bad touch

What do you want changed in 1.05?

Catagorize it into things that need to be improved (up) and things that need downgrades (down)

Shields need more stopping power
Grenade fuse increased
TV missile damage
knife needs a crosshair
C4 remote

Stationary AA power
Claymores (deja vu)
knife range

thats the example, add your own!
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Grenade fuse increased slightly
TV missile reverted to BF2-style control
Crosshair on knife
Titan shield pattern altered to beta1 style

Make the AA cannons usefull and weaken the EMP vs air units a little
Allow nades to destroy claymores and increase activation time
Knife hit detection needs improving
Support EMP nades need longer reload time
+718|6567|Austin, Texas
-TV Missile Damage... BF2 Style firing, maybe.
-Hit detection with knife. Probably a coding error. Not to be confused with range of knife.
-C4 "switch-to-remote-and-lay-c4-down-on-accident" disease. Woops.
-Ganz. It just sucks. Mis cajones.
-Scope on Zeller for low graphics users. It's like looking through a glass at the sun.

-EMP "Missiles"
-Dieing while ejecting from a transport heli. D'oh.
-Smoke when your pod opens. It makes lag... and I doubt your pod carries a smoke-making machine.
-LMG accuracy while standing. It shouldn't ever get that accurate. While crouching and prone, it's fine, but who the hell is going to stand up with a machine gun at his hip, and fire 40 rounds of ammo into a sniper 150m away.
I suspect something is amiss
1. Like the above posters mentioned the Knife.. sometimes it just won´t hit.
2. Allow squadjumping like it used to be in the old Bf2 who cares if people "exploit" it, the game was more fun   overall then, or make it an available option for the servers to switch on.

And a wish to find more balanced servers i get the feeling that 9/10 of the servers i play is severly screwed up no fun in beeing baseraped a whole round or do the same to your enemy

+106|6427|UMass Amherst
1. Attack on APC's vs. other APC's.  I have seen so many stalemates where the first guy to bail is the one to die...and that usually takes a while.  Dumbest vehicle fights ever.
2. Pistol damage at long range.  I don't care what century it is, a .44 cal pistol (EU) should hurt them a bit more than it does currently.
3. Pilum H-AVR bullet speed; if anyone makes a successful shot at over 50-100 meters on a moving target, it's because they're lucky.  Or psychic.
4. Ganz damage, as someone mentioned.  It's an HMG, it should do a crapload of damage with the size of the bullets it's got for ammo, considering the trade-off in terms of firing rate.
5. Fix the damn knife so it's consistent.

1. TV missile sensitivity; although I'm adjusting to the new targeting method and actually hitting stuff (with a decent pilot helping line shots up) most people simply cannot hit anything.
2. Anti-air EMP missiles; even with the Active Defense System they still affect you, and nothing's more annoying than crashing into a mountain as you try to get out of range.
3. Titan gun splash needs nerfing so bad.
4. Punishment system needs overhaul.  Make it so that the first few are freebies, 'shit happens' and n00bs cannot punish you for a genuine accident.
5. Spawn beacons need designation as friendly or foe (FOF) since it is impossible to tell half the time.
6. The damn tranport troop pin glitch.  Enough said.
+788|6702|Brisbane, Australia

Titan Lag
Larger Shields - I seriously was expecting these to be used like Tac Shields in 1.6 and Active camo, It covers nearly all your body, and it has an overheat.
Ejection issue on transports, Defintally should be a hight range some point.
Teamkill issue in crashing transports
C4 Trigger
Server Browser There needs to be an individual server refresh button, heck, refresh it when I click on it like BF2 did! ANYTHING!
Pistol Speed

EMP Nade reload time - I cant count the ammount of times I have been hit by EMP in the air, fallen abit, regained control, only to be hit again, repeat until I crash or I bail out and apply my knife to the fucker's skull.
Pods. Get rid of the fucking scream. You are a trained soldier, and if I was to go up in one of them, it would be more like "Whoooo!!" than "Arrrruggugugh!"
Claymores need to be destructable, no excuses, although I am pleased you can sneak by these more often now, unlike BF2 where even glancing in the direction of one would fuck you up.

Oh and dont forget that DICE is now concentrating on bug fixes and wont be changing game mechanics as often.

