
lowing wrote:

Ahhhhh once again my fault............by all means, don't go to war with the US, kill YOUR OWN MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN....now I completely understand...boy once you think like a liberal it all makes sense, I do not know how I coulda missed it. And no, we are not trying to force our opinions on them we are telling them Islamic radicalism will not be entertained. That is of course until now.
All this ranting about women and children being killed. Lowing you don't give a shit about the blood of the ordinary Iraqi people....... you have made that quite clear.... I have never once heard Lowing condemn the murder of Innocent women and children in Palestine or Lebanon, say. Killed using weapons, intelligence and unequivocal support from his nation and tax money. (I presume you work.)Only placing blame on people fighting for their freedom using out of date weaponry. Or once offer an ounce or regret for all the Innocent civilians wrote of as 'collateral damage', now you try to use these women and children to further you futile argument. Very Wrong.

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Oh, YEAH, I'm totally with those terrorists.  I mean, Bush is such a great president I need SOMEONE to make him look like an incompetent, asshole, and failure in order for us liberals to get people to vote for that not-so-liberal-anymore Democratic party. 

lowing, honest to god, I don't know what in the name of Jesus Christ went wrong with you.  Liberals have repeatedly spammed into your fucking face from day one that we DON'T side with terrorists, hell, even a lot of us, including me, say that we SUPPORT the god damn war in Afgahnistan.  You know.... that one country which really was harboring terrorists?  If you ever expressed ANY sort of doubt that MAYBE you're wrong, then I wouldn't flame you so much.  But the truth is, you have proven to all of us your delusional and cannot be taken seriously.  Don't tell us what WE fucking believe.
I don't tell you what you believe, I tell you how you come across.

1. YOU bash Bush and the US 10 times more than terrorists.
Is there any need to bash terrorists? It's like proclaiming 'Hitler was really evil'. There's no point to it because everyone knows it anyway.

2. YOU post threads that say the US actually attacked itself so we could go to war in the ME.
I don't believe in these theories, so count me out of the 'YOU'. Stop generalizing. MENTION NAMES.

3. YOU call Bush a war criminal, which is bullshit, but I neverread anywhere from you that the terrorists are war criminals.
The definition of a war criminal is a person who commits crimes through/during war. It could be argued (I'm not stating my personal position here) that Bush HAS commited such crimes (again, I haven't stated my opinion).

4. YOU blame Bush for ALL the deaths in Iraq, you do not blame the terrorists.
And yet if someone is shot you blame the person and not the gun [manufacturer]. While <---this makes sense, your position here doesn't. If someone throws someone off a cliff, who do you blame? The guy who threw him, or the guy who decided not to stop him? You blame both, don't you? In any case, go back to 1. Do we need to state the bleeding obvious?

5. YOU think terrorists should be negotiated with and understood.
Negotiated? Fuck no. Give me one example of ANYONE saying that we should negotiate with a terrorist (save in hostage situations where we judge each situation on the circumstances). Understood? Yes. How can you defeat something you don't understand? It's like trying to run around the earth when you don't understand what the earth is.

6. YOU have even post topics debating who is the bigger terrorist Bin Laden or Bush.
Hm. Haven't seen this topic yet, but bin Laden is the obvious one in the most logical sense. Bush may cause fear, but he doesn't do it with the INTENTION of causing fear.

7. hell, you have even blamed BUSH for the fuckin weather. (Katrina)
I think it's pretty much undisputed (save by you, I think) that the response to Katrina was grossly inadequate.

So don't preach to me about my "black and white view on the world" the topics posted in this forum by you all reeks of black and white. It is all Bushes fault, it is all Israels fault. Never mind the ME was all screwed up and violent long before Bush OR Israel. YOur black and white view on the world is, get rid of Bush and get rid of Israel and we will all be running throw the fields holding hands feeding unicorns and shit. DOn't talk to me about BLACK AND WHITE. And the funny thing is. most of you talking shit still live with your parents and don't really even have a clue as to the "REAL WORLD " is all about.
And there you are again. Making generalizations and assumptions.

Show me one person who says it's all Bush's fault.

Have you interviewed all the people here to see if they actually are in the 'real world' (which actually has little to do with the debate at hand)?
Spark I am generalizing in this post. YOU does = liberals.

What I love about the response to this is, you read this shit every day on these forums by LIBERALS, and now that a light has been shown on it in one post everyone is screaming "it ain't me, I didn't say that". LOL figures.

