Serge, a few things about this idea.
1) IF you keep others out of it (you'd have to pay mods to enforce it), there's too many criteria needed to have civil debate. Things like staying on topic, citing sources or other supportive data, etc.
2) Many threads actually have 2 people doing the quality debating while others just chime in and hack apart a word or two of someone's thoughtful thread (happens to me daily) and maybe throw in an insult.
3) Many on this forum lack maturity to understand basic debating conduct, some have no confidence and some have too much confidence.
4) A big problem with non-verbal debate is what I call textual ambiguity. It's the phenomenon that happens in corporate environments daily where because someone reads an email while in a certain mood swing, they can easily take it the wrong way. This can happen both ways. The safe way to avoid such things is to word it as clear as possible and possibly read it back using various mindsets to see if there's potentiall unintended offensive or combative remarks. This is something that is rampant it is in any text-based derived communications.
There's lot's of reasons for this idea to fail, though it's a noble idea. My suggestion would be to start something new that is in addition to the current debate structure we have here. It will elevate the quality of debate for the serious and mature ones, and ignore the rabble that attempts to bring down the debate.
For example...let's imagine someone threw up a "Clinton vs. Bush" debate and it's purpose was to identify who did more for their country, and for the world (i know, i's not really a debate..just humor me). And let's say the OP actually put in their opinion instead of just launching the debate hoping to see how it evolves. The OP is ATG and his obvious contention is that BUSH did more. Then Shipbuilder comes along after a few silly replies that don't contribute and puts in a serious rebuttle supporting Clinton. --- THE DEBATE IS ON. My idea is to "LOCK" those two in the debate and let it unfold.
The way this "LOCK" would work is, the OP could initiate a debate with one person by putting something like this in the bottom of his post "OPEN FOR 1 on 1 DEBATE" and when the OP sees a serious debate challenger, he can answer the rebuttle of his choice and declare "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [shipbuilder]" and then make his argument. Shipbuilder, should he accept, would start his next reply with "1 on 1 DEBATE LOCKED with [atg]" and make his argument. BOTH members of this locked debate will ONLY reply to one another and NOT reply to others in the thread. Likewise, as this process continues, others noticing that those two are in a locked debate should naturally not chime in. Others can have their own debates on the topic...but making 1 on 1's can easily occur this way.
It's alot easier to reply intelligently when you're not harrassed from 6 different I am when I start my religious rantings. I can easily contend with 1 person debating religion..but not 4 people.
So if anyone thinks this is a good idea...maybe we can sticky it as a D&ST debate note at the top or at least start it unannounced. That is, if people dig it.
I see it as the best way to accomodate your idea with the existing forum behavior. I know I'd dig it.
Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-11-09 09:24:18)