sergeriver wrote:
lowing wrote:
sergeriver wrote:
Is that bad? I mean the guy wants the best for his people. The best in Palestine terms should mean having a day without killings.
yeah that would be pretty cool if the Palistinians could actually try going a day without killing.
Let me ask you something, if some asshole holding a gun invades your home and puts the life of your family in risk, what would you do? … _migrationYeah I see your point, I bet the Israeli's were plenty scared and pissed off watching the Arab countries do that to them. I see nowwhy Isarael defends itself.
you might wanna read up on who is the agressors in the history of the Israeli/ Arab conflicts before you post any more any more.
also take note that the Arabs turned down a 2 state proposal with Jerusalem as central for both. GUESS who rejected it??
Establishment of the State
Ben-Gurion pronounces the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 in Tel Aviv.Main article: Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel
In 1947, following increasing levels of violence from groups such as Irgun and Lehi, uncontrollable immigration from Europe and general war-weariness, the British government decided to withdraw from the Palestine Mandate.[13] The UN General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan dividing the territory into two states, with the Jewish area consisting of roughly 55% of the land, and the Arab area roughly 45%. Jerusalem was planned to be an international region administered by the UN to avoid conflict over its status.
Immediately following the adoption of the Partition Plan by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947, David Ben-Gurion tentatively accepted the partition, while the Arab League rejected it. The Arab Higher Committee immediately ordered a violent three-day strike on Jewish civilians, attacking buildings, shops, and neighborhoods, and prompting counter-attacks organized by underground Jewish militias like the Lehi and Irgun. These attacks soon turned into widespread fighting between Arabs and Jews, this civil war being the first "phase" of the 1948 War of Independence.[14]
Last edited by lowing (2006-11-11 04:31:46)