Battlefield Gaming League

It's with great pleasure I can present to you the Battlefield Gaming Leagues webpage. BFGL* started in November 2006. As BFGL* setup is different than any other leagues there was not room for more clans, but this is being worked on and if your clan is interested in joining you can sign up on the forums and we will look at your application. BFGL* is a division setup like we know if from soccer with a premier, 1st and 2nd division and all the clans were put in the division based on their previous achievements so the matches would be more equal and fun to play. This will also mean that a winner will be announced at the end of each season, and there will be relegations and promotions to the two teams at each end of the division.
BFGL* is managed by the players rather than one person, players that want to improve and help the community, so if you have any ideas how to improve the league you are more than welcome to put them forward. There is of course a few people that manage the league and deal with any problems there should occur and the general smooth running of the league.

This is what we got going, and could use your support.

- Maps are different for every battle.
- Players use logistics and commit forces to a battle based on what they have at their disposal.
- Meet other players and play along side them. Possibly meet new members for your clan.
- Play in an ongoing war theatre that you affect and change.
- Follow a military ranking system where true team players are well rewarded.
- All matches have a referee to make sure there is no foul play.
- Play for free.
- BFgaming-league is a non-profit organization.
- So much more is going on here.

BfGaming-League is not a clan, but rather will be a affiliation of many clans. We have worked very hard here to build something to enhance the clan community.
All we ask is at least try out one scheduled battle times

Main Page:

The leagues will consist of a Bf2 Infantry only, Vehicles League, Special Forces League and battlefield 2142.

European News

We have a lot of things going at BfGaming-League that will brings BF2 back alive again. So come on over and check us out. We are always making things better and fair for everyone and we were done with our Beta a couple of weeks ago.

Here is what you need to qualify.

1) At least 1 active clan member participating in BFGL*.
2) At least 5 members from your clan for a 5x5 match or more members depending on how many people you want playing in the match.
3) You can challenge any clan in you ladder.
4) The challenging clan chooses 4 maps and the clan that is challenged picks to of those maps there will be 2 rounds per map and there will be a total of four rounds and two maps.
5) To registar join our great gaming forum.
6) To join this league registar on the forums
7) If you registar your clan you will also need to registar a war arranger for your clan.

Server Rules

1)NO Bunny Hopping is allowed in matches.
2)No Main Base Raping.
3)No Artillery on Main Base.
4)No Abusing other CLANS or MEMBERS whilst in game (or on the forums)

Vehicle Rules

1)No Baseraping, basecamping
2)No cheating, glitching, bug abuse
3)No Stealing enemy Vehicle's from main bases
4)No Artilerry on main base
5)No Abusing other CLANS or MEMBERS whilst in game (or on the forums) if so take a screen shot and post it on the forums
6)Respect eachother whilst on the Server
7)Take screen shots of match results
If any problems occur contact an BFGL* Admin at once with proof in the form of screenshots.
9)If you would like to become apart off the Admin Team and help monitor the league members are more then welcome to apply.

Teams and Match Setup

Minimum Team size is 5v5,8v8, 10v10 or 12v12 or more is acceptable.

Matches can be played on 16,32 or even a 64 man servers.

There will be to types of league Infantry only and Vehicles.

Whilst the match is being played there must be NO BASE RAPING and NO ARTILLERY ON MAIN BASE the main base being where the RED CIRCLE is.
Snipers are allowed per team and players are allowed to pick up any weapons even if its the enemys weapon.

Matches are to be the best to out of 4 rounds, this means that each team will play 2 maps 2 rounds per map both as MEC and USMC.
Clans have 15 minutes after the agreed start time to get the team on the hosting clans server. If a clan only has seven players at the allotted time, that is how many they start the match with.
If a clan does not show up 30 minutes after the agreed start by both clans, they will forfeit the match.

If for some reason a clan cannot get the minimum number of players for the match, they can request to re-schedule the match, or in the event of a 10v10 or 12v12, ask the opposing clan to drop the number of players to minimum 8v8. We encourage clans to arrange 8v8, if in doubt, and then rather add players if possible on match day.
If during a match a player from either team gets disconnected due to ping, computer crash, or other hardware issue, the players clan needs to ask the opposing clan if it ok to continue.

Match Arrangements
Matches will be played as both Home and Away matches. This means you will play each clan twice, once on their server and once on your server.
You will play 1 match per week and you will play each clan twice (See above rule).
If a clan does not show up they forfeit the match. (See Match Schedule)
The preferable start time is 8pm GMT 9pm CET. However if both clans are unable to start at this time, then try and find a time that works for both clans. If no agreement is made, the latest start time is 20:30 GMT 21:30 CET.

