A leader from a political parti from my country has said that people that immigrate to another country because of war or or something like that has a lower civilisation-level I think she is talking mostly about muslimes because she really dont like them. many of my fellow men says that she is a racist because of this and other things and i agree with them and many of the european countries says that this is unacceptable. what do you guys think about this.
If your talking about UK and muslimes..

Send them back, i dont want them in my country, coming over here, demanding there mosuque be bult, i cant stand them, every f*cking road you turn down you see them, and they say they want England to be a Muslime country, i would rather hang myself than be one. Its about time we closed our doors on them.

You wonder why people are racist, most people think the same, but wont say..
Yeah . living here in the USA it's either the MEXICANS taking all of the jobs, or the Packies buying up and running everything. HIDDING behind that think pieceof glass because, so many of us are sick of thier cheap ass ways.
   The other day I went into a 7/11 and there was a african american, buying most likely a 2-3day old muffin that was sitting on the counter by the cashier place.(Yes under plastic glass). I know many of times if i am owed like 2-5- 10 cents back, ill just say keep it.
   Well this guy was a few cents short of buying the muffin, trying to dig up a few cents more out of his pockets,
Myself thinking it was like 25 30 cents diffrance and knowing i could spare a quarter to help his guy out. what's that 25 cents. Well it turned out he was only 3 cents short of being able to buy it.
    I said VERY LOUDLY ?" OH MY FUCKING GOD " you cant be fucking  serious your crying over 3 cents. you cheap ass mother that's where i quit. Then i asked what you couldn't spare 3 4 cents for a guy to get a muffin ?No worries, i don't think she even knew what I was saying since now days america lets anyone in no matter if they can speak our lanugage or not into our country.
    Then the same day I was at Sears, They just did the advertisments over the radio in english, Then again in spanish. I think this is BULLSHIT fully. Why should we have to accomidate illegales in our country and as andy dice clay said and  i love it. IF YOU CAN'T speak my mother fucking lanaguage get the fuck out of my country.
Seems CreepingDeath knows what i mean, same for the lanaguage front, and the part that pisses me of, is when they say there english but there NOT, just cos ur born here dont NOT give you the right to say you ARE, your family from whatever county they came from, like your familys muslime, they have a kid in UK, there kid is NOT English, its muslime, they have there OWN race, there already taking over our country, now there taking over our race? I think the big countrys (Ones that arent back in 3rd world) should look at how out of controll this is..
Mass Media Casualty

In any society there is underlying rascism. Even in places that say they are the pinnicle of racial harmony, (come to think of it, can you think of one?)
It does get irritating when in your own country you have to mime in order to get what your want, or embarrass yourself when trying to decypher what someone is saying to you. More than two "I'm sorry what was that"s gets annoying, especially when you don't see a breakthough of understanding happening any time soon.

It is hard to say what should be done, especially in countries like New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and the United States, because each of those countries native people were overrun by immigrants who now consider themselves natives as well.

In New Zealand, we have a politician called Winston Peters. He has been critisised for his strong stance on immigration, especially asian immigration. The TV1 news interviewed an Asian voter and asked who she was voting for. She said happily, "Winston Peters." when asked why, she said in a heavy asian accent, "Get rid of all the asians." She considered herself a citizen/native/whatever you want to call it, yet she had been in the country only a few years.
This raises the point, when do people become "Natives" of the country they reside in?

Employment is a major issue too, especially in places like Germany, where migrant workers have been brought in and sent out depending on economic trends of the time. Many citizens believe that it's shocking that these migrants get paid work while there is still so many citizens out of work.

However, a lot of the jobs migrants take are jobs that, in the worst of times, the non-migrant working public would not want to touch. You get people who used to be judges and doctors cleaning crap out of the sewers for awful pay because of the language gap, so maybe the few english-challenged migrants who happen to serve us deserve a break. They are possible highly educated people who had to settle for less.

Anyway, I don't see the problem with other languages. Many people think,
"I don't need to learn a new language, isn't the whole world speaking English yet? And if they're not, hadn't the better GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM!?"
Expose yourself to new cultures and languages. I dare say life would be pretty dull if we were still treated to the same old deep-fried fatty crap that many British people eat for breakfast every day, (no offence intended.)

