UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Actually, here's a good topic already underway.

Serge v. Fancy

Serge argues: Criticizing US policy doesn't make you anti-American

Fancy argues: the opposite
Cowboy from Hell

Pug wrote:

Actually, here's a good topic already underway.

Serge v. Fancy

Serge argues: Criticizing US policy doesn't make you anti-American

Fancy argues: the opposite
That would be a good topic.  I know I ain't anti-American.  I would be against my relatives.  Sadly I can't agree with GWB government, but that doesn't make me anti-American.  One of the persons of these times I admire the most is Bill Clinton.  I'm glad for those who can understand that, and feel sorry for those who can't.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX

sergeriver wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

I don't think it would be right to ban someone for posting in a thread in a public forum.  If two people want to have a serious debate, my recommendation would be for them to duke it out in PM's and post the results in a thread.  Just make sure that both parties understand what is going on (ie.. public posting of PM's upon completion of debate, uncensored)  This way you keep the debate closed from outside interference, yet still get the public's attention with the subject matter, points, and counter arguments.

When two politicians debate on tv, people can watch the debate, because it's considered interesting.  Using Pm's there's no debate beyond the two persons involved. 
I think you just don't like the idea, as you didn't like the thread you closed an hour ago, which I must say it was not meant to be a trolling/flaming wars.
I originally intended and intentionally left the threads as separate matters, (So as to remain as a neutral moderator)  I remain in the same position.  It's my job.  Your prior thread has been closed. 

This thread was a discussion about having an uninterrupted debate between two members.  I gave you well thought out ideas and responses and suggested a course of action that could be accomplished.  Your response was to tell me what I do or do not like.  I suggest you refrain from further actions/assumptions of this kind.

To further, when two politicians debate, the crowd/people watching on TV/etc aren't allowed to throw in there two bits, discouraging remarks, personal opinions, attacks, spam, or any other interference between the debating members.  Thus allowing "no debate beyond the two persons involved." 

I believe that was the intent of the OP.  To form a debate where "one person challenges another to Debate on one specific topic, and they are the only two allowed to post." 

Please help me understand what you are trying to accomplish at this point.

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Save it for the debate serge.
Cowboy from Hell

Kung Jew wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

I don't think it would be right to ban someone for posting in a thread in a public forum.  If two people want to have a serious debate, my recommendation would be for them to duke it out in PM's and post the results in a thread.  Just make sure that both parties understand what is going on (ie.. public posting of PM's upon completion of debate, uncensored)  This way you keep the debate closed from outside interference, yet still get the public's attention with the subject matter, points, and counter arguments.

When two politicians debate on tv, people can watch the debate, because it's considered interesting.  Using Pm's there's no debate beyond the two persons involved. 
I think you just don't like the idea, as you didn't like the thread you closed an hour ago, which I must say it was not meant to be a trolling/flaming wars.
I originally intended and intentionally left the threads as separate matters, (So as to remain as a neutral moderator)  I remain in the same position.  It's my job.  Your prior thread has been closed. 

This thread was a discussion about having an uninterrupted debate between two members.  I gave you well thought out ideas and responses and suggested a course of action that could be accomplished.  Your response was to tell me what I do or do not like.  I suggest you refrain from further actions/assumptions of this kind.

To further, when two politicians debate, the crowd/people watching on TV/etc aren't allowed to throw in there two bits, discouraging remarks, personal opinions, attacks, spam, or any other interference between the debating members.  Thus allowing "no debate beyond the two persons involved." 

I believe that was the intent of the OP.  To form a debate where "one person challenges another to Debate on one specific topic, and they are the only two allowed to post." 

Please help me understand what you are trying to accomplish at this point.

