Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I have basically quit BF2 and now I only play BF2142. Now whenever I look at my BF2 stats I get a low sort of depressed feeling. I look at them and remember how much they used to mean to me, and now I have simply pushed them aside. It makes me feel how expendable things can be, which to me, is sort of depressing. It makes me feel that I might have wasted all that time, but it is so weird remembering how much BF2 meant to me. So I have come to this conclusion: Never think that what you do is useless. Enjoy yourself every second of your life. Now be off padawans.

Does anyone feel similarly?

OrangeHound (Mod):  This thread is not about comparing BF2 with BF2142.  Put that in other threads, and keep this one on topic.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-11-02 12:27:09)

Teh forum ghey!
+172|6790|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Jah ive not played bf2 since i got 2142. Lost all interest in bf2 in all hoesty
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6749|Michigan, USA
I know what you mean, all those times I felt so proud of a great round, all the bitching, all the things I broke complaining.  All seems worthless now, 300hours of wasted time..
+1,128|6795|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
2142 is a nice change.
i'll still play bf2 if i'm REALLY bored.
You likey leaky?
+433|6831|In You Endo- Stoke
Yeah when i look at the 350 hours i have spent playing bf2,i do get sad and think what a waste.But at least i got my sniper accuracy over 51% and it ain't all bad.

Since playing 2142 i haven't looked back maybe miss dragon valley though and flying "proper choppers"
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Yeah when i look at the 350 hours i have spent playing bf2,i do get sad and think what a waste.But at least i got my sniper accuracy over 51% and it ain't all bad.

Since playing 2142 i haven't looked back maybe miss dragon valley though and flying "proper choppers"
lol "proper choppers". Catchy
Death StatPadder
+228|6922|Human Meat Shield
After the BETA, DEMO, and final release - I must say I got bored of 2142 and switched back to BF2, mods and SF. Seems like all the kids went to 2142 ... oh...wait...anyway finally I am getting great gameplay.

2142 nothing matters, ranks, badges - right now if they dont fix anything there will be generals in less than 15 hours gameplay just in ammo padding. Titan mode alone has alot of glitches. So anyone saying who is better or whatever still holds no value. Just play the game and enjoy it.
You likey leaky?
+433|6831|In You Endo- Stoke

Superior Mind wrote:

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Yeah when i look at the 350 hours i have spent playing bf2,i do get sad and think what a waste.But at least i got my sniper accuracy over 51% and it ain't all bad.

Since playing 2142 i haven't looked back maybe miss dragon valley though and flying "proper choppers"
lol "proper choppers". Catchy
I am sure saying it with a geordie accent would sound even better.(newcastle upon tyne folk)

I just don;t like the new turning circle in the choppers or being able to land easily,the transports are fine but the new chopper just piss me off.
fuck it
I have already felt that way so many times from all the MMORPG hours i've wasted that I don't feel that way anymore. Play a game, have fun, move on to newer game. I have nothing to show for all my stone of jordans and doppleganger cards except game playing experience.
I still play BF2 just for the air combat, but yes BF2142 has taken my gaming time
+42|6997|Waikato, Aotearoa
Yep used to feel the same with Diablo and D2 and how the Unique Items that I found were "irreplaceable", (until 1 day my HDD crashed and I lost everything). When that happened I stopped playing and now dont give a rats arse. 1 day i might even start playing again.........

Altho loss of my MP3s will prolly make me cry. I have 760 and it taken me about 6 years to get them.

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-11-02 19:09:35)

+1,175|6716|British Columbia, Canada
I've played more BF2 then BF2142 since i've got it...

I Started to get really annoyed with BF2142.. Everytime I die, I dont know what killed me or where it came from.

Maybe i just need to get use to it.. but right now, i still think BF2>BF2142..
This topic seems to have no actual posts
yea the only times i play bf2 now are for competition or chopper whoring. too many unlock noobs in the pubs these days...
+3|6807|The Netherlands
I feel ya, I check my BF2 stats by excident almost every day when i get to work, why? i didnt play it since BF2142 came out. i Get the same feeling of kind of guilt for leaving it like that. It's like girlfriends i guess,
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
the stats, ranks, unlocks have always been a double edged sword.  It's fun but no one wants to be a WOW douche bag.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
BF2 brought you all together. Is it still a waste of time? I think 80% of my playing time was fun, playing with friends, talking over Teamspeak, joking and discussing in forums (not this one) and sharing the same hobby. think of all the hours watching tv - that´s all a waste of time.

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

too many unlock noobs in the pubs these days...
So you're not going to use any 2142 unlocks?
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Deadman wrote:

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

too many unlock noobs in the pubs these days...
So you're not going to use any 2142 unlocks?
i use unlocks all the time in 2142
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6826|Houston, Texas
Stats in bf2 are far harder to achieve then 2142. It took a lot of game play to become a Lt Gen in BF2. It took me less then 2 weeks to be looking at Lt. Col in a few hundred points.
+3,611|6774|London, England
Of course you're gonna want 2142 stats more, hell without them you have nothing. You need them to unlock everything, from grenades to super sentry drones that kill for you whilst you sit there watching

Therefore, stats are about a million times more get a shitload more statpadders. That's where the game goes down the shitter.
2142th Whore
i dont really feel the same thing cos my stats are crappy anyway...

I feel exactly the same way.

Its made worse by how 2142s stats system in unstable.

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