Flicker of beans since 1986
+87|6592|Reading, Basingrad
A few weeks ago my 9yr old son came home with a split lip, and when asked how he got it he said that a boy 2 yrs older than him had punched him twice in the face to get his lunch money.

Like most good parents I was concerned and went to see the teachers who told me they would keep an eye out for any more signs of bullying and would act accordingly. I also went to see the other kids father who promptly told me to fuck off or I would get hurt as well.

That part was funny as me (ex- army para and pathfinder) vs him (grossly overweight, IT manager) doesn't quite look fair.....but I digress.

Last friday my son came home again with bruised ribs and a cut on his scalp.....apparantly the other kid had pushed him over, kicked him whilst he was on the floor and stole his money again. I was pissed, I went to the school and was fobbed off yet again.....went to the parents house and saw his father again, he refused to open the door and shouted obscenities through the letter box.

I was in the same situation when I started secondary school (highschool)....some older kid would punch me about and steal things. I had enough of this after a week so when he hit me again I snapped, grabbed him and beat the living shit out of him until he cried.......I never got bullied again.

I told my son what happened to me and hoped the teachers would sort this out before he had to do anything of the sort.......

Monday, I had a call to collect my son from school. When I got there I was told that a teacher had seen the older child punch my son and attempt to take his money......to which my son replied by grabbing his throat and punching him repeatedly in the face..... the other kid was taken to A&E with a broken nose.

My son has always been very popular at school, highly intelligent, very sporty, always happy and has a very placid nature and wouldn't harm a fly.......but he had just had enough and has become the only child in the school to stand up for himself and say I ain't taking this shit any longer. I have always taught him that violence should not be an answer but he should never be scared of sticking up for himself.

The other kid's father has been round and apologised for his son's and his own behaviour and the bully flinchingly apologised to my son......and in the few days since this happened he has apologised to half of my sons class as well.

My son is now back to his normal happy self but now has money for his lunch

So, I'm just wondering what everyone elses views on dealing with bullies are,

should you let the school deal with it?
should you deal with it personally?


should you teach your children that bullies only bully people that don't strike back?

Your views please
Good job! You did the right thing the whole way through in my opinion. Went to the school twice, your son had to take matters into his own hands and the confidence boost he got from that he will carry a long time. I'll bet he's even more popular since he seems to have stopped the bully from bullying everyone in the class. The bully's father is lucky you didn't ball his ass up. SO overall, they got off easy with the broken nose. LOL!

+1 to you and your boy.
...is a potty mouth
1. - Your son owns
2. - Most schools dont do shit regardless of whats going on
3. - bullies only bully people that don't strike back? So stand up for yourself and dont take shit from them.
Dammit! That post is just way too long, im not gonna read that!
She looked 18 to me officer
Easy one.

I dropped out in 9th grade because I was picked on so much.  I missed a hundred days in 8th grade for the same reason. 

After home schooling (If you could call it that) for a year and a half, I came back to start school again half way threw tenth grade.  First day back, well, first few minutes, I am in home room and the same kid who gave me so much grief said "So how long before you drop out again"?

I never been in a fight or even hit anyone in anger before.  It took two teacher to pull me off this kids.  I beat the living shit outa him.

Got promptly suspended (However the principle knew the situation and I got off REALLY light.

When I came back I was the most popular kid in school, and buy my senior year, I ran that school.  Never got into another fight afterwards.

Point being, you give it to one guy once and stand your ground, even if another guy thinks he can beat you, 99% of the time he will not try it because he knows you will fight back.

You cannot reason with bullies, they only understand force.  And even if you get beat, you have proven your point and it will stop.