I only proposed a new kind of thread where one person challenges another, and in a context of respect the rest of the people would just read what these two guys are debating.  After, the debate is ended, people could vote for a winner.  Nothing else nothing less.  I sent you a Pm regarding the other thread but you didn't answer it, so I posted here, my mistake?
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

JahManRed wrote:

I see many debates start off amicably only for someone to step in, add nothing to the debate, just winge about how someones opinion is not aligned with their own, then someone takes exception and the flaming begins. This idea might allow the more discerning poster to get a chance to explain their thoughts without them being labeled Anti something or other before the debate even gets going.
The irony is overwhelming:

JahManRed wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

ATG wrote:

He's off the scale.
I can't wait for the influx of morons who say the US is intentionally arming the insurgency.
The waiting is over!!! You may or may not have armed them, but you trained them.
If this doesn't scream "anti-American", what does? These are the type of comments I'm talking about that ruin debates. People feel the need to interject their sly little "I hate America" comments in any way they can. I don't understand how you can still post here, JahManRed, and believe you have any sort of credibility whatsoever.

Back on topic. The only interesting debate that comes to mind would be one between ATG and CameronPoe. Both are on opposite sides of the political scale. However, unlike many of you, they happen to be relatively well-informed and base their arguments on logical thought and rationalization.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-11-09 08:45:31)

BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
Get an IRC Channel, Live Debates.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
bad bad bad idea, have you never seen one of those high school debate teams practicing?
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX

sergeriver wrote:

I only proposed a new kind of thread where one person challenges another, and in a context of respect the rest of the people would just read what these two guys are debating.  After, the debate is ended, people could vote for a winner.  Nothing else nothing less.  I sent you a Pm regarding the other thread but you didn't answer it, so I posted here, my mistake?
I fully understand your proposal, and have responded to it.

KJ wrote:

I give this idea about a 10% chance of success.  If you could find two people that could sensibly debate a subject without personal attacks and flaming, you would still have to stem the tide/onslaught of the peanut gallery of members eager to chime in their sentiments about the current topics/flaming comments/personal attacks.

It might last for 1 hour before someone will spoil the thread and a mod will end up closing it.  We have too many people who have no respect for another member telling them they cannot post in a thread.  The self granted authority makes others react in a "haha I'm breaking your rules" kind of fashion.

The idea might be proposed to a higher authority to isolate a thread for this purpose.   But when presented with the extra work that it would entail, my initial reaction was no.
I followed with an alternate solution, concerning the usage of PM's and then publicly posting the results.  I have yet to come up with a better solution that satisfies the needs of your original requests.  As I posted before, I would suggest that you ask a higher authority (site admin) to see if the possibility remains to make a thread isolated for two members, but allow "viewing only" by other members of the forum. At the end of it all, you would need the ability to add a poll onto the end, after the debate was closed.


As for your PM.  I will reply to it in a moment. Please check your messages, within the hour it will be there.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I like the idea. Sort of a single combat duel.

Too often dweebs who seldom post will chime in with a insult and little else.
I wonder the value of some sort of system of having dst be invite only or a merit system where  a person can be voted off and have the subject locked to them.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
Scoop up the Domain, www.debateandserioustalk.com , You now have Power to use your good Ideas and put them to Use!!
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator

ATG wrote:

I like the idea. Sort of a single combat duel.

Too often dweebs who seldom post will chime in with a insult and little else.
I wonder the value of some sort of system of having dst be invite only or a merit system where  a person can be voted off and have the subject locked to them.
Haha - controversial. The elitist BF2s forum!
Calmer than you are.
Interesting idea... I say go for it, see what happens.
Drawback: Knowledge is required
Result: My estimate is that not many will participate. But still.
+385|6804|Northern California
Serge, a few things about this idea.

1) IF you keep others out of it (you'd have to pay mods to enforce it), there's too many criteria needed to have civil debate.  Things like staying on topic, citing sources or other supportive data, etc.

2) Many threads actually have 2 people doing the quality debating while others just chime in and hack apart a word or two of someone's thoughtful thread (happens to me daily) and maybe throw in an insult.

3) Many on this forum lack maturity to understand basic debating conduct, some have no confidence and some have too much confidence.