Lids should be kept on migration to avoid, (in want of a better phrase,) 'Plagues of people' from one country dominating the world, (which China could achieve if they wanted to.) I'm very happy that in my incredible underpopulated country, (4,000,000 people,) we have lots of space and fairly small cities, (You can walk through the capital city, Wellington's CBD in about 10-15 minutes,) and I don't want it crowded with people who have never seen the horizon and want to keep it that way, (Japanese people, I'm looking at you,) but migration isn't a bad thing, and people need to tolerate, (to a certain extent,) cultural differences.

Not that I disagree with you CreepingDeath, but in a few sweatshop countries, three cents would be a weeks salary.

And no, I don't expect anyone to read all of this.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+32|7022|Wherever the F**k i feel like
Im a good english speakin american and i say send jose back to god damn mexico fuckin immigrants
Stef, is the female politician youre discribing Pia Kaersgaard ?

Last edited by Sh1fty2k5 (2005-12-18 14:00:29)

'twice cooked beef!'
i'm a mexican born half-chinese half-black muslim. i'm here to impregnate your redneck daughter and steal your job mowing lawns for $2 an hour.

what are you going to do about it? cry?

Last edited by Krappyappy (2005-12-18 14:02:41)

Mass Media Casualty

Hey I spent a lot of time writing my post, and not one of you even read the last line!
[Blinking eyes thing]
+3|7040|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

dan500 wrote:

If your talking about UK and muslimes..

Send them back, i dont want them in my country, coming over here, demanding there mosuque be bult, i cant stand them, every f*cking road you turn down you see them, and they say they want England to be a Muslime country, i would rather hang myself than be one. Its about time we closed our doors on them.

You wonder why people are racist, most people think the same, but wont say..
You Sir,  are an first class racist idiot. So just becuse they want mosques built they should be shot? Ever heard of having the freedom to choose your own religion and not being discriminated becuse of it? And now you don't want them on the streets? Should they have a seperate street to walk on that says "For Muslims" and the other "For Others". And they want England to be a muslim country? ...Too stupid to even require a anwser.

"They take our jobs!" - Shit, that so fucking dumb to say. If they don't take your jobs then they are living on social security! You understand that for example people from India or Pakistan come to England becuse you had your fucking ass there before they even heard of England. You had colonies there that occupied the land and opressed the people. Then you took the money and ran home. Now they are fleeing from povetry that you caused. IMMIGRANT IMMIGRANT BUT NOT IGNORANT.

Here is a nice quote from

Maddox wrote:

If you lose your job to an immigrant, it's probably because he or she was willing to work harder for less money. Don't want to pay them full wages? Then don't hire them. If they do equal work, then they deserve equal pay. It's just that simple, and I'm not going to sit back like every other racist piece of shit bitching about having to work harder because there's a little competition for my job, immigrant or otherwise. I know I can do my job better than anyone, and if an immigrant thinks he can do a better job than I can, I welcome him to try.

What kind of chicken shit pussy is afraid of competition? Can't get a job because you lost out to an immigrant? Well TOUGH SHIT. Nobody wants to pay you for your half-assed work if someone else can do it better. That's what America is all about. Our president may be a moron, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let any more jackasses sully the reputation of hard working Americans who are willing to work just as hard as anyone else with or without competition. If you can't cut it, then the people with money will pay it to someone else who can. Maybe if all you people bitching weren't such lazy, pathetic, blood sucking leeches, you'd get off of your dead ass and work HARDER to do a better job. Get some balls people. If you're too chicken shit and you can't cut it, then maybe it's you who doesn't deserve to live in America. Not the immigrants.
+1|7039|79605, TX

Tyferra wrote:

Hey I spent a lot of time writing my post, and not one of you even read the last line!
bah humbug. i did. and yes i read the whole damn thing. good points.

i live in abilene, tx and recently we had an influx of katrina refugees and for some reason we got a whole russian family living in our complex. it's sad because they're struggling for money but they can't get the jobs because they don't speak much english. they come over here and drink with us though, they're pretty funny. hell we went bowling with them earlier.

but let me tell you, there are plenty of mexicans in texas. everything is bilingual. i graduated from sweetwater high school and you HAD to take 2 years of spanish in order to graduate. however, it would be nice if immigrants were taught english upon arrival then given a major exam that their visa's relied on.
Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

2. Islam isn't strictly a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is a religious, political and economic system all rolled into one. Islam tells it's followers how to do everything, even with which hand they must wipe their arse and which foot they should use to step into the bathroom.

3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last.