Good for you son!  I told my daughter don't ever let anyone lay there hands on you and if they do, make sure they cannot use there hand again for a while.
+226|6784|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Alas and alack the only way to deal with a bully is to give them a taste of their own medicine, as with yourself, when I went to Secondary school, I knocked the fuck out of a bully and was never bothered again for the next 5 years - it's the tried and tested method to put a stop to it..
Teach your kids ninjitsu and they'll be fine.
Flicker of beans since 1986
+87|6592|Reading, Basingrad

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Teach your kids ninjitsu and they'll be fine.
My son does Taekwndo and starts wing Chun in 6 months
360 owns my soul
+31|6550|Behind You
I think that as a father you acted perfectly.  You did the best to resolve it yourself but when it came down to it it was a social interaction that your son would have to learn for himself.  Schools and parents can only watch so much and see so much, they can't stop all interactions and will not be there all the time.

I was a camp counselour for a summer camp a few years back.  It was a pretty cheap camp run by the city I lived in so we got a lot of the kids that came from A) Broken homes or B) got kicked out of the nice privately run camps in the city.  I was fine with that but we got one kid who was just a runt.  He would get picked on by EVERYBODY.  He was a smartass too so that didn't help his situation.  I felt bad for him and looked out for him as best I could but one day, just as what happened with your son, he'd had enough and he beat the jesus outta some kid.  No one ever picked on him again and he even picked up a few friends because of it (the kids who got picked on by the same kid).
+105|6520|Lutenblaag, Molvania
My opinion is that you should always teach your kids to stand up for themselves. There will always be situations where either you or the school can't take care of.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6633|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Nice one dude
Go your little un
Unfortunately fighting back does seem to be the only way to stop bullying (but it does get you respect )
Teachers/schools do sweet FA
Nice that his dad came and apologised as well
I hope you made him do it through the letter box

Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-11-17 05:49:18)

+102|6743|New York
Its Bullies that cause school shootings(forcing kids to do drastic things because of years of abuse by bullies).

Couldnt believe i have actually seen a game By Rockstar Games that came out Called Bully or The Bully? Why in gods name would they release this type of crap when Kids already suffer at the hands of these types of individuals every day? Very poor taste. Nothing like Kicking a society of kids right in the Nutz with a game based on something that haunts kids every day, alot of times resulting in suicide. WTF.

Ok Rant over. Sorry.
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
tbh im not sure what i would advise.

i got bullied in school ( i was quiet, small and introverted lol) and it was pretty damn awfull if the truth be known.

i guess it could have been a lot worse tho.  mind u i did bllx all work in school and i prolly learnt more after i left ( i read loads and loads :S )  i now dont really like taking any shit off peeps unless its warranted,  i guess i look at it this way:  if someone is giving me grief and i get pissed off and its blatantly obvious im getting wound up and they carry on and it kicks off as a result, i think in all honesty they have only themselfs to blame really ( i still think this is fair even if it was me being a knobber and getting a shoe in as a result tbh).

as an aside  im 30, 6'2 and look 20 odd ( i still get asked for ID lol ) all the goons from school are overweight bald and stupid...i win .  well most of em anyway.

hope ur kids cool anyways ...bit of a rant there, kinda like free therapy really lol.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Its Bullies that cause school shootings(forcing kids to do drastic things because of years of abuse by bullies).

Couldnt believe i have actually seen a game By Rockstar Games that came out Called Bully or The Bully? Why in gods name would they release this type of crap when Kids already suffer at the hands of these types of individuals every day? Very poor taste. Nothing like Kicking a society of kids right in the Nutz with a game based on something that haunts kids every day, alot of times resulting in suicide. WTF.