4) A big problem with non-verbal debate is what I call textual ambiguity.  It's the phenomenon that happens in corporate environments daily where because someone reads an email while in a certain mood swing, they can easily take it the wrong way.  This can happen both ways.  The safe way to avoid such things is to word it as clear as possible and possibly read it back using various mindsets to see if there's potentiall unintended offensive or combative remarks.  This is something that is rampant here..as it is in any text-based derived communications.

There's lot's of reasons for this idea to fail, though it's a noble idea.  My suggestion would be to start something new that is in addition to the current debate structure we have here.  It will elevate the quality of debate for the serious and mature ones, and ignore the rabble that attempts to bring down the debate.

For example...let's imagine someone threw up a "Clinton vs. Bush" debate and it's purpose was to identify who did more for their country, and for the world (i know, i know..it's not really a debate..just humor me).  And let's say the OP actually put in their opinion instead of just launching the debate hoping to see how it evolves.  The OP is ATG and his obvious contention is that BUSH did more.  Then Shipbuilder comes along after a few silly replies that don't contribute and puts in a serious rebuttle supporting Clinton.  --- THE DEBATE IS ON.  My idea is to "LOCK" those two in the debate and let it unfold. 

The way this "LOCK" would work is, the OP could initiate a debate with one person by putting something like this in the bottom of his post "OPEN FOR 1 on 1 DEBATE" and when the OP sees a serious debate challenger, he can answer the rebuttle of his choice and declare "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [shipbuilder]" and then make his argument.  Shipbuilder, should he accept, would start his next reply with "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [atg]" and make his argument.  BOTH members of this locked debate will ONLY reply to one another and NOT reply to others in the thread.  Likewise, as this process continues, others noticing that those two are in a locked debate should naturally not chime in.  Others can have their own debates on the topic...but making 1 on 1's can easily occur this way. 

It's alot easier to reply intelligently when you're not harrassed from 6 different angles....like I am when I start my religious rantings.  I can easily contend with 1 person debating religion..but not 4 people. 

So if anyone thinks this is a good idea...maybe we can sticky it as a D&ST debate note at the top or at least start it unannounced. That is, if people dig it. 

I see it as the best way to accomodate your idea with the existing forum behavior.  I know I'd dig it.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-11-09 09:24:18)

Cowboy from Hell

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

I see many debates start off amicably only for someone to step in, add nothing to the debate, just winge about how someones opinion is not aligned with their own, then someone takes exception and the flaming begins. This idea might allow the more discerning poster to get a chance to explain their thoughts without them being labeled Anti something or other before the debate even gets going.
The irony is overwhelming:

JahManRed wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

I can't wait for the influx of morons who say the US is intentionally arming the insurgency.
The waiting is over!!! You may or may not have armed them, but you trained them.
If this doesn't scream "anti-American", what does? These are the type of comments I'm talking about that ruin debates. People feel the need to interject their sly little "I hate America" comments in any way they can. I don't understand how you can still post here, JahManRed, and believe you have any sort of credibility whatsoever.

Back on topic. The only interesting debate that comes to mind would be one between ATG and CameronPoe. Both are on opposite sides of the political scale. However, unlike many of you, they happen to be relatively well-informed and base their arguments on logical thought and rationalization.
You still didn't prove any of my posts being anti-American.
You seem to be a revival of McCarthyism labeling people without any proof or background at all.  The only thing you change here is the word communist by anti-American.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-11-09 09:26:39)

I hunt criminals down for a living

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

I see many debates start off amicably only for someone to step in, add nothing to the debate, just winge about how someones opinion is not aligned with their own, then someone takes exception and the flaming begins. This idea might allow the more discerning poster to get a chance to explain their thoughts without them being labeled Anti something or other before the debate even gets going.
The irony is overwhelming:

JahManRed wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

I can't wait for the influx of morons who say the US is intentionally arming the insurgency.
The waiting is over!!! You may or may not have armed them, but you trained them.
If this doesn't scream "anti-American", what does? These are the type of comments I'm talking about that ruin debates. People feel the need to interject their sly little "I hate America" comments in any way they can.
I have a question, slightly off topic, I'm just an occasional poster that only recently found D&ST, so I'm not aware of any postings in the past, though I did find rather a lot of flaming around in some threads.

