Here you go.jkohlc wrote:
jkohlc hereMDFSpacePhantom wrote: … d21423.png

Here you go.jkohlc wrote:
jkohlc hereMDFSpacePhantom wrote: … d21423.png
Looks good man, I would just add the name on it.-={Cpt}=-Nico wrote:
Just whipped up some sort of sig, what else do you think could go on it? Not for me..
Here you go.THE-GHOST1553 wrote:
could you make one for me whit the walker please
ingame name: THE:GHOST1553
Last edited by Herackles (2006-11-05 13:52:15)
Yesh give me about 15 to 20 mins.Herackles wrote:
Some brilliant bit of work there MDFSpacePhantom +1. I'm a sniper by trade and I was wondering if anyone could build a stylish yet simplistic sig for me, that's if everyone can find the time with all the requests they are receiving.
Man I got so many SiGs I dont know which one to use. lol-={Cpt}=-Nico wrote:
Phantom, since your doing all these for other people why don't you make a better one for yourself?
Last edited by -={Cpt}=-Nico (2006-11-05 13:57:27)
Sorry man I have to run, But I will start it later tonight.Herackles wrote:
Some brilliant bit of work there MDFSpacePhantom +1. I'm a sniper by trade and I was wondering if anyone could build a stylish yet simplistic sig for me, that's if everyone can find the time with all the requests they are receiving. Forgot to add my alias. For BF2 it's SalvinValkyries and for BF2142 it's SalvinTolz.
Thank You & Cheers.
Last edited by Herackles (2006-11-05 14:09:57)
Last edited by Private_Adam (2006-11-05 14:25:44)
Here you go I had a little time.Herackles wrote:
Those were the days...I was a huge G.I. Joe fan when I was a kid. Great sigs by the way. All of them are nice, but I'm partial to number 1, 5 and 6. Namely number 5 because it's simple and has that somber and a rather serious feel to it. Not to mention, all that dust flying around the soldier. A two toned picture with one important focal point, the brightly coloured visor. Anyways...Nice job Phantom. You've got talent, keep at it.
I'm in no rush. Take as much time as you need.
Last edited by Herackles (2006-11-05 14:29:51)
Yeah I'll start it when I get back.Private_Adam wrote:
Can you make me a bf2142 and graw signature with my name on it thanks
Your Welcome man Heres a nother G.I.Joe one, one of my first ones.Herackles wrote:
Awesome stuff Phantom...and thanks again.
Last edited by Herackles (2006-11-05 14:59:41)
Here you go man.Private_Adam wrote:
Can you make me a bf2142 and graw signature with my name on it thanks
Last edited by MDFSpacePhantom (2006-11-05 23:16:11)
Thanks, See now when I make a SiG I use a render like this.Herackles wrote:
Another nice one. Have to say, you've evolved in skill quite a bit. You have a talent for being able to pack a lot of detail into a small amount of space. Details such as the knuckles and fingers, buttons, shoulder pads, wrinkled clothing, proper effects situation e.t.c, e.t.c. Those are things that make the work stand out. As they say, it's all in the detail.
Keep it up.
Had a small request. If it's not possible no worries at all. I was wondering if it was possible to make the "S" in Salvin a capital letter, conversely, the V in Valkyries a capital as well. If it means the rest of the letters would be small letters that would be perfect as well. Example: SalvinValkyries (no space).
Cheers & Thank You.
Last edited by SilentscoutIX (2006-11-05 23:19:17)
Here you go man.SilentscoutIX wrote:
Dude, those are some amazing sigs. You've got some impressive skill, if you could find the time to do one for me I would really appreciate it. Anything involving choppers is good by me.
*Edit* I just realised this is a 2142 thing. Well if you could make me a BF2 sig with the chopper still I would love you.