Last edited by Sarrk (2006-11-11 23:42:02)

+1,175|6609|British Columbia, Canada

- TV missle Damage needs to be increased

- Pistols need to either do more damage, or allow the user to fire fast as we could in BF2

- Medic Kits and ammo kits need to re-arm/heal Faster (including the upgrades)

- Active Camo needs to be reverted to how it was in the demo, as it is, its useless.

- APCs need to be able to drive threw water

- Coding with the Air vehicles needs some major work. (attack heli and Transport)

- The EU titan needs some major work.. Right now its got more holes then swiss cheese.


- EMPs Against Air-Targets need to be nerfed..

- TV missle Sensitivity needs to be turned down.

Other then that.. the game is fairly balanced..
+788|6702|Brisbane, Australia

Yeah, Ganz and Pistols are probably the only weapons that are wonky right now.
Dex Luther
-Knife needs tweaking
-Pilum I don't know. right now I think it's used more against infantry than it is against vehicles.

-Fix the titan ammo glitch (titans don't need ammo).
-Fix the transport pin glitch.
-Reset the stat padders
-Do something to the support kit. They've got the sentry gun that fires contantly (even through walls which causes damage sometimes). They run and gun Halo style, and they can out snipe snipers at 150m+ range. Something has to be done. Everyone's a support whore now and you get titans with reactor rooms with 5-6 sentry guns. It's ridiculous.
Dex Luther

Sarrk wrote:

Pods. Get rid of the fucking scream. You are a trained soldier, and if I was to go up in one of them, it would be more like "Whoooo!!" than "Arrrruggugugh!"
The "Arrrruggugugh!" is your character reacting to the extreme g-force.
+86|6581|Edmonton Alberta
-knife needs a crosshair and its unreliable sometimes
-pistol damage needs to be upped or be able to shoot faster
-titan i shouldnt get 15-30fps on the damn thing
- gunships should be able to do barrelrolls dammit
- ganz it just blows

-tv missle needs to be a bit slower or less sensitive
-emp from the AA needs something done to it
-AA guns ontop of titans should overheat ...whenever im in a titan thats all i ever hear
-support should not be able to shoot accuratly while standing
-fix the pod drop from air transport so you dont tk everybody/ get tk'd

Dex Luther wrote:

Sarrk wrote:

Pods. Get rid of the fucking scream. You are a trained soldier, and if I was to go up in one of them, it would be more like "Whoooo!!" than "Arrrruggugugh!"
The "Arrrruggugugh!" is your character reacting to the extreme g-force.
You are a trained soldier who specializes in these types of environment, I would think he can handle the G-force.
Metal Godz
All I ask is for more glitchs....

Ranking scores should be in the millions and billions.....

Why not its fun....

Sometimes its good to be bad....
+6|6435|Melbourne, Australia
-Ganz, it's a downgrade from the Biancha and Shuko.
-Walls, they need to stop bullets all the time, not just occasionally.
-Pilum H-AVR, blast radius increased a little. Nothing worse than seeing the pilum shell go off right next to some prone guys head, and dying while he empties his clip into your face while you reload.

-PK74 AR rockets, refire rate decreased, blast radius decreased. These badboys have a bigger blast radius than the engineer AVs and grenades. I've seen the corridor 1 and 2 consoles blown purely by AR rockets hitting the bulkhead a couple of metres to the side of them.
-Sentry guns, thy shouldn't be able to shoot at people they can't see.
-RDX, this one's controversial, only allow them to be laid on vehicles, ground defense turrets, titan consoles and titan cores.
+788|6702|Brisbane, Australia

Dex Luther wrote:

Sarrk wrote:

Pods. Get rid of the fucking scream. You are a trained soldier, and if I was to go up in one of them, it would be more like "Whoooo!!" than "Arrrruggugugh!"
The "Arrrruggugugh!" is your character reacting to the extreme g-force.
Year 2142 and they havent found a housing for a drop pod that reduces G-force?

Like I said, "Whoooo!!"
+519|6667|Gold coast, Aus.
only thing i want changed is the pistols....

make it like in Bf2....As fast as you can click is as fast as it shoots.

Although i wouldnt mind seeing med kits re-healing faster (or another upgrade for the medic kit make it faster )

And the APC second gunner seat missile thingies blast radius lowered a bit. One missile hit about 10 m away and did half health to my car, the second one finished me off. (has happened numerous times in different scenarios)
+8|6466|Tabriz, Iran

stryyker wrote:

What do you want changed in 1.05?