My question is: what exactly is 'anti-American'?  IMO when I post something about e.g. the war in Iraq (not necessary, only for personal reasons, oil, etc.) or Israel (killing civilians), it is a post regarding the policy of the government of a country I don't agree with, but I don't see it as a comment about the nation USA or Israel or any other nation, nor as an attack on its citizens. Maybe the government represents the nation politically, but IMO Bush or Rumsfeld do not stand for the entire population of the US. 

Reading some of the previous threads, it seems though that some of the posters identify Bush with the nation itself, so everytime someone mentions the policy of the US, it is seen as a direct attack on 'America' and considered 'anti American'.  Ofcourse every debate stops right there, coz how can one debate with someone who attacks your country?

Please inform me on this one.

A confused European...

Last edited by Pierre (2006-11-09 09:25:52)

+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann


Serge, a few things about this idea.

1) IF you keep others out of it (you'd have to pay mods to enforce it), there's too many criteria needed to have civil debate.  Things like staying on topic, citing sources or other supportive data, etc.

2) Many threads actually have 2 people doing the quality debating while others just chime in and hack apart a word or two of someone's thoughtful thread (happens to me daily) and maybe throw in an insult.

3) Many on this forum lack maturity to understand basic debating conduct, some have no confidence and some have too much confidence.

There's lot's of reasons for this idea to fail, though it's a noble idea.  My suggestion would be to start something new that is in addition to the current debate structure we have here.  It will elevate the quality of debate for the serious and mature ones, and ignore the rabble that attempts to bring down the debate.

For example...let's imagine someone threw up a "Clinton vs. Bush" debate and it's purpose was to identify who did more for their country, and for the world (i know, i know..it's not really a debate..just humor me).  And let's say the OP actually put in their opinion instead of just launching the debate hoping to see how it evolves.  The OP is ATG and his obvious contention is that BUSH did more.  Then Shipbuilder comes along after a few silly replies that don't contribute and puts in a serious rebuttle supporting Clinton.  --- THE DEBATE IS ON.  My idea is to "LOCK" those two in the debate and let it unfold. 

The way this "LOCK" would work is, the OP could initiate a debate with one person by putting something like this in the bottom of his post "OPEN FOR 1 on 1 DEBATE" and when the OP sees a serious debate challenger, he can answer the rebuttle of his choice and declare "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [shipbuilder]" and then make his argument.  Shipbuilder, should he accept, would start his next reply with "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [atg]" and make his argument.  BOTH members of this locked debate will ONLY reply to one another and NOT reply to others in the thread.  Likewise, as this process continues, others noticing that those two are in a locked debate should naturally not chime in.  Others can have their own debates on the topic...but making 1 on 1's can easily occur this way. 

It's alot easier to reply intelligently when you're not harrassed from 6 different angles....like I am when I start my religious rantings.  I can easily contend with 1 person debating religion..but not 4 people. 

So if anyone thinks this is a good idea...maybe we can sticky it as a D&ST debate note at the top or at least start it unannounced. That is, if people dig it. 

I see it as the best way to accomodate your idea with the existing forum behavior.  I know I'd dig it.
Does not the simple ability to Quote what you're responding to not actually just do most of that already? discussion would become quite sterile without the inflammatory sarcastic jibes and nonsense posts - most people can discern between the wheat and the chaff themselves. I say we take off and nuke it from space it's the only way we can be sure..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-11-09 09:27:03)

+385|6804|Northern California

IG-Calibre wrote:

Does not the simple ability to Quote what you're responding to not actually just do most of that already? discussion would become quite sterile without the inflammatory sarcastic jibes and nonsense posts - most people can discern between the wheat and the chaff themselves. I say we take off and nuke it from space it's the only way we can be sure..
Yes, but that is a non-secure way to guarantee a real 1 on 1 debate.  LOCKING in a debate with someone as described above will also, eventually be a sign that others should not directly debate someone's replies, respecting that persons locked debate with their opponent.