What I was pointing out is there is more negative shit about the US and Bush then about the terrorists in threads about TERRORISTS. If you all of a sudden can't recall this, better go back and hit the ole' thread archives.

P.S. I just came across a closed thread about "WHO DO YOU AGREE WITH MORE Cameronpoe or Lowing. I just wanna say that although I will express my opinions on here I am only speaking for myself, I am not trying to be a leader of some sorta  cyber polical camp. Can't say I am very comfortable with that kind of tag. If people agree with me fine, if I agree with someone, I will show support for them. It is not my intention to polarize anyone into "teams" here. We all have our INDIVIDUAL opinions. So I would personally appreciate the topics stay on the current events or world history and not on ME, (although I am not speaking for Cameronpoe, I would guess he might agree) or Cameronpoe.
+3|6963|The Netherlands
Yeah, Without freedom of speech half this forum wouldnt exsist. In my area bearing a gun is illegal, and it works out. Black and white - Freedom of speech good, arms bad.

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

If you don't attempt to understand the terrorists and the situation of the people in iraq you'll never realise why regular people become terrorists. Surely you can appreciate that stopping people from becoming terrorists in the first place is better than shooting them once they've become a terrorist.

Does talking to terrorists work? Seems to have in Ireland.
THIS, I will agree with, understanding why people hate us and WANT to kill us, is the way to go. UNDERSTANDING and NEGOTIATING, and APPEASING, and FORGIVING, them is, personally, out of the question after the fact. I really hope you can appreciate the difference I am trying to make between the two.

As far as giving forgiveness t oterrorists in Ireland, nope I don't agree, even if it did work. They killed innocent people and should be punished for that.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-15 02:43:23)

Say wat!?
Just like to say i love the way people on this forum actually support sides of the political spectrum... lol!

Seriously the sides of the political spectrum are so blurred theres no point in saying your a Liberal etc. I dont even understand how you can be on one side, each case should be different, you cant apply the same rules to different things. As people have been saying Black and White just doesnt happen and yet your all guilty of it at times, especially those that admit to being of a political side.

Just my 2 cents.

JahManRed wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ahhhhh once again my fault............by all means, don't go to war with the US, kill YOUR OWN MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN....now I completely understand...boy once you think like a liberal it all makes sense, I do not know how I coulda missed it. And no, we are not trying to force our opinions on them we are telling them Islamic radicalism will not be entertained. That is of course until now.
All this ranting about women and children being killed. Lowing you don't give a shit about the blood of the ordinary Iraqi people....... you have made that quite clear.... I have never once heard Lowing condemn the murder of Innocent women and children in Palestine or Lebanon, say. Killed using weapons, intelligence and unequivocal support from his nation and tax money. (I presume you work.)Only placing blame on people fighting for their freedom using out of date weaponry. Or once offer an ounce or regret for all the Innocent civilians wrote of as 'collateral damage', now you try to use these women and children to further you futile argument. Very Wrong.
Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-15 02:54:40)


lowing wrote:

Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
My argument against Israeli collective punishment exercises is this:

1) They have been using such tactics for long enough to no avail, the number of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza hasn't dipped for the entire duration of the current intifada. As such, their tactics appear to be completely ineffective. If they really want to prevent their own citizens from being killed then maybe they should rethink their poor tactics. A very interesting case in point is that after a month of poounding Lebanon the rate of missiles fired into Israel rarely dipped below 100 a day and in fact peaked the very day before the ceasefire came into effect. This begs the question - what the fuck are the Israelis firing at? Why can't they hit any of their targets? Why are their tactics so completely and utterly ineffective? They need to revise, rethink and restrategise.

2) They know they are more than likely to kill women and children and innocent civilians when launching their airstrikes and artillery barrages. When they pull their triggers and press their buttons they know that there is a high likelihood that innocents will die in the name of an offensive tactic that does not work. That wouldn't rest easy with me if I was the one pulling the trigger.