4. Multiculturalism cannot work unless under a totalitarian governmental system.

5. Political correctness is not actual correctness.

6. Not all cultures are equal.

7. Contained within the Qu'ran and Hadiths (sayings and doings of Muhammad) is a declaration of war against non-Muslims.

8. It would appear a bit silly to allow into your country a bunch of people who you know are commanded to hate you, enslave you, rape you and murder you by their "holy" books.

9. There are no such things as Islamic extremists. An "Islamic extremist" is simply a Muslim who is doing their best to live by the laws of Islam. Islamic terrorists are simply following the Qu'ran's orders to "slay the unbeliever wherever you find them".

10. One thing the Jews learned from history is that if someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them. The four fifths of humanity which is not Muslim would do well to learn this lesson too.

11. Muslims believe that computer games were invented by non-Muslims to take the Muslims' minds away from their "din". Should Muslims come to power in your country, you will not be able to play BF2. That is, if you are allowed to live at all.

Nehil wrote:

dan500 wrote:

If your talking about UK and muslimes..

Send them back, i dont want them in my country, coming over here, demanding there mosuque be bult, i cant stand them, every f*cking road you turn down you see them, and they say they want England to be a Muslime country, i would rather hang myself than be one. Its about time we closed our doors on them.

You wonder why people are racist, most people think the same, but wont say..
You Sir,  are an first class racist idiot. So just becuse they want mosques built they should be shot? Ever heard of having the freedom to choose your own religion and not being discriminated becuse of it? And now you don't want them on the streets? Should they have a seperate street to walk on that says "For Muslims" and the other "For Others". And they want England to be a muslim country? ...Too stupid to even require a anwser.

"They take our jobs!" - Shit, that so fucking dumb to say. If they don't take your jobs then they are living on social security! You understand that for example people from India or Pakistan come to England becuse you had your fucking ass there before they even heard of England. You had colonies there that occupied the land and opressed the people. Then you took the money and ran home. Now they are fleeing from povetry that you caused. IMMIGRANT IMMIGRANT BUT NOT IGNORANT.
Not being funny my sir, but why the HELL should they be liveing of us (the tax payer) when young ENGLISH people cant even afford to buy a house, as for the mosques, why the hell should the tax payer pay for them to have there shit in OUR country, they have theres to have this crap, like i said in my first post, You wonder why people are racist..

EDIT; Also they do want england to be a muslime country, in one town, there will be more of them than English people in a few years, just shows how over run we are with them, and i said nothing about them being shot, just ship them home.

Last edited by dan500 (2005-12-19 03:11:54)


xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

how about  fucking bigot?
I'll take two
+132|7094|Perth, Western Australia

dan500 wrote:

Not being funny my sir, but why the HELL should they be liveing of us (the tax payer) when young ENGLISH people cant even afford to buy a house, as for the mosques, why the hell should the tax payer pay for them to have there shit in OUR country, they have theres to have this crap, like i said in my first post, You wonder why people are racist..

EDIT; Also they do want england to be a muslime country, in one town, there will be more of them than English people in a few years, just shows how over run we are with them, and i said nothing about them being shot, just ship them home.
Yeah, stuff the mosques, and while we are at it why not stop all church construction, and synagague construction, because, you know, is the tax payers money and stuff. I was being sarcastic. If you want to look at people using tax payers money then look at the English people living on the estates, not the local rich muslim/any other ethnic minority guy. Do you want to know why they are taking your jobs? Because they put their back into their studies, instead of goofing off, and thats how come people of Middle Eastern or Asian decent get to be doctos, lawyers, surgeons and accountants, because they worked for it. They are willing to take jobs for less money, because even if it os less than minimum wage, it is still better than they will get in their countries of birth. So the next time you are sick and have to go and visit Dr Seki, or need a lawyer and have to call Mr Singh, I advise you to remember why they are where they are.

dan, if you could explain to me how they are living off taxpayers money any more than people of Anglo Celtic decent, please do.

Also, does it really matter whether muslims all choose to live in one area? In the 50s and the 60s when there was a lot of Italian migration to Autralia most of them bought houses not even in the same street, but in the same suburb. My granparents live across the road from my granmother first cousin, also on the same street as my uncle (their son), and just down the road from some of their other friends that lived in the same village that they did in their youths. I dont see what your problem is.

Acceptance is the mark of a great man

PS sorry to sound like a nit picker but your spelling and grammar are bad. A am not wanting to sound like a teacher of any description, but I did have to go over your sentences a few times to understand them.

