So I was at Sears the other night buying a new garage door opener and I was walking out with it in my carriage and I witnessed two loss prevention guys go racing buy me. A man about 10 yards in front of me was exiting with some stolen power tool under his coat and they approached him and asked him to come back inside. He refused and then took a swing at one of the LP guys, punching him in the head. They did a good job of wrestling him to the ground and handcuffing him without pounding him, considering what he had done. This gathered a crowd and the crowd started screaming at the LP guys saying they were using to much force (they werent even touching him anymore cuz he was cuffed) and a few people were really trying to incite a riot. I decided to stick around to tell the police what I witnessed to save these guys asses if need be. Before anyone freaks out here remember in the state of Connecticut this is allowed by authorized agents of the proprieter, to physically aprehend and detain that is. My question is this. Why would passers by who knew the man was committing a crime, take his side? Why would they attempt to escalate a already dangerous situation against the good guys? WTF is wrong with society today? Please debate.
Malloy must go