Let me get this straight...

* It is okay to use a tank to clear out enemies.
* It is okay to use an Attack Helicopter to dismantle enemy squads.
* It is fine to bomb enemy camps with the F-18's.
* It's cool to use APC's to clear up enemy soldiers...

... but it isn't okay to use the Grenade Launcher at any time?

Give me a fucking break. To all the people who have a whine when someone pwns your sorry ass with the Grenade Launcher, think about your own bias' before accusing someone of being a n00b. I am just miniscules away from my 1st Sergeant promotion and the Grenade Launcher has been my favourite weapon of choice, followed closely by the standard Assault rifle firing mode.

They say "everyone" is good with the GL. I beg to differ. EVERYONE can shoot the thing at close range and get a kill - but not without killing themselves too.

Can everyone lob a GL shot 200 metres+ and take out an enemy sniper? Can everyone turn 180 degrees and launch a shot in the air to have it land SMACK on top of the car that just whizzed past you which is now hundreds of metres down on the road? Can everyone launch it high into a building and take out that enemy soldier who has the advantage of height over you?

I think bloody not. I poured hours and hours into using the GL - into MASTERING the GL, and it has paid off. Everytime someone has a whine about someone else using the Grenade Launcher, I just lay it into them even more.

I am not a close range GL soldier. But I use it just as much as I do the standard firing mode. (Check my stats - I'm currently in the top 4000 for the Launcher and I'm still just a Gunnery Sergeant.)

At the end of the day, I think people who accuse of n00b tubing are just trying to help themselves sleep at night. If it is SO bloody easy - go ahead and use it on that n00b tuber. See how well you do. I know that I for one will welcome any challenge from a GL player - heck, I RESPECT the GL Players.

As of yet - (Probably because I'm in Australia) I haven't met anyone who is consistently accurate with GL. I would like to meet my match though.

n00b tube? I think not - whatever helps you sleep at night, princess.
"It's Recharging!"
Why use it as your primary when you can use something called skill? Infantry fighting with REAL weapons is much more fun.
Here's something too... I just had this match 30 mins ago...

50% GL use - 50% F2000 use.
Thanks Ryan - another one who is ignorant enough to call everything else "SKILL" but ohhhhh no, not the GL...

So, according to you - the GL should never be used, right? What bullcrap. You may have heard of the phrase;

"What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular."

Some idiot who was getting arse raped in a game started the "n00b tube" whine and it spilled over. Now it's the "uncool" thing to do for some reason. And again - why is it okay to use everything else like the Chopper, Jet, Tank, APC etc and not use the bloody launcher which only comes with 5 shells anyway?!?!?

I refuse to get my knife out when an F18 is homing in on me in the pretense that I don't want to be seen as a "n00b tuber", excuse me. Dying at the hands of these things isn't made cool just because you went up against it with a pistol.

And I have brought down many attack Copters with the GL. I'm sure a lot of n00bs can do that too...
"It's Recharging!"
Anyone can get scores like that with the grenade launcher dude, it's not hard. But I ain't gonna start a flame war over this, whatever floats your boat. Have fun.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7028|Uhh... erm...
I respect GL users who can calculate the trajectory of an explosive projectile lauched by an unknown amount of power to hit a player from a minimum of 50 meters away.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7052|The Netherlands
people who use the nade launcher from a distance are cool.
but all those asses who shoot it allmost right in front of them in combination with bunnyhopping are the noob tubers and i hate them.
It's your ignorant and arrogant dismissal of it which gets to me, Ryan.

The way I see it - you can't use the weapon. You're afraid of being dubbed as a 'n00b' by the BF2 community, so you just shy from it. And when you get smacked with the thing - do you go off at whoever just fragged you? Just because it's a weapon you mistakenly think is easy to master?

Tetrino - thanks mate. What you have decsribed there I can acheieve most of the time. I've gotten kills from 100 metres , 150 metres, 200 metres... and not from luck either - I make a calculation based on distance, height, clearance etc - all in split seconds.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7079|The Hague, Holland
Im with DeathCalibre and Tetrino. Sure its easy to use the gun in Close Combat but that doesnt make you a noob. It takes skill for long distant shots and I respect the guys who can pull that off. Whenever I get fragged by the GL I whant to say OMFGn00b! But I retain myself, wich I cannot say of the most people here.
Just take some other route other then the alley in Karkand. Siriously people, its just a weapon.
"It's Recharging!"
Wow, I think you're in need of anger management there lol

FYI: I don't give two shits what anyone thinks of me.. I'm not the one who started a thread by the way, to rationalize the use of what the community thinks of as a noob weapon.

