Well.. Im not to keen on this game yet. It seems whenever I go on a server to play, 5 members from my team are stat padding in the titan guns. They get over 180 points a round. I try to go around capping flags and with 35 kills dont get anywhere near their score. Does anyone play normal. People pad like hell on either team
+718|6562|Austin, Texas
Yup. Get used to it.
conservative hatemonger
yeah, i'm not sure why but EA decided to make it possible for you to resupply the guns

even though they have infinite ammo
fuck it
And all those people will get reset when it's discovered 80% of their points are resupply.
i was playing a match on minsk half my team was padding lols.
i see that happen all the time when i'm commander on titan...i do a scan and notice a group of guys in the middle of no where. But, the way i see it is that if you want points THAT BAD go for it, whenever i play, i play to have fun not sit in a corner and get insane points to look cool.
+202|6691|New York
....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...
+519|6663|Gold coast, Aus.

siciliano732 wrote:

....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...
Stupid thing to say.

Its going to be a waste of money because other people do something that doesn't affect you in any way shape or form? And you don't even have to play that game mode.
This topic seems to have no actual posts

gene_pool wrote:

siciliano732 wrote:

....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...
Stupid thing to say.

Its going to be a waste of money because other people do something that doesn't affect you in any way shape or form? And you don't even have to play that game mode.
coming from a statpadder, i've come to realize that it DOES affect other people around you. if half of your team of say 15 people are stat padding, that only leaves 7 or 8 people to fight against the other team of 15. that's pretty unfair if you ask me. so next time, think before you say that it doesn't affect other people when it actually does.
now i'm not saying that i care about people who ammo pad, because I myself do it daily. (passes the time until my titan shield is down and i can recon whore, because i hate capping silos) so don't think i'm one of those whiny lil bitches initiating kick votes every 3 minutes, because i'm not. i'm just letting you know that what you're saying, gene, isn't true. gg and happy padding.
whatever people try to do once they get the game is their buisness. Yes it's gay and is a stupid thing to do but the majority of people who buy the game actually play it. They don't sit in that corner and touch each other with their shockpaddles all day. With anything theirs going to be a downside. Learn to live with it and if you can't well you need some more patience.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
soon the indians will send scouts to hunt down and scalpe all the padders.
The Medic Whore

siciliano732 wrote:

....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...

but more on topic, there will always be people in the world who feel the need to be better then anyone else, even if it means doing something as low as an expoit.
what i dont get is why people buy these games only to cheat on them.. the whole point of a GAME is it's supposed to be a CHALLENGE... but people still feel the need to exploit.. grrr...
+86|6576|Edmonton Alberta
anybody that plays as support while titan defending that throws down ammo boxes are inadvertinly padding

it doesnt matter where in the titan you put the ammo box it will resupply the titan guns...lay down in one of the halls all by yourself with one of the ammo packs out and you will get supply points
+519|6663|Gold coast, Aus.

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

siciliano732 wrote:

....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...
Stupid thing to say.

Its going to be a waste of money because other people do something that doesn't affect you in any way shape or form? And you don't even have to play that game mode.
coming from a statpadder, i've come to realize that it DOES affect other people around you. if half of your team of say 15 people are stat padding, that only leaves 7 or 8 people to fight against the other team of 15. that's pretty unfair if you ask me. so next time, think before you say that it doesn't affect other people when it actually does.
now i'm not saying that i care about people who ammo pad, because I myself do it daily. (passes the time until my titan shield is down and i can recon whore, because i hate capping silos) so don't think i'm one of those whiny lil bitches initiating kick votes every 3 minutes, because i'm not. i'm just letting you know that what you're saying, gene, isn't true. gg and happy padding.
I've only ever seen 1-3 people ever doing it at once. Which, unless your playing on a 16 player server, isn't much of a loss. And what i was trying to say to sicilanio is that its not a waste of money if you can just play Conquest, which imo is better anyway.

Well, whhatever, but i've only ever seen 4 people in a full 64 player server stats padding.....
This topic seems to have no actual posts
the other day i was on 16 man titan with 8 on one team and 7 on my team. 6 of the 7 on my team were padding lawlz.  needless to say, the round was over pretty fast. respect to the one guy actually playing and not leaving the server instantly.
Mass Media Casualty

I always blow up those supply dumps and tell the person who left them to stop being a cunt. It means my accuacy stat goes to Hell cause I'm always blowing up the damn things, but hey I only check Dogtags and Awards now in terms of stats.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+3|6453|New York
I hope this gets patched hate to see people do nothing else but resuply the gun. I tried it out while I was waiting for the Gunship to spwn and you get points fast but does it matter how many points you get if your not having fun.

EA please patch this and make it so you cant resuply the titan guns. Why did they do this in the first place? Its funny I saw a guy do it for the whole round he got like 250 points but when the next game started someone got the idea of taking the gunship and destroying all four guns (Great Idea Now I do it myself so I get a pin for destroying the guns and stop those stat padders on the other team from getting points). Sure they can always reapir the guns and you can still come over and destroy them again. So if you hate stat padders please take a Gunship and destry the titan guns when each round starts.
+3|6453|New York
Destroy the Titan GUNS!

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

And all those people will get reset when it's discovered 80% of their points are resupply.
You my friend are an idiot. There is no BFROE for 2142 yet so even if people are stat padding they can only get reset if they continue to stat pad after BFROE comes out and is implemented.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6473|Washington State, USA

The_Killer wrote:

i was playing a match on minsk half my team was padding lols.
was that on the multiplay server? everyone was padding lol
+788|6697|Brisbane, Australia

siciliano732 wrote:

....exactly why 2142 is and will continue to be a waste of money...
Embed a fucking rod into your chest you troll. GG.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6774|Germany, near Koblenz

Onidax wrote:

Well.. Im not to keen on this game yet. It seems whenever I go on a server to play, 5 members from my team are stat padding in the titan guns. They get over 180 points a round. I try to go around capping flags and with 35 kills dont get anywhere near their score. Does anyone play normal. People pad like hell on either team
Thought there is a limit of 50 heals/resupplies per round?!
+34|6699|Devil's Perch

The_Punisher_1987 wrote:

There is no BFROE for 2142 yet so even if people are stat padding they can only get reset if they continue to stat pad after BFROE comes out and is implemented.
I said it before, I'll say it again.

Do you actually know how many BF2 players have been reset for activities that took place months before the ROE 1.0 was published?
Forget about that. Seriously.
If they want to reset someone, they will. Especially if their nickname comes with that shiny red "2".
It does not matter.
I also said this before and will say it again: the ROE is not necessary for anything. It only gives the whole reset thing an appearance of legitimacy.
Proud member of a dead community.
+34|6699|Devil's Perch

DerGraueWolf wrote:

Thought there is a limit of 50 heals/resupplies per round?!
No. It seems like none of their allegedly coded restrictions (for example only 8 points in a round for repairing titan guns) work. I know several people who earned their vet repair badge on the titan.
Proud member of a dead community.
Fair Play!
+21|6642|Warwickshire, England

AmbassadorofPain wrote:

DerGraueWolf wrote:

Thought there is a limit of 50 heals/resupplies per round?!
No. It seems like none of their allegedly coded restrictions (for example only 8 points in a round for repairing titan guns) work. I know several people who earned their vet repair badge on the titan.
I think the limits do work because when I destroy the enemy titan guns I only get points for the first 8 I destroy. It states that you can only repair 8 titan guns, which would give you 16 repair points (2 points per gun), but I'm not sure if the limit works for resupply, as I don't stat pad.

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