A quick question, In your stats page, under the heading Teamwork, there is a "driver" catagory, how do you get points for this, I have like 10x what my m8 has, do driver kill assists count towards that? Because that might explain why, considering I spend lots of my time being a chopper pilot.
yes driver is when someone kills in your vehicle and it says you got a diver assist point
i think it might include as well driver special ability points when your passenger who is medic / support / engineer gets a heal / resupply / repair .. but im not sure
i think it might include as well driver special ability points when your passenger who is medic / support / engineer gets a heal / resupply / repair .. but im not sure
Driver points are driving ability points. I notice when I am under fire mostly, and I maneuver what ever vehicle I am in and I get a "driver ability point". Hope that helps.
Yea but kill assist also count towards that. Im pretty sure i dont have about 2k of driver ability assist :S IF they were only of those, id probably have like 20.