3) There are many many instances of Israelis killing civilians, many of them youths, just for throwing stones. Excuse me if I think that the summary execution of teenagers for the throwing of stones is deplorable. They even bulldozed an American peace campaigner to death who was trying to prevent a Palestinian from having her house demolished as part of a collective punishment exercise. Nice.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-15 03:22:47)

+226|7051|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ahhhhh once again my fault............by all means, don't go to war with the US, kill YOUR OWN MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN....now I completely understand...boy once you think like a liberal it all makes sense, I do not know how I coulda missed it. And no, we are not trying to force our opinions on them we are telling them Islamic radicalism will not be entertained. That is of course until now.
All this ranting about women and children being killed. Lowing you don't give a shit about the blood of the ordinary Iraqi people....... you have made that quite clear.... I have never once heard Lowing condemn the murder of Innocent women and children in Palestine or Lebanon, say. Killed using weapons, intelligence and unequivocal support from his nation and tax money. (I presume you work.)Only placing blame on people fighting for their freedom using out of date weaponry. Or once offer an ounce or regret for all the Innocent civilians wrote of as 'collateral damage', now you try to use these women and children to further you futile argument. Very Wrong.
Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
So do you think Israel should be punished for the 18 murders it committed the other day when their tanks shelled those houses and killed women & Children?

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-11-15 03:05:34)


IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

All this ranting about women and children being killed. Lowing you don't give a shit about the blood of the ordinary Iraqi people....... you have made that quite clear.... I have never once heard Lowing condemn the murder of Innocent women and children in Palestine or Lebanon, say. Killed using weapons, intelligence and unequivocal support from his nation and tax money. (I presume you work.)Only placing blame on people fighting for their freedom using out of date weaponry. Or once offer an ounce or regret for all the Innocent civilians wrote of as 'collateral damage', now you try to use these women and children to further you futile argument. Very Wrong.
Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
So do you think Israel should be punished for the 18 murders it committed the other day when their tanks shelled those houses and killed women & Children?
If it turns out that killing targeting innocent civilians is Israeli policy then absolutely. But now, I believe the Palistinian govt. ( the terrorist group HAMAS) purposely launch attacks into civilian areas in Israel not really targeting anything military. Where their rocket lands, it lands. who it kills it kills.

Israel is trying to take out terrorist targets thsat are hiding among civilan populations. Are you really surprised that civilians are getting killed by Israeli strikes? HAMAS does nothing to protect its citizens, on the contrary, the civilians are HAMAS first line of defense.
Pretty much all of us here have condemned terrorism and yet you still won't concede that Israel have carried out heinous acts (such as giving the go ahead to the Sabra & Shatila massacre) and carry out heinous acts on a continuous basis. Jewish settlers in the West Bank have been known to attack and sometimes kill Palestinians.

Amnesty International Report on Israel/Palestine Conflict 2005:

"Amnesty's accusations against the Israeli army include unlawful killings, torture, extensive and wanton destruction of property, obstruction of medical assistance and targeting of medical personnel."
Amnesty also says Israel has continued to use Palestinians as "human shields" during military operations, "forcing them to carry out tasks that endangered their lives", despite an injunction by Israel's high court banning the practice.The report accuses Israel of offering impunity to soldiers and settlers who commit crimes against Palestinians. "In the overwhelming majority of the thousands of cases of unlawful killings and other grave human rights violations in the previous four years, no investigations were known to have been carried out," the report says. "The Israeli army and police ... routinely increased restrictions on the local Palestinian population in response to attacks by Israeli settlers," it adds.

AND BEFORE YOU ASK: Yes the report heavily criticises Palestine also.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-15 03:22:25)

+226|7051|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
So do you think Israel should be punished for the 18 murders it committed the other day when their tanks shelled those houses and killed women & Children?
If it turns out that killing targeting innocent civilians is Israeli policy then absolutely. But now, I believe the Palistinian govt. ( the terrorist group HAMAS) purposely launch attacks into civilian areas in Israel not really targeting anything military. Where their rocket lands, it lands. who it kills it kills.

Israel is trying to take out terrorist targets thsat are hiding among civilan populations. Are you really surprised that civilians are getting killed by Israeli strikes? HAMAS does nothing to protect its citizens, on the contrary, the civilians are HAMAS first line of defense.
Lowing I love the way you are full of shite man, only you can defend the indefensible - either it's fucking wrong or it isn't.
Say wat!?
STOP FUCKING DEBATING THE SHIT HOLE THAT IS THE CONFLICT IN ISRAEL! THEY ARE BOTH WRONG AND BOTH NEED TO BE IGNORED! God damn people, you drag this shit out for so long! Stop debating something when everyone is so stuck in their ways its pointless.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
My argument against Israeli collective punishment exercises is this:

1) They have been using such tactics for long enough to no avail, the number of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza hasn't dipped for the entire duration of the current intifada. As such, their tactics appear to be completely ineffective. If they really want to prevent their own citizens from being killed then maybe they should rethink their poor tactics. A very interesting case in point is that after a month of poounding Lebanon the rate of missiles fired into Israel rarely dipped below 100 a day and in fact peaked the very day before the ceasefire came into effect. This begs the question - what the fuck are the Israelis firing at? Why can't they hit any of their targets? Why are their tactics so completely and utterly ineffective? They need to revise, rethink and restrategise.

