As a tank commander in trainning (at least in another 2 yrs), i think it would be great to provide u some basic tip when playin in an armored vehicle.

1.  Choose the right vehicle to do your duty, APC can be powerful but to defend a area against air attack u need a AA vehicle.

2.  In a MBT, always keep ur front armor at ur enemy gun, the front armor is the strongest point of the tank.

3.  Protect ur sides and rear, those are the weakest and most vulnerable area.  Advice is to order some troops to protect it.

4. If ur a .50 cal gunner on top of the tank, know how to duck.

5.  An APC is a powerful vehicle if u actually filled it up with troops to protect its sides and rear.

6.  APC can also be used as a mobile repair/ healing/ re-supply depot with the proper soldier manning it.

7.  AA vehicle (like the Bradley) make a firework like sounds from its Auto cannons, immediately recognize it and take cover.

8. Don't misused the APC cannon, its Area of Damage can hurt ur own troops.

9.  Use the only defense, the smoke grenade, for defense, pop it n move quickly.

10.  A good tank commander would never abandon his own tanks when its on fire, unless ur a coward or just don't want to get a bad score, then get out!

11.  The MBT cannon fire in an arc-like projectile, so for long distance firing, aim above the target.

Well, this is all the info i can give u.  I'll update it if a new tip or tactics is found.  Until then, support our fighting man and women overseas and those armored crew that patrol the dangerous streets.
Nothing personal but , DUH isn't this pretty obvious for pretty much everyone everywhere?

Good guide for braindead """"""n00bs"""""" though

Last edited by McCullough (2005-10-09 15:06:30)

yea its for noobs...
Sorry, it's not even for n00bs, i mean.. WTF?

10.  A good tank commander would never abandon his own tanks when its on fire, unless ur a coward or just don't want to get a bad score, then get out!
Ummm... Anyone with half a brain-cell would get out.

3.  Protect ur sides and rear, those are the weakest and most vulnerable area.  Advice is to order some troops to protect it.
yeah, that will be EASY to find several willing randoms to do that...

4. If ur a .50 cal gunner on top of the tank, know how to duck.
and if you're metally disabled....

1.  Choose the right vehicle to do your duty, APC can be powerful but to defend a area against air attack u need a AA vehicle.
ye DON'T say!?!??!

I'm sorry, but i've seen a few bad guides, and a few pointless guides in my time.. but this one rips the piss.
2.  In a MBT, always keep ur front armor at ur enemy gun, the front armor is the strongest point of the tank.

3.  Protect ur sides and rear, those are the weakest and most vulnerable area.  Advice is to order some troops to protect it.
Actually the most vulnerable spot on any of the tanks is the front/rear treads.
If you know what you are doing, you can 2-shot an enemy tank with at rounds, or polish them off with one good tow hit and a few seconds of pounding from an apc.

A main gun hit on the admittedly tiny target does about  80% damage.

The best defense in an apc or mbt, is to KEEP MOVING, fire from cover, and if possible fire from a direction the enemy doesnt expect you to be.

Tank combat is about 2 things:
Mobility, a stopped tank is a tank waiting to die.
Firepower, the purpose of the tank is its main gun, and using it where and when it can be used to the most effect.

Last edited by dracul (2005-10-09 16:47:23)

The top of the tank is also very vulnerable.
wow i wanted to find a good tank guide but this...this is pathetic congrulations
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6737|Reisterstown, MD

TY capt obvious.
+2|6564|Oregon! FTW!
Personally i don't its half bad, its some pretty obvious stuff, but we're not all leet so for the people who wish to know, heres the guide for you!

(and no im not a noob)
Im Ron Burgundy?
"the idiots guide to the bloody obvious"
+53|6616|Little Rock, AR
i smell a sticky...  this is probably the best guide ever written...
12. To enter the tank, go up to it and press E.
Cheeseburger Connoisseur

greenhaven wrote:

12. To enter the tank, go up to it and press E.
HOLY SHIT! Thats how i do it! ive been pressing enter...seemed logical...

13. Armored vehicles can move.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6796|Washington DC

Well, there are some points in here that the novice in armor might not know ... but, I would suggest reading the Wiki entry on armor, which is a more comprehensive guide.
+45|6731|Bristol, UK
Walk up to the ladder to climb.
2142th Whore
Use the mouse to turn the turret of the MBT/APC/AA
the "Commander"
+102|6669|the Netherlands
good guide dude
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6703|Brisbane, Aus

most server's i've seen rule against commanders using vehicles
Press the left mouse button to fire.
Press Alt+F4 to operate the MBT's missile defense system.
+6|6839|Paris, France (Sporean)
To be really honest, it is impossible to command 200% effectively while in a tank or playing soldier. Worse thing, driving an armored vehicle willl deprive the team of an really critical asset. The most I would do is flag defense like TV Tower in Sharqi, Hotel flag in Karkand as a commander, etc. I have seen tank commanders and they usually are not good at tanking or commanding. And the only reason they win is because the team is better than the commanding. If I do end up in the same side as you when you are tank commanding, I willl personally C4 you after 3 warnings.

Nothing personal, just getting the job done. - karma for spreading bad advice.

Kind regards

Last edited by fannwong00 (2006-11-06 05:27:38)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America
He's not talking about commanding from a tank, he's talking about being a tank commander (as in the other crew members: driver, gunner, loader).
The only thing a tank'er needs to do is drive the beast into the battle.

The only wrong thing to do is stay behind and protect the blades of grass in some wussy spot.
Hehe, whenever I don't get a tank or apc I chill with my friend in his apc/tank on karkand... noobs always bail out of their apc's, so I just hop out with the wrench ready and then I jack the guys apc :p

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