Posting and Confirming Results

The Home team will post 1st and the Away Team will confirm.
The Home Team is required to post right after the match no matter who won. The Away Team will be given 24 hours, as well, to confirm the match or it will be considered void.
For matches that have been refereed, the ref will post the result and both clans will confirm.

Match Problems
If any problems occur contact an BFGL* Admin at once with proof in the form of screenshots.
Conflicts over scores must be brought to an BFGL* Admin with the screenshots of the scores. If neither clan has the screenshots, the match must be replayed.
If there is a debate about scores, please DO NOT post about it on BFGL* forums. Contact an Admin regarding the problem.

If a clan has ½ of their team with a constant ping of 100 or more, they can request a neutral server be used for the match. If a clan does not have ½ or more, then you have to play on the server that has been arranged unless an agreement is made between both clans.
If one or both clans are having problems with anticheat so they can't field a team, or problems with getting a acceptable server for both clans, you have the right to reschdule the match to another day, after 30 minutes past original match start.

Un-sportsmanlike Conduct

Clan leaders are required to keep their members in line. This means that if the BFGL* Admins receive a complaint about one of your members, your clan leader will be responsible.
Swearing during matches is not allowed at all. Accusing the opposing clan of cheating is also frowned upon. Please contact an BFGL* Admin directly and take screenshots as proof.
Clans must not leave the server during a match for no reason unless an BFGL* Admin is contacted. This action will result in a forfeit.
If there is an argument or some confusion over rules, please contact an BFGL* Admin to join the server and resolve the problems.

What to do after the match
At the end of the game both teams must enter the results in the forums
within 24 hrs. Screenshot will be required but we will only need to see
them if there is a disagreement between clans. But it recomended that
both clans take a screenshot.

All clients must be running the latest version of PunkBuster.

Commander Mode: On

Unlocked Weapons: On all BF2, SF and EF unlocks

Demos & Voice over IP are not required

Server Settings to be used in all matches
AllowFreeCam: Off
AllowExternalViews: On
AllowNoseCam: On
HitIndicator: On
NotEnoughPlayersRestartDelay: 15
StartDelay: 45
EndDelay: 15
SpawnTime: 15
TicketRatio: 300
TeamRatioPercent: 100%
RoundsPerMap: 2
TimeLimit: 0
SoldierFriendlyFire: 100
VehicleFriendlyFire: 100
SoldierSplashFriendlyFire: 100
VehicleSplashFriendlyFire: 100
TKPunishEnabled: Off
TKNumPunishToKick: 0
TKPunishByDefault: Off
VotingEnabled: Off
AutoBalanceTeam: Off
PunkBuster: On
sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1
sv.friendlyFireWithMines 0
player ping limit:0

Teams will be awarded 3 points for a match win, 1 point for a match
draw and 0 points for a loss. Rounds won and rounds lost will be added
up for playoff seedings later on.

Should teams have equal match points at the end of the league (Those 2 teams will play each other again)

In the rare case there are 3 or more teams with exactly the same points
competing for the last two playoff slots they also will have to play one or
more single maps chosen by admins to fight it out for the last 2 positions.
This should be played on servers providing good conditions for both
teams, if necessary on a neutral server.


During the course of any BFGL* match a maximum of 2 replacement
players may be used. Substitutions must be made at the end of the
round/map not in-game. Substitutes must join within 5 mins.

Dropped players

If a player drops/pings out during a match the ongoing round
will continue but the match should be put into intermission
before the following round starts. The match will continue
as soon as he has rejoined. If he is unable to rejoin the
general rules for replacing players will apply. A maximum
of 10 minutes will be permitted to solve such a situation,
after that the match will continue without the dropped player.

The dropped player will be allowed to reconnect immediately
as long as he joins his team as soon as possible.

Section 4 -Adjudication And Referees

Referees should not normally be required for BFGL* matches as
teams are expected to be responsible and attempt to solve any
disputes themselves. However if for any reason a team wishes
there to be an independant observer present they may request
the BFGL* admin team (in advance) to make one available. A referee's
decision will be final and a referee is the ONLY spectator allowed
in any match.


If any team feels it necessary they may bring a case to the
management along with supporting evidence. Cases without
evidence are not likely to be upheld. The managements’ decision
is final in all cases. Should any team have a dispute regarding a
BFGL* match then their case must be brought to the management
without delay. Screenshots and demos SHOULD therefore recorded.


