Out of proportion? Did you miss my reasoning thus:jonsimon wrote:
I think you're blowing this one out of proportion. It really doesn't reflect on republicans at all, the politics involved are those between the employer and employee. The employer wishes its employees to be professional, and if they're caught being unprofessional in a situation where one or more people are upset, or in a situation where publicity is involved, the employer is responsible to clear his or her own name by removing the employee in question.IRONCHEF wrote:
oh damn..vikings must have lost! lol, poor shipbuilder!
On topic, that's a typical thing to expect given the poor political atmosphere in this country. Had the bus driver been fired for flipping off anyone else, then it was just. But it's obvious being fired would not have happened. Damn I am just loving anal republicans more and more as they illustrate poor understanding of our constitutional values and laws.
Had the bus driver been fired for flipping off anyone else, then it was just. But it's obvious being fired would not have happened.
If I'm not mistaken, it jives with your comments somewhat regarding the bus company requiring professionalism of it's drivers. But this is a bit more than that as we can see. If it were a democrat politician, would it still have happened? If so, then my blown out of proportion concept would apply.