Everything you said about me related to my first reply, was complete bull shit as well, I see you love to throw words around.

But hey, hope your supporters give you whatever warm fuzzy feeling your looking for as a result of your rationalization. Sounds to me like your just having a bad day though.

Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2005-12-18 07:12:40)

J-10 whore
If some noob tubes u, just noob tube him bad. I think thats enough to make him pissed
The Kid
My understanding (as well as most of the players I've played with, and the clanmembers I discussed it with on TS) of the phrase "Noob-Tube" is somebody who jumps and shoots a GL into somebody at a range of 10 meters or less.

When I get hit by a GL at like 40 meters away (it happens rarely) I compliment the person, as I've hit people 70 meters away on a coupld occasions (once from 100 meters)
Jet Rammer
+4|7024|Debris From Space
I like the grenade launcher. I've just got hooked on using it. I switch to the rifle at point blank, cuz i don't want to mess my K/D ratio that i've managed to get into a whole number. I can't wait till i get the F2000 kit. I can't do the stuff like you can do but i'm still learning and improving.
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7052|Gold Coast, Australia
I dont really give a fuck what people say when i "noob tube" them. I just say in reply, your dead, im not .

What would you rather?, dying and calling the PERSON WHO KILLED YOU a noob, or winning the fight with a nade launcher and being called the noob?

Also nade Launching requires brains. YOu have to know the right angle on the 'y' axis aswell as the 'x' axis to give the right parabola to get different distances. Do you understand? p.s dont call me a nerd cuz i know maths, im a pilot + im  half drunk.

BTW: GO AUSTRALIA!!!!, Also what is wrong with being a noob?,  EVERYONE has been a noob, EVERYONE, if you say you havent you will be considered 'GAY', so..., WTF mate?

Last edited by supa_fly52 (2005-12-18 08:25:59)

I don't get angry when I die to a GL from over 20 yards. It's part of the game. What pisses me off is when I die instantly after being shot from point blank. No other infantry weapon can kill a person instantly, in one click of the mouse.

Also, I'd like to add something. My friend recently got the game. He has never even played a first person shooter on PC before at all. He hops on Strike at Karkand with the Assault kit. He used nothing more than the GL in the alleyway the entire match and got bronze. Just ten minutes ago I was having to explain that WSAD moves his soldier. Right, takes so much skill huh?

Last edited by Fearnight (2005-12-18 08:37:41)

Un Moderador

whats wrong with when you see 5 guys and you kill one normally then a medic comes along and while hes trying to recucitate him, there are 3 soldiers backing him up. i whip my GL  put and boom all dead. i bet anyone would do that because using bullets will get you nowhere in that sort of situation. i say if theres 3 OR MORE GL. if less then my gun will do me fine. deathcaliber does have a point though.

Last edited by zimmer92 (2005-12-18 08:32:20)

1. It is really easy to get kills with it especially up close even for someone on their first game so it gets little respect. duh (rarely use that word but you deserve it)

2. When used with bunnyhop it is even stupider.

And yet you are able to claim "why am I looked down on for taking easy kills requiring no skills, waahhh???"

You can do it because the game allows it but you will get very little respect for playing cheap.
I will call you a waaaahbulance because nobody respects a noob tuber.
you know if you hit someone with a 203 at point blank in real life they would still die, and it wouldnt even detonate.
+3|7005|England, UK
The only time the GL is unnacceptable is when they pow you in the face, killing themselves in the process. Although even this doesn't bother me, I know that in the spur of the moment your first reaction is to shoot at the enemy, and if it isn't, why are you playing an FPS?