Another rule could be used that if one of the locked debaters got hot under the collar, or strayed enough, or used an insult..the OTHER debater would then declare victory..unless the inflamed person retracted/edited their reply and resumed debate.
Cowboy from Hell
Ok, if you people think this is a good idea I'll ask chuy (if it takes a lot of his time to do it I won't bother him with this) to add some kind of new option where one person invites another to debate about a single topic, but allowing other people only to read the thread.  As Ironchef said it should be locked, with granted access for the OP and the challenged person.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
can we post and shout WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT!!! while pumping our fist in the air?
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Pierre wrote:

My question is: what exactly is 'anti-American'
In context of my post quoting JahManRed, it is blatantly making up facts to criticize the US. In general, I am referring to the hordes of users who feel the need continuously criticize the US when their topic has been done to death, had its corpse exhumed and reanimated, then killed again.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-11-09 09:44:09)

+385|6804|Northern California
HERE is an example of how a locked debate could work. I will attempt to create a mini-thread debate with two locked debaters..and others both aware of the debate rules, and those who are not yet aware.

TOPIC, started by OUG: What is the WORST curable STD to have? **open for 1 on 1 debate**

ironchef: lolz, all stds are the worst to have

fancy_pollux: [links to image of rotting penis with hairy red boils all over it]

sergeriver: my girlfriend says any std i give her will be my last

lowing: I think chlamydia is because it lasts forever

oug: **declares 1 on 1 debate with lowing**  I think genital herpes is much worse because according to [credible citation], it is said that genital herpes can sterilize your sperm quicker than chlamydia can!

lowing: **locked in 1 on 1 debate with oug**  Yeah, but according to [credible citation], chlamydia can cause brain cancer and make your toes fall off!!

ironchef: that's not all that will fall off! did you know your nose will also fall off!!

sergeriver: ironchef, please don't interrupt them, they are in a 1 on 1..

ironchef: oh, right, my bad...   <----- idiot faggot face dill hole

oug: if I'm not mistaken, I believe that hair loss with genital herpes is much more escalated of a process than it is with chlamydia [credible citation, or supported with first/second hand commentary]

~~~~~~~~~~**and so the debate goes**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What's good about this format is that others can engage in 1 on 1 debates by directly starting their post with a **1 on 1 DEBATE LOCK WITH [forum member]** if desired...like me and serge could have started one while oug and lowing had theirs..

Anyway, what do you all think of this?  I'm going to start doing it anyway as a test..and if you find it works out ok, then you can do it too.  Naturally the tags of ** 1 on 1 debate with [forum member]** can be modified as long as it's clear you are engaged in 1 on 1 debate, or that you're open to one, or that  you're requesting or turning down one with someone.  If I don't want to debate with cameronpoe cuz he'll own my ass, then I'll turn down his 1 on 1 request and someone else can accept or challenge him to that 1 on 1.


Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-11-09 09:44:27)

+385|6804|Northern California

sergeriver wrote:

Ok, if you people think this is a good idea I'll ask chuy (if it takes a lot of his time to do it I won't bother him with this) to add some kind of new option where one person invites another to debate about a single topic, but allowing other people only to read the thread.  As Ironchef said it should be locked, with granted access for the OP and the challenged person.
Well, it can just be a lock of our own..just a verbal agreement within the thread..and not an actual mod-enforced lock of the thread.  read the post above this one.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-11-09 09:42:56)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine


fancy_pollux: [links his favorite quote of IRONCHEF denying evolution]
+385|6804|Northern California

Fancy_Pollux wrote:


fancy_pollux: [links his favorite quote of IRONCHEF denying evolution]
lol, or that!

you know..i've been very tempted to just put that quote in my signature to prevent you from ever getting a hard on again by using that!  lol

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