Catagorize it into things that need to be improved (up) and things that need downgrades (down)

Shields need more stopping power
Grenade fuse increased
TV missile damage
knife needs a crosshair
C4 remote

Stationary AA power
Claymores (deja vu)
knife range

thats the example, add your own!
I don't want a rubber knife like the one in BF2, make it better or leave as is
buttered noodle
-Shields need more stopping power
-knife needs a cross hair
-C4 remote
-2 c4 should take out a console, not 3, should really be one c4 and some bullets
-claymores can never be set off by friendlies
-RDX shouldn't harm your tard-mates (TM) in the reactor room or next to consoles - most tard-mates(TM) don't understand written or verbal language so they die and punish
-fighter plane re-spawn timed needs to be shortened to like 60 seconds after tis destruction/we need to have more than one per side
-should only require 1 set of 10 direct hit missiles to take out a walker, the only realistic way to take down a walker without 2 tanks and engineers(repairing and firing) is to ram a plane-thing into them at over 400 units/hr while firing into them. It's really surprising when you hit a walker at 300 units/hr and it doesn't blow up, theres an actual fatal speed
-sometimes aircraft turn upside down and i can never recover/also i should be able to eject without getting killed instantly
-need to be able to spawn closer to the core, the run is annoying as fuck

-I would like to have like 2 titans per side,(it'll require like 2 gigs of ram but o well) the hangar bay shields need to extend out further the bays need to be bigger for incoming aircraft, i hate getting blow up because i cant enter the hangar fast enough. ALSO A BIGGIE is that the transport craft should NOT spawn when the fighter is manned and turned sideways when it lands to repair, sucks to die that way.
-The invisible device thing need to work better because it makes the user an easy as shit target, they stand out more than normal because its easier to confuse the uniforms, you tard-mates(TM) wont be using it near you so you know 99.5% of the time its the UNARMED enemy, the single advantage to it is for sneaking up on tanks and walkers when their backs are turned as to place some RDX, which should auto detonate if u die
BUT vs infantry it only makes it harder to sneak up because you have the extra draw time of your knife
-----I guess its helpful for sneaking up a mountain side, but with the pods its not hard for the enemy to get up there fast or for a titan to just blast your ass back to the stone age

-Stationary AA power
-titan AA guns need to be able to over heat, if anyone is in them, you are not getting off your titan/are not landing on theirs, I've yet to be able to destroy one, although i got a point once for hitting one with a tv missile
-FF needs to be turn off near enemy consoles and the core for RDX demo packs

gene_pool wrote:

only thing i want changed is the pistols....

make it like in Bf2....As fast as you can click is as fast as it shoots.

Although i wouldn't mind seeing med kits re-healing faster (or another upgrade for the medic kit make it faster )
-the pistols need to be more accurate/ powerful , the revolver should be like 2-3 shots and dead you have fewer rounds with slower reload between shots so it should be similar to getting hit with a slower than rifle velocity 50 cal and the other pistol should fire as fast as u can click because its weaker and should stay more accurate

-ALSO a note on knives, there should be no bellyaching bullshit about them in 2142, its not hard to get 17 or whatever kills in a round with it if u try for it for a good few games, its easy to do in titan corridors or on the upper titan passages, i knifed an entire squad "guarding" a console and then knifed their medic and 2 revive-ees for a total of 8 kills and 2 badges

-Okay, i was just looking at straz_mataz's sig and remembered that there should be a longer event list, i want to be able to take a screen shot of knifing 8 people in a row, BF2 had 5 which I'd be happy with not 3 and one of the events happens to be someone else so u only see 2 on ur kills if they last that long even

Last edited by buttered noodle (2006-11-12 02:07:09)

First, Knife needs a crosshair? are you guys blind or what? How is it gonna help you hit targets? You know it will only hit the middle of the screen.

Second Pistol should not kill enemies in 2-3 shots, engineers SMG do only 10dmg and you need to blast 10 bullets to kill one. So no pistol do not need bigger damage because we engineers dont get a fancy pistol for some reason and the pistol would be abused a lot. Though it do need better fire rate and accurate. The last thing i want is a pistol equal to the power of a sniper.