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2005-12-19 03:48:50)


SharkyMcshark wrote:

dan500 wrote:

Not being funny my sir, but why the HELL should they be liveing of us (the tax payer) when young ENGLISH people cant even afford to buy a house, as for the mosques, why the hell should the tax payer pay for them to have there shit in OUR country, they have theres to have this crap, like i said in my first post, You wonder why people are racist..

EDIT; Also they do want england to be a muslime country, in one town, there will be more of them than English people in a few years, just shows how over run we are with them, and i said nothing about them being shot, just ship them home.
Yeah, stuff the mosques, and while we are at it why not stop all church construction, and synagague construction, because, you know, is the tax payers money and stuff. I was being sarcastic. If you want to look at people using tax payers money then look at the English people living on the estates, not the local rich muslim/any other ethnic minority guy. Do you want to know why they are taking your jobs? Because they put their back into their studies, instead of goofing off, and thats how come people of Middle Eastern or Asian decent get to be doctos, lawyers, surgeons and accountants, because they worked for it. They are willing to take jobs for less money, because even if it os less than minimum wage, it is still better than they will get in their countries of birth. So the next time you are sick and have to go and visit Dr Seki, or need a lawyer and have to call Mr Singh, I advise you to remember why they are where they are.

dan, if you could explain to me how they are living off taxpayers money any more than people of Anglo Celtic decent, please do.

Also, does it really matter whether muslims all choose to live in one area? In the 50s and the 60s when there was a lot of Italian migration to Autralia most of them bought houses not even in the same street, but in the same suburb. My granparents live across the road from my granmother first cousin, also on the same street as my uncle (their son), and just down the road from some of their other friends that lived in the same village that they did in their youths. I dont see what your problem is.

Acceptance is the mark of a great man

PS sorry to sound like a nit picker but your spelling and grammar are bad. A am not wanting to sound like a teacher of any description, but I did have to go over your sentences a few times to understand them.
Look, im not being funny, england is a christen country end of. I dont see why they should come over here, get a better life, and still want more, i cant stand it, i get sick of it.

Also my speeling and stuff, dyslexia, fuck load of people have it, cant help it end.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

2. Islam isn't strictly a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is a religious, political and economic system all rolled into one. Islam tells it's followers how to do everything, even with which hand they must wipe their arse and which foot they should use to step into the bathroom.

3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last.

4. Multiculturalism cannot work unless under a totalitarian governmental system.

5. Political correctness is not actual correctness.

6. Not all cultures are equal.

7. Contained within the Qu'ran and Hadiths (sayings and doings of Muhammad) is a declaration of war against non-Muslims.

8. It would appear a bit silly to allow into your country a bunch of people who you know are commanded to hate you, enslave you, rape you and murder you by their "holy" books.

9. There are no such things as Islamic extremists. An "Islamic extremist" is simply a Muslim who is doing their best to live by the laws of Islam. Islamic terrorists are simply following the Qu'ran's orders to "slay the unbeliever wherever you find them".

10. One thing the Jews learned from history is that if someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them. The four fifths of humanity which is not Muslim would do well to learn this lesson too.

11. Muslims believe that computer games were invented by non-Muslims to take the Muslims' minds away from their "din". Should Muslims come to power in your country, you will not be able to play BF2. That is, if you are allowed to live at all.
STop speaking words out of context u fukin dick. u would be in your grave if that was ture.  other then that go attack your local mosque and other places of worship u dont like, just wait ant see wot happens.      
there is a difference between understanding and reading ANY book .

" 10. One thing the Jews learned from history is that if someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them. The four fifths of humanity which is not Muslim would do well to learn this lesson too. "

I GONE KILL U. (believe me? ), by the way the jews were killed BY NON-muslims, remember hitler ? o shit let invade germany!.

"   3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last. "

Wot would u choose? would u save the queen or one of your popes ?? 

"  Not being funny my sir, but why the HELL should they be liveing of us (the tax payer) when young ENGLISH people cant even afford to buy a house, as for the mosques, why the hell should the tax payer pay for them to have there shit in OUR country, they have theres to have this crap, like i said in my first post, You wonder why people are racist..   "


" Not being funny my sir, but why the HELL should they be liveing of us (the tax payer) when young ENGLISH people cant even afford to buy a house "

maybe young ENGLISH people need to learn how to spend there money, want to go for a 24 hour drinking session, then maybe we can piss on the street lata.  learn how to spend money.

could go on forever, cant be asked. screw u cunts if u dont like us .

