The_Shipbuilder wrote:
sergeriver wrote:
Lowing (although he is like a rock sometimes).
I almost put lowing myself actually. He can be very well-spoken and thoughtful. But his unwillingness to appear to have "lost" or to concede any point, and his tendency to resort to bully opponents him makes me not enjoy reading him. The way that he argues and responds to people makes me want to resist considering any of his ideas or opinions.
This is in sharp contrast to ATG, another person who would seem far from myself on the political spectrum, but who seems respectful toward people who disagree with him. This makes me think about his stances and ideas rather than just dismiss them. It's an admirable quality and one I struggle to replicate.
ok my turn I guess,
First, to all those that named me, friend or foe, I appreciate it.
Second, the only issues that I seem to be drawn to are the anti-American anti-bush threads. The reason you don't see me concede in any of those threads is because I will not concede to your ( in general ) post that Bush is worse than a terrorist, Bush is a Nazi, America is the new 3rd Reich, The world is in more danger of America than any other country, Bush planned 911, Israel is the cause of all the worlds problems crap.
I also believe in freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail at your leisure in America, I have made it clear that I fully support programs that help those that help themselves, or are not able to. For some reason, I get slammed for this. I guess that isn't good enough. I got to hand out money to those that don't want to earn it as well apparently.
I do have my opinions, and I defend them, I did not just DECIDE to think this way, deep inside I believe what I say ( most of the time). If I didn't, why would I waste time arguing them, when I could get on the band wagon, agree with everyone else and collect karma.
You can say a lot about me, good or bad, but I really hope consistent is one adjective you can use.
Now, the guys that I love to read ( for various reasons): Cameronpoe, Turquoise, sergeriver, ATG, stingray24, shipbuilder, unorginalnuttah, marconious, jonsimon, bubbalo.
and certainly not least...........
NOT <----probably my favorite for elegance at the keyboard.
Last edited by lowing (2006-11-17 22:46:32)