BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6770|inside the recesses of your...

Reciprocity wrote:

URE_DED wrote:

It's probably BECAUSE of your stats you were called a hax0r.....I've never been called one. 

I just own.  I'm just a force of nature.  The other players can't argue.  They only pray I don't rain death on them.

I had a 35-1 round last night....my team won 280-0....not a peep from the other team. 
holy shit, you're the first person I've ever seen whos favorite team is the SAS. and you've spent a disturbing amount of time playing Ghost Town.  keep it up.
Point?  My fav server is run by RockHeadGaming and those guys run a 24/7 Ghost Town.  Its a blast to play with them.  They actually enforce their server rules.  Whats the problem?
+149|6699|USA bitches!
Had to come back. I got called a hacker because I tved this dumb shit in the F35 twice. He couldn't take me out in the helo, so he got up in the jet and tried ramming and shooting me down.

First, he flew in so slow, he had to go into a vertical hover so he wouldn't crash. He completely missed me and I spun around and tved him when he was trying to turn the jet towards me.

Next one, he came straight at me and I tved him down. Then came the calls of me hacking. Then, was kicked for cussing at me so much.


Here's his acct: http://bf2s.com/player/75947553/

Must be a second, as his helo flying skills were good... that, or he just sucks.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-11-08 12:16:01)

Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6806|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Nice job Jenkinsbball, it's fun when people try and ram ya, ya know you're doing a good job, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Me too! Just happened! Lookie at my sig!

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