2) They know they are more than likely to kill women and children and innocent civilians when launching their airstrikes and artillery barrages. When they pull their triggers and press their buttons they know that there is a high likelihood that innocents will die in the name of an offensive tactic that does not work. That wouldn't rest easy with me if I was the one pulling the trigger.

3) There are many many instances of Israelis killing civilians, many of them youths, just for throwing stones. Excuse me if I think that the summary execution of teenagers for the throwing of stones is deplorable. They even bulldozed an American peace campaigner to death who was trying to prevent a Palestinian from having her house demolished as part of a collective punishment exercise. Nice.
and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.

bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

So do you think Israel should be punished for the 18 murders it committed the other day when their tanks shelled those houses and killed women & Children?
If it turns out that killing targeting innocent civilians is Israeli policy then absolutely. But now, I believe the Palistinian govt. ( the terrorist group HAMAS) purposely launch attacks into civilian areas in Israel not really targeting anything military. Where their rocket lands, it lands. who it kills it kills.

Israel is trying to take out terrorist targets thsat are hiding among civilan populations. Are you really surprised that civilians are getting killed by Israeli strikes? HAMAS does nothing to protect its citizens, on the contrary, the civilians are HAMAS first line of defense.
Lowing I love the way you are full of shite man, only you can defend the indefensible - either it's fucking wrong or it isn't.
ya mean you got out of my post, that I think killing innocent civilians is right???

Vilham wrote:

STOP FUCKING DEBATING THE SHIT HOLE THAT IS THE CONFLICT IN ISRAEL! THEY ARE BOTH WRONG AND BOTH NEED TO BE IGNORED! God damn people, you drag this shit out for so long! Stop debating something when everyone is so stuck in their ways its pointless.
then what are you doing here?
Say wat!?
Well seeing as the OP you posted was about IRAQ. A different country, im here to debate that and not Israel.
+226|7051|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Actually I have, however, I blame the deaths of those innocents in Palestine on the terrorists that cower behind them while they launch attacks into Israel. War is bad enough, contrary to popular belief I really do hate it, but the purposeful killing of innocent people especially children is completely unforgiveable to me.

The use of them as shilds, KNOWING they are going to draw fire onto their postion is unforgiveable.

I really don't care who does it, if Israel did it, I would hate them as well. If the US did I would most certainly hate us for it.

I am not using women and children to further my argument. I am arguing for the punishment of those that do it. and you think this is wrong?? how so? because you don't want ot hear it??
My argument against Israeli collective punishment exercises is this:

1) They have been using such tactics for long enough to no avail, the number of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza hasn't dipped for the entire duration of the current intifada. As such, their tactics appear to be completely ineffective. If they really want to prevent their own citizens from being killed then maybe they should rethink their poor tactics. A very interesting case in point is that after a month of poounding Lebanon the rate of missiles fired into Israel rarely dipped below 100 a day and in fact peaked the very day before the ceasefire came into effect. This begs the question - what the fuck are the Israelis firing at? Why can't they hit any of their targets? Why are their tactics so completely and utterly ineffective? They need to revise, rethink and restrategise.

2) They know they are more than likely to kill women and children and innocent civilians when launching their airstrikes and artillery barrages. When they pull their triggers and press their buttons they know that there is a high likelihood that innocents will die in the name of an offensive tactic that does not work. That wouldn't rest easy with me if I was the one pulling the trigger.

3) There are many many instances of Israelis killing civilians, many of them youths, just for throwing stones. Excuse me if I think that the summary execution of teenagers for the throwing of stones is deplorable. They even bulldozed an American peace campaigner to death who was trying to prevent a Palestinian from having her house demolished as part of a collective punishment exercise. Nice.
and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.

bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.
So that's your justification for the murder of women & Children? - great you the man...

Vilham wrote:

Well seeing as the OP you posted was about IRAQ. A different country, im here to debate that and not Israel.
Yeah yer right, but like all threads in the D & ST everything always reverts back to hating the US and Israel.
Scratch where it itches

lowing wrote:

and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.

