ok i have installed 2142 but when ever i go to play it there are no online servers for me to join does anyone know y this is? it just appears blank and says no live servers, karma for help
anyone please??
yea that helps=W=GeneralSherman wrote:
Have you patched it?
yes, i did that after i installed it bout 20 mins ago, shall i try patching again?loonitic wrote:
Have you patched it?
Are you positive you are looking under the right tab, because i know it sounds silly, but there's a 'local' tab, and then there's the multiplay tab or something like that. Also, check your filters and make sure that they have parameters. I honestly don't know what else to tell you. Good luck, hope you get it all straightened out.
its patch v1.01 right?
YepMr.H@x0r wrote:
its patch v1.01 right?
yes i have that installed wtf, well can u give me the IP to a server plz?
ive had this problem but it wasnt consistent, this has been happening often. why dont you go ask on the Total BF2142 forums.
Could be the problem but has he can login to the EA account server possibly not?jkohlc wrote:
ok but can u try giving me a IP to a server to see if i can join that way?InfectiousShadow wrote:
ive had this problem but it wasnt consistent, this has been happening often. why dont you go ask on the Total BF2142 forums.
sorry but i dont understand anything of that post?loonitic wrote:
Could be the problem but has he can login to the EA account server possibly not?jkohlc wrote:
ok i went on total bf2142 and a few ppl are having the same problem so i need a server ip so i can play then the server list will appear
im not playing right now but there is an ip for ya.
im not playing right now but there is an ip for ya.
Last edited by =]-[f= ig88 (18 years, 4 months ago)
thx man +1 for only person replying with IP
np bro, did it work?
no says i have an older version than the server, i have downloaded and installed patch v1.01 so have no idea wtf is going on help plz
You could try...Mr.H@x0r wrote:
no says i have an older version than the server, i have downloaded and installed patch v1.01 so have no idea wtf is going on help plz
Remove your profile from your PC (2412 Folder in My Documents)
Reboot (Hard)
Re patch
And See if that works?
can anyone help plz i just bought this stupid game and wanna play it
You have installed the patch with the game running, you must reinstall, download the patch, install the patch, then run BF2142.Mr.H@x0r wrote:
no says i have an older version than the server, i have downloaded and installed patch v1.01 so have no idea wtf is going on help plz
The system is fairly fucked because when you click to go to the DL website it leaves 2142 in the background so you may end up installing the patch with the game running.
What really happens is it will patch, but it won't register as patched, so you can't play on any servers.
Trust me, I did it....
Last edited by the_outsider38 (18 years, 4 months ago)
u were right stupid piece of crap anyway restarted my pc and it worked yay im now a corporal silver on about 436 points woooooooothe_outsider38 wrote:
You have installed the patch with the game running, you must reinstall, download the patch, install the patch, then run BF2142.Mr.H@x0r wrote:
no says i have an older version than the server, i have downloaded and installed patch v1.01 so have no idea wtf is going on help plz
The system is fairly fucked because when you click to go to the DL website it leaves 2142 in the background so you may end up installing the patch with the game running.
What really happens is it will patch, but it won't register as patched, so you can't play on any servers.
Trust me, I did it....
now try to glitch