It's very annoying when people will accept constant armour and vehicle whoring, yet they won't accept a fairly good player with a GL. It's also annoying when people refer to using the GL as "skilless" and "the cheap way out", since when has war been about honor? Not for a long time, why do you think the military has been developing tactical weapons like the OICW? War is about winning.
Personally, I see the GL as having as much skill as needed to fire a tank round at someone, the difference being that the GL has a larger kill radius. You mention the AT, but no-one hops around firing AT's at everything that moves (including their own team) because the AT requires a hit on the body or on the ground withing 1 m of the body to kill, unlike the GL which has a 4m kill radius.

It's not that the GL doesn't require practice to use effectively, but how much true skill does it take to shoot something within 8m circle of your target? I can accept people using them, but I can't accept the whole shoot killing myself and you also.

Here's a couple of examples:

example one:

I was in Gulf of Oman being chased by a assault after I had just spawned sniper. A helo was overhead so I went inside of a building, climbed 2 floors and waited prone at the top of the stairs, knowing the assault would chase me up. Sure enough, the nub runs straight at me, I get one shot, hit him just below the neck (my fault for missing), I draw my pistol while he stares at me for a good second then fires his gl, killing both of us. OK, he's a noob, I can deal with that, but no: "HAHAHA I KILLED YOU YOU F*CKING SNIPER NOOB -_-


Second example:

I'm in Karkand as a medic, one of my teammates dies with no-one in my immediate field of view. I do a quick scan, run out and try to revive him. I hear footsteps, turn around and theres an assault running straight at me. I quickly pop off 3 rounds with my L85A1 but before I could finish it, he jumps on top of me and my newly revived guy and BAM, fires it straight down killing all 3 of us.

Is that skill? No.

It's unfortunate that the GL has been singled out as a n00b weapon, but don't think there's not any truth in it.
'twice cooked beef!'

step 1: shoot nade into face of bf2nub#1
step 2: ignore the inevitable bitching
step 3: rinse and repeat

there, noob tube complaining problem solved.
+0|7027|Uk - England - Colchester
k i hate nube tubers....i assume u r one of them as u have 27 hours with nube tube and a meer hour more with the asault riffle. Its just ridiculously annoying when you run arround the corner and a trigger happy NUBE TUBING IDIOT fires on impulse whilst jumping taking u out like a nubey nube nube twat!

And also...Apc's and f-18 takes more skill so stop nubing a play with "Skill". Try it u may like it when u get use 2 it.  :p
Mass Media Casualty

The GL has a lot of skill involved. I saw someone who was virtually sending a mini artillery strike down on our troops with it. He was a long way away, and very accurate with it, (not far enough away for my Sniper Rifle not to get him though.)
I have used the GL on many occasions as well, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Most people use it.

The people who run around with it constantly, blowing people to hell whenever they can and never using bullets are n00b-t00bers, the phrase quite accuratly describes them. It is unsportsmanlike, and people have a full right to complain about them.

However, the epidemic has become such, that anyone who uses a GL is taunted as a n00b-t00ber. Even if you pull it out to deal with the top gunner in a tank, (a very good use for the GL,) or something the taunts keep coming. That needs to stop a bit, as people need to be a bit open minded and accept that the GL is a legitimate weapon.
[Blinking eyes thing]
'twice cooked beef!'
bf2 is full of unsportsmanlike conduct, i don't have to list them, we've all been victim to it. the global ranking system encourages gettiing points any way you can, and repeating it for as long as you can.

always keep in mind that for all the bitching about noob tubes, that's all it is, bitching. no one, not even admins, has the power to tell you what weapon you can use. if they taunt you about being a noob tuber, taunt them back by shoving a 40mm nade up their narrow ass.

i do the same thing in tekken 5. a lot of people complain about throws, saying that they're cheap and take no skill. well, good players don't lose to throws, and if you do, then you suck. then more they whine about throws, the more i throw them.

Last edited by Krappyappy (2005-12-18 13:57:27)


Krappyappy wrote:

bf2 is full of unsportsmanlike conduct, i don't have to list them, we've all been victim to it.
Of course, you can also do your part not to spread the conduct and be a model for FPS etiquette.

If any of you ever played JK:A, you'll know what I mean. If you join the server and kill someone without introducing yourself, showing respect(bowing), offering a fair opportunity for your opponent to fight back, or fighting according to the established code, you get banned.

It's unfortunate that so many noobs have joined gaming these days and spread their nasty habits to degrade our FPS culture.

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