Ok Rant over. Sorry.
Play the game before you comment about how it may get kids nuts. Kinda like saying GTA makes people want to shoplift and kill everyone. In fact teen crime has gone done drastically after the release of such a game.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6565|Little blue planet, milky way
Well, it's a classic story. But in retrospect, I dont think it's wise to teach your kid that "might makes right". You may end up with YOUR kid becomming the bully ! An even worse situation than being the victim (IMO), because as a victim, you have certain rights, and the system stands for YOU, not the bully.
It's always hard to comment on an individual situation, but your kid (and you) beating someone up isn't the way to go. I know because I've been there myself. This kind of thing leads to severe disciplinary problems, and tends to hurt his (your) personal life in the end.
Then again, I'd never EVER suggest to take it lying down.
Personally, I might have DEMANDED of the teachers that they send the repeat offender home from school for a week to cool down. If the school would not take appropriate action, I would have chosen the path you chose, to talk to the childs parents. I realize that not all people are "normal thinking" in lui of a better way to phrase it.  But still, you need to seek "justice" in a manner which shows your child that the system works, that you have police, military and goverment for a REASON. And once reasoning ends, THEN you call in that entire support system. Teaching someone to take the law into ones own hands looks nice in movies like "rambo". But try to imagine someone going bonkers with a granade launcher in downtown seattle. I really doubt that anyone WANTS to talk a guy like that down.

In essence. Might does NOT make right. The system is there to protect the weak, care for the infirm, and serve society. You should have given the system a chance to work for you (and your kid). I'm not saying that standing up for himself isn't a good thing, I'm just saying that teaching him that this is how to SOLVE problems, is wrong.

To use a famous quote "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change things that we can, and the wisdom to tell the difference".

Your job is to give your kid a balance of serenity, courage and wisdom. Time will tell if you did the right thing, and I pray that you did, but I hope that when it's my kid in the same situation, that I'll have more patience to settle the matter peacefully. I know that sounds like shit comming from a guy (like me) who likes to shoot big guns, do macho bullshit, and generally make a nuisance of himself, a guy who was once in the same situation myself when I was a kid. But in the end, parenting is something wholy different and seperate from your personal life, likes and dislikes. Whatever you do or dont, your child is your legacy and your contribution to the world, and you need to ensure that your child has the best possible future and social skillset to make his/her way in the world of tomorrow. Being an army brat yourself (?) you know the kind of discipline and respect that the army instills in its troops, and this has probably helped you a lot throughout your life, I know discipline and respect has helped me, and countless of others. And while you may want your child to one day join the army, you should still as a responsible parent instill these good and positive values in your child, regardless of his or her future career choice.
Take as an example the father of the "bully". A totally unresonable man by your description, I'm sure you would not want your child or yourself to become such a person. As such, values are important. So in the end, it's up to you to make sure that your child has learned the "right" leason from all of this.

Best of luck in your future parenting.
Commie Killer
Ive done worse, a kid TRIED to steal my money from me last year. I broke his nose and jaw, cracked 3 of his ribs, and broke his wrist, after I was done with that I continuously kicked him in the face until 7 teachers tackled me at once, it was very funny in the opinion of everyone who watched it.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

loonitic wrote:

1. - Your son owns
2. - Most schools dont do shit regardless of whats going on
3. - bullies only bully people that don't strike back? So stand up for yourself and dont take shit from them.
+385|6532|Northern California
Excellent Topic!  thanks for bringing it up!  Your story sounds like it's right out of a good daytime talk show! lol  I know whenever there's school shootings, this topic always comes up but never fulfills it's purpose..to get change to happen in schools.

In schools today, there are such horrible administrative guidelines that teachers are stuck with that prevent them from really making a difference regarding bullies.  This is for obvious reasons because of bottom sucking lawyers and lame-ass parents.  I'm for some of the old-school practices but there should be something better...like prevention.  And that's all pointing at PARENTING!

If parents have violent, provocative, hateful children and don't know about it, they should be rudely awakened and accountable for it.  To hell with the drop out rate, if you pick fights, you do not belong in school.  Sure reform is good, taking action before things happen is the solution.  If you can't control your kids, you need to pay the price.

But then, there's conscious, properly intentioned parents that have kids waaaay too out of control and "on their own" with regards to discipline.  They will pay the price for it unfortunately. 