Last edited by mafia996630 (2005-12-19 04:07:28)

+3|7040|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

dan500 wrote:

england is a christen country end of. I dont see why they should come over here, get a better life, and still want more, i cant stand it, i get sick of it.
DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF ENGLAND IS? Do they really "over run" you!? Do they invade your home and force you to be muslim!? Do they force you to celibrate their religion? Oh wait, we do that RIGHT NOW! You really don't understand why they want a better life? Do you know what 1+1 equals?

Nehil wrote:

dan500 wrote:

england is a christen country end of. I dont see why they should come over here, get a better life, and still want more, i cant stand it, i get sick of it.
DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF ENGLAND IS? Do they really "over run" you!? Do they invade your home and force you to be muslim!? Do they force you to celibrate their religion? Oh wait, we do that RIGHT NOW! You really don't understand why they want a better life? Do you know what 1+1 equals?
Look, they get a better life just BEING here, then when they want all this crap being bulit, we cant have farther xmas in shoping centers, so yes, i think we are starting to get over run by them. France has started to close there doors, im thinking England should do the same.

Im not going to post anymore, call me the racist, call me what you want i dont care, England is getting over run with them we have to do something, now.

Oh and 1+1=2?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

2. Islam isn't strictly a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is a religious, political and economic system all rolled into one. Islam tells it's followers how to do everything, even with which hand they must wipe their arse and which foot they should use to step into the bathroom.

3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last.

4. Multiculturalism cannot work unless under a totalitarian governmental system.

5. Political correctness is not actual correctness.

6. Not all cultures are equal.

7. Contained within the Qu'ran and Hadiths (sayings and doings of Muhammad) is a declaration of war against non-Muslims.

8. It would appear a bit silly to allow into your country a bunch of people who you know are commanded to hate you, enslave you, rape you and murder you by their "holy" books.

9. There are no such things as Islamic extremists. An "Islamic extremist" is simply a Muslim who is doing their best to live by the laws of Islam. Islamic terrorists are simply following the Qu'ran's orders to "slay the unbeliever wherever you find them".

10. One thing the Jews learned from history is that if someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them. The four fifths of humanity which is not Muslim would do well to learn this lesson too.

11. Muslims believe that computer games were invented by non-Muslims to take the Muslims' minds away from their "din". Should Muslims come to power in your country, you will not be able to play BF2. That is, if you are allowed to live at all.
hmm...obviously, the muslims I have met so far differ considerably from those you have been meeting. Every muslim I know is a friendly, tolerant, polite citizen who has not onced threatened my life, or the integrity of my nation.

every religion has the potential for hardliners. Remember, there are a lot of catholic hardliners too. and in the middle ages, it was the catholics who were burning witches, let alone the other atrocities (?) committed in the name of the roman catholic church.
I'll take two
+132|7094|Perth, Western Australia

dan500 wrote:

Look, im not being funny, england is a christen country end of. I dont see why they should come over here, get a better life, and still want more, i cant stand it, i get sick of it.
I know your not being funny.

Right, so they come to your country to try to make a better life for themselves, and then  ask if they could have a place of worship built for them to use. Sounds farily reasonable to me. They are not rioting in the streets, they are not setting things algith, they are not beating up people, they just asked, as they have every right to. In coming to your country they also not only take the countries resources but give back aswell, as when their children grow up they usually occupy jobs that are influential in the community. So they are not taking from your country, but giving to it you inbred fool.

Oh yeah, I did not say it in my last post but you are a racist scumbag, you understand that dont you?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX
In risk of even associating myself with this thought process...

I find it humorous to see some posters who are very against other Nations speak about Racial equality.
On one hand I want to see this country burn but we shouldn't show prejudice to their people.

Does anyone else see perhaps a small sense of hypocracy in this viewpoint?

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-12-19 04:25:58)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

dan500 wrote:

england is a christen country.
I'm afraid thats incorrect. The united Kingdom does not have an official religion in the constitution, just as the US does not have an offical language in their constitution. People can be Muslim, Jew, Christian, Jedi or whatever. In other countires religion is enshrined in the constitution, and therefore you can only be of that religion. If you dont like it, move to a country that suits your view better, but we in the UK are generally a tolerant people. If you are worried aboup them taking your jobs, then get better educated and work harder. they wont take your job then.