Any player caught using a cheat or modification during DBL matches
will be banned from all future Battlefield Gaming League matches and may
also be banned from BFGL* Members servers.

The team who's member is found cheating in a match will forfeit that
match. Dependant on the severity of the infraction and the clans
responce the clan may be ejected from the DL entirely and their scores
reversed to forfeit each game.

Bunny Hopping

Bunnyhopping is forbidden in BFGL*, Bunny hopping is (according to BFGL*)
any more than 3 consecutive jumps in succesion. If the opposition is
Bunny Hopping you must state to a BFGL* admin who was Bunny Hopping. A
BFGL* admin will then request the BF2 Recorder files from the server on
which the match was played on. We will then spectate the player in

DolphinDiving/Prone spam movement
DolphinDiving/Prone spam movement or any movement considered
spamming, Dolphin Diving, Jump/prone/couch/fire etc... in succesion is
Forbidden in BFGL*
Death StatPadder
+228|7054|Human Meat Shield
Too many stupid rules... what are we supposed to do? Throw rocks or let you just shoot us and claim you are are the best?...... next.

I only looked at the servers rules and didnt read the rest...

Last edited by imdead (2006-11-13 16:36:44)

french canadians suck
A league with  Unlocks and no bunny hopping. Lmao. Fail.

Last edited by TrashBlinD (2006-11-13 16:36:54)

+46|6893|DFW, Texas

TrashBlinD wrote:

A league with  Unlocks and no bunny hopping. Lmao. Fail.
No Bunnyhopping ftl, only the nub clans are gonna compete in this shit
thanks for your comments much appreciated...what was the point of you guys posting such immature posts ?

i dont think it is neccasary well this for clans not lone wolfs, ye bunnyhopping is lame i guess you aint opened your eyes yet ?
Ok Then.

Scott6969 wrote:

thanks for your comments much appreciated...what was the point of you guys posting such immature posts ?

i dont think it is neccasary well this for clans not lone wolfs, ye bunnyhopping is lame i guess you aint opened your eyes yet ?
Bunnyhopping isnt lame, you just cant do it
Death StatPadder
+228|7054|Human Meat Shield
another funny flaming thread...

/gets popcorn

imdead wrote:

another funny flaming thread...

/gets popcorn
flaming thread? lol sorry but i dont see me flaming with some1 else im just saying what i have to say.

can the moderator or admin lock this thread now please this is aimed at clans to help them and its for fun

nothink else
Im sorry but getting bum fucked by a G3 is NOT fun
+98|6943|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
sounds cheap.
+1,153|6915|Washington, DC

Gotta admit that for all the shit he's taken, the topic creator's kept his cool pretty well.

IMO no bunny hopping is a silly rule. How do you enforce it? Where do you cross the line between just a few jumps and "omfg buny hopping"?
How about eveyone who doesnt have anything constructive to say quit posting all together.

This sounds quite interesting. Based in the US?
+12|7053|Over there
Well, it might take off if the clans are allowed to decide the rules between themselves. Yes, have a set of rules in place but make them 'open rules'.

So i.e. Bunny hopping, decided between clans
          Prone Spamming - decided between clans
          Arty and Commanders - between clans etc etc.
Stand still I need to shoot you
Sounds like like you put a lot of time into this post . TO BAD NOBODY LIKES IT !!!!!!!

Hey just Laugh
+186|6844|The real world

TrashBlinD wrote:

A league with  Unlocks and no bunny hopping. Lmao. Fail.
and no-uncap raping

+98|7023|netherlands, sweet lake city

TrashBlinD wrote:

A league with  Unlocks and no bunny hopping. Lmao. Fail.
i think mayB some of the noob community's might be interested and dont forget the clans that are so n00bie that they cant win anything in the other leagues   anyway the rules are: made by n00bs for n00bs lal

Last edited by kn0ckahh (2006-11-15 07:14:10)

+71|6842|A dark hole....
im in with [RRC]

Furious=UKLF= wrote:

Well, it might take off if the clans are allowed to decide the rules between themselves. Yes, have a set of rules in place but make them 'open rules'.

So i.e. Bunny hopping, decided between clans
          Prone Spamming - decided between clans
          Arty and Commanders - between clans etc etc.
thats exactly what we done with the clans that are joined up now they decided not us who run the league this is for fun and we do this in our spare time we don't have to but we do.

and no it aint i nthe US its in Europe unfortunatly but USA Clans are more then welcome to join.

and yes i have kept my cool i dont want to go to there level thats just sad and uncalled for

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