RDX- This shit should damage friendly team mates, why? because then everyone would just spam it around their squad and as soon one enemy jump in, boom it goes of and the squad is safe from a enemy once again. OH oh or lets put it on walkers and tanks and drive in to enemy flag area or silos and then blow it. How fun would that be? The same goes for consoles. I don't care if you place those shit, you just need to wait untill they left or join a FF of server.

Walkers are easy to take down just be sure you do not fight them in close combat because then you are fucked. Stay away and look at map if there is anyone near the flag. If it is wait untill it apears and start aiming at it and fire. Also it weakpoints are legs and the part that connects to both legs.

Zukabazuka wrote:

First, Knife needs a crosshair? are you guys blind or what? How is it gonna help you hit targets? You know it will only hit the middle of the screen.

Second Pistol should not kill enemies in 2-3 shots, engineers SMG do only 10dmg and you need to blast 10 bullets to kill one. So no pistol do not need bigger damage because we engineers dont get a fancy pistol for some reason and the pistol would be abused a lot. Though it do need better fire rate and accurate. The last thing i want is a pistol equal to the power of a sniper.

RDX- This shit should damage friendly team mates, why? because then everyone would just spam it around their squad and as soon one enemy jump in, boom it goes of and the squad is safe from a enemy once again. OH oh or lets put it on walkers and tanks and drive in to enemy flag area or silos and then blow it. How fun would that be? The same goes for consoles. I don't care if you place those shit, you just need to wait untill they left or join a FF of server.

Walkers are easy to take down just be sure you do not fight them in close combat because then you are fucked. Stay away and look at map if there is anyone near the flag. If it is wait untill it apears and start aiming at it and fire. Also it weakpoints are legs and the part that connects to both legs.
knife- agree. you gotta be some other kind of stupid to not hit with it.

pistol- i want an unlock desert eagle >_<

RDX -  this is a friendly fire issue, iv teamkilled countless people with RDX on FF-ON servers.

Walkers - anyone bitching about walkers should just go /wrists. Anything in the game can be taken out easily, you just gotta know HOW.

one gripe about the knife. the whole "too close to hit" thing is kinda annoying, i dunno how many times if been hacking away at some guy who im practically assraping and it does nothing. how can a knife be "too close" ??
The Moisture
+49|6741|South Africa
TV Missile Damage!!!! <-- most NB (i actually like the fact thats its difficult to hit stuff)
Pistol Deviation (every bullet seems to hit dead centre, more that BF2)
Pilum Damage
Baur Accuracy
Camo Effectivenesses
Gunship Armour vs Collisions (touch a pole and *boom* you're dead, and i consider myself decent [2nd in my country], but come on, its ridiculous)

Support Class
Sentry Guns Damage and HP (if you can call it that, they survive nades)
Exploits & Reset Padders
Stationary AA locking range (damage is fine)
Knife Issues (worse than BF2, knifing target 10+ times only for him to turn and cut you once dead)
Alt-Tab & CTDs
+34|6703|Devil's Perch

Sarrk wrote:

Claymores need to be destructable, no excuses, although I am pleased you can sneak by these more often now, unlike BF2 where even glancing in the direction of one would fuck you up.
They are. Use RDX for example.

Knife handling: better hit box and maybe an aiming help, alternatively switch back to stabbing instead of "slicing"
Make titans solid objects: because kit bags, bodies, RDX and other things just fall through right now, the many glitches and passable walls shouldn't have to be mentioned but be fixed without any further talking required
Spawn beacons: make them reliably destroyable on Titans, it seems like they can be placed so they're nearly indestructable in the vents
Make /all vehicles/ solid objects: Placing RDX on them just to see it fall through is ridiculous

Knife handling: shorter range, right now the knife seems to be a two-handed sword or machete, at least under some circumstances
LMG accuracy: that class already has the advantage of unlimited ammo, they don't need full-auto sniper rifles with large clips
Remove Titan destruction achievement badge: getting it or not depends more on luck (are you the one of 10 people shooting who hits the final bullet or not) than skill
Sentry guns: they survive RDX and grenades which is absurd
Proud member of a dead community.
+47|6511|Hong Kong

The Ganz needs to hit something

The Fighting Jets have to be made from something other than scrap Newspaper


The AA's have to be nerfed

The scopes have to zoom in more, its 2142 not 1865
Phorum Phantom
Assault rifle accuracy (especially baur)

LMG Accuracy
Voss accuracy and/or power
The Medic Whore
i'd really like to have the knife dectection fixed...

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