CameronPoe wrote:

Amnesty International Report on Israel/Palestine Conflict 2005:
AND BEFORE YOU ASK: Yes the report heavily criticises Palestine also.

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

My argument against Israeli collective punishment exercises is this:

1) They have been using such tactics for long enough to no avail, the number of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza hasn't dipped for the entire duration of the current intifada. As such, their tactics appear to be completely ineffective. If they really want to prevent their own citizens from being killed then maybe they should rethink their poor tactics. A very interesting case in point is that after a month of poounding Lebanon the rate of missiles fired into Israel rarely dipped below 100 a day and in fact peaked the very day before the ceasefire came into effect. This begs the question - what the fuck are the Israelis firing at? Why can't they hit any of their targets? Why are their tactics so completely and utterly ineffective? They need to revise, rethink and restrategise.

2) They know they are more than likely to kill women and children and innocent civilians when launching their airstrikes and artillery barrages. When they pull their triggers and press their buttons they know that there is a high likelihood that innocents will die in the name of an offensive tactic that does not work. That wouldn't rest easy with me if I was the one pulling the trigger.

3) There are many many instances of Israelis killing civilians, many of them youths, just for throwing stones. Excuse me if I think that the summary execution of teenagers for the throwing of stones is deplorable. They even bulldozed an American peace campaigner to death who was trying to prevent a Palestinian from having her house demolished as part of a collective punishment exercise. Nice.
and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.

bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.
So that's your justification for the murder of women & Children? - great you the man...
I defy you to tell me where I justify killing any innocent civilians by anyone.

CameronPoe wrote:

Pretty much all of us here have condemned terrorism and yet you still won't concede that Israel have carried out heinous acts (such as giving the go ahead to the Sabra & Shatila massacre) and carry out heinous acts on a continuous basis. Jewish settlers in the West Bank have been known to attack and sometimes kill Palestinians.

Amnesty International Report on Israel/Palestine Conflict 2005:

"Amnesty's accusations against the Israeli army include unlawful killings, torture, extensive and wanton destruction of property, obstruction of medical assistance and targeting of medical personnel."
Amnesty also says Israel has continued to use Palestinians as "human shields" during military operations, "forcing them to carry out tasks that endangered their lives", despite an injunction by Israel's high court banning the practice.The report accuses Israel of offering impunity to soldiers and settlers who commit crimes against Palestinians. "In the overwhelming majority of the thousands of cases of unlawful killings and other grave human rights violations in the previous four years, no investigations were known to have been carried out," the report says. "The Israeli army and police ... routinely increased restrictions on the local Palestinian population in response to attacks by Israeli settlers," it adds.

AND BEFORE YOU ASK: Yes the report heavily criticises Palestine also.
too late I already asked.
+226|7051|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.

bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.
So that's your justification for the murder of women & Children? - great you the man...
I defy you to tell me where I justify killing any innocent civilians by anyone.
Israel is trying to take out terrorist targets thsat[sic] are hiding among civilan populations. Are you really surprised that civilians are getting killed by Israeli strikes?
It's write pretty fucking large there pal

IG-Calibre wrote:

lowing wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

So that's your justification for the murder of women & Children? - great you the man...
I defy you to tell me where I justify killing any innocent civilians by anyone.
Israel is trying to take out terrorist targets thsat[sic] are hiding among civilan populations. Are you really surprised that civilians are getting killed by Israeli strikes?
It's write pretty fucking large there pal
lol, yeah ok. I condone Israel killing civilians because I point out the fact that OF COURSE civilians are going to die if shield known military targets with civilians....

what a moron, jesus christ.

lowing wrote:

and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.
bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.
The PLO/Fatah can live with that. Egypt and Jordan can live with that. Maybe others could too, in time.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

and where is the condemnation of the killing of Israeli civilians by anyone.? Other than the US I guess.
bottom line is, Israel is here to stay, unless you condone its destruction. Now, what Islamic country can live with that?. Answer that question and you will know what the problem is.
The PLO/Fatah can live with that. Egypt and Jordan can live with that. Maybe others could too, in time.
well it would pretty much have to be unanimous wouldn't it? Since Egypt or Jordan would not run to the defense of Israel if Iran attacked them.Peace in the ME has to start with acknowledgment of Israel's right to exist. NOT, by appeasing terrorists.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-15 03:48:11)

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