Where I live, B&Q (Home Depot for are friends accross the pond) are building a new mosque for the local Muslim Community as part of getting planning permission to bulid the hoofing great store they built in town. It means that im not paying for that throug my taxes. I dont believe that i should have to pay for any organised religion through taxes. If i want to donate then I can. I dont have a problem with other people donating, as long as they don't try and force their Religion on me. It also seems that the only people trying to force their relogion on me are Christians.

Rant over

I'll take two
+132|7094|Perth, Western Australia

kilroy0097 wrote:

In risk of even associating myself with this thought process...

I find it humorous to see some posters who are very against other Nations speak about Racial equality.
On one hand I want to see this country burn but we shouldn't show prejudice to their people.

Does anyone else see perhaps a small sense of hypocracy in this viewpoint?
Ah yes kilroy, I see what you mean. However, it must be said that I protested against the some of the  Singaporean Government's policies, not against its general populace. I said that i felt that the government was too strict, I did not call for discrimintaion against a particular minoirty group. My protests were at the actions of the governing body of a nation, not against its people. What I spoke out against the Singaporean Government doing had nothing to do with lowering or promoting anyones racial equality.

kilroy0097 wrote:

On one hand I want to see this country burn but we shouldn't show prejudice to their people.
Actually that is somewhat my point, except without the violent burning bit, or the entire country bit. My point here is that if there is something that you feel a government is doing wrong then you should speak out (just to clarify and not get called names Ill add that there should be no burning), but not discriminate against its peoples.

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2005-12-19 05:23:10)


B.Schuss wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Points to remember:

1. It's impossible to be racist against someone because of their religion. A religion is an ideology and one cannot be racist against an ideology. Anyone from any racial group can be a Muslim. All they have to do is to say the Shehada (the Islamic declaration of faith).

2. Islam isn't strictly a religion. It is a complete way of life. It is a religious, political and economic system all rolled into one. Islam tells it's followers how to do everything, even with which hand they must wipe their arse and which foot they should use to step into the bathroom.

3. A Muslim's loyalty is to his "din" (pronounced "deen" it is Arabic for "way of life", ie Islam) first and to his country last.

4. Multiculturalism cannot work unless under a totalitarian governmental system.

5. Political correctness is not actual correctness.

6. Not all cultures are equal.

7. Contained within the Qu'ran and Hadiths (sayings and doings of Muhammad) is a declaration of war against non-Muslims.

8. It would appear a bit silly to allow into your country a bunch of people who you know are commanded to hate you, enslave you, rape you and murder you by their "holy" books.

9. There are no such things as Islamic extremists. An "Islamic extremist" is simply a Muslim who is doing their best to live by the laws of Islam. Islamic terrorists are simply following the Qu'ran's orders to "slay the unbeliever wherever you find them".

10. One thing the Jews learned from history is that if someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them. The four fifths of humanity which is not Muslim would do well to learn this lesson too.

11. Muslims believe that computer games were invented by non-Muslims to take the Muslims' minds away from their "din". Should Muslims come to power in your country, you will not be able to play BF2. That is, if you are allowed to live at all.
hmm...obviously, the muslims I have met so far differ considerably from those you have been meeting. Every muslim I know is a friendly, tolerant, polite citizen who has not onced threatened my life, or the integrity of my nation.

every religion has the potential for hardliners. Remember, there are a lot of catholic hardliners too. and in the middle ages, it was the catholics who were burning witches, let alone the other atrocities (?) committed in the name of the roman catholic church.
The people you have been meeting are either:

1. Pseudo Muslims. These are people who have an Islamic background but are on their way to being apostates from their religion by virtue of them perhaps drinking, not praying the required amount, having non-Muslim friends (in Islam it is illegal to make friends with a non-Muslim), etc. Not all people who call themselves Muslims actually are Muslims.

2. Muslims who are performing "Da'wah" (trying to spread their religion either by proselityzing or simply with smiles).

I have a couple of close friends who call themselves Muslims, but who are not actually Muslims. One is defined by what one is, not by what one calls oneself.

You're right that there are "hardliners" in every religion, so in that case your brain should be asking the question "why is terrorism not widespread in the Catholic/ Buddhist/ Hindu/ Shinto religions?". It would appear that there is an inherant problem with Islam in this respect. And before you say "but the IRA are Catholic terrorists", the IRA are terrorists who HAPPEN to be Catholic. They terrorise despite their religion, not because of it.

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