Does anyone know where I could get the Battlefield 1942 music for my comp? It's awesome. I wish they had it in BF2 and BFV. *TSK* Well, if you know where I could get it on the net, please tell!
I don't know the music myself but this looks promising: … 8#Download
It says this is the theme tune. … 8#Download
It says this is the theme tune.
the eve of destruction mod for bf1942 had the best menu music ever.
you can use a music recorder and record your own music. I have Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder. I used it for my family guy movie I made.
BF1942 music is in BF2. It's just done in different styles. Listen to it and you'll still hear the 'da-da da da-da da.' It's most obvious in the starting videos for 2 and SF, because it still has a bit of the 1942-esque horn section.
[Blinking eyes thing]