because it sucks to get kicked because of saying cockpit....

I don't remember what the age limit was for this game but i think it was 15 and people with that age should know the DARK SIDE of the vocabulary...
If there are any parents who play with their "-15 year old kids" and sees that someone calls their son a cocksucker, then it`s definitely on!!!!

Why the fuck couldn't´t they have put in BF2ROE the list of forbidden words so that we didn´t have to worry about what these "- 15 year old kids" are reading from us old people writing... :)

We could have servers like

BF2 RANKED FOR MEN(15+) : Bring weed and beer with you and blow away and insult your fucking enemy!!!!
                                            On server radio fucking sweet heavy metal all night long!!!! Boooyaa!!!!


BF2 RANKED FOR KIDS(-15) : Come, come little children and play with us, don´t be afraid, it`s just a game!!!     
                                            Let`s sing twinkle, twinkle, little star on team speak and enjoy the game.
                                            This could also be ANIMAL BF!!!!

Would that be better??? Maybe, who knows....
+488|6888|Portland, OR, USA
its a bunch of words quit your bitchin
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia
I'll pull out the 'F-word', or 'bullshit', if I'm flying in the F-35 and all 6 of  my missiles miss the J-10... and then I get killed 10 seconds later by the jet I was just shooting at.

Racial slurs and that stuff is a different story. That is just stupid.

+788|6973|Brisbane, Australia

mcminty wrote:

Racial slurs and that stuff is a different story. That is just stupid.
Oh person of african american decent, I beg thee.

Depends on my mood is how pissed I am, If Im stuck with a shitty team, there wont be a moment I wont let them know how useless they are and that they perform sexual intercorse with their mother.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Just ignore it, who cares. Go get fucked! See, you read that. I told you to ignore it......sheeeeesh.
Malloy must go
I don't find the name calling annoying at all. I usually get called 'panty' buy someone i'm seriously owning though, even though THEY ARE IN A TANK, and I have C4 or they have a jet and I have mobile AA.... It's like ' come up here in a jet and fight you ****"  PPL will always be sore!!!!
+114|7069|England : East Yorkshire
Christian. makes me laugh i wonder which one thought i know lets make a Christian server for a game about blowing the shit out of each other great idea.. wouldn't it have been better to make a server for extremists wanting to practice jihad. ??
+1,153|6948|Washington, DC

I don't really like when someone just goes on a cursing streak. Racial insults also kinda irk me, the "faggot" ones make me laugh. Very overused, it was cool to say in 5th grade.
+7|6768|New York

plastic_budgie wrote:

Christian. makes me laugh i wonder which one thought i know lets make a Christian server for a game about blowing the shit out of each other great idea.. wouldn't it have been better to make a server for extremists wanting to practice jihad. ??
How old are you? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Clearly, a bunch of Christians can't just play a video game together.. It's not a server with Christian values, there's a "gaming organization" (clan) called Christian Gamers .. and they own a server. I swear to God, how come you guys can't figure that out? Nothing in Christianity says you can't play BF2.

Last edited by SlightlySto0pid (2006-11-19 19:50:29)

Bash.org Junkie
First time I have ever agreed with OliTz.
I'm as competitive as the next guy.  I don't see anything wrong with some bit of trash talking, and or a friendly/competitive jab or two.  But when you start mouthing off things such as:  "Shut the fuck up you nigger," "Go back to your gas chamber ya JEW," "Niggers are best for picking cotton" e.t.c, e.t.c.  You begin to wonder the mental capacity of these people.  I don't know how, in any shape or form, you could actually think this shit is "cool" to say.  South Park is one thing.  The whole damn show is a satire, and we know the black humor is there to prove a point.  Though I don't think that some of these morons realize that.

Just yesterday, I was playing on a Wake server and this runt of kid, his name was Ali something, Aliques...I don't remember exactly.  The shit this kid was saying was frankly unbelievable.  And here I thought the next generation was becoming more tolerant.  I shit you not...I wished I had the ability to reach across my computer screen and give a beat down this kid sorely needs...cause obviously the parents are asleep at the helm.  What's even more disconcerting, is when these schmucks start up, they don't get kicked!  Whether the admin is allowing this behavior or not, I can't be sure, but people still don't vote kick these retards.

Personally.  I think this kind of behavior is worse than stat padding of any kind.  People should get their accounts wiped or some other punishment...I don't know what.  But something should be done.  Look...I'm happy to make fun of my heritage, culture, religion e.t.c.  Just as long as it's done in a certain way.  There's a big difference in making good fun and being malicious.  These people aren't making fun, they're actually serious about this stuff.  I can't help but feel sorry for these kinds of people.

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