My guess is, the majority of bullying is because of poor parenting and their lack of teaching their kids proper respect.  I know i'm doing my very best and if I hear of my kids doing stupid shit like bullying, cheating, stealing, lieing...ooooh, it will be ugly and it will END. lol
+51|6569|Land of the free

Commie Killer wrote:

Ive done worse, a kid TRIED to steal my money from me last year. I broke his nose and jaw, cracked 3 of his ribs, and broke his wrist, after I was done with that I continuously kicked him in the face until 7 teachers tackled me at once, it was very funny in the opinion of everyone who watched it.
Good for you

Dieselboy wrote:

A few weeks ago my 9yr old son came home with a split lip, and when asked how he got it he said that a boy 2 yrs older than him had punched him twice in the face to get his lunch money.

Like most good parents I was concerned and went to see the teachers who told me they would keep an eye out for any more signs of bullying and would act accordingly. I also went to see the other kids father who promptly told me to fuck off or I would get hurt as well.

That part was funny as me (ex- army para and pathfinder) vs him (grossly overweight, IT manager) doesn't quite look fair.....but I digress.

Last friday my son came home again with bruised ribs and a cut on his scalp.....apparantly the other kid had pushed him over, kicked him whilst he was on the floor and stole his money again. I was pissed, I went to the school and was fobbed off yet again.....went to the parents house and saw his father again, he refused to open the door and shouted obscenities through the letter box.

I was in the same situation when I started secondary school (highschool)....some older kid would punch me about and steal things. I had enough of this after a week so when he hit me again I snapped, grabbed him and beat the living shit out of him until he cried.......I never got bullied again.

I told my son what happened to me and hoped the teachers would sort this out before he had to do anything of the sort.......

Monday, I had a call to collect my son from school. When I got there I was told that a teacher had seen the older child punch my son and attempt to take his money......to which my son replied by grabbing his throat and punching him repeatedly in the face..... the other kid was taken to A&E with a broken nose.

My son has always been very popular at school, highly intelligent, very sporty, always happy and has a very placid nature and wouldn't harm a fly.......but he had just had enough and has become the only child in the school to stand up for himself and say I ain't taking this shit any longer. I have always taught him that violence should not be an answer but he should never be scared of sticking up for himself.

The other kid's father has been round and apologised for his son's and his own behaviour and the bully flinchingly apologised to my son......and in the few days since this happened he has apologised to half of my sons class as well.

My son is now back to his normal happy self but now has money for his lunch

So, I'm just wondering what everyone elses views on dealing with bullies are,

should you let the school deal with it?
should you deal with it personally?


should you teach your children that bullies only bully people that don't strike back?

Your views please
dude i wish u were my father!!!! im serious id kick  the shit outta them bullies
+557|6774|Oslo, Norway

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Teach your kids ninjitsu and they'll be fine.
+123|6505| Heaven
1. - Your son owns
2. - Most schools dont do shit regardless of whats going on
3. - bullies only bully people that don't strike back? So stand up for yourself and dont take shit from them.
+305|6640|Cheshire. UK

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Dammit! That post is just way too long, im not gonna read that!
If its way too long why post just fuck off and post your spam else where ...fucking troll!

As for the Son of Dieselboy... Well done....   my son  had the same problems when we were based in Cyprus  and he had to go to a Cypriot school.......  He fought back because I told him to....(after the third time and me seeing the teachers and them not doing anything I told them he would fight back......and I got suspended from the school when he did !! )

Apparently to wrongs dont make a right..... I agree...but a black eye and a broken nose made it right lol....

So well done....  its just a shame that too many parents have the same atitude that diesel found
biggie smalls
+72|6495|Ontario, Canada
Im right now in a similar situation, I dont get bullied but lots of people make fun of me and stuff and im about to crack but i dont know what to do, ive never hit or hurt someone whiel intentionally trying to hurt them, I want to but i jsut cant, and i dont want to be taking crap from people anymore, i dont know what to do..
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Bullies are to be ignored until it gets physical, at which point, beat the shit out of them as long as they throw the first punch. And don't